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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58568239 No.58568239 [Reply] [Original]

Lack of transparency is a huge issue.
In a public announcement they implied:
>1. APU.com cost 7 figures.
>2. APU was featured in an episode of the Simpsons.

Neither of these statements are true.
Then one person who vandalized the Simpsons wiki but had his post immediately reverted also tried pumping his bags by acting as if it was a permanent change to a webpage no one visits.

The High Council bought APU through a company that claims "We keep domain name registrants' identities secret"

Why should we trust people that anonymously bought a website and won't reveal how much they actually bought it for?

APU devs are acting like HBAR when they tried to claim they were affiliated with BlackRock. Hedera team would always do this kind of shit in 2021, but now people are calling them out for their bullshit. So we should do the same for the APU team.

Why did the 2 top whales that sold APU for nearly a mil or over a mil go all in on PEPE? Could it be APU is Hydrox?

>> No.58568244

Pallidus got doxxed when it was discovered he deployed from Binance, this is an indication the "team" does have people in "high places"

>> No.58568258

I keep hearing this "know people in high places" shit. But it's just baseless speculation

>> No.58568266

Touch grass
Why do you spend so much time on this
Spamming the same thread every single day on some fag website domain of some shitcoin no one cares about

>> No.58568269

because I bought and it tanked and now I'm stuck with the coin

>> No.58568280

You spam the same shit thread every single day fudding your own bags because your shitcoin dumped?
Rhymes with page

>> No.58568284

>because I bought and it tanked and now I'm stuck with the coin
What made you believe so much in your price targets when you bought the top?

>> No.58568288

it's not fudding. I bought because I didn't research I just saw line go up and all the hopium. Now I've actually done my research.

If it ever goes back to my entry I'm selling

>> No.58568289

So what, you think the whole pallidus doxxing was a LARP?

>> No.58568295

>If it ever goes back to my entry I'm selling
Stop shitting up the board until then
In all fields

>> No.58568297

no if I suffer then everyone else must suffer

>> No.58568308

I don't understand what's happening but APOO niggers get the rope.
enjoy buying your rugging scam

>> No.58568311

>If it ever goes back to my entry I'm selling
I hope you get it.

>> No.58568332


nah he got doxxed and that is the reason he locked his bag, probably got threatened or something IRL

>> No.58568368

You must be new. He got doxxed like 3 days after rugging the project back in March. He only locked his shit up recently.

>> No.58568798
File: 250 KB, 1553x944, apu-simpsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lack of transparency is a huge issue.
>In a public announcement they implied:
>1. APU.com cost 7 figures.
>2. APU was featured in an episode of the Simpsons.
>Neither of these statements are true.
>Then one person who vandalized the Simpsons wiki but had his post immediately reverted also tried pumping his bags by acting as if it was a permanent change to a webpage no one visits.

It's not their fault if your brain misinterprets the information it reads.

They wrote "being featured on the Simpsons, one of TV’s most popular shows."

Are the Simpsons one if the most popular TV shows?

Where did they officially announced that it was featured in a TV episode?
They didn't.

It appears in the official Simpson comics.
Page 6 (see pic)
Happy reading, retard.

Was APU.com featured in the Simpsons?
in the official Simpsons comics.

>The High Council bought APU through a company that claims "We keep domain name registrants' identities secret"
Privacy is a fundamental right, wanna dox your identity here ANON?

>Why should we trust people that anonymously bought a website and won't reveal how much they actually bought it for?
Because it doesn't matter if they bought it for $100 or $1M, what matter is that from now on APU.com, a premium 3 letter .com domain is owned by the APU crypto.
Don't trust them, you don't matter.

>Why did the 2 top whales that sold APU for nearly a mil or over a mil go all in on PEPE

Because people can do whatever they want with their money.
I can sell all my APUs and buy PBUTT, why would you care, fucking retard.

>> No.58570176
File: 100 KB, 1103x1280, apu.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the effortpost anon. See you at billions

>> No.58570263

They implied it was in an episode and you know it. Why didn't they outright claim it was in the comics. We all know this now. But it's the same with their vague statement saying "3 LETTER DOMAINS RUN UP TO 7 FIGURES". Ya, not this one
Show us the invoice or G T F O

>> No.58570277

this is bullish

>> No.58570283

it didn't imply anything you fucking pedophile, learn propositional logic before you post on here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propositional_calculus

>> No.58570357
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Stop being disingenuous.

It would be like saying APU.com was featured in Family Guy, one of the most popular TV Shows.

Later it being revealed it was from a family guy comic book no one ever read

>> No.58570358

Look at this thing dive bombing while the baggies try to cope, lmao.

>> No.58570361


if you apply propositional logic on "being featured on the Simpsons, one of TV’s most popular shows." it is " simpsons AND tv show" you dumb faggot.

>> No.58570372

also everyone (you, me and all others in this thread) know that you're being disingenuous

>> No.58570487
File: 1.19 MB, 1179x1634, IMG_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is (You) holding my bags. How does it feel to know that I took your money? Fuck you baggot. Fuck you baggie. You deserve this. Fuck you, dumb nigger.

>> No.58570559

The funny thing is that I’ve already made it, baggie. I fucked your shitcoin just for fun, baggie. Thanks for the money, baggie. I still have 1 wallet left to dump with around 150k USD worth of fagpoo. How does it feel to hold my worthless bags? I will slowly milk the liquidity until this goes to zero. Keep holding this shit and miss the bullrun to pay me, baggie. You exist to get dumped on, subhuman.

