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File: 2.31 MB, 1399x1622, adem_geox_chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58571563 No.58571563 [Reply] [Original]

>Adem wears Geox. He loves his Geox so much that he decided to make it his online identity. Whenever someone meets Adem, they HAVE to compliment his Geox shoes; otherwise, he will enter a spastic rage and start fudding the person that dared ignore his brand-new breathing shoes. In fact, Adem considers his Geox shoes his friends, and since they breathe fresh air, he considers them a real breathing, living alter ego of himself.
>One day, Adem decided to join a local chainlink advocate club. For the special occasion, he made sure to wear his shiniest pair of Geox shoes. As he walked in, he noticed linkies glancing at his shoes but not saying anything. His eyes twitched with suppressed frustration. He took a deep breath, reminding himself to stay calm.
>A cheerful woman named adelyn suddenly approached him. "Hi, youw musty bee news heres! I'm Adelyne," she said with a bright smile. Adem grinned back, waiting for the inevitable compliment. But Adelyn didn't mention his shoes. Instead, she continued, "Sirgay nazarov is comingth soons pleased taked a sat"
>Adem's smile faltered. "Uh, sure, but don’t you want to say something first?" he asked, his voice a bit strained and shaky.
>Adelyn looked puzzled. "Something? Like what?"
>Adem's eye twitched again. "Umm, forget it" he said through gritted teeth.
>The tension visibly growing into Adem’s body. "you are ignoring my friends..." he muttered, almost reverently.
>As the audience started to enter the meeting hall, Adem found himself next to a tall, lanky guy named ChainlinkGod. CLG was chatting away about his fellow link marines, completely oblivious to Adem's growing irritation. CLG had yet to compliment his shoes.


>> No.58571564

>Finally, Adem couldn't take it anymore. He tapped CLG shoulder and started pointing dramatically at his Geox. "Aren't you going to say anything about these?!"
>CLG, taken aback, blinked. "Uh, nice shoes, man?"
>Adem's face split into a relieved grin. "Thank you! These are my Geox, I call'em Thomas, my only friends They breathe, you know. They're practically alive!"
>CLG nodded slowly, edging away slightly. "Yeah, that's... that's great."
>The rest of the preliminary "meet and greet" before sergey came onto the stage was pretty uneventful until sergey stomped the stage with his 600pound morbid obesity, as he was fondling with the mike, silence was filling the room, you could even hear flies buzzing around, suddenly Adem in his nervousness made a slight basketball squeak with his beloved shoes. Panic set in. He immediately stopped and started shrinking in seat, thinking nobody noticed.
>"Um, whatwas that?" Sergey said in a very mocking tone...
>everybody in the audience turned towards Adem looking at him insistingly, "IT WASNT ME!!!!" Adem replied dramatically. "My Geox, they're... they're..."
>Sergey exchanged puzzled looks with the audience. "Maybe there's just a bit of water in them or something?"
>Adem shook his head. and pulled a scream that could be heard across the hall. "NOOOOO! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MY GEOX!!"
>The group watched in stunned silence as Adem was spasming and throwing tantrums towards sergey and the audience, tears streaming down his face.
>adelyn spoke up. "Uh, Adem, I thinkd maybe it'z times to gets some new friends."
>Adem looked up, horrified. "Replace my Geox? Never!" He cradled the shoe protectively, as if it were a wounded animal.
>From that day on, Adem decided to change his twitter handle into @ChainlinkThomas as memento towards his hatred for sergey nazarov and the linkies and became known as the "80 IQ romanian fudder" in the chainlink community.

Everyone made sure to report for hate / incitement all of his tweets.

>> No.58571632

Fucking kek adem is such a goon

>> No.58571704

15 min time out post

>> No.58571715

imagine spending all this time writing this. much worse than a porn addiction. you need some SERIOUS help, linkcel

>> No.58571727

>i'm gay
okay adem

>> No.58573181
File: 207 KB, 868x652, 1699746576403846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advocates now targeting based Thomas since he had 800+ followers on twitter and all the normies would always agree with him. You know its over when you have to resort to censorship because your points can't stand on their own. Advocates are exactly like the screeching troons who try to dox and ban anyone for not playing along with their gender larp fantasy.
Sorry linkcels, link was objectively a terrible investment and everyone knows and can clearly see that. You will never be a real gem and you have no pumps.

>> No.58573900

pure fudcuck cope
most of the accounts that engage with adem kayser are just the usual discord nufudders + their sockpuppet accounts if you actually look
and they actually think that people buy it - just like they actually think that people cant tell when they samefag here
its just bizarre and pathetic desu

>> No.58573911

Theres nothing wrong with fudders. Its people like you that make the value ascribed to holders worse. If you are a LINK holder, they are unironically doing us a favor.

>> No.58573931

>the troupe of brain damaged third worlders spamming biz with the same fud over and over again are le heckin BASED
keep coping, fudcuck
god knows how many hours you dumb animals have spent mindlessly trying and failing to shut down link discussion / get people to unstake / get people to sell on here

>> No.58573938

Based mind fucked fanfic

>> No.58573969 [DELETED] 

That fanfic is kino ngl

Also kill adem
Drill Adem's knees with a powerdrill
Dunk Adem into a pool of acid.
Cut off Adem's fingers.
Flay Adem's lower body.
Dissect Adem's brains and cum on them.
Liquidy Adem's eyeballs using molten lead.

>> No.58573996

> all the normies would always agree with him.
I’m very interested in how new you are to /biz/.

>> No.58574127
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1489, fud c u c k s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and the biggest losers of 2024 are...

>> No.58574684

beyond cringe...dating life not going too well eh?

>> No.58575706
File: 246 KB, 999x999, 1703917232150245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch grass loser