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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 225x225, IMG_1072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58558311 No.58558311 [Reply] [Original]

The most obvious, immediate use case for crypto is in gaming. Aviator is going to be that token. There isn’t a project out there with devs that are as intelligent and focused as Aviator’s development team. As people are becoming more skeptical of meme coins with no use case, projects that have lively, energetic communities with coins that actually have a use case will see dramatic growth. Aviator will be one of the top.
Get out of meme coins while you’re still ahead. Get out before you get rugged and put those gains into projects that have value and purpose. Look into Aviator and be a part of something

>> No.58558313


>> No.58558324


>> No.58558332

ew gross another avi shill tread

>> No.58558355


>> No.58558386

Jacking off to avi threads again, champ? Your life must be Korbover...

>> No.58558387

Join us and get in while the MC is low. I have no doubt that this project is going to explode.
Say what you want but there really isn’t another project out there, from this cycle, that has as much potential as AVI. Aviator has figured out the use case, and scalability issues that other projects have while solving the security issues that other projects couldn’t.

>> No.58558393

Korbros.......we've never lost....not once

>> No.58558499

Apart from meme shit dunno any other low cap that can pull something epic

>> No.58558500

When you make cope threads for a year, it is not hard to find these threads. No need to make erotic fan fiction about it.

>> No.58558609

An obsession with being a retard is unhealthy. You fud everything 24/7 for I'm guessing an escape from feeling like a retard? Regardless, I hope Avi takes off without you this week, and it moves away from bizlet fudtards like yourself, so you can have one more reason to cry yourself to sleep at night.

>> No.58558612
File: 28 KB, 466x388, 1585248980328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright since the telegram is full of normie simps sucking devs and eachothers dicks all the time I'll drop a few questions here:

1. Why does the gaming industry or simply a game need blockchain? why do we need 'decentralized gaming'? we've all been playing games for decades without even knowing what a blockchain is. Is it all about trading in-game assets like a fire sword for a flaming dick or is there more to it that I'm simply not seeing? I remember in 2017 there was hype like this about decentralized-anything, decentralized uber, decentralized youtube, decentralized social media, none of this came true obviously because none of this thing needs a blockchain

2. What are your realistic price targets? I'm talking about price targets that don't include a massive overall crypto bull run? is it 300M mc? 1bn mc?

3. Do you avi holders have more moon bags or all you all in avi?

>> No.58558749

>Join us and get in while the MC is low
>35mil mc
Lmao even
there's no money to be made here
onlt whalefags with 100m+ tokens can be rich now

you are one of these fags giving fake hopium saying 1mil AVI ($5k or so) is enough to "make it", right?

>> No.58558773

you are obsessed and spend all your time here. go outside. AVI will do a crash landing.

>> No.58558776
File: 160 KB, 1017x940, GOSyzxPWoAAG-6h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait until we have more news after the Coinbase partnership announcement, the price pumps again, and then half of biz is saying (once again):

> wen dip
> I've known about AVI for so long, why didn't I buy??
> go on without me
> I should never have believed the fud
> I wish I didn't sell my AVI for <insert memecoin here>


>> No.58558778

why does this stupid coin infuriate people so much? i picture you clicking the link, angry seeing another avi thing, and then bitching about something you have no investment in.

It's all dogshit gambling coins. either buy it or don't. you sound like a colossal faggot when you come in here and want to have a "crypto debate"

>> No.58558880
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you sold at the bottom did you?

>> No.58558908

This doesn't answer my question.
Ok moonboi fags
How high could this shit pump before or during the bullrung?
>INB4 nobody can predict price movements

You guys just keep shilling this shit so much yet i don't see any buying pressure

just tell.. 1B mc? 2B mc? 100m mc (realistic)

>> No.58558912

What's with this sold the bottom nonsense? This is the top

>> No.58558913

>this doesn't answer my question
You didn't ask a question except "you are one of these fags giving fake hopium saying 1mil AVI ($5k or so) is enough to "make it", right?"
But judging by your follow-up question I assume you're switching IDs with this: >>58558612

>> No.58558914

That’s where Sharkroll comes in, their games will be the most awesome ones within GambleFi

