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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.58579408
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it hurts to breathe ;_;

>> No.58579421

I'm never gonna fucking escape the rat race.
I've made a grand total of $1400 through investing this year.

>> No.58579517

How much capital are you using? What was your % gain?

>> No.58579532

I began with $20k cash.

>> No.58579540

Well I mean that'd be averaging like 14% a year at that rate. That's not awful.

>> No.58579545

I'm so fucking stupid for not buying nvdia, so fucking stupid

>> No.58579556

Fucking idiot shill INTC is shit, get on the gain train or gtfo

>> No.58579580

Maybe, but what's that with inflation? 4%

>> No.58579582

Should I go all in on intel or nvidia? I figure I should get in nvidia before the split

>> No.58579931
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Your wealth won't explode by investing until you reach $100,000 so stop seething and pull up those bootstraps

>> No.58579994 [DELETED] 
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I'm extremely disappointed that bears were not able to hold the line today and stop SPY from making another all time high. Yesterday started off good as we were able to push SPY below 525 but then it made a V shaped recovery instantly.

>> No.58580110

guys why is nvidia going up always fucking why is it going up always will it continue going up????

>> No.58580112
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Current simulated gains at the current nvidia price from this weeks runup.

1500c 6/21

>> No.58580132

Nvidia is going up because businesses have a set of new "AI" technobabble buzzwords they don't understand but really like the sound of. Nvidia makes the computer hardware that's required to keep building on those buzzwords. Unfortunately, Nvidia will not continue to go up because none of that shit is actually AI and it sucks and won't actually get better, but they're overcommitted and won't cut their losses until it's too late. This is the case for every major tech company at the moment. It's a bubble that will pop. Get out now and stay secure or test your resolve by trying to jump off at the top! That's NEVER bitten anyone on the ass before.

>> No.58580135

is it a retarded move to buy INTC right now? asking because im seriously considering buying some.

>> No.58580141


"Bubble that will pop"

That bubble is gonna last another 15 years.

>> No.58580165

How much do you actually use "AI" products? Google's AI is quoting Reddit posts, telling people to drink piss and giving incorrect summaries of all manner of topics. It's worthless trash. It's literally just arbitrarily and esoterically assigned vectors in high dimensional space trying to land on the most wanted next word or cluster of pixels. There's no intelligence behind it.

>> No.58580175

I have used chatgpt a few times. However it's becoming far more intertwined than you may believe.

Examples are AI comment abbreviations on facebook posts, or even when you search something on google it gives an AI summary (even if it isn't entirely correct)

I recommend watching the keynote speech from sunday, it about 1.5 hours but it's definitely worth a listen.

I agree at some point someone somewhere will catch up or the technology advances so much that it replaces nearly every job but for the time being, make your money.

>> No.58580195

I've stopping using search engines and now use chatgpt most of the time.
>It's worthless trash. It's literally just arbitrarily and esoterically assigned vectors in high dimensional space

Any AI model is a statistical model. If a function is computable then it can be approximated with ai models. Your intelligence is just a random cell arangement that makes you likely to survive and get laid and belive you understand the world, don't overestimate yourself

>> No.58580201

When's the next dip

>> No.58580220

The point is, that these methods have reached a firm upper limit on what they're actually capable of, and it isn't actually very good at all. So far it's been sold on the promise that it will keep getting better and that's held true, but now they're clawing and scratching just to make it seem useful and have pushed it into places it isn't and never will be ready for to prop up the illusion that it's actually the future of technology, when it simply isn't. It has frustrated more people than it has helped and its primary purpose for the moment is in flooding the internet with meaningless shit that looks like it could have been made by a human being, but wasn't. Or to generate fundamentally unusable art that sits in the margin between straight plagiarism and triviality.

Soon. When the tech sector busts, they're all going to drop precipitously and have to pivot back to doing things the right way. They'll start growing again and might even make it back here after a few years.

>> No.58580479

I think the gameplan is obvious. Nvidia and SPY calls. I'm also gonna buy a few $390 Lululemon calls ending July 19

>> No.58580519

Buy INTC calls for December $40-45 and thank me later anon

>> No.58580529
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>he doesn’t youse chatlgbt to learn new shit
>he doesn’t use chatlgbt to improve his stock screening
>he doesn’t know how to double check if the info is real
brother having a retarted parrot that is connected to the internet is as useful to you as an investor as pajeet yt videos are to programmers
no one is saying that agi is here and it’s time to get on our knees in preparation to please the aidaddygod
it’s not rocket science learn to use that shit or be left behind forever

>> No.58580649

what broker should i use as someone looking to start investing in canada?

>> No.58580696

Will Unity (U) ever stop dumping?

>> No.58580720

>no one is saying that agi is here and it’s time to get on our knees in preparation to please the aidaddygod
most normies actually believe this though

>> No.58581010

I work for a fortune 500. They are massively pushing us to start using their semi-proprietary enterprise AI tool. I assume all the other fortune 500s are doing so as well.

Whether any of this is "good" or "valuable" is a problem for later. Right now it's being used, being used a lot, and there's something to be gained from it's momentum.

>> No.58581028

>They are massively pushing us to start using their semi-proprietary enterprise AI tool.
To do what?

>> No.58581043

Compose e-mails, summarize reports/documents, schedule meetings, general knowledge inquiries, etc.

One thing I do like about it is you can tell it to schedule a meeting for a list of people and it will find the best time slot for everyone based on their calendars. Was always a really annoying step before to do manually.

>> No.58581132

What's going with FSRN? Its price on T212 hasn't updated in 17 hours and none of my buy orders are being filled.

>> No.58581166

Nvm, it updated as soon as I asked that.

>> No.58581414


>> No.58581507


>> No.58581848


>> No.58581881

What's a good book to read to gain an understanding of the stock market, how it works, what to look for in a stock, definitions, etc?

>> No.58581929


>> No.58581961

Thanks anon. Good little video. Any book recs?

>> No.58582022

Chat gpt is great for doing homework in college. Everything from coding to higher level engineering problems. I don't really see its application beyond that though. It stops being useful after it spits out the skeleton for programs, and even then it takes quite a bit of effort to get the program to run correctly. I've tested it extensively across c, c++, python, assembly, and its the same for all of them. Its also good for writing emails and papers.

>> No.58582045
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>checking CTNT short interest borrow rate

>> No.58582054

I've only read the intelligent investor but imo it's all you need

>> No.58582061

>The Intelligent Investor by Graham
>Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Fisher
>Why Stocks Go Up and Down by Pike
>Buffettology by Buffett and Clark

>If you read these books thoroughly and in that order and never touch another book, you’ll have all you need to know.

>> No.58582079

Thank you for the books.

>> No.58582151

Even if everyone on this board sold it would barely dent that market cap.

>> No.58582210

jesse livermore books.

>> No.58582230

ECB cut. So it begins.There will literally not be a single red day for years.

>> No.58582236

this is also good, reminiscences of a stock operator. shows that trends today are the same as they were 100 years ago. keep in mind livermore killed himself and was destitute at the end.
as buffet said "I didn't want to end up in a vat of boiling beer" don't take risks you don't understand

>> No.58582870
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This is the best investing book to start with. It's even more relevant now than when it came out.

