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58565358 No.58565358 [Reply] [Original]

Spent my monthly sex budget in one day.

>> No.58565389

What's your sex budget? Money you save for time with prostitutes?

>> No.58565409


sinko peso

>> No.58568051


>> No.58568074

nutted in the mouth of an 18 year old who just graduated highschool last week. I paid 22 dollars for mini golf and then 30 dollars for food for us both. Was this a good investment?

>> No.58568138

How old are you
Anyway yeah that seems like a fair deal

>> No.58568144

too old, wasted money

>> No.58568151

bought too many semi-naked vids on onlyfans?

>> No.58568154

Depends how much do you make a month

>> No.58568158

GBPs to cash in with his wife

>> No.58569245

I would complain but I have a junk food budget, it grows from time to time depending on how my Tuzki is doing, we're not so different

>> No.58569500
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>be me
>decided to take a little vacation in south korea
>i had a guy who knew the best parts in seoul
>we went to the best places to eat for a whole week straight
>friday night comes
>"i have another type of meal for you if you're interested"
>sounds gay as fuck translated but he implied sex
>i like where this is going so i say sure and we go to the sex workers district
>there we enter a small but well decorated building
>he speaks briefly with the manager and a barely legal girl comes dressed modestly and starts speaking to me, the manager then motions me to follow her and leads me and the girl to another room
>my friend just tells me "enjoy it, text me when you're done"
>the room was clean and smelled nice, i took a shower and when i came back she was half naked waiting for me
>mfw she was a virgin
>best fucking sex i've ever had
>one hour later (my stamina is awful stfu) i text my friend and start leaving
>the manager stops me and tells me i have to pay
the asshole didn't tell me i had to pay for this, i spent literally all my hooker money on just a single girl, was it worth it? sure, but if it wasnt for the honkler pump last night i would've literally been stuck in seoul without a single penny, be wise with the hooker money lads, ask before you bang

>> No.58569544


>> No.58569554

okay anon im going to ask you something and you need to be completely honest okay?
did you come inside her?

>> No.58569578

High quality Bulls aren't cheap.

>> No.58570453

sodomy is always a bad investment

>> No.58570462

how much was it tho?

>> No.58570510
File: 37 KB, 512x512, CompressJPEG.online_512x512_image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought hamburgers instead, and now my belly is full. These are choices we make everyday. Stop being a hooker addict, or start masturbating.

>> No.58570552

about 3 fiddy and the time and effort of a larp post

>> No.58570601
File: 6 KB, 180x180, TUZKI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically living the dream anon

>> No.58570603


>> No.58570910

I'm that poster on a phone. I'm 33

>> No.58571029

How to meet 18 year old sloots?