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58576146 No.58576146 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of getting extorted with car insurance. I just get liability insurance to not go to jail. Can't I just do a chargeback with my credit card? every 3 months and hop insurance companies?

I have no moral problem doing this. I'm a victim of an extortion scheme by the insurance companies. So whatever I do to get my money back from them is justified morally.

>> No.58576161

>tranime poster
>hide thread

>> No.58576198

They collude more than you think so you might get charged more and more for every time you do it once you stop being able to. You're better off just shopping around and getting a lower quote from elsewhere every time they up your rate. Also, you can call a rep and straight up ask to have it lowered; it doesn't always work like your dad says it will, but I got $20 off one time because I off-handedly mentioned I don't drive to an office anymore and the agent took that as an opportunity to lower it

>> No.58576220

Insurance costs are getting fucking insane. Fuck insurance companies. They simply don't need to charge as much as they're charging

>> No.58576238

Don't forget the part where they spin it and say you're really paying to make up for the people who are successfully abusing their systems, once again conveniently placing the blame on your fellows

>> No.58576244

I think I'm just going to switch to AAA which is a non profit insurance company. My retarded parents told me to use Geico because "it's the cheapest". And then I'll do a chargeback on Geico once I have the new insurance.

it pisses me off to think I'm making these jews profit. I wish there was a bare bones non profit insurance company where you don't get any perks, and only provided the most basic liability insurance.

>> No.58576268

Don't' drive to an office anymore? What does that mean?

>> No.58576271
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dude i totally feel you on how insurance companies can be such a pain they're basically the og shitcoin that everyone has to buy into it's like paying into some huge ponzi scheme that keeps inflating the cost because of a few assholes who abuse the system but hey imagine if we had a crypto token for insurance - something completely transparent and decentralized that couldn't be gamed by the bros at the top it would be the ultimate solution to fighting the insurance industry that's kinda like the vibe we're going for with chooky - decentralizing the power

>> No.58576345

It means I don't commute with my vehicle which means I spend less time on the road in general, making me (statistically) less liable to insure

Okay nigger fine, where do I buy Chooky?

>> No.58576368

>I just get liability insurance to not go to jail

>> No.58576377

You need bare minimum liability insurance to drive. Are you not American or what

>> No.58576378
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>start slowly mandating insurance for literally everything
>drive a car?
>own land?
>want to go to the hospital?
The government has been slow rolling a forced collectivism in every facet of every responsible citizens life.
And then they want taxes on top of it
You were probably trying to be hyperbolic by calling it extortion, but that's exactly what it is

>> No.58576410

Insurance is fine but they need *gasp* yes, government regulation to make sure they aren't making obscene profits. Any profit they generate should be kept to a strict minimum.

>> No.58576495
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>insurance is fine
If that argument had merit, what mechanism, since all the new insurance regulations have been enacted in the last 15 years, has helped keep these profits at "strict minimums?"
Insurance, like any other collectivist enterprise, needs to be 100% voluntary. If it worked, you don't force people to purchase it.
The government forcing any citizen, for any reason, to purchase a good or service, in perpetuity, towards a for-profit institution is an absolute abortion of personal sovereignty that would (and did) make the framers of the constitution take up arms

>> No.58576657

Use an independent insurance agent. They will find the best deal for you.
Do you even need a car? I got rid of my car and I'm saving so much on insurance alone it's insane.

>> No.58576853

YMMV, the guy I tried to go through sucked balls. You need to find a good magic man to beat just sitting down for a couple hours and shopping around with barebones coverage

>> No.58578157

> needs to be 100% voluntary
insurance is, atleast in America, but they work very hard to keep that a secret.
learn abit more about it:

>> No.58578214
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You're right. Your strategies are morally justifiable and you should do everything in your power to scam insurance companies, it is not only a defense of your net worth but a responsibility each of us have as american citizens, plus with the money you're saving you can get some honkler bags and absolutely make this a win win

>> No.58578641
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Dude just scan your old insurance card and the apply some basic ass editing with MS paint. Move a 4 from somewhere else on the card to where the 3 is and boom, now you are insured for 2024. Print that shit out and stick it in your car. I did it for years when I was broke. If you can't afford insurance you should be driving a piece of shit that doesn't have a loan on it. I showed it to cops all the time. If i didn't have a current one with me and got a no insurance ticket i would just print out a new one and show it to the prosecutor and boom, case dismissed. All good if you never get in an accident.

>> No.58578671

>I just get liability insurance to not go to jail.
Same, bro. I'm paying $2400 a year for that bullshit.
I'm 38 white male; been driving since I was 16; never had a single accident/violation; drive less than 2000 miles a year.
Absolute bullshit. Fuck insurance kikes.

>> No.58578761

This got me thinking. The problem with your method is it's forgery and a felony, so if I got caught doing that, whilst I don't consider it morally wrong to defraud an extortion scheme they deal with you harshly by doing this. I'll consider paying for annual insurance policy, get the card, and then cancel for a refund. If they won't refund me, I'll chargeback. After, I'll still have hold of the physical card with an expiration date a year from now. That way, I have a valid card and then I just wouldn't say anything to cops when I hand it over. But if they check the claim online or by phone they'll find out it was cancelled.

But I'm not sure if my state is a state where the insurance companies and cops are in deeper collaboration with the extortion scheme, because some states the insurance companies share access to their database of actively insured for the police.

>> No.58579036

find a good insurance agent. I swear this guy got me the same insurance companies but at half price. Pain in the ass because so many companies consider my car a sports car (2 door accord)

>> No.58579085

Isn't that just adding on another expense?

>> No.58579105

their fee comes from the rate, so no. Unless you get one of those weird ass agents that you pay to find insurance for you which is 100% a scam.

>> No.58579117

What are their fees? Are they really going to give a fuck about someone that just wants liability insurance?

>> No.58579186

No idea, but they're commission based in general so whatever you pay in insurance, some of it is actually going to them.

it's not always cheaper than just going direct, but you're not losing anything by just going to them and getting a quote from some agents and seeing how it compares to just going direct since they are commission based. You usually wanna scout out the ones that work with a few providers over the ones that exclusively work with one company. it really truthfully just depends on where you live + what you're insuring. It's not a bad idea to seek out a new quote every 6 months. They can also get you nice discounts.

I live in CO and paid about 1900ish to insure my honda accord with liability + comprehensive as well as a 90s buick shitbox with liability. For the liability portion, I seriously am paying the same rate for a year as I was for 6 months at progressive and my coverage is better. I pay for 100/300/100 on all my cars. I'm comfortable enough with that amount.

>> No.58579275

Heh, yep.

>> No.58579299

Hi anon are you a real girl that looks like your anime picture?

>> No.58579317

Yet you guys complain about Europe and the 15-min neighbourhood walk kek
Cars are a scam all around

>> No.58581037

Insurance *probably* needs to be mandatory, but whats wrong with making it more affordable for eveyrone? Imagine a world where people aren't being gouged by insurance and can save money?

>> No.58581051

>complaining about anime on an anime imageboard
is this how you choose to spend your limited time on earth?

>> No.58581892

>/a exists
>on a supposed anime image board

>> No.58582133

An image is required to post a thread. Why would someone save stupid images? The only images I have saved are of cute girls.

>> No.58584223
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I'm considering changing my plans to buy a car, the cost of maintenance and insurance are scary, and I don't want to spend everything I gain with $kendu on a car I will only use 3 times per week

>> No.58584328

Move to New Hampshire you dumb faggot. Enjoy going bankrupt when you are at fault for a serious accident.