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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 446 KB, 2048x1397, Spare change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58521869 No.58521869 [Reply] [Original]

Old pics edition

>>Why Gold?
>https://youtu.be/i3S4rl6ehiI [Embed]
>https://youtu.be/gksenA5Al_A [Embed]
>https://youtu.be/FI7NnOg2rxo [Embed]
>https://youtu.be/iibsrDXdEos [Embed]
>>Bullion dealers
>https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
>https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
>https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
>https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
>more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE
>>Numismatic search
>>News and graphs
>https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
>https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
>https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)
>https://youtu.be/ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]
>>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test
>https://youtu.be/3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
>https://youtu.be/NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]
>https://youtu.be/2ymGAyKAg-k [Embed]
>Previous Thread: >>58496137

>> No.58521878

Well lads, fucked that up. Been awhile since I baked one of these up

>> No.58521945
File: 1.30 MB, 1008x954, a1913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I waited 5 minutes too long

>> No.58522202

$7500 to start stack. Should I bother with junk at all or just stick to Gold/Silver Eagles?

Plan to keep buying (less than $7500 tho, more like 3-5) annually for about 10 years then hold for another 10-15 before considering selling any of it.

>> No.58522214

Worse things have happened, and it's ephemeral anyway.
Thanks for baking.

>> No.58522222
File: 206 KB, 482x538, Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 1.50.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58522266

Good enough for government work

>> No.58522326

yesterday's technology next week

>> No.58522456

You're a mentally sound Burger investing for the long-term and not expecting a habbening? Doing maybe half of that in Eagles for premium plays and the rest in generics, Maples, Brits, Krugs, or Weiners to maximize volume would probably be the way to go. Some variety can be useful.

Junk isn't bad, but is also not especially cheap right now; if you're not getting low premiums I see it as more of a "here's what I'll use when silver is $5000 an ounce and I need to buy groceries for the week in Weimerica" purchase. It's still not bad to have some because why not, but I wouldn't put much focus there. Maybe throw the remainder of your purchase into some.

>> No.58522598
File: 1.47 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they seem to have silver stabilized at 30.50......we need to go higher...

>> No.58522852

Buy Chainlink instead, gold and silver don't hedge well against inflation.

>> No.58523903
File: 1.25 MB, 2160x1832, desktop fondlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old pics edition
Old pics is what i got.its all i got.
so now, finally, after all of this time,..its my time to shine!

>> No.58523914
File: 154 KB, 1080x616, GNz7cgDXkAENUDV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing with China & Taiwan feels big. China must feel it has significant leverage to flex on the US over Taiwan like this
>Steadily buying gold & silver, not just for their central bank but their retail market as well
>Settling more and more international deals without dollars
>UN just reiterated their position on the 1971 resolution not recognizing Taiwan as a country
>Dumping US treasuries, already over $50B dumped this year
>Russia relations at an all time high since the Sino-Soviet split
They have leverage and have been preparing for this. If the US tries to intervene in Taiwan, I think China (with the help of BRICS & aligned countries) could crash the dollar. Operation sandman seems more real now than ever.

>> No.58523926

>stinkie desperately trying to get metal chuds to buy his bags

>> No.58523951
File: 257 KB, 1125x1117, 2uwsmq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need this image updated with "Tits" and "Ass" replaced with "Silver" and "Gold".
"Feet" should be replaced with "Crypto"

>> No.58523980
File: 2.72 MB, 3425x2481, onzas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fistful of Onzas

>> No.58524111

I have about 80 ounces in junk alone. I'm retarded?

>> No.58524210

Nope. Having junk, like U.S. junk would, be bets case scenario for shit hits the fan.

>> No.58524286

What happened to /biz/?

I came back after a couple months to check on /CMMG/ and /PMG/ and this board is... worse.

Did pajeets finally kill it with crypto scams?

>> No.58524290
File: 40 KB, 1010x497, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies implemented email verification to post and killed the board

>> No.58524461

Having anything at all is more than most have.
like 80 ounces puts you into the top 10% if I remember correctly.
Just put something, anything, away and you're outpacing the average person.
Do that enough times and you might end up with a really nice stack.
Consistency is key.
Buying dips is great, but buying regularly is the most important thing.

>> No.58524521
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>> No.58525223


Also there is this dynamic of different countries in different hotspot geographical regions flaring up causing zog to have to shuffle hardware and personnel around.
North Korea was launching a missile over Japan last time for the Asia flare up, it makes sense on a bunch of levels for China to actually step up and do it this time.
Death to zog.

>> No.58525271

Asteroid mining will cause the value of boomer rocks to plummet this year.

>> No.58525675

Kudos, anon.

>> No.58525712
File: 535 KB, 1536x2048, Mercy boba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old pic with mexican tiddy silver

>> No.58525923
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>> No.58526089
File: 959 KB, 1008x1064, myFirstProofRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58526104


>> No.58526124

>He still thinks space is real

>> No.58526615
File: 578 KB, 1673x983, Ag_BarsNotStd1ozt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old pics edition

>> No.58526680
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Based Maria Theresa Thaler enjoyer

>> No.58527043 [DELETED] 

all I know is your timing is off in the short term but who knows if buying now is still a good move

There will be terrorism by the time Trump gets inaugurated on US soil so you can risk waiting for that

So my official advice is to buy 100$ Face right now
Consider buying 100 1oz rounds on top

>> No.58527051

>Nope. Having junk, like U.S. junk would, be bets case scenario for shit hits the fan.
what if niggers wont learn that its not really just a quarter?