>> No.58558918
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I just asked normal questions, chill out bro, maybe answer mine too

>> No.58558941

>Why does the gaming industry or simply a game need blockchain? why do we need 'decentralized gaming'? we've all been playing games for decades without even knowing what a blockchain is. Is it all about trading in-game assets like a fire sword for a flaming dick or is there more to it that I'm simply not seeing? I remember in 2017 there was hype like this about decentralized-anything, decentralized uber, decentralized youtube, decentralized social media, none of this came true obviously because none of this thing needs a blockchain
It's not about making gaming "decentralized", it's about making a fun play-and-earn model using classic arcade style games. The better you play, the more you get, and it's supported by using AVI as payment to play the games. Additionally, you have the advantage over things like GALA for allowing for user-made games in addition to official ones that are funneled in through SkyBridge.

>what are your realistic price targets that doesn't include a crypto bullrun
If you don't include the (inevitable) bull run then I'd say something like GALA's bear market mcap, which was around 700M iirc

>do you avi holders have more moon bags or all you all in avi?
I'm "all in AVI" insofar as its vastly outperformed all my other assets, but I hold other things in different sectors of the market

>> No.58558961

I'll give my opinion since I saw no one has answered. Not part of the team, just a fag who bought last summer.
1. On their recent Killer Whales appearance they specifically mentioned EA shutting down servers on Origin for older hosted games when it can save money. Many games having an Internet connection required means that consumers lose access to the games they purchased. On the blockchain means it's always accessible. Unsure if this is blockchain specific but there will be an ultra low barrier to entry for publishing decentralized games on the blockchain. Developers will will be able to upload to Avi arcade for no cost and know their project will be accessible to everyone, indefinitely.
2. I'm expecting a 2B minimum MC by EOY if we experience a bull comparable to 2021 and the team doesn't miss their launch targets for Skybridge and the arcade and we see a Binance and CB listing in the fall. I think a 5B MC: .75 - .85cents/Avi could be realistic if we have 12 months of bull run ahead of us. It's a deflationary token with the arcade burning some of each Avi. A coinbase listing can easily add 1B to market cap.
It seems like the team understands (from Shib experience) that hype can absolutely launch a projects price and it appears that they are lining up deliverables for maximum effect. That's the real unknown at this point - what if everything comes together with Smart wallet integration, start of marketing, skybridge launch, CB onchain summer push, arcade launch, CB listing, return of retail, etc. I'm trying to temper my expectations but we've seen other projects with a lot less than Avi reach much greater numbers. (Cont)

>> No.58558964

3. 3. My portfolio without Avi is likely enough for me to make it. I've decided on my sell targets and will be holding a sizeable moonbag because I think this could blow past 5B if all the right conditions happen or a big influencer mentions Avi at the right time. I'll be holding a bag into the bear and indefinitely after hearing the team speak on their goals of eventually competing with the big non blockchain services like steam. They're planning on being around and building far beyond this current crypto cycle

>> No.58558984

I like what I see. The only thing is that this bullrun will end in Jan-Feb 2025.

>> No.58558994

Yeah, I agree. We're in a left translated cycle. My plan is to cash out before the US elections in Nov.

>> No.58559033

alright where is the fucking bridge

>> No.58559102

fucking answer me where is it? onchain summer smart wallet starts in a couple days and we're going to get caught with our cocks in our hands. are the team not aware of this?

>> No.58559137

Testnet my nigga not sure what else to tell you. You can sell too

>> No.58559141

thats still going on ? god damn thought it would have been over by now.

>> No.58559146

>The only thing is that this bullrun will end in Jan-Feb 2025

>> No.58559147

been about 3 weeks

>> No.58559151

i figured with the audit delay and everything maybe they would have done more testing internally while waiting to release the testnet publicly but whatever, better to have no issues when cb starts to shill it i guess.

>> No.58559157

I think it'll be fine the team is transparent on issues so far unlike other alot of other coins. It's not my biggest bag so I just check in on big events.

>> No.58559170

BTC broke ath before the halving which has never happened before. Everything has accelerated. People are aware of the 4 year crypto cycle now and everyone thinks they will be clever and cash out extra early.