>> No.58583506

there is a good book that focuses more on livermores life. he kyssed at like 65 or something. gambled on the market for like 50 years

>> No.58583645
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>> No.58584269

GME will fall down to 32 dollars by tomorrow. I will refuel then.

>> No.58584520

now that's what I call cope

>> No.58584593
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ASMB stock ladies
Let's destroy the short sellers!!

>> No.58584912
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I'm finally in the green!

>> No.58584959

Hell yeah.

>> No.58585633
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Tomorrow is another GME pump & dump day isn't it?

>> No.58585805
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SOXL is the answer. Face it. Semiconductors are crack in all but name. The desire for newer, faster, more is insatiable. Computers, GPUs, self-driving electric cars, AI enhanced smartphones, medical devices, microcontrollers, networking gear, machine learning, surveillance, infrastructure, military, Taylor Swift deepfakes, electric chatterbox LLMs, the list goes on. No matter how many cores, how fast or efficient, demand requires bigger, faster, cheaper, better. The clamor for fresh silicon gives nary shit for national identity, creed, hue, gender, or other vain conceit. The multitude speaks in singular. The plea: semiconductor
SOXL couples a single ETF entry point with the best companies the space has to offer then pushes the already stellar returns to the limit with 3x leverage. With SOXL your economic interests are aligned with hardware powerhouses TSMC, ARM, SMCI, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Intel, ASML, Broadcom, AMD, Micron, Applied Materials, et al. Real tech companies with innovative products people want, not """tech""" """companies""" pushing shitty ads. And like all leveraged ETFs, SOXL is rebalanced daily, accelerating gains in an upmarket while eliminating margin risks in a down.
In the last 12 years, SOXL has exploded over 180x yet still we are early. Semiconductor growth will proceed exponentially until every viable space is saturated with it. This is a fait accompli; the sheer number of interested parties and compelling outcomes make it so. The injection of increasingly compact and efficient sensors, microcontrollers, information processing, storage, machine learning, and generative AI, into everywhere and everything will be this era's seminal revolution, a revolution with SOXL holders planted firmly at the receiving end. Stop waiting for the "pullback". Where we're going, fretting over a few dollars is meaningless. The deliberation is over; waiting is a failure mode. In the few moments you spent reading this it's gone up a little more. Now. Buy it now

>> No.58585902

its crazy how much a port of only spy and 20% 2x leveraged semis (ticker USD) (has) outperformed. im planning to keep buying and adding, is there anything im missing besides being able to stomach huge drawdowns?

>> No.58585951

If you were all in a leveraged ETF I'd say follow some kind of trend following system on the underlying for entries and exits but if you keep USD at 20% your port and you're DCA'ing anyway then just let it rip and rebalance regularly. The only caveat would be if we ever get a repeat of the dot com crash your USD will likely drop -99% which will be unpleasant in the extreme

>> No.58586132

The end of this financial year when dividends need to be paid is when the crash will happen.

Very few dividends will be paid :).

The crash will happen sooner if businesses anticipate early and sell early.

>> No.58586184
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>GME has risen from $20 to $60 in under a week
>There are currently 8 GME generals past the bump limit
>There are over 3300 posts across those 8 threads
>A 9th general is approaching
Face it loser /biz/ is a GME board. Short the gamestock and you too can make hundreds of millions!!

>> No.58586237
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I wish I could get a bunch of Redditors to buy my bags.

>> No.58586244

Why short it? Tomorrow it's going to hit $85

>> No.58586564

My CDs are about to mature so Ive got 40k to drop into something I can just let sit, any groups I should look into or should I just drop it back into vanguard? I had like 10k in a realestate group prepandemic but I pulled it out just before the drop and didnt put it in for the skyhigh jump so I never bothered to look at it again.

>> No.58586719

I'm more interested in dogecoin, to be honest.
Why buy peak hype on GME when any moment an Elon tweet could come through and give me a 5x in doge?

>> No.58586821

He’s going to keep riling up FOMO investors until the 20th. Don’t be caught holding bags anywhere near that date

>> No.58586882
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Yesterday makes me want to throw a fit

>> No.58586938

Probably going to the high 30s and move up again Monday. This after hours dump looks pretty heavy, typical normie retard will panic sell it. That's the problem when your movement requires poor retards to make said movement.

>> No.58587025

What's your exit number?

>> No.58587039

I am fucking retarded and am accumulating SQQQ. What are your guesses about what nasdaq is going to do and when? All the ATH hype has me thinking it’s going to shit the bed sooner or later but I’m scared it will be later and only a little nugget turd.

>> No.58587720


only use leveraged shit when you're following trends

>> No.58587901

This. I'm all in on dogeshit.

>> No.58587922
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What will happen when Roaring Kitty starts his livestream at 12PM EST aka during business hours.

Will it plummet the way Doge did during Elon Musk's SNL appearance? Or will it moon?

>> No.58587944

MM will probably try to crash it, but with him doing the livestream during market hours, he will probably exercise live, and its fucking skyrockets.

>> No.58587981

Maybe GME and dogecoin will enact a merger

>> No.58587992

What's MM and what do you mean by "exercise"

>> No.58588017

MM is Market Maker, i.e. institutional investors, hedge funds, etc

and exercise is something you can do with options

in short terms and nowhere near being the full explanation,

when you buy an option you are buying the possible right to purchase 100 shares of a stock at a strike price, or sell the option off with a higher premium.

So DFV has 120,000 option calls, for a $20 strike price. That is 12 million shares. If he were to exercise all 120k, etrade will be forced to give him those 12 million shares.

>> No.58588087
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>etrade will be forced to give him those 12 million shares.

>Gill had paused posting updates during the week after The Wall Street Journal reported that Morgan Stanley’s E-Trade broker was considering booting him because of the worry that what he was doing could amount to market manipulation.

He may not get those shares from etrade ^.

Are you the based options trader that's been helping me out recently? Would you put an additional long call at this point or short considering it's $68.50 ask price

>> No.58588091

Market makers always hedge their positions. Otherwise they're not market makers, but participants. Part of the spread when buying options contracts is due to this cost of hedging. The bid/ask is wide to compensate for MMs wanting to guarantee they can hedge each order profitably.
So if roaring kitty exercises 12 million shares, shouldn't they already have those shares?
It'd also cost him $240 mil to exercise that many shares, so actually there'd be massive selling pressure as he needs to sell half his options just to raise money to exercise the other half. With 40%+ tax rate on the profits of his trade, how much money is left to exercise?

Maybe MMs offloaded similar options to others with synthetic short positions, is that what you mean?
Even still, why would they suddenly choose to cover?

>> No.58588115

Nah that's not me, but I believe we are nowhere near the peak, it's tough to say.

etrade wouldn't risk losing his portfolio.

Sure. However DFV has liquid cash ready to be used, not all 240mil but I believe it was 30 mil ready to go.

Tomorrow might be a show of force with that 30 million and he will use that amount to exercise whatever he can.

>> No.58588118

>tax rate
Are you retarded, do you think the broker automatically deducts the taxes or something.

