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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58583495 No.58583495 [Reply] [Original]

I don't even care if I'm potentially losing gains. I'm just tired of hearing about GME and the lameass cult of personality around this guy. Everything about the entire GME movement reeks of financial illiteracy and general faggotry. Even if I made a million dollars off GME, I would not be able to wash away the taint of having partaken in this groupthink faggotry. I'm tired of hearing about every little thing this guy does on finance news sites. Who the FUCK cares. Give me some real financially relevant news and investments that might actually meaningfully go somewhere. God Bless every hedge fund manager on Earth. Even the Trumptards have more dignity.

>> No.58583508
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you're not going to make it by spending all your time resentful at the wild successes of people smarter than you.

>> No.58583511

You will say that all the way up to 1000$/share and beyond

>> No.58583542

yeah I'd rather be poor if the avenue to riches is sniffing the farts of some guy named roaringkitty. Or just take a longer more gradual course to wealth that doesn't involve dickriding some cult leader.

lmfao he will start dumping on your asses the second it starts inching towards $100

>> No.58583569

>lmfao he will start dumping on your asses the second it starts inching towards $100
So you're saying $100 per share? Also, you would say no to free money? Kek, you are truly retarded, or a downie/shill.

>> No.58583599

You redditors keep using that word, but it doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.58583606

holy fucking cope. all you have to do is put your gay ass pride aside and buy a small bag. that's it. super fucking simple, yet you refuse to because of hubris. i mean for fuck sake you can swing trade and make money off this massive momentum even if you don't want to hold. enjoy staying poor forever lmao.

>> No.58583631

>yeah I'd rather be poor if the avenue to riches is sniffing the farts of some guy named roaringkitty.
No you wouldn't. You're just saying this now because you feel like you were wrong about something and now you're coping about it in an attempt to save face. Simple as.

>> No.58583634
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>Also, you would say no to free money?

Yes. There are many ways to make money in this world. You could rob somebody, break into someone's house and steal their shit, stab somebody in a dark alley, you could sell crack. The ways of making money are endless if you truly have no dignity. Your chosen route is dickriding some cult leader until he decides to dump on you.

Personally I will choose to die one day and be able to meet God and tell him that I never partook in such faggotry. I wonder if you will have the same privilege.

OK so if some guy told you he'd give you $25,000 right now, no questions asked. But all you have to do is gag on his cock and rim his ass for about half an hour straight, that's all. What, you refuse to do this because of hubris and fears of STIs? Enjoy staying poor forever lmfao.

>> No.58583717

how much mental gymastics do gme-bagholders go through to ignore that this guy is a is clearly raking millions and millions of dollars by making them suckers in a well timed pump&dumps. they keep searching for some hero to follow, and then go into impotent rage when "the hero" clearly sold the stock, or dilluted to stock (same thing really), and then they bury their head in the sand and worship him again. its truly baffling what sense that money is almost at your fingertips does to people.

>> No.58583732

Everyone on the GME train just hate the jews and think money is fake. simple as

>> No.58583753
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So you hate jews, therefore you buy stock in a company run by a jew. Makes sense.

>> No.58583758
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sorry to hear you missed the ride you salty fucking retard

>> No.58583784
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yeah I'm salty I missed getting dumped all over by hedgies for the thirteenth time.

>> No.58583801
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>yeah I'm salty I missed getting dumped all over by hedgies for the thirteenth time.

>> No.58583826

Fire with fire

>> No.58583881

>Even if I made a million dollars off GME, I would not be able to wash away the taint of having partaken in this groupthink faggotry.
With this mentality you are NGMI.

Bitcoin, $GME, shitcoin#73284, as long as the equation at the end outputs more dollars than what you put in, you're doing golden. Moralfagging in finance is not worth it, when everyone else around walks over you.

>> No.58583928

That guy somehow thinks getting rich off "investing" in some other made up nonsense makes him morally superior when none of this is doing any real work for anybody.

>> No.58583933
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> I'd rather be poor
I can tell

>> No.58583967

>Even if I made a million dollars off GME, I would not be able to wash away the taint of having partaken in this groupthink faggotry
You can buy a lot of soap with a million dollars.

But how is this different from what already happens. Every time Warren Buffet discloses his purchase of stock in a company; not only does the price go up, but people rush out to buy.

Every day, you can watch financial news channels where "professionals" tell you what stocks to buy and not buy.

This situation, while not financially prudent, is still a hoot to watch; because it's always fun to watch the "little guy" "stick it to the man"

>> No.58583971
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>> No.58583988

If you were really smarter than them and above them then you should be able to profit off of their sheepy way

>> No.58583997
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Look, I'll be real with you, I want to buy GME. Or at the very least, some small part of me does. But this is very similar to the small part of you that's thought about kissing another man or wondered what a dick in your ass might feel like.

