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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58557343 No.58557343 [Reply] [Original]

>he is >>>STILL<<< working a job in 2024

>> No.58557352

>t. Miserable neet looking for the only human connection in his life

>> No.58557358

>Wagie cope

>> No.58557375

I am actually looking for work in 2024.

>> No.58557540

what's the alternative without being poorfag neet

>> No.58557556

So true lol this retarded wage will waste his entire life
Unlike you of course, your life is filled with so much happiness productivity fulfillment and joy, not to mention the fact that you can indefinitely sustain your lifestyle as well

>> No.58557579
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Men are fulfilled by accomplishing tasks and overcoming adversity. We are chemically designed to receive necessary dopamine from work. Without that a man is unfulfilled, childlike, and likely possesses the ego of his mother.

>> No.58557595

You do realize you are talking to someone who has the intellectual ability of a rodent right? This retarded faggot literally cannot comprehend what will happen when his parents die and he is left with literally no ability to provide for himself or do anything. It's fine though I'm sure he'll still find a way to have a misplaced sense of superiority despite having less skills than a child

>> No.58557651

I'm a wagie and it's not like I am guaranteed to get whatever the fuck you make fun of that NEET for not having. He's right, you're a coping retard.
>le human connection
When everyone in my company is older than me and every female is a goblina, yeah bro it's great to "connect" with these subhumans, shut the fuck up.

>> No.58557657

NEET supremacy

>> No.58557721

Actually you're right the neet is better than you in this case, imagine being so fucking useless and incompetent you can't even get a real wfh wagie job. I would be hard pressed to call what you do a job because its not even just trading time for money its literally being actively abused and exploited by jewish bosses. You actually have to go to an office lmfao honestly how do you not just kill yourself knowing you are a literal subhuman slave? At least my wagie job pays me 200k a year and gives me other benefits, you are just straight up treated worse than cattle LMFAO
t. Work for friends company

>> No.58557731

and how am i supposed to live without money jackass

>> No.58557743
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Basically what you were suppose to do is make it during the 2021 bull run then tether with a safe and good APY so you don't have to wageslave. People who missed out (like me) have to dodge scamwicks and rugpulls from new shitcoins or trust the plan with Gold and Silver.

>> No.58557748

I plan to retire on reee unironically and never work again this is my last hope

>> No.58557772

I am wfh SE you seething wageslave. Wfh job is even closer to neetdom, hence my question of how is being a neet any worse than being wfh wagie as long as your financial needs are met. You obviously can't answer this hence why you're seething endlessly like an old expired prostitute.

>> No.58557775
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Soon I'll stop

>> No.58557778
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Ahem...I said "soon I'll stop"

>> No.58557782
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kek, this post really angered the subhuman wagies. Enjoy your time losers, tomorrow you are heading back to the cage so tyrone and paco can receive their welfare checks.

>> No.58557785

It's so over

>> No.58557786

Haven't worked for about 2 and a half months now. Im burdenmaxxing now.

>> No.58557823
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>> No.58557824

rich crypto gambler

>> No.58557868

>wagecoping this hard

i own a fully paid off house and have 120 years of living expenses in my emergency fund. seethe harder delusional slave. youre simply a subhuman

>> No.58558127

not joking
>mention crypto at work
>talk about it with the maintenance guy
>he bought doge at .00005 along with a bunch of other shit
>moved it into property
>just shows his assets to get loans
>high spy/dividend stocks pay for the loans
And he works seven days a week to take advantage of over time. He said he tried retiring but got bored after a month.

>> No.58558161
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No don't say that. its not my first choice

>> No.58558187

That's awesome. I don't know what your jumping off point was, but wealth doesn't happen accidentally. Congratulations.

>> No.58558800

Now keep accomplishing tasks to make me richer wagie, I assure you will feel full of dopamine when I buy myself a new yatch with the profits of your very fullfiling job

>> No.58558812
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I spent a decade being a NEET. Meanwhile I inherited a small house and I decided to work for some years to save money and retire early. I shouldn't have been a NEET, I missed out on so many opportunities because I had no money.

>> No.58558826

Take the debtmaxx pill anon
>be a good goy and build credit score for 2 or 4 years
>debtmaxx your credit cards and take as many loans as you can
> throw some at BTC and use your parents banks account to store the money and ear boomer passive income
>never pay back or just pay a few years later just 10% of the total debt
>profit=never work again

Life is good
I'm never wage cucking fucking again

>> No.58558851

Yes I work on what I like rather than working to make a kike richer

>> No.58558852

not really working more than 30min per day but yes I do have a job why not?

>> No.58558862

Not everyone has 2 million in the bank mr goldbergfeinstein. I gotta wage so that some feral nigger will wipe my ass in my golden years

>> No.58559189

i hate being a neet so much, but i live in the middle of nowhere and have no skills. im going to be working minimum wage for the rest of my life just to feed myself. i hate this so much, i have no idea how people get skills and make real money. i cant even get a job in a grocery store

>> No.58559461
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so how am i supposed to get money for my kendu? if i want to make it and stop this market from screwing me over i need to use the tools they give me to do it

>> No.58559471

What do you neets do all day anyway?

>> No.58559523

Gig work mostly. Jobs that don't require a cuck interview

>> No.58559546

HR departments are the most Judaic institutions known to man. The gig work revolution is going to change everything.

>> No.58559554

You're finishing someone else's tasks retard.

>> No.58559564

What do you guys think of business owners? Is that still based (obviously waging is cringe)?

>> No.58559570

Guess he didn’t find out about FUN in time

>> No.58559573

Depends on whether the business owner uses HR roasties or not

>> No.58560021
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Being a NEET may have unironically cost me millions of dollars. I used to follow the /buttcoin/ threads on /g/ back in 2011 when it was like $3. It used to take like a day to mine a bitcoin with a mid tier gfx card setup. I tried mining with my shitty rig but it was taking too long so I gave up.

If I wasn't a neet and could afford a decent rig I would probably have a few dozen bitcoin to my name.

Then again, I would have probably sold when it hit $100 or put it in MtGox and I would have to live a life of regret so maybe its good that I was a neet all those years ago.

>> No.58561237

I would have most likely sold as well around Mt.Gox collapse, but I would certainly buy in ETH at $70 or BTC below $1K. I was also eyeing AMD when they were around $3 before Ryzen came out.

>> No.58562460

ive got an ok job but i fucking hate being on a schedule being expected to deliver my work on time/at a high quality all the time, in an industry i dont enjoy. I miss being a neet. the anxiety of not having a job is better than the one of having one. The only reason i felt anxious to get a job to begin with is because societal expectations but why should i contribute when onlyfans girls make more in a day than i do in a year. i think taking government money for free is actually the CORRECT thing to do