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58583409 No.58583409 [Reply] [Original]

What is actually "never work again" money in a first world nation in 2k24?

>> No.58583425

Poorfags get jealous so you have to have a cover story and lie about money.
This is why you shouldn't neet until you have 8 figures so you can comfortably insulate from them.

>> No.58583445

At least $10M.

>> No.58583450

>Poorfags get jealous
this is one of the facets of the american dream. making people who have less than you hate you unconditionally.

>> No.58583456

If you know how to beat the market and aren't a consoomer then 500k.

>> No.58583466

$2.8m-ish = comfy, modest no work life

>> No.58583476

they already do that, and i don't even have a single million, let alone 10

>> No.58583484

Why do you need a massive stash of cash to fulfill this goal? Why can't you just monetize an activity you enjoy doing anyway such that you can survive off the cash flow?

>> No.58583521

Kek it's lonely at the top in 7 figure hell.
People make up rumors you're selling dope or gay or whatever.

On fatfire subreddit they say if you can sell 4-5% of your net worth to live off of you're good to retire.
So if you're comfortable being around poorfags 1-2m is plenty, if you want country clubs gated community you want 10m minimum.

>> No.58583535

Assuming you are unemployed (meaning no income, no taxes and no health insurance), no inflation and a 50 year time frame:
>$600,000 for rent @ $1k a month
>$180,000 for food @ $300 a month
>$100,000 vehicle expense @ 1 new $25k car every 12-13 years
>$60,000 for gas @ $100 a month
>$18,000 for insurance @ $30 a month
>$30,000 for medical expenses (uninsured) (highly variable)
>$120,000 for entertainment @ $200 a month
you need just over a million.

>> No.58583771
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>you need just over a million

>> No.58583800

Now factor it that, and a likely stock market crash in our lifetime that will mean investments based on stock will have a net 0 or net neg return of investment for a 12-year span.

>> No.58583846

>no inflation
Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.58583865

My monthly expenses are around $6-7k per month for a very comfortable but not extravagant lifestyle. I'd probably need about 2 million to keep this up the rest of my life. Keep in mind you don't even really need that much since your money grows over time. Use a fire calculator to figure it out I bet you could retire comfortably with less than 2 mil

>> No.58583869

why are you such an underage faggot and why havent you fucked off from my board

>> No.58583884

This. 2m early retirement is possible, but it's scraping by in CA. Considering a home costs nearly a million in any decent area.

>> No.58583896

Just dont plan on living long makes it super ez.

>> No.58584014

I’m at the point where I might start gambling away my modest savings because the thought of wage slaving and not being able to live comfortably makes me want to rope.

>> No.58584024
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Im looking for 500k and retire in philippines.

Not going good tho. last time i was there spent too much in prostitutes. Maybe 500k to live and 500k to fuck.

>> No.58584048

How much are nice prostitutes

>> No.58584057

What are rates like there? Also how about just getting a full time sugar baby?

>> No.58584109

You could reasonably never work again with a $1million investment in the S&P. That leaves you ~$70k/year before taxes to live on, which isn’t bad at all considering it’s just below median household income in most of the US. If you also owned your own home it would be downright comfy,

>> No.58584134
File: 719 KB, 847x459, Screenshot 2023-05-24 at 15-16-23 weed mobile - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got a regular that charge me 4k PHP (about 70 usd) for all night, we fucked maybe 3 times each night.

You still need to take a shower and dress like a normal person, talk to her a little like if you want to date or you will get one that will just look at the clock.

>> No.58584208

That's why you assume a 1-2% rate of return so you can put it all in safe shit like treasury bonds and still have money to reinvest to handle inflation. $120,000 spending ÷ 0.02 interest ÷ 0.50 investment budget = $12M

>> No.58584355

> You still need to take a shower and dress like a normal person, talk to her a little like if you want to date or you will get one that will just look at the clock.

U know this from experience?

>> No.58584488
File: 350 KB, 568x563, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 16-06-25 mary kong - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, unironically with my gfs because i get too comfy. With prostitutes i will always shower before going to the bar to pick one up.