I just can't do it. I can't bring myself to do it. My fingers hovering over that "Buy" button just overwhelms me with a feeling of dread. I know that I'll never be able to look in the mirror and respect myself as a man if I do it. I know I won't have the same drive and strength to lift weights or fuck my wife the same way anymore. I'll never be able to wash away the taint of having partaken in this cultish faggotry. Every single thing about the GME movement disgusts me at a core level. I have ended friendships with people I've known for over 15 years because they would not stop talking about GME.

It's ok. Just go get those GME gains without me. I don't have it in me to do it. I'm like the guy in this picture who just refused to be a nazi. Genuinely from the bottom of my heart, I'd rather be poor. Or just make money off the several cryptos and stocks I've invested in that don't make me feel like I'm partaking in some kind of enormous cult faggotry. Also a part of it is I genuinely hate Gamestop as a company and feel warm inside every time I see a Gamestop shut down. I once took all my physical games, sold every single one of them, and then rebought almost every single game digitally on Steam.

In fact, the number one reason I won't buy Gamestop is because I actually hate physical games that much. I really doubt most of you have ever hated anything in your lives as much as I hate physical games.

>> No.58584009

holy shit, a new copy pasta just dropped

>> No.58584030

go back into your sewer you slimy fucking rat

>> No.58584037
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>> No.58584047
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>> No.58584129

>Oy just put aside any morals and personal scruples if it means that you will make money from it!
Hmm..I wonder what hands typed these posts...

>> No.58584137

Be quiet.
You're scaring off the exit liquidity!

>> No.58584152

you're just malding
is this your first pump and dump?

>> No.58584153

once it hits the 80s this guy will be a billionaire and he will dump it all
no shorts this time around, just pumping and dumping
he's also scared and trying his best to not appear he's pumping and dumping
that why he posts vague pictures, videos, screenshots and puts disclaimers in his livestream
he's gonna get FTX'd

>> No.58584181

Sorry, my bad.

I've thought about opening a short around $50. At the very least there's some good time to short.

Yeah I'm kinda proud of this one. I've had people telling me to buy GME since 2021, I know friends who have made tens of thousands off it, some guy who bought a house. It feels very difficult to explain to people exactly why I just can't bring myself to do it, but I think that post sums it up.

It's a combination of groupthink faggotry, my own hatred of physical games, the obnoxiousness of DFV and constant reports on the guy and just my own lack of greed and surplus of dignity. Also Cohen is a kike.

>> No.58584220

I sold my calls at 45 for a pretty good profit. Hope it doesn't pump to 1k.

>> No.58584237

>letting emotions guide your investments

Definitely not going to make it

>> No.58584279

>Or just make money off the several cryptos and stocks I've invested in that don't make me feel like I'm partaking in some kind of enormous cult faggotry
>several cryptos
>don't make me feel like I'm partaking in some kind of enormous cult faggotry
Ok, it's a shitpost. Or you are enormously retarded. Probably both.

>> No.58584280

This guy helped me make the money that bought my house. Why would I ever say a negative thing about him? He changed my life for the better and millions more as well. Your grandkids will be reading about him in history books

>> No.58584304


>> No.58584310
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Then don't go into their (1) thread on this board retard.

>> No.58584321

Gme is absolutely a meme detached from reality (unless theres some hidden thing that DFV noticed), but thats still an opportunity to make money.

>> No.58584397

He had insider access to the terminals. He definitely saw it and was sharing it all in his YouTube channel. You can't short a stock into bankruptcy and expect to walk away without any risk. Shorts are bad people

>> No.58584427

>t. was late/uninvited to money making opportunities and is now making up ad-hoc cope about how "I wouldn't have even wanted to make money like that anyway"
Riiight. Keep on bitching about how it's everyone else's fault you're not rich. That's what's really gonna help you

>> No.58584449

lol nobody knows why it's going up but this guy just has a bunch of well timed calls? An earnings report? Lmaoooo

>> No.58584787

>He had insider access to the terminals.
what did he say

>> No.58584859

That's not Ken, he'd break a hip without his bedpost walking stick.

>> No.58585404
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oh don't get me wrong GME is garbage I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. the hedgies have always been right that it's going to zero eventually.

I'm just saying with all the time you're wasting hyperfocused on GME, you could be figuring out how to actually make it instead.

>> No.58585452
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Is this how you cope by missing out? Im up 200% already

>> No.58585484
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>Also, you would say no to free miracles?

Yes. There are many ways to miracles in this world. You could deceive somebody, actively heal them and show them a new way, cast out the money lenders, you could save whores. The ways to the divine are endless if you truly have no dignity. Your chosen route is dickriding some cult leader until he decides to be martyred for you.

