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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58575347 No.58575347 [Reply] [Original]

pay off my car loan

2% loan, 25k left to pay it off, it's $780/mo and I have 100k in the bank.

> inb4 invest that money instead
stock market ain't doin shit rn

>> No.58575354

lol buy bitcoin fuck 2% interest that's less then inflation.
you are losing 4-10% per year on your cash and you are worrying about 2% apr loan? you deserve to be poor

>> No.58575362


LMAO. What car? How much did you put down?

>> No.58575378

>$25,000 left
Bitch what? How much was the original car?

>> No.58575411
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lol buy chooky token bro its going to the mooooon its the best investment in the world the 2% apr you are paying per year is nothing compared to the 1000x this coin is going to give you so you better load up now it was down like 500% but now its up 2000% with only room to go up more so get yours now while $choo is still low

>> No.58575448

You're crazy for buying whatever the fuck put you in that position, but I'm guessing you're also getting eaten alive by car insurance payments as everyone else is; the only way to cut into it significantly is to get rid of your at-fault collision coverage which you typically aren't allowed to do if you have a lien, so if you're going to pay it off anyway, then you should take advantage of that option while you're at it.

The downside is you'll be 100% on your own for damage to your car/getting a new one if you get yourself into an accident where it is your fault, but just don't be a retard. Insurance always fights tooth and nail not to pay what you're owed anyway so honestly I don't count this as much of a downside - especially if you have enough money to get a new shitbox in the worst case. The upside is that you'll save at least a hundred bucks every month, and probably a good chunk more than that. How's that sound champ?

Or just sell this fucking thing and buy a cheaper car

>> No.58575629

zupra. put down something like 12-15k

>> No.58575634


>> No.58575640

what position? I have a lot of money. my insurance is 700/yr

>> No.58575708

Who the fuck is insuring your Zupra for $700/year

>> No.58575763


>> No.58575904

I think Mapre's just a broker or whatever that directs you to the options with actual insurance companies, but I just ran through it and got quoted for $70 less per month via Direct Auto. Thanks anon

>> No.58575913

$100 in FUN rn would pay it by July anon, it’s all the matter of perspective

>> No.58575927

because a high yield savings account pays 5.25% right now

>> No.58576284

>stock market ain't doin shit rn
S&P 500 hitting ATH today not doing it for you?

>> No.58576563

hope you don't plan to have your money there long unless you enjoy getting rug pulled.