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58558075 No.58558075 [Reply] [Original]

Should I work at a bar? Everyone says that you'll lose your virginity

>> No.58558124

if it's a gay bar you will

>> No.58558178

Last I checked bars don't hire virgins. Sorry chud

>> No.58558273

If you don’t have tits or charisma prepare for poverty

>> No.58558593

I thought they said restaurant not a bar.

>> No.58559245

it's a good place to socialize, I worked for one for about 6 months and my social skills increased, although it doesn't do me much good if I just sit at home watching dog charts like Kendu

>> No.58559251

If you're good looking you will

>> No.58560096 [DELETED] 


>> No.58560150

You will make great memories. Take a bartending course so you aren't an asshole fucking up people's drinks and get a job with fun people asap. You will not regret it. Cheers.

>> No.58560323

I mean it's the kind of thing to do if you're a single kid with no responsibilities and no ambition, I guess.

>> No.58560682
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>Tfw 6'3, good looking, good jaw
>God balanced this out with savage levels of hand tremors
>Can never do anything without appearing highly nervous

My bud is one and bartenders completely slay, it's true. Like this guy brings home some bombshells. You also make pretty insane cash for an entry level job, but it's harder work than most people realize. Fun at first, but you're completely rushed and sprinting around in turbo wagie mode.

The reason you plap so many cheeks is literally called the "bartender effect" - where the entire room is desperately trying to get your attention, and this triggers the ooga booga female attraction switches which makes you appear high status. You have zero thirst, because you're genuinely busy and don't have time to get seduced or flirt. Still, I wanted to try this but got cucked out of the experience by shaky ass hands which makes most people think I have Parkinson's

>> No.58560700

Does this apply to women too? I heard bartenders make a decent chunk of change but I've only ever seen male bartenders, so

>> No.58560769

How many male bartenders are charismatic? Like 1 in 10 maybe.

>> No.58560937

You pussed out