>> No.58588141

>Nah that's not me, but I believe we are nowhere near the peak, it's tough to say.
You got long calls open? Its all-time high is $86.88. Current futures are $68. Also, when you say

>If he were to exercise all 120k,
Do you mean selling particularly? If so, why would that not cause GME to plummet?

>> No.58588165

I have 125c for the 21st.

If they were exercised it would indirectly affect the price because it's an indication that option holder wants to own that stock and is a bullish sentiment.

>> No.58588181

>125c for the 21st
?? Sorry I'm super new to this.

>> No.58588194

125c 6/21/24 c= call (go up) p=put (go down)

So I am betting it will hit $125.00 at or before 6/21/24

There's a lot more to it, like greeks, premiums, etc that effect the price.

>> No.58588213

Do you think he's just gonna buy 50 million shares and never pay taxes?
Even if he ignores taxes and leverages up on margin to fully exercise, it's a ticking time bomb.

For all the talk about how shorts will be forced to cover, this is a case where his long positions would actually be forced to cover. He can keep rolling or he can go on margin, but eventually taxes come due.

>Tomorrow might be a show of force with that 30 million and he will use that amount to exercise whatever he can.
I feel like that would just be interpreted as admitting he's out of ammo. It's impossible to say anything serious that could be interpreted positively since there is no fundamental justification for where GME trades right now. It's a token, a meme, a luxury collectible item, a membership card to the coolest group of investors destroying the system.
My bet is he streams a bunch of memes. Comes on live, shows his face says some shit like "I like the stock", maybe pulls up a whiteboard and draws an upward line or a cartoon dick, and then he leaves.
If he does that shares keep pumping.

Best thing GME could to to maintain a long term pump is try to dump onto the S&P 500 like TSLA did in 2020. Shares could legitimately hit $1 trillion if they do that. Estimates are that passive ownership of S&P 500 stocks is around 25%. Imagine a forced 25% new buyers, completely valuation agnostic.
To do this, they need to copy the TSLA playbook though and record profits for 4 straight quarters. Technically they're already marginally profitable, on an accounting basis.

>> No.58588217

For the price of one share of GME?

>> No.58588224

Yes, however I never exercise options, I always sell them off and collect the premiums (research premiums) most people do not exercise options. It is truly not far off from hitting 125.

No I agree Gamestop as a company is dead, it doesnt have fundamentals and it is just a meme.

They will never be able to get into the S&P 500.

Soon as DFV has his billion+ pretty sure he's done.

>> No.58588235
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I'm about to put this through.

>> No.58588274

>They will never be able to get into the S&P 500.
People said that about tesla too.
I agree it probably won't happen, but it's not impossible. It's an inevitable side effect of the growth of passive investing that loopholes get uncovered and abused. Tesla frontrunners on that inclusion made like $800 bil, and shares still haven't crashed back down despite all the failures that company has experienced of late.
Bidding $1 trill on an overpriced meme is just the 2% cost of doing business for the S&P 500 index funds. Those boomers won't really notice. Regardless, it's not an immediate concern.

Good luck with your options. $125 is almost certainly gonna be a worthless bag at expiry, but decent odds you can flip it to some overpriced hedge buyer. Just remember to exit before the party ends.

>> No.58588303

50/50 bet on shares trading back to $25?
I don't like it. Why not sell both directions?

>> No.58588322

I do have hope it can hit 125. However, I am well into the green with the premium going up. Even if it doesn't hit the strike, I'm satisfied.

>> No.58588327

I think i'm locked out of my compushare account cause I lost my phone number, how do you get access to your stocks they seem to have very poor customer service and I can't reach them

>> No.58588348

You're fucked. I had to deal with that for my father for some inherited paper certs, took weeks.
Never understood the conspiracy to DR shares via computershare.

>> No.58588394

It's more about the fact that every lot purchased via exercising $125 contracts costs $12.5k. Same issue as I mentioned with DFV. It takes a lot more capital to convert and hold a share than to hold the contract, and even rolling forward contracts is lossy. There are a lot of options buyers out there right now.

There's a reason GME shares crashed back down into the May expiry and it wasn't just DFVs memes getting stale. It's a game of timing, but I'm sure you get that.

>> No.58588396

Your fault for falling for the DRS meme.

>> No.58588506
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Going to go in this direction, then.

>> No.58588575

Migrating back from /bant/

>> No.58588598

Got tired of getting called the j-slur?

>> No.58588703

Idk why it took me until now to realize this but looking back on it, nvidia was such an obvious play even before the AI stuff. In high school back in 2018, literally ALL of my friends and I had nvidia GPUs, nvidia GPUs were always the best GPUs and there was literally 1 other competitor and they never really came that close, especially regarding the higher end models. FUCK, I had like $10k back then too and literally all I had to do was buy nvidia and hold and I'd have easily $150k. Now I'm barely worth $30k at 23 :DDDDDDDDDDDDD life is so great

>> No.58588800
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Alright then open your eyes right now at 23 and recognize what AI means for the future what companies are in a position to capitalize off that? Hello? Or are you just speaking in retrospect like all the should of could of would of people in this world? The only moment is now and if you aren't trying to understand what drives AI, what is emerging in the tech, what sectors it will affect, what needs or redundancies will be created then you're literally a sheep who's going to be looking back on today thinking to yourself man, how could I not see it? I was 23 at the start of the AI boom and all I did was cry about NVIDIA. Crying woe is me at 23. Give me a fucking break. Pic related.

>> No.58588824

Nvidia, and the computer graphics industry were always producers of niche to specialist products with a lot of room to grow, but little provenance of their limits. At first, it wasn't clear if 3DFX, Silicon Graphics, Nvidia, S3, Diamond or AMD would command the whole market or if they would each fulfill a different subset of the market. Particularly with the market for graphics prerendering being completely controlled by Silicon Graphics and the market for 3D video games, especially those on PCs at the time being both primitive and presumed to be in low demand. Nvidia and its direct competitors were seen as fighting over market share in a niche enthusiast space which did not appear to have a lot of room to grow in total sales, but had potential in growth in profit margins and total revenue. It was assumed that the market would remain highly competitive, then the dotcom bubble burst and most of Nvidia's competitors folded, and some were absorbed by Nvidia itself. This would have been a strong sign of Nvidia's future, but the decline in demand for 3D accelerators that caused the closure of those competitors was interpreted as evidence that it was a fad which had simply passed rather than the product of the most enthusiastic buyers suddenly losing the disposable income to spend on such products and the damage that the failure of myriad frivolous internet oriented businesses caused to the whole market at the time. Nvidia was not driving the market, Game consoles were using a wide range of hardware from AMD, IBM, NEC to PowerPC, but Nvidia really only had brief success in that segment with Sega and the ill-fated Dreamcast. It wasn't until 2016 with the release of the 10 series cards that Nvidia was actually leading the industry at the same time the industry was being taken seriously. You would have struggled to convince any savvy investor that it was going to be the next big winner. Don't feel bad you missed it as a layman.