Roaring Kitty isn't Jesus, but God has ill need of a loser who will not take what is freely given in a time of turmoil- A new path, and new tables that can be overturned.

>> No.58585525

It's just a stock bro chill lmao

>> No.58585537

The nigger hasn't sold any of his GME you dolt

>> No.58585552

>financial illiteracy
>3 years of understanding how broken the market is in an extensive and crazy think tank

you aren't trying. this rocket is already on the way up and you are flinging shit. stay poor.

>> No.58585592

I don't hold gme, I never will hold gme, but you are a roaring faggot.

>> No.58585606
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>I-I'm not stupid! I just hate reddit so much I willingly passed on being a millionaire on purpose and stayed poor! YOU'RE the stupid ones!
I expect to see alot of this in the coming weeks as we keep climbing higher and higher.

>> No.58585821

see the guy in this pic >>58583997?

his grandkids read about Hitler in the history books. About how he lead the Nazis to failure and blew his brains out in a bunker. The sins of Gill are not so heinous, but God has a way of giving these charlatans their just desserts.

>> No.58585914

op here. yeah I have a ton of btc, eth, link, sol and other low cap cryptos as well as some Nvidia shares. I guess my problem is I just can't invest in something I don't believe in. I'm actually going to buy a bunch of Intel and HOLO once they drop in price a little. GME is just too gay, I tried to buy it and it's as if my consciousness created a forcefield making it impossible for me to press the buy button. Felt like I almost sucked a dick, like the tip was right in front of my face and then I suddenly ran out of the room and left the guy hanging.

>> No.58585973
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How do you even get this butthurt? Like there's companies doing genuinely fucked stuff across the planet, but no, FUCKING GAMESTOP GRRRRR.

I sincerely hope you're short too and lose everything.

>> No.58585994


>> No.58586083

Are there even an appreciable amount of shorts to squeeze this time around? Or is price going up just because RK's reddit minions are all apeing in? into a stock where one guy hold $600M worth of call options he needs to sell?

Refuse to ask in the gme thread because they'll just feed me some cult bullshit. Yeah I'm salty I missed the action thus far, no I'm not above buying a reddit stock if there's still meaningful upside. So what's even the thesis? All he does is post movie clips and stale memes, not explanations.

>> No.58586153
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>There are currently 8 GME generals past the bump limit
>There are over 3300 posts across those 8 threads
>A 9th general is approaching
Face it loser /biz/ is a GME board

>> No.58586180 [DELETED] 
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dude i feel you gme holders are cringe it's like they think the stock market is some kind of game and that buying and holding a shitty stock will magically make them rich but in reality it's just a way for wall street to extract wealth from main street like good little worker bees

>> No.58586188

i sold my shares to do my part combatting antisemitism, personally.

>> No.58586218
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> oh vey

>> No.58586230
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Not to mention SMG got moved to bant kek.

>> No.58586236

>I would not be able to wash away the taint of having partaken in this groupthink faggotry.
Skill issue.

>> No.58586239


>> No.58586253
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> I don't want YOU to make money.

>> No.58586277

as annoying as it might be, trk is worth half a billion now. you're witnessing a trading legend who will go down in history, like the japanese trader BNF, livermore, etc.

>> No.58586420

One of the GME baggies is going to shoot this guy after he scams them.

>> No.58586449
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>literally doubled my investments
antis coping

>> No.58586450
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>> No.58586681

This is absolutely petty and retarded. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

>> No.58586703

Try just short of a whole billion

>> No.58586716

Naked. shorts.

>> No.58586721

the only one intelligent in the GME crowd is RK

>> No.58586953

He returned?

>> No.58586967

>calls out others for faggotry
>admits to thinking about dicks in his ass

>> No.58587062
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$RGBP might be what you're looking for.
fuck $GME - the dumbest dumb money play of all time.

>> No.58587072
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respect to RK he deserves his profit
the rest of those reddit cunts can get fucked

>> No.58587254


>> No.58587444

Do you think its retail pushing the share price +30% after-hours?

>> No.58587503
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I buy and hold through my Fidelity account, simple as.
2:1 dividend coming July 1 read the 8k
oh yeah and they're going to cure cancer
if you're gonna talk bullshit about some pedantic detail without due diligence into the value proposition, you don't deserve to make it anyhow retard

>> No.58588437

It's the (((irish))).

>> No.58589164

>just can't do it. I can't bring myself to do it. My fingers hovering over that "Buy" button just overwhelms me with a feeling of dread.
trading on emotions, ngmi

>> No.58589171
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>fuck $GME - the dumbest dumb money play of all time.
just tell us you are risk aversed and hate money god damn