Fuck the rest of you baggies too.

>> No.58570612


You can't do shit retard, stop acting like you have any kind of power over the coin's future, you simply don't.
If you really have that wallet, dump it, who gives a fuck?
We're gonna eat that 150k like it's Thanksgiving, lol.

>> No.58570637

Together with the Chinese wash trading wallet, I’m responsible for the dump from .9 to .42 while posting about it openly here. I’ve already dumped billions of tokens on you and killed this shitcoin’s momentum. Look in the archives, circus freak, and despair!
See you at zero (0). I’ll dump more unless you fill in “FAGGOT” in your name field like a good little cyckold, baggie.

>> No.58570665


like you're eating the the weeks long downtrend like now? KEK

>> No.58570704

You’re OP, right? I want to make sure this is clear: you are the dumbest, blackest, most AIDS-ridden niggerbaggot third-world subhuman among all of APU holders. I RAPED you by taking your money and then you spent time making edits of this shitcoin’s domain name history like this was the deciding factor. And worst of all: you are STILL HOLDING THIS SHIT. You are fucking STUPID. Enjoy seeing your money evaporate to zero. I wish I had a billion more fagpoo tokens to dump on you.

>> No.58570707


Exactly, each dump I'm accumulating with profits in other inferior shitcoins, thanks to retards like you.

>> No.58570739
File: 34 KB, 699x485, apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1bil market cap is FUD. Apu has the biggest upside right now of any memecoin and will still 100x from here. 10K USD into it right now will net you over 1mil at peak bull mania. Sideliners have already been seething and will seethe even harder in the next 8-12 months.

>> No.58570752

Don't care, not selling

>> No.58570757

You’re a fucking nigger and I dumped 40k on you just for your last faggot post. The only reason this shitcoin is still alive is because the rest of the CT whales in my group chat are only exiting slowly. I have a 4m account, maybe I’ll convince them to sell and dump it lower than Ashbie.

MOG is destined to be the winner of this bullrun. APU is going to fucking zero.

>> No.58570779
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>> No.58570812

Convince them to dump it all, retard, and dump the rest of your tokens, I wanna see this coin under 100m for fuck sake, JUST DO IT, forward this message in your private chat full or retards.

Reality is this group doesn't exists, you created a whole rpg in your head, you're poor, even pajeets have more money than you, I already told you pal, reality is YOU DON'T MATTER.

>> No.58570878

I don't really care, most episodes are slop besides golden era Simpsons before the internet was popular. It's just a little cool that Simpsons is technically part of the lore now.
What's cool is we can shill three letters instead of the .community domain.
The whole Times Square ad just proved how much better it is just directing people to the domain. Prior to that, the qr code was the best shot at getting people to the site and learn more.
none of those things were incorrect. Look at other memecoins worth way more than Apu and tell me if they attempt anything coming close to Apu?
That's not even counting coins like Brett, where no one even talks about it, but they're worth over 1B, with half the supply owned by like 10 people.

>> No.58570895
File: 518 KB, 530x674, 1721837213721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck that's based
i'm not even into ANDY, i'm just a SUPER holder but jesus christ

>> No.58570925


Not to mention nobody ever claimed apu.com cost 7 figs, announcement post about it said that 3 letter domains can cost upwards of 7 figs. If OP thinks the new team just happened to have a couple million dollars lying around to buy it, I don't know what to say. I'm sure the previous owner didnt give it away and it wasnt cheap, but use your brain and common sense OP lol.

>> No.58570981

Pretty sure I saw posts on this board with people implying it was previously owned by the Simpsons themselves. But this was not an official announcement but complete bull. The previous owners were all boomers and not wealthy ones. The last owner probably didn't even ask for 5 figures. No one knows what APU is. The whole hopium around this coin is that normies will learn that APU is the retarded pepe variant

>> No.58571020

If apu is just a retarded pepe variant, explain why apu went to 400m and not groyper, peepo, marv, honkler, booba etc etc etc

>> No.58571037

I see you.

You're staring at Dextools with your browser open, hoping to see some random wallet sell a huge amount of APU so you can come on 4chan and say, "See, I sold and crashed the coin, it's going to zero, I'm so powerful."

LIKE what you did with that 40k sell done 45 minutes before the message where you said "I sold 40k because of your post"

In reality you're just a pathetic loser with no power, and you're as poor as shit.

Go fool your imaginary wealthy friends, you're not fooling me, clown.

>> No.58571042

peepo has a more realistic marketcap. if APU was the same, apu would only be at 16M right now
marv and groyper and honkler are recent launches
APU like literally all the other shitcoins, sega mascot bitcoin, etc. all pumped in late 2023 and spring 2024

>> No.58571065

I mean the chart is not exactly proving him wrong right now.

No one is buying it.

>> No.58571076

Add HONK to the bag. Marv is ridiculously undervalued and will send hard.

>> No.58571122

>Privacy is a fundamental right, wanna dox your identity here ANON?
Didn't they release the doxx on Palladius but are afarid to dox themeselves.

>> No.58571168

Fudders are the poo on the bottom of a poo's shoe; pathetic specimens.

>> No.58571485

they're not going to, that's the point op, i already super sold my apu and directly bought into hottie, i still hold strong my suicide stack and if i see a strong dev team forming again i will buy back, but its looking really fucking grim