>> No.58588866

Graphics cards weren't super profitable until crypto destocked everything below $500. Once you're stuck on 1080s, it's awkward to drop back down to an entry level card next upgrade cycle.
AI was pretty obvious even back then, but there was also this narrative that google/amazon/etc would all design their own chips.

>> No.58589006

man you can tell there are some real fucking midwits in here that weren't able to figure out why gme might have been it


short the stock faggets

>> No.58589018
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> it went to $61
how are you feeling about waiting for $32 anon
last chance to get on the rocket idiot, DFV is streaming in 8 hours

>> No.58589046

I’m not willing to risk mistiming a pump and dump scam. Go ask all the $400 bag holders how they feel about your rocket

>> No.58589054
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faggot we're about to pick them up on our way to $120
nobody lost money unless they were impatient, and if they were that is on them, they could have averaged down the past 3 years too

>> No.58589208

what are the best raw materials to invest in the next decade?

>> No.58589210
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Greetings from /pol/, I've discovered fuckery, well I hope I haven't, that's where you come in. If one of you fine anons could embarrass me pls, full ridicule and just explain to me why I'm incorrect in my opinion/ evaluation of events

>> No.58589244

shorties and ledgies are fucked
they will try to prevent anything from happening
simple as

>> No.58589263

Gold, Lithium, Cobalt, Rare Earths, companies producing genuinely biodegradable plastics other than PLA.

>> No.58589277
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>> No.58589282
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I don't believe you read the post in question,
>WSB pushes RK(DFV)
>reddit is full of sockpuppets ran by private companies
>another activists investor (ryan cohen) is implicated in a pump and dump scheme in 2022 involving bed,bath and beyond stocks
>first push had weak memes and people got fucked
>waits 3 years
>gathers memes
>relaunches the scam
>x space hosted by Martin Shkreli a rando says gamestop is planning on working with X(everything app) to proved streaming services
>Musk leaves the space before the discussion is taken there
>one of the stocks being pushed by Wallstreet bets during the gamestop push by DFV was palantir (musks ex PayPal partner)
>Ryan cohen is rumored to be interested in acquiring a subsidiary of bed bath and beyond, a baby retail chain
>gamestop has the trademark gamestop kids
What are the chances this is a capital fundraising scam by artificially creating motion thru proxies like sockpuppets on the WSB reddit(now WSB on twitter, x)
Is this a fundraising event for Ryan cohen,elon musk,and Peter thiel?

>> No.58589289

Why would they. Their wealth far exceeds anything anyone will make from gme
its like accusing a millionaire of pickpocking the 20 bucks you have in your pocket
Seems like an unreasonable amount of effort for comparatively little gain

>> No.58589291
File: 2.14 MB, 498x373, USure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparatively little gain
>billions in liquidity
>a naive normie class of trader being primed

>> No.58589301

thanks, will look into them

>> No.58589361

It's hypothetically possible, but extremely stupid, low value, high risk for the supposed parties aside from Shkreli and I don't think Elon Musk would be on board with it. I'm pretty sure it's just a get rich quick scheme that got traction and turned into a short term protest against the undue influence the wealthiest people exert on our economy putting everyone but themselves at risk. Then it turned into a pseudo-religion for the NFT and Crypto stragglers who missed out on making the big money.

>> No.58589371

If you had to look at it through a cynical lense and cut all the bullshit out using occam's razor it would definitely be with some variation of bag holder and not that schizoid bullshit you responded to.

>> No.58589379

He's not involved, he got the information out of the pushers
>don't think Elon Musk would be on board with it.
Why would he have to, if it's being sold as legit form cohen and Thiel?
Keep in mind, reddit(where WSB started the traction initially) is known to be run by sockpuppets talking to other sockpuppets to craft narratives, why wouldn't they craft financial ones?

>> No.58589385

Address any of it it all checks out, I understand it's out of left field Eveleth hour, but it's fuckery alike

>> No.58589407

Martin Shkreli, the same guy that created a space to very poorly act out 'accidentally leaking' a 'conversation' about Citadel trying to scare investors? Going on to say more random bullshit to farm engagement? I'm not surprised Elon Musk left.

>> No.58589438

He hung out for a considerable amount of time (the vid is 5 hours long)then left, immediately after these parties that disclosed this information. Kinda odd.

>> No.58589508
File: 173 KB, 1070x803, IMG_8022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when does us job data drop? I wanna buy cheapies

>> No.58589722

market is being gay. think im gonna just keep watching in mostly cash

>> No.58589731

Non farm payroll data at 8am est

>> No.58589940

Why is /smg/ so dead now? Has everyone gone to Plebbit?

>> No.58589958

We're in /gme/ right now
email verification killed the buzz and excitement here

>> No.58589984
File: 75 KB, 900x900, 20240419_122337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of people went to /bant/ so that they could watch a fat disgusting pedophile post loli porn every 5 minutes and so that they could argue about Donald Trump.

>> No.58589998


>> No.58590018

nvda going to have a huge fucking correction with the split so prepare yourself. expect a 30% drop.

>> No.58590187

down 16%. kek

>> No.58590385
File: 39 KB, 794x396, vixcentral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that everything you need to know about the markets is in this image?
For example I can tell you right now that we are going to CRAB.

>> No.58590458
File: 48 KB, 1249x609, networth4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first figure is a graph of my net worth from late 2018 to present.
The second figure is a graph of my net worth and the SP500 as a percentage since the start date (12/31/2018).
I am 33 years old.
I am neither very proud nor very upset about my financial growth - I think I have fared reasonably well given the hand I was dealt.

>> No.58590471

maybe time to buy back into LAAC

>> No.58590488
File: 111 KB, 1983x1983, comp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is a graph of my holdings composition over time.

>> No.58590636

Sup Faggets,

Let me let you in on a little secret. The stock market discussion thread has moved to /bant/. We will no longer be subject to the trannical Janny Trannys. When you're ready feel free to join us >>>/bant/smg. See you all real soon.

>> No.58590737

nobody cares about your tranime general
fuck off and kys

>> No.58590807

I think the fact that this thread is like 36 hours old and hasn't even hit bump limit proves you wrong kiddo. -_^

>> No.58590971

unemployment at 4%
market will die from here

>> No.58590984

we're good without your jewish shit here. gtfo and stay go, kike.

>> No.58591320

Sell before the split or not...it's tawlf, b

>> No.58591432
File: 312 KB, 1242x1220, 3356DE72-3D31-40EF-A0C3-98FBE054EE2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be warned you WILL hold bags if you get on this train

>> No.58591459

This is an NVDA board, reddit is that way.

>> No.58591498

Warning people against a GME pump and dump isn’t exactly anti NVDA you moron

>> No.58591548
File: 40 KB, 628x616, 1715853442736000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People that dumb to jump on at this point won't listen anyways. But good on you for trying

>> No.58591778
File: 59 KB, 1024x576, zero-two_-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMB ladies
Let's destroy the short sellers!!!

>> No.58591909

>atlas holds all the bags.


>> No.58592064
File: 51 KB, 409x415, 941273502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I just love 0 DTE credit spreads on the NDX sometimes kek

>> No.58592165

utube shilling roaring kitty stream hard to me.

lmao its a paid thing. marketing to get the retail into bag holding

>> No.58592203
File: 12 KB, 500x281, 1707450333658040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you decide what to hold long-term and what to just sell/buy the peaks/dips?