>> No.58527244


which one of you is this?

>> No.58527249

the counter top?

>> No.58527252

play the video
some goblin made it

>> No.58527256

a very based Goblin i should say
sorry anon

>> No.58527404

You think mining a fucking asteroid is going to be cheap?

>> No.58527405

>5 solid Onzas of Plata Pura booba
Based and comfy box of treasures

>> No.58527569

>asteroid mining
>4.5 billion tons of gold in africa
Things midwits have been claiming since the 1860s. It's never happening. Asteroid mining is a multi-decade process, and they'll have to finance it on the basis that they won't crash the market because the banks they need financing from are the same ones who already have all the gold.

>> No.58527634

where do you get this meme silver coins?

>> No.58527718
File: 2.63 MB, 3382x2086, 22F5500D-287A-4B04-9AF5-47E0AB3B1C82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old pics edition

>> No.58527727

is that an old hamburg coin over on the right above the pfennig?

>> No.58527750

did the wiener dog poster disappear?

>> No.58527793

No, it’s an East India Company copper x.cash coin from a shipwreck under an Admiral Gardner

>> No.58527860

Or even better. Gold, silver and copper.

>> No.58528079
File: 2.57 MB, 3410x2597, IMG_4368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2024 is complete, might be my favorite out of the new design kooks, but 2023 is a bit more traditional

>> No.58528150

I mean got love the flowers.

>> No.58528154
File: 1.94 MB, 3485x2176, IMG_4370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.58528157
File: 1.97 MB, 3357x2440, IMG_4371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or does the Corinthian bird bath take the cake?

>> No.58528189

That’s an awesome collection you’ve got going - I like the 2023 because he’s got a friend.

I want to start a collection. My stack is currently just a mismatch of shit I liked in the moment

>> No.58528492
File: 2.81 MB, 720x405, output (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always believed in silver!

>> No.58528508

The theme helps focus efforts and makes it enjoyable to break out. I’ve been slowly trim out all the odds and ends I first acquired before finding a purpose.

>> No.58528621
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, Gills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Roaring Kitty a.ka. Deepfuckingvalue? Have you noticed what was the 2nd position in his spreadsheet 3+ years ago? The one after Games Stop (GME) Yes, a gold mining stock. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqOZ5mo7vOw

>> No.58528684
File: 232 KB, 828x614, IMG_1518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious falseflag, BTC is up 156%+ on the yearly chart and you’re trying to cope with missing out (again) on another crypto bullrun. Sad…

>> No.58528739
File: 342 KB, 2048x1381, 4(you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, its 8 onzas of boba in that pic, but the 5oz coin is prolly my favorite piece of silver. I also have a set of (almost) all the small coins.

Speaking of boobie coins, my ex once gave me a scrap metal succubus round. After confirming it was worthless I threw it in the trash with the zinc pennies. Not classy, not precious, just consumeristic garbage, just like that round she gave me.

>> No.58528886
File: 47 KB, 735x733, 633448cea08874ffddd5b686fcdc2f18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My stack is currently just a mismatch of shit I liked in the moment
The story of my life

>> No.58528913
File: 104 KB, 627x630, FLOYDCOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello friends, just checked price and ag is 45 AUD wtf
I just bought some single roos last month for 45

>> No.58528993

No one has any comments? Is this bots talking to bots only thread?

>> No.58529035

I want silver to go down again so I can buy more.

>> No.58529124
File: 211 KB, 1204x1599, IMG_20240526_065837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old pics edition
Ok I'm going to have to break the rules here just this one time.
Here with the family, going on a road trip.

>> No.58529132

Pretty shitty gains for btc, mate. It's called diminishing returns. You might wanna sell before the house of cards collapses

>> No.58529185
File: 3.78 MB, 1476x1052, image-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember Roaring Kitty a.ka. Deepfuckingvalue?
>Yes, a gold mining stock
>Value on April 16, 2021: $1.79
>Value today: $1.97
So mining stocks are absolute bullshit? Thanks for the news flash, genius.
I'm here to stack metal, not talk the latest pump and dump.

>> No.58530066

Sure just two more centuries bro

>> No.58530585
File: 990 KB, 2036x1591, silver-hsbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone moved to /bant/ and nobody is coming back here.

>> No.58530608

Why would I go to a porn board?

>> No.58530620 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 2001x750, silver-coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than staying here surrounded only by jeets, glowniggers and shills.

>> No.58530711

I need this. Where can I get it?

>> No.58530994

>there is no alternative
Literally seashells have all these properties.

>> No.58531306
File: 36 KB, 618x640, 1713803989849208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arent you forgetting someone?