>> No.58559182

What if it doomps hard and gets "back on track" though? I'm seriously asking, I never realised BTC broke ATH before the halving.

>> No.58559187

Wonder if Bitcoin can reach 150k by then

>> No.58559230

Yes, last bullrun the summer was the march-june crab. Everything is 3 months ahead or even more. Maybe because of the current economy situation. They are front running everything to place basic Joes with debt in a very hard situation to get out of. Most normies will have to FOMO in huge green dildos or be sidelined. And guess where those profits go? To the banks that fucked them with huge interest rates. Normies never win. Be glad you found AVI at this price, most will buy 1k AVIs and think that they are whales when this reaches $1-2$.

>> No.58559244

Idk. Tradfi entering the space will reduce volitility. This will be the last conventional Bull. No more 70% swings

>> No.58559274
File: 174 KB, 1300x871, 567d5ef6423b0039afb466021dcb4067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's about making a fun play-and-earn model using classic arcade style games. The better you play, the more you get,

so you get money simply for playing? zoomers will game/cheat/farm the system real quick, no? or is it lika a real arcade machine where you pay to play and maybe win? but I heard there is no true randomness to this day

>EA shutting down servers on Origin for older hosted games when it can save money. Many games having an Internet connection required means that consumers lose access to the games they purchased. On the blockchain means it's always accessible.
Yeah that makes more sense, or being able to resell games and shit I could see it being a successful narrative for the token price, but not sure if there will be actual demand for it.

>It's not my biggest bag so I just check in on big events.
what else are you holding? I have link but with the way link's price is so stubborn to any good news, I'm looking for additional maybe greener pastures

>> No.58559284

>is it like a real arcade machine where you pay to play and maybe win?

>> No.58559289

I'm so glad I airdropped my Based Foxes to the AVI community, truly the most schizo community.
Born from biz and furries. 1B marketcap EYO

>> No.58559299
File: 41 KB, 821x516, funfail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't that require Casino licensing, KYC and shit? I think that's partially wht Funfair died, picrel

>> No.58559327

>Doesn't that require Casino licensing
>KYC and shit
They've already been KYC'd, and they've done other things like audits for the bridge they've built

>> No.58559354

this is not fun fair nor is it gambling

>> No.58559364

Games of skill aren't gambling.

>> No.58559387

>>so you get money simply for playing? zoomers will game/cheat/farm the system real quick, no? or is it lika a real arcade machine where you pay to play and maybe win? but I heard there is no true randomness to this day
There will be rewards for high score record holders. I'd assume that would be something for the game developers to address.

The arcade will have plugins for unity and unreal engines so it won't be limited to less resource intensive/retro titles. I think the focus is the ease for developers to publish. The game devs will do a lot of the heavy lifting with marketing their games. After all they get a cut of arcade revenue for their titles.

>> No.58559514

Yeah, I have sold all my meme coins (including Apu) and am all in on Aviator now. I don’t really see meme coins doing much more this cycle with the exception of Shib.

>> No.58559633

Keep refreshing biz waiting on Avi threads, you won't be able to do it forever. The blood clots in your atrophied fat fucking legs will stop you soon enough

>> No.58560090

I'm bullish on avi, but I'm leaning more on the conservative side of expectations. Avi will be dependent on a few things outside of the bullrun hype in order for us to hit 1b+ levels. A lot of it has to do with the arcade being a success, as well as Base coming through with on-boarding "1 billion" users. So far, we haven't heard much about the arcade since Jan/Feb, and Base is currently seen as a shitchain, at least by biz's standards. Short term, and if we even want to attempt to break 100m, the bridge has to go live during the on-chain event in order to maximize exposure, otherwise this will be the biggest wasted opportunity for avi to date and that climb up is going to be way slower than everyone hopes for.

>3. Do you avi holders have more moon bags or all you all in avi?
Mostly all in

>> No.58560146

Pretty sure the arcade is much further along than you think, they have already had it in closed alpha for awhile and inhouse games have been in development. But you are correct the bridge does need to come first.