>> No.58592221

should I put $5k into GME RN?

Evens ending post decides

>> No.58592225

open a short after the rally fades

check em

>> No.58592237

that should be by your rules and system.

>> No.58592290


>> No.58592451
File: 1.12 MB, 343x448, 12331427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use a 50 and 25 day moving average, see when it hits the 50 and if all other indicators like MACD look good I assume we're still in a trend. More or less keep it simple and pay attention to both the news and mechanics of your given strategy.

>> No.58592824

I hope that concrete hurts.

>> No.58592846

daily reminder there is literally no reason to be nice to hedgies or hedgie appologists, they're all going to be dead soon anyway.

Get fucked, lol.. You're great reset didn't work you satanic cunts.

>> No.58594400
File: 100 KB, 1500x1500, clipart-happy-business-person-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can trade outside RTH starting tonight
I'm gonna be owning 3 little NVDA shares.

>> No.58594517

Well how does my theory look now?

>> No.58594699

>long term
Divi stocks

>> No.58595076

all my stocks are up 30% YTD

feels good man, hyper-inflation will never affect me

>> No.58595131

In other words, tech companies are probably defrauding companies in other sectors, but they're doing so successfully

>> No.58595160

To be less cynical towards tech, comparing Compushare to any real broker shows you how far we have come since the 90s

>> No.58595189
File: 2.91 MB, 500x240, tumblr_pxar5mDUWt1qiwn71o3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is who you are trading against when you short GME

>> No.58595606
File: 11 KB, 892x111, Screenshot 2024-06-07 202801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world is fucked

>> No.58595612

I'm up 24% but I'm liquidating all my shit the moment the FED cuts rates

>> No.58595646

>He still thinks NVDA will crash
Well ok bobo, just don't hurt yourself after what happens next week.

>> No.58596029
File: 559 KB, 245x245, 1443036664522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME baggies thought the stream was gonna make the stock go up

>> No.58596045

it's insane there are actually 400k people holding the stock O_O if I were wall st it would be very hard not to want to make them all poor using any means necessary

>> No.58596106

step 1; slowly buy GME
step 2; spread hodl propaganda
step 3; pump and dump
step 4; repeat again in a few years

>> No.58596628
File: 37 KB, 658x312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances GME will rise above 30 again? My POP for that is 81%

>> No.58596762

luckily I only have 150 in compushare compared to 500 in swhab

>> No.58596875

Kek baggie.

>> No.58596959

>until you reach $100,000
Ok and then what??
Uhh asking for a friend

>> No.58597492
File: 384 KB, 1242x1563, 912268E4-9CC0-457A-8723-B9940EE5955F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We warned you. We told you you were going to hold bags. You should have listened

>> No.58597649

Is NVDA still a buy even if it drops?

>> No.58598111

Depends on your goals. What are they?

>> No.58598193
File: 19 KB, 725x357, NVDY monthly dividend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yieldmax Chads you DID collect your monthly dividend today, right?

>> No.58598194

all we can hope from AI is that it replaces jeet call centers and nobody will ever pay for visual art ever again. if you expect anything more, you got memed

>> No.58598199

>Everything from coding to higher level engineering problems
so shit thats already been solved...how artificially intelligent indeed

>> No.58598215
File: 204 KB, 271x388, msfrizzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess what i've really been trying to say, is buy call on the index, not tickers. But you did buy calls right anon?

>> No.58598336

If you're having the AI do the homework for you, you're not even learning the shit you're paying an extortionate amount to be taught. Most of the code that ChatGPT generates is nonfunctional, has obvious errors or just doesn't do what you told it to do. You can't trust its understanding of physics to be sufficient or correct, because it's liable to hallucinate a different set of physical laws and constants that suit what it has generated. It's all bullshit. Even you admit it saying "It's only good for the skeleton of programs" which means you're keeping everything that's common to most programming and cutting out all the novel work the AI tried to do.

AI will never replace real artists and will remain even less helpful than a call center employee you can't understand, because it will bullshit and gaslight you and only really have the same capabilities as a menu you navigate with your keypad.

>> No.58598404

I don't care, I just want AI to bankrupt india

>> No.58598681

>I just want AI to bankrupt india
there's a reason why pajeets are being flooded into nations anon, it's because they don't have it skills and are only good for cheap manual labour like construction; you want total automation to remove the jeet

>> No.58599035

Why tumblr dogs coins go down

>> No.58599037

Tumblr dogs so many hoes watch me woooooooo
Watch me tumblr dog this hoe

>> No.58599043

Tumblr dog who make coins die.

Really it's just the decline in the appeal of speculation on crypto and the imminently approaching unviability of the original Bitcoin that's finally chilling the crypto market back down to its natural equilibrium, quite possibly for good, unless someone figures out some new way to package it all and convince the mainstream to pick it back up.

>> No.58599313

Can rename this general to tumblr dogs

>> No.58599328

>tumblr invented tumblr dogs
>tumblr dogs coins were invented by tumblr

>> No.58599339

I dont understand the point of crypto, we already had digital currency that could be traded for real world money it was called WoW gold. people keep trying to reinvent the wheel and failing. How many coins are worth more than 1000 to 88 cents? Its around a tenth of the worth of the yen. let that sink in WoW gold is worth one tenth of an actual real world currency and you can just go out and farm it right now.

>> No.58599732

my stock ive played the most this year dumped a lot.

>> No.58599824

Assuming you’re from the US: I work in physics, I have frequent contact with a number of universities and get a very detailed look at their students and researchers.
It is a cold and disturbing reality that these physics departments have an overwhelming number of Chinese and Indian students who work hard, very hard. You start a collaboration with a group, and you can immediately tell this Chinese or Indian guy works on this stuff 70 hours a week, and thinks very deeply about it. He’s read every paper in the field, and is coming up with novel ideas. He is not a google play card scammer, he doesn’t smell like curry, he’s not a drone or even a code monkey. He is gunning for a job as a tenured professor in charge of a research group.

I know I sound like an Asia shill or a demoralization agent. But I swear to god, it’s like being a Legionnaire and staring out at the Rhine, seeing Visigoths cross over on Roman boats headed for the heart of Rome. I know it’s retarded, the Visigoths were 7 feet tall and Asians/Indians are laughable. But university researchers have been the hidden backbone of America. lasers, hearing aids, transistors, it’s not even worth listing because practically everything in the world was developed at an American research lab. If these labs become 90% Asian/Indian, we’re doomed in one of two ways. One, they fall apart because they needed white people, or two, they’re successful and suddenly the guys steering the ship are goddamn asians

>> No.58599932

Why would any american go through becoming a research professor in the current system? You basically have to put it all out on the line, doctorate+extra years assisting hoping someone else isnt picked ahead of you on top of quotas for each stage you go through. If youre smart enough to do that you go into finance and you have been for decades now. Instead of dedicating 15+ years to finally have a good position in your field you can dedicate 15 years and retire with your boatloads of money. If thats not appealing theres dozens of things inbetween. Its the same reason for the doctor shortage why the hell would I put up with the current system. Thats coming form a guy who took 2 weeks looking at calc 2, realized I had 3 more advanced classes and dipped to become a pipe welder though, and why wouldnt I move my arm funny for the same pay of my cousin who went through all the schooling. People follow the path of least resistance unless theyre really interested in something and both rome and america make it easier to do non essential things.