>> No.58584585

10-20mil to actually feel rich and also never work again

>> No.58584671


being Jewish

>> No.58585636

What if treasury bonds aren't safe?
Current crash predictions put the american government being retarded and putting the global financial system in jeopardy to save their parasitic club of political theatre kids.

>> No.58585650

Quadruple all these numbers if you plan on having relationships btw.

>> No.58585721

What a stupid fucking question. Multiply what you need per year with how many years you expect to live moron

>> No.58585763

$400 mil
everything else is cope

>> No.58585829

I'm still stuck in CA, everyone I know plans on leaving CA for retirement.

>> No.58585957

The point of the question is your annual expenses will vary. Inflation, medical costs, etc. vs investment returns. What are you 18?

>> No.58586326
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A 100m stack of baby apu

>> No.58586516

Comfy middle class life at 2 million. If you want upper class life then 4 million.

>> No.58586575

depends on your expenses and what kind of shit you want to do. $5mil USD equivalent is probably the minimum goal if you're decently frugal. Shoot for $10 though.

>> No.58586613

I already have $10 actually. Guess I'm retiring tomorrow.

>> No.58586660


>> No.58586757

4% rule is a good way to ball park it. Example, If you want $100k/year, then you need about $2.5mil because $2.5mil x 4% = $100k. Anyone saying you need $10mil is retarded.

If you just want to subsist and not have to be a slave to a wage, the poverty line for a family of 4 is just over $31k, so over $780k would be enough to raise a family of 4 and not technically be in poverty.

The median income is ballpark $60k, that's $1.5 mil.

If you want a single family home, travel, nice car, etc. you'll probably need about $100k, or $2.5 mil.

If you want a luxury house, multiple luxury cars, travel first class, you'll need $200-300k, or $5-7.5 mil.

$10mil is fuck-you rich. Its basically what "millionaire" was in the past.

>> No.58586813

monthly disposable income is so grossly available it just sits there while you live a mundane above average lifestyle.

>> No.58586922

you're all set anon, shit on your boss's desk

>> No.58586979

the yearly upkeep and expenses on a 100 million dollar super yacht is about 23 million
so realistically you need two billion to really live comfortably.

>> No.58587095

I live in Norway, one of the richest and most expensive countries in the world. I'm 40 and $1 million will be more than enough to last the rest of my life.

>> No.58587136

"Never work again" means resilient against all inflation and economic crashes in the future, so more like $50m-$100m. If you're lucky.

>> No.58588131
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And why do you need to be in a first world country? most first world countries are cesspools of retards anyway. Better move to a third world country to be rich with your 200k hottie bag that you can consistently sell for profits and live the life of a king with just 300 usd a month

>> No.58589779

I just don't like crime. So I primarily meant safe countries.

>> No.58589820

where I live (shitty country), 1 mil would be enough if you don't live too luxurious

>> No.58589829

£2m, buying a 50yr gov bond at 4% for an income of £80,000 per year.

>> No.58590069

$10M is the magic number

>> No.58590155

Don't need much money if you die early of crotch rot syphilis

>> No.58590179

No one wants any of you leaving California

>> No.58590248


>> No.58590265

Vietnam is a much better and safer time.

>> No.58590276

In the US, in LCOL area, about $2M

>> No.58590434

People here just shit out numbers that they wish their portfolio will go to, lol, lmao in fact.
x/.03 for x = the annual income in today's money you would need. I just saved you all a fuck ton of time and energy.
Honestly if you couldn't handle this little IQ test, you were never gmi.

>> No.58590474


By the time they retire they might not be leftist foot soldiers anymore

>> No.58590492

10 million.

>> No.58590532

I could live comfortably in sweden on €500k and 5% dividen, 1mil would be better.

>> No.58590539

Average uk life earnings is 600k so that would be the lowest. So I guess £1m would be fine including an outright house purchase

>> No.58590628

Uninsured medical expenses will fuck your shit up in just one visit (assuming you’re from the US). You better hope you don’t go to the ER because they’ll charge you $30k for just an X-ray and an aspirin.