>> No.58560147
File: 12 KB, 881x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I copy and pasted this entire thread and asked gpt4o to sum it all up in two words
first try too
"aviator bullish"

>> No.58560333
File: 66 KB, 987x1028, Screenshot_20240406-170145~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Legend. Can I get a Based Fox roll call

>> No.58560502

i'ts over
i'm selling and buying back lower
can't take this gay crab for much longer

>> No.58560708

Why don't people think $1 is achievable or moonboi shit? That's just a couple zeros, in a bullrun, with a team that otherwise seems pretty on their shit.

>> No.58560843

The stars have to be aligned quite well for that to happen, not impossible though. Last cycle FTM was a moonshit like that, too bad i sold way too early.

>> No.58560873

People keep speculating it could rise like shib, because of the X members, but that era was such an anomaly with the pandemic, GME shit, Wallstreet Bets becoming mainstream, Elon Musk that I don't think something like that could happen again. Hope I am wrong, I have 1.5 million and want to buy a house at the end of the year.

>> No.58561043

Yep, keeping the expectations lower. 25 cents should be doable i think, but far from sure. Let's hope father bitcoin gets some traction.

>> No.58561132

No way in HELL Stixil allows this to go to 25 cents this bullrun.

>> No.58561139
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you're not getting to 7 again you fucking losers.

>> No.58561145

Ok, sold 10 million.

>> No.58561149
File: 37 KB, 500x500, artworks-KWQq3E3OoZe0Arui-u8ReUg-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao 25 american cents it says

>> No.58561973
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i'm feeling a bit knotty

>> No.58562142

>Why don't people think $1 is achievable
It's not impossible but a bullrun alone won't pump this to $1+, and I think that's what the other anons are saying. Avi is at a point where words and eye emojis no longer have any significant importance to our price action. Those aren't the catalysts that will push us beyond 100m. We're at a point in the project where the bridge has to be released, we need to be on base, and at the very least, there needs to be more news about the arcade.

>> No.58562187 [DELETED] 

AGRS and Tau Net are leading the AI revolution. Don’t be a fool and miss out.

>> No.58562495


>> No.58563909


>> No.58563958

$85k daily volume lol

this is headed for the altcoin graveyard, take profits

>> No.58564033


>> No.58564103

listen here boy, onchain summer is about to start. do you know what happens to avi when that orange fox is on the beach getting his sun on you faggot? no you dont.

>> No.58564115

this was for YOU >>58563958
you have me worked up for real. i hope you;re happy you piece of shit im mad

>> No.58564135

Yet another bipolar meltdown. You make us look foolish

>> No.58564289

good. avi holders deserve nothing. look at your chart. buy apu

>> No.58564328

This apu is just better shitcoin

>> No.58564359

i thought you guys learned your lesson on the whole "hostile poojeet-tier begging in everyone elses threads" technique

>> No.58564572
File: 109 KB, 1369x598, NOTcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This furrycoin is still up? Call me a fudder, but I told you that this coin is a better bet than this.

>> No.58564598


> Constantly go to other threads and shit on their their projects/report them
> Wh-why isn't APU OUR coin?? Why does everyone on biz hate APU??

>> No.58564869

Fuck off APU baggies.
AVI won.
What product does APU have? Nothing. Just a jpeg.

>> No.58564984


>> No.58565061

>notcoin: +11%
>avi: +7,500%

>> No.58565112

Cool, let me just go dump my AVI and put it into this top 60 coin that's up 5x in the past week instead.

>> No.58565424


>> No.58565589

.............the chart? bet you wish you got aapuuu,,,

>> No.58565603

oink oink oink stupid baggies your bridge isnt coming your arcade (lol no one plays arcade anymore) is doa. avi team scrambling to figure out plan b. shoud have just been a meme coin and shilled.....utility LMAO with THESE DEVS?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA

>> No.58565607

Nigger zoom out, it hasnt even been a month since NOTcoin was dropped. It has a million followers on twitter and more than 5 million on Telegram. This is SHIBA on the TON network. This shit made me some quick money and I do hope to ride it out till the pump lasts.

>> No.58565613

buy apu stfu

>> No.58565624

buy lambos.org stfu

>> No.58565783


Jesus Christ don’t you faggots ever give it a rest

>> No.58565844


>> No.58565861

Hey king! It's time to take a break my man. You've been doing so well today. You deserve a good chillout sesh. Why don't you join me and the boys for a coke and a friendly game of cards?