>> No.58600014

which is a better stock nvda or gme??

>> No.58600047

They'll just fuck off when the capital availability dries up. Same as the Soviet collapse but 10x worse because none of them are from here.

>> No.58600050
File: 53 KB, 472x646, 7A708680-F099-47DB-BCF5-86E36F99D7D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently llms are like the first steam engines in the 17th century everyone is amazed but doesn’t know what the fuck their supposed to do with it. Sure there are “inventors” like ai pin cucks but that’s like steam engine jar opener - retarded on every level. We’ll have to wait another 5 - 10 years until some lazy fag will create something world shattering just because they were lazy/bored and it will take 0.0001 seconds for to be used as an excuse to lay off as much of the workforce as possible. better have those welfare forms ready - the lines will be humongous:)
>ai will never replace real artists
read how many “artists” are being banned for life from digital art competitions for winning by using it
ai art is just a type of technique and I would even compare it to hand sowing and a sowing machine - look at how it affected prices of clothing after it was invented. Same will happen to art prices with lover demand and skill needed to create the product. Ofc as hand sown clothes, live preformed classical music, hand painted paintings will become higher status symbols

>> No.58600111
File: 42 KB, 800x575, 1702395056828691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally impossible for the stock market to "crash".
A crash would imply deflation of the dollar which is literally impossible.
We're so back.

>> No.58600239

inflation expectations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMMCWxZcr7M

>> No.58600482

what broker do you guys use?
i have used fidelity for a while but they have a dogdick interface.
robinhood or thinkorswim?

>> No.58600595

How is it not market manipulation when elon tweets some bullshit to make the market move? Should billionaires even be allowed media contact?

>> No.58600602

PC master race

>> No.58600664

The pastebin is 5 years old. Is Degiro still considered a good option for EU folks?

>> No.58600776

i use interactive brokers.

>> No.58601096

How to play AAPL conference?
Up or down?

>> No.58601213
File: 495 KB, 633x758, 1458744415090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is priced in. Nothing can be played.

>> No.58601270
File: 6 KB, 242x209, 1624949691867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stop the world and melt with you.

>> No.58601606

i have about 12k in an index type fund, to which i can add about 500-1000 per month currently. how do i turn this into enough money to be able to live off of dividends? without doing degenerate gambling nonsense.

>> No.58601740 [DELETED] 

Cathie Wood wants to get fucked by Elon so bad

>> No.58601777

There are no get rich quick investing schemes that don't involve proportional risk. The index fund will get you there, it will just take time.

>> No.58601959

Dividends take like 15-20 years of continuous investing + reinvesting to get to the point of giving you enough monthly income to live off of.

>> No.58601974

unfortunately if I were to match that amount of shares I will never receive that kind of dividend now. But congrats, that's fantastic to receive.

>> No.58602284

>without doing degenerate gambling
Not happening. The least degenerate way would be betting on an already somewhat established company and hoping for it to pull an Nvidia.

>> No.58602346

This isn’t my experience at a large university and an engineer that recently finished my PhD. Most the Asians cheat and copy.

>> No.58602547

When you filter the smartest of 1/3rd of humanity into white countries they will have talent and numbers comparable to the smartest whites driving up competition and down on wages. Many wont though.

>> No.58602621

That was my point. If you filter out all but the top 1/10000th of Asia, you're left with tens of millions of people.

>> No.58603447

did my market breadth check again. one of the gave very bearish numbers

>> No.58603964
File: 118 KB, 796x1074, hulll_to_the_trash_it_goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keep buying .2 delta short term calls on memes

>> No.58604248
File: 116 KB, 1054x626, img-2024-06-09-11-53-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you spend years using federal money to find novel ideas that work, then use the same money to market your idea to private investors and then make bank on that idea. Only in the USA does this happen on a regular basis where the more connections you get on the academic side eventually translates into business connections that a smart man can exploit once with enough clout and a good enough idea/product.

>> No.58604272
File: 198 KB, 680x680, img-2024-06-09-12-00-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The art market in particular is still gated by a minority of wealthy insiders so I don't think mass production of AI art will affect prices because this market does not follow basic supply and demands- it follows the whims of the art auction racket.

I agree with the rest of the thesis but I would caution that an economic recession occurred from the late 1830s to the early 1840s when the adoption of the Industrial Revolution's early innovations, such as mechanized spinning and weaving, slowed as their markets matured; and despite the increasing adoption of locomotives, steamboats and steamships, and hot blast iron smelting. New technologies such as the electrical telegraph, widely introduced in the 1840s and 1850s in the United Kingdom and the United States, were not powerful enough to drive high rates of economic growth .

>> No.58604281 [DELETED] 

Somebody please comment on my figures.
Tell me they are nice, and that I'm autistic, and that I should be embarrassed at having made as little money as I have over the past 5 or so years. And do all this is a succinct and comical manner, please.

>> No.58604387

i think ai pron will takeover.

>> No.58604715

im tempted by the nvda split.

i have hunch it will go down but most likely it will just keep mooning up

>> No.58605841

Anyone read this article in Harpers about how Index Funds might be a bubble?

It's an idea that keeps cropping up and it makes some sense (if index funds keep growing then they'll make up a larger % of the market which raises question about market efficiency, exit liquidity etc) but I can't see a way the bubble would actually pop.


>> No.58606816

if the fed were ever to fail in some way index funds would probably sell the market to 0

>> No.58606898

Anime girl investor, watch out. This is a dangerous week
Anycolor is reporting earnings June 12th Japan Time, so one day ahead. It's looking to shape up to be a stinker to the point where it'll drag down Cover corp as well.

>> No.58606938

It doesn't pop, it just deflates by the Fed / gov't buying securities or strategically bailing out companies such that prominent indicies stay positive in nominal terms while losing ground to inflation. Goldbugs talk about this scenario a lot.

>> No.58607083

GME is gonna pop tomorrow, with all the talk it's bound to. That's when I will lock in my puts

>> No.58607098
File: 77 KB, 684x576, tonydongspeaksenglish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek dead thread /gme/ clears this shit fuck you tony and/or Daniel schizos win.

>> No.58607099

get a load of this faggot
>add 500 to 1k a month
>daily inflation > 3%
>muh fund with 0.17-.5% fees
>retire off dividends
funny joke, take some risks or enjoy wage slaving

>> No.58607103
File: 169 KB, 1501x724, bcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, alright, I get that talk of the town is gme and nvda and AI and all that shit, but anyone here got any hidden value gems they've been holding on to?
picrel is mine, just recently learned about 'em. Don't know much about lumber but they got solid financials imo

>> No.58607124
File: 229 KB, 1080x1654, Screenshot_20240610_014949_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is no one talking about this low volume rocket that 3x-10xs every few years. It's primed for a pop

>> No.58607271

of course it's going to pop but buying puts is fucking retarded. you really think it will be in the sub 25 slurp zone ever again?

