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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58578295 No.58578295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The official /biz make it folio
If you own at least 2 (two) bags of one of these you're gonna make it in the next bullrun and deserve a well earned CHECKED

>> No.58578301
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>> No.58578319


got none of em and i still gonna make it

>> No.58578342
File: 33 KB, 657x527, 18742111499632485s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well im still holding to my link and btc like a good boy and i think im going to make it

>> No.58578347

5/8 not bad, see you at the top op here's your checked

>> No.58578459

im sorry for you op but avi is already dead, there's no coming back from that

>> No.58578528

aight im going to say it, the wolf of wall street is a really really shitty movie, like legit asbolutely crappy

>> No.58578542

A lot of people like this movie because they fantasize about being Jordan Belfort as if he's a remotely admirable person simply because he has money. The same people espouse "hustle culture" as the only way to happy life

>> No.58578551

i know, i decided to watch it for all the hype i see thrown around it and its... shitty, boring even
first of all it's way to drawn out it feels like the movie never goes anywhere and when it does it feels like it came from nowhere
second, the main character is never likable, not even in the beginning, and he never faced any character development
i am aware of that the movie if based on Jordan Belforts' real career but I feel like it's nothing you should create a movie about
my main problem with the movie is that the whole movie is all over the place and never lands, the way too long scene with the very strong pills making him basically paralyzed is also just weird and does not fit the only good thing about the film is leonardo decaprio's acting but even with that kind of flawless acting, it can't save the rest of the movie.

>> No.58578556
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stop fudding and better tell us how big your avi stack is my nigga

>> No.58578570
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You know what all of these have in common OP? That's right, a true community of holders ready to give their all to make it, together. Kendu reflects this perfectly, the community has forsaken previous shitcoins that relied solely on big figures to pump their bags and decided to do the hard work themselves, power corrupts, so a well distributed power means no one will ever rug or betray everyone. Its a new era of shitcoins, we don't gamble anymore, we work

>> No.58578573

>three fiddy

>> No.58578712

Which Spurdo, OP?

>> No.58578716
File: 288 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240524_070424_254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot squid

>> No.58578788

You basterds are making me get a solana wallet

>> No.58579652

I'm already 10x up from AVI what are you on about?

>> No.58580437
File: 49 KB, 750x1000, CHibb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spurdo with 0xD contract and yes you'll make it