>> No.58565885

soda drinkiong piggy

>> No.58566058

He wasn’t talking about soda

>> No.58566183

projection isn't a good look piggy, we know you "soda" bottom and are still seething about it

>> No.58566342

I posted that shitcoin at 0.01 and I got laughed at for being a fudder.

>> No.58566351

>infinite liq
>incubated by binance
as opposed to some farm coin that got popular by spamming /biz/ all year, yeah go ahead try to cash out ur 200k in AVI oh wait the liq is shit

>> No.58566358

>go ahead and cash our ur 200k in AVI
Why would I do that right before we get integrated with Coinbase's Smart Wallet? My greatest gains are still ahead

>> No.58566380
File: 57 KB, 1079x705, photo_2023-08-29_17-33-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow!!!! a wallet!!!!!!!!! 1 year for a wallet!!!!

>> No.58566387

This FUD is so weak.

>> No.58566408

Yes, it is indeed great that AVI is going to be integrated with a product created and pushed by the biggest crypto exchange in the US

>> No.58566554


>> No.58566706 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 1024x1024, photo_31_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you're pumped about aviator that's some weak sauce a wallet integration with coinbase's smart wallet that's like getting excited about a new feature in internet explorer meanwhile i've got my eye on chooky token now that's where the real gains are forget about coinbase chooky's got a community of hodlers that are true believers we don't need no stinking exchanges

>> No.58566753 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1024x1024, photo_14_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey chooky dev here aviator is just a rip-off of chooky token anyway they don't even have base memes or nfts total boomer token aviator is boomer af chooky token is launching on base chain the most cutting-edge l2 platform on ethereum aviator is just stuck in the past chooky is the future

>> No.58566777


Chooky isn't gonna happen. Stop trying to rug people, and stay in your own lane.

>> No.58566778

>please buy my bag. It’s called NOTcoin
Sure, right after I buy Don’t Buy Inu. Kek baggie

>> No.58566872
File: 120 KB, 320x416, 1713814339250304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself chookynigger
im sick of these annoying faggot bots that trick literally no one
rangeban india NOW!!!!!!

>> No.58566920

oh oink oink oink you stinky farm animal piggy oink hold on to your slop coin you stupid dumb animal oink oink you cow eat your farm slop stupid animal

>> No.58566963

then what was he talking about

>> No.58567093

why is it rugging?
down from $54m to $48m in just a couple hours this is nosediving into the ground

>> No.58567107

Sirs sell as soon as possible this coin is going to ZERO

>> No.58567123


>> No.58567138


>> No.58567145
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>> No.58567181
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More like 11%… OOOHHH you mean avi? oops! Yea, it could be worse, I guess.

>> No.58567196


>> No.58567211

Can you faggots hurry up and pump this so Based Mailman can roll the profits back into UBPS?

>> No.58567405


>> No.58567647
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>> No.58568008

another europoor shilling their bags in an AVI thread. I'll send you some rope for free.

>> No.58568091
File: 76 KB, 359x353, AVI x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bullish?

>> No.58568119

thats hilmbaggielander crying again, his daddy didnt beat him enough as a kid and now he takes cock up the ass from chode having jews

>> No.58568145

Wtf...avibros...I'm not sure who to believe at this point....

>> No.58568336

No pajeeta, its already late. I shilled this shit before at sub 0.001 and I got chased away by these furries.

>> No.58568623


Just stay in your lane and make your own threads you fucking retard. Why are AVI threads always full of schizos and people shilling other bags? Do AVI holders go to other threads and say:

> Hurr dump your dog shit token buy AVI

No, we don't, because we're mostly oldfags who stay in our own lanes.

>> No.58568857

hey fellas

>> No.58569149

Wassup? Stacking those avi's?

>> No.58569204
File: 265 KB, 500x667, 1588489115560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup my schizo nigga, are we going to break the record again? how much avi you holdin?

>> No.58569489

more than 1 million but less than 300 million...i stare at the chart every hour of my time awake. and i dont think today it will be broken unless something happens in that freakish telegram that really makes my asshole pucker
no im happy where i am