>> No.58607276

back to your contaiment thread baggie

>> No.58607407

Eurangutang bros...

>> No.58607532

This raises an interesting question - is it a viable strategy to sell your holdings in a given country the day before an election?

>but market efficiency!

We see that markets rubberband all over the place with elections these days. Just look at what happened with the EU elections where everyone knew the result already or India's where the market shit the bed because so many Indian giants depend on political corruption. Then there's the obvious risk of things like Macron's snap election or when there's a result that doesn't deliver a clear outcome but you get some minority government that limps along for a few months.

What we have now in Europe is the French first round of voting, followed by the UK elections, followed by the French second round. With each of those providing massive market volatility.

>> No.58607539

>Macron's snap election
Anon I have a vested interest in French firearm manufacturers already. I for one welcome the new Volksreich

>> No.58607540

You know, speaking of this image,
It's always been a weird missed opportunity to me that Disney and/or WB haven't capitalized on the mountains of "official" pornography they possess of their characters and used it to publish expensive high quality coffee table art books. I think they could sell as many of those as they could produce at just about any price they want, and it wouldn't really even take any investment on their part outside of making the deal with the printing company.

>> No.58607659

>take some risks
like what? options or timing the market isn't a viable route, i might as well take it to a roulette table

>> No.58607773

>Anti-establishment = anti-arms sales


>> No.58607848

I'm thinking the same. Willing to see where it goes on open and then assess from there. If it looks like a panic sell it might be worth picking up and looking for a slow recoup

>> No.58608053

One day I will see your death on page 10 of the local news, have a slight chuckle, and go about my day.

>> No.58608113

splits are bad dude its going to reverse

>> No.58608165

HOLOchads we just ate shit

>> No.58608696


>> No.58608751

I like how as a leaf, even though VOO is down, VFV is up because the Canadian dollar is just that shitty.

>> No.58608894
File: 12 KB, 1555x160, nevergiveup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have fallen from the highest heights to the deepest depths, yet my indomitable spirt will not be suppressed; in my search for glory I will not relent; until I need not wage I will not rest!

>> No.58609008

I hope no one here is holding onto these bags because it’s only getting worse

>> No.58609188

>scrolling through twitter
>see that the guys like MrZackMorris are back after the SEC went after them
>they all are now running pump and dump crypto scams instead of penny stocks

>> No.58609313

actually if you have more than 2 braincells (not many of his followers have) it's actually pretty easy to make money on these things. Just sell like you are part of the scam.

>> No.58609329

now many of you eager readers might think "so when is the time to sell" the answer is: as soon as the thing goes up start selling

>> No.58609638

Apple not mentioning AI
Price about to nosedive

>> No.58609983

AI is short for Apple Intelligence

>> No.58610040
File: 262 KB, 426x371, 1717090501760773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apple calls...

>> No.58610641
File: 56 KB, 640x357, 1622658189932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for advice. How much of your yearly salary are you investing? And at what intervals?

I'm thinking of doing something like 30%, but I take 10% and buy something every paycheck or once a month. take the other 20% to just sit as cash or something liquid so that I can dump into etfs immediately whenever we have the next big market crash.

What do you guys think?

>> No.58610704

I don't have a job so I'm currently investing NaN%

>> No.58610711

Same but I want to have a decent job before summer is up.

>> No.58611403
File: 105 KB, 610x535, ad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you guys follow on x/watch on youtube/read to stay informed?
Trying to get into trading and I feel totally ootl

>> No.58611584

Why did Apple go down? Their AI was kino.

>> No.58611597

>What do you guys think?
don't sit around hoping to time the market which you will inevitably fail at, just dollar cost average, put in as much as possible every single month. and don't listen to the degenerate gambling addicts on here. it might be a different story if you had a huge lump sum sitting around right now, but since you're earning monthly invest monthly. right now your money is just being eaten by inflation. a small amount of liquidity is fine, in fact it's a good idea to keep it as an emergency fund which most wagies don't have.

>> No.58611641

I am hoping to make over 150k to 250k a year if that makes any difference

>> No.58611672

>Their AI

>> No.58611706

>the wagie's creed

>> No.58611751

I like this guys break downs on divies. His spreadsheets are useful.

>> No.58611762

Only good youtuber I've found so far is Option Alpha. Everyone else just regurgitates the same shit.
I use Grok a lot to keep up to date with the market, since it pulls from Twitter in real time. It's also a really good tutoring service, just don't expect it to do math.

>Trying to get into trading and I feel totally ootl
Fuck it, I've got nothing to do, if you've got any questions I'll try to answer them now.

>> No.58611801
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>> No.58612589

How could fuck up this bad to go with OpenAI yo power their AI. They have had years of development and research with Siri yet they have nothing to show for it. Even Google is relying on their own in house AI yo power their devices but Apple can't. This is the downfall of Apple with dwindling iPhone sales and mismanagement from top to bottom, they don't deserve this lofty valuation.

>> No.58612658
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>be Argentinian
>local access to the stock market is through banks, which issue "CEDEARS", which are fractions of stocks you buy and they hold for you
>will have to figure out how to open a foreign bank account to be able to open an account on a serious brokerage
>will I ever be an smg bro?

>> No.58612749
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Wtf? No one home?
/biz/ bros?

>tfw biz apocalypse
>tfw only survivor

>> No.58612907

is lac kill?

>> No.58613055

Whaddya want

>> No.58613169
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Is everyone dead to the coof jabs?
This is like 2020 all over again, where I'd walk out the house and all the streets would be empty, closed doors and windows, closed stores...
I used to come to smg to get some biz vibes going.
Maybe later, when NYSE opens again, I guess...

>> No.58613177

/bant/ smg is more active. this one is more chill one.

>> No.58613651

Jesus that chart. I thought about FOMOing in March 15th, even posted here asking about it and someone told me it was going to $15 but I just forgot to do it. Now it’s 3.07

Slurp time?

>> No.58613657

What is cheap?!

>> No.58613660

Musk stated he wanted to ban Apple

>> No.58613902


>> No.58613911

10 for long-term investment
10 is invested separately as a kind of major life investment fund

Invested immediately with every paycheque. The market trends upward if you zoom out, >>58611597 is right, you lose when you try to time the market. That doesn't mean you can't try to predict trends but you should surf not play battleship.

I have another 10% I spend on dating expenses that always has change for... reasons. And I always invest any bonus.

>> No.58614469
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I knew I should have bought the dip I felt it in my bones. As soon as Elon opened his stupid fucking mouth I knew apple would rebound. I'm going to start inverting this stupid fucking twat whenever he makes a crybaby post.

>> No.58614485

why haven't stock prices moved at all in the past 6 weeks? What gives?

>> No.58614498

>He’s read every paper in the field, and is coming up with novel ideas

>> No.58614825

What's the best way to deal with LEAPS?

Let's say your LEAPS pay off handsomely, a 2x to 10x.

Is it best to just sell them off or to sell some of them so you can afford to exercise the options then start wheeling them? What do you do after your LEAPS actually paid off and did well?

