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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58555517 No.58555517 [Reply] [Original]

i'm almost positive out of all the 100s of thousands of coins, tokens, memes, shitcoins, etc. this is the ONLY one that has done literally fuck all this shitty ass bullrun
>inb4 well qnt performs at different times in the cycle
pls kys

>> No.58555540

I have some family members that hold QNT (I introduced them to it and they became QNT maxis while I am mostly a deluded Linkie). It was tough seeing my portfolio crater during the bear market after getting 100% out of QNT and into LINK while they were sitting high and dry (comparatively).

At the end of 2022 though I told them to rotate some of their portfolio out of QNT and into things that already bottomed like SOL, AVAX, LINK etc because I just KNEW that shit would not continue to perform so well. They are properly deluded however and predicted QNT would be at $1000 by now, so they never sold. Missed out on a free x3 on pretty much everything.

>t. Bought QNT at $30 got out at $120 feeling like an idiot when it mooned to $400

>> No.58555542

It pumped HARDS when nothing was moving. What more do you need?

>> No.58555578

I curse the day I bought this. Has to my biggest crypto disappointment.

>> No.58555612

it's a fake project that nobody uses
even the ceo wears fake glasses and has a fake last name

>> No.58556126

I just know the very second I decide to cut my losses and sell it will pump to $500.

Fuck it, I’ll just hold to zero. My other bags are doing amazing

>> No.58556146
File: 150 KB, 965x1200, cucc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've held QNT on 3 occasions, Its old. Diversify at least 1/2 into new shit like ONDO/AERO, etc. Don't be stupid, don't be a cucc.

>> No.58556800

what are the price targets for ondo and aero? ondo seems like it doesn't have the much farther room to run

>> No.58556858

>Bro doesn't know about TUZKI yet

yup you need to lurk moar

>> No.58557000
File: 80 KB, 1200x638, EggsInOneBasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude ONDO is brand new, eating up TVL by the day. I will be shocked if it doesn't hit $15 billion market cap. 8x from here. already went from .80 to 1.37 in the past month, while everything else was flat.

As for AERO, who knows the target, just betting on Coinbase while AERO grows like crazy.

The important thing is that QNT holders get some NEW shit to balance out the older QNT hold. Eggs in baskets, etc. Its just crypto rules. I love QNT, but the maxis on X don't give it to niggas honest.

>> No.58557217

lol brand new. 13billion FDV. yeah real fucking low cap gem you fuckwit.

>> No.58557238

FDV fags have been complaining since $0.20 and have been missed a 6x.
Maybe it’s time to reconsider your ideas around FDV.

>> No.58557305

VC cuck. I like 100x not 5x and making billionaires of fucking Jew bankers.

>> No.58557378

If you 5x then 100x you get 500x

>> No.58557449

The constant crypto rotation in narratives will make your coin crab forever in a few months, then crash completely when btc crashes.

See what happened to tia, sei, sui, stx, apt and all the other new vc shitcoins that were shilled on Twitter.
They all topped at around 2-4B, followed by a crash of 50-60%, because there is no retail, no liquidity and no interest in crypto.
It's just btc, eth and a few memecoins that do well consistently before we get rate cuts or money printing.

Any altcoin >1B is too late.

Correct. The fdv of new alts are jewish with barely any room left to moon. Those projects should not be supported.

>> No.58557705
File: 23 KB, 965x212, greg lunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58557732

Er yeah so the idea is you sort of retire from one successful trade to another, anon. That’s kinda why we’re here…

>> No.58557972

I used to think this...
I believed Greg 'Lunt' (some would say CUNT)
And I invested heavily in QNT, based on FOMO
$10-100k per QNT, they said
2021, I bought 25. Now my wife has left me, I've ballooned to 228lb in weight and I have the urge to transition.

>> No.58558037

I can't believe people act surprised when shitcoins are shit

>> No.58558307
File: 138 KB, 900x885, crow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah real fucking low cap gem you fuckwit
I didn't say it was a low cap. I said it will X. You are missing out by the day, don't say we didn't try to help.

FYI AERO MC is "lower" at $500 million. Betting on sure things is fun.

>> No.58558630

What's this bike star nut thing?
>t ondo at $0.20 buyer

>> No.58559526

The sure bet 10x are down bad. 3 years of next year. How do you get peed on and still have so much self esteem.