>> No.58614860

So no rate cuts tomorrow right?

>> No.58614874

probably not, but the Fed can do whatever the fuck they want regardless of what they've said in the past.

>> No.58614923

Made another 200 bucks
Thanks Tim Apple

>> No.58615060
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Are the market retarded bipolar niggers?

>> No.58615093

NVDA bros nonono

>> No.58615136
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>> No.58615402
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Buy Celsius it has bottomed. screenshot this post tit on ur wall !

>> No.58615450
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Why are there so many dividend-themed accounts on English-speaking Twitter? Rather young-ish non-pro individuals who seem to love $SCHD, $O, tobacco stocks, MLPs, etcetera.

>> No.58615525

Because divies are a young mans game since the return on reinvesting dividends over the long term looks extremely enticing. Younger people are also more susceptible to believing in the living off of passive income pipe dream.

Even if growth stocks have been shown to outperform divies in the long term they require tons more research. Picking a bad growth stock is way worse than picking a bad dividend stock.

>> No.58615542
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If I plan on adding an allocation to TLT as a euro investor is it worth currency hedging it?

People say to hedge bond allocations because currency volatility can be higher than underlying bond volatility, but dollar seems to be in structural uptrend and i have to pay shitty swap basis as well.

Also since TLT would be a recession / shit hits the fan hedge I guess holding it in dollars would make more sense since dollar is seen as the safe haven currency.


>> No.58615568
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Be warned, I'm incredibly retarded with finance apparently

I know the basic ape shit but I want to learn more about how to read tells like what to expect out of volume and market cap. Generally how to figure out whether a stock is going to go up, because all I seem to do is follow trends without knowing much about the why. How do these niggas gain so much with obscure portfolio assets that return like 200% over a couple months?

TLDR; I'm sick of index investments and bitcoin maxxing. I have more free time and want to learn how to trade as a "job"

>> No.58615592

what will happen at 6/21? End of option?
Also where u simulate return?

>> No.58615856


>> No.58616005

>doubting Apple
Lmao smg is retarded

>> No.58616030
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ASMB ladies we will destroy the shortsellers!

>> No.58616097

>in march I decided to get mostly out of the market and get back in in june
>bought in may instead
I don't know why, I always tend to be right when I make a plan but I never stick to the plan and get heemed by my own self-doubt.

>> No.58616308

>get heemed by my own self-doubt.

you yourself is the biggest trouble in the market. figure out your market weaknesses and have some rules to combat them.

>> No.58616343

very nice
stop trying to time the fucking market, please

>> No.58616796

This week's headline should be "Apple invented AI (Apple Intelligence)"

>> No.58617291
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What are some good brokers to start investing?
Im considering these but idk shit

I'm not from Usa or Uk

>> No.58617339


>> No.58617674

Fidelity is good for gradual investment. Easy to set up continuous transfers or recurring buys directly from banking accounts.

>> No.58617729

This can literally be done with a simple script. AI shouldn't even have a place in that. It's a non-linear regression model while your problem is literally perfect for a linear regression. AI is a bubble. It won't pop now. But just like it did with the dotcom bubble. It will pop.

>> No.58617786

>brother having a retarted parrot that is connected to the internet is as useful to you as an investor as pajeet yt videos are to programmers
this just means not at all
I've only actually used one pajeet video once but then found a better video explained by a White guy
no one watches sardeep explain python

>> No.58618288

search for brokers that is available for your country?

>> No.58619119

interavtive brokers if you're going active,
vangaurd if you're passive or till you've got a warchest ~$30k

>> No.58619367
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Greentext because angry and lazy
>read that CMC Markets is ok
>attempt to setup withdrawal account online
>undefined error message
>call support
>um sweatie it’s a problem with your bank branches merging
>wtf is this bullshit
>send authority via email
>2 weeks pass
>check account
>oops some of your cash balance is gone
>call up and ask what happened
>lol idk
>btw your withdrawal bank account setup will take another week IF we harass them
What the FUCK is wrong with these cunts?
At least they answered the phone within 30 seconds. But it’s all so fucking dodgy.

>> No.58619778

Been looking into this ever since I read this comment 2 hours ago and I've decided to throw some chump change at this

>> No.58619787

>This can literally be done with a simple script
I think you're overestimating the broad appeal of these "AI" products to brain rot normies who grew up with iPads. Half of them can't even type. Don't get caught up in the semantics of the PR buzzwords. There is tremendous value regardless of if the tech is "real" or "advanced" at this point.

>> No.58619801

Just look at Apple. Dropped the iPhone like 2 decades ago and has just sold a slightly better iteration every year to the point they are a $3T company. AI has the narrative and hype (and the money/backers) to take it the distance. Imagine making the argument you're making about "the bubble" when iPhone 2 came out.

>> No.58619818

Should we short CRNC, or is it too close to Squeeze area with a SI of just under 25%?

>> No.58619837

When's the dip

>> No.58619972


>> No.58620010

>vangaurd if you're passive or till you've got a warchest ~$30k
Then what

>> No.58620044

is a 20% ROI good enough? i feel like i'm dead in the water at 26, only have been able to invest like 10k since i started being a wagie last year. i need more capital but idk how.

>> No.58620053

set a buy limit for gamestop at 29 and hope it triggers today
go all-in, it's likely you can X5 or X10 that shit

>> No.58620080

yes its very good.

gme sucks.

>> No.58620158

As a leaf investing in CAD, I do NOT currency hedge, for the exact same reasons you laid out.
I also hold TLT for this reason, fuck the CPI, fuck the FOMC, rates are coming down over the next 2 years.

>> No.58620384
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well then you've got a minimum viable stack to play ball in the stock market.
learn how it all works, stocks options futures etc...
and decide if this is a game thats worth your time to play. (it took me about 6 months to learn all the mechanics)
in the meantime save up your second stack.
and think about your Strategy.
the default should be something like have 100 shares of a stock/futures. and whenever it dips write a put.

if you haven't lost all your money by the time you get that second 30k saved. you can price your time.
How much time did you spend looking at lines on a screen? How much did you gain in that time?
if you beat the market by 3x become an active investor.
If you suck ass passive investing boglehead is where you should stay.
if you are hitting salary replacement thresholds, consider quitting and becoming a pro.

>> No.58620453
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>>>58620053 (You)
>gme sucks.
up 22% yesterday faggot
and the biggest public short thesis holder closed his position he opened 2 weeks ago

>> No.58620626
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His smile and optimism…

>> No.58620664

how much margin was called?

>> No.58620692

its shit pump and dump it went down almost 2 years.

go to your baggie thread to talk with your cult

>> No.58620718

market may be fake n gay but these earnings sure as shit aren't

>> No.58620733
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>2024 will be a firesale
>its over, dump in march incoming
>sell in may and go away

LMAO even
/biz/ has been catastrophically wrong

>> No.58620743

i'm not buying overvalued stocks
suppose i'll stick to my current fund then

>> No.58620813

new bake since nu biz doesn't have a baker anymore

>> No.58621089

fair market value is $50 but ok don't forget to off yourself when its holding over $45 stable from now until forever