>> No.58531615

Good news for fledgling Canadian mining companies

Of course I don't happen to hold either of the two winners announced in the article but I'm hopeful the funding will continue.

>> No.58531720

Ive always believed in silver

>> No.58531727
File: 2.37 MB, 720x900, 1695876480303275.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 85 oz of silver. How much is too much silver?

>> No.58531915


>> No.58532175

How much can you carry?

>> No.58532747

>less than 20% in 3 years
I have more gains on inflation-indexed state bonds

>> No.58532811
File: 12 KB, 326x252, 1669043229735783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto nerds will seethe

>> No.58532875

>he didn't jump on crypto train pre-halving to have more money to buy silver

>> No.58532968

they'll tamp it and it will bounce back up again
it's futile to tamper

>> No.58533024

You been spamming this nonsensical cat for year now. That said I am a financial advisor who manages a hedge fund worth billions and I can tell you none of my high net worth clients is buying boomer rocks. They are all knees dip in crypto assets.

>> No.58533033

if your high net worth clients had bought boomer rocks then it would be too late already, but it is not too late
thanks for the cheapies!
>with jews you win

>> No.58533139
File: 54 KB, 846x1280, photo_2024-05-27_11-11-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver survived it's first major challenge of the $30 level last week and is now rebounding.

$30 had been a multi-year resistance level, and has now proven to be a support level.

As the thunder run up to $50 resumes, Silver under $30 could soon become a distant memory.

t (dot) me/SilverStackerSS

>> No.58533583
File: 3.96 MB, 4032x3024, E21B5EFA-1AB7-4ED0-829F-7A4AD55CFA01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course silver had a 10 year bull run immediately after I start stacking. Is there any hope for a nose dive in price? I’m only so high up on the tier lists

>> No.58533586

Sorry, you missed sub 30. We are never going back.

>> No.58533657

Im larry finks personal butt boy and I can tell you my boss calls bitcoin tulip mania and laughs at crypto incels

>> No.58533680

Fascinating, would be interesting to read also an opinion of someone who is not retarded.

>> No.58534306

Cowries are even more shizo based than copper.

>> No.58534496

>I am a financial advisor
Eat a bag of shit, cuntface
Go and blow your fucking dad
This shit just raped my eyes
Never read nothing so bad
I hope you fucking die
And I hope you get AIDS
You should just kill yourself
You're a fag lol gay

>> No.58534622

Could be. I started when it was $37 an d it was a downward spiral from then on. Although my DCA puts me in the black now, I was mildly frustrated for over a decade.
Talk back then was "Obama! Inflation will skyrocket!!" (kinda like now) and I FOMOed.

>> No.58534670

They shall

>> No.58534748
File: 225 KB, 1078x1253, Screenshot_20240527-235432_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the market closed rn ?

>> No.58534750

The US is the last market of a weekday, and it's a holiday today.

>> No.58534763
File: 38 KB, 640x480, moslerchestin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How large did your stack get before you thought about or actually bought a burglary safe?
Also why are small volume high security burglary safes so fucking hard to come by?

>> No.58534792

I didn't know it was a holiday in US. Here (Europe) it's not so it was weird for me

>> No.58534936
File: 1.00 MB, 767x738, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How large did your stack get before you thought about or actually bought a burglary safe?
I have $17,000 in gold/silver in an old box by my desk. Another $1500 in sterling upstairs in a Ziploc bag behind a Youth Defense League LP
>Also why are small volume high security burglary safes so fucking hard to come by?
They're inconvenient to ship, just move up to a 24-30 inch tall model

>> No.58535063
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x2874, Screenshot_20240528_002251_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 300 bucks it wouldn't even be worth making from a manufacturing perspective.

>> No.58535106

outside of collectable value, isn't the metal in these coins cheap?

>> No.58535129

.9 silver and 16g so more than walking liberty but less than silver dollar

>> No.58535225

I don't understand how a small safe is supposed to be more inconvenient to ship than a larger heavier safe.

It's a used safe which the market for is really weird, Like apparently some used safes are priced by the lbs while others are not.

>> No.58535496

larger safes are more common than you think, most old store and business safes (earlier 1900s) were the slightly larger sizes and therefore much more common

>> No.58535532
File: 150 KB, 960x938, 1700870109726760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the uss constitution
Visited her in Boston a few months ago, absolutely beautiful ship.

Finally broke 100oz silver and 1.5oz gold after just picking up the things that interest me here and there. Want to get to 5oz gold next while still picking up bits of silver here and there, but gotta secure my next travel contract before I can do that.

Currently at 32.

Pretty retarded, even for a troll post.

China and Russia DESPERATELY want to get away from the dollar as a global currency, and so they're trying to hoard up tangible assets to back their own currency when they inevitably try to make that break. The problem is that China's economy is absolute shit, it's a trillion dollar construction bubble propped up by nothing more than the government saying "we'll kill you if you question our fake numbers." That only works for so long, and at this point it's questionable as to whether they can actually recover. Russia is Russia, need I say more?
Any attempt to crash the dollar at this point only results in China and Russia collectively starving within a year. The dollar is going to shit the bed anyway, because fiat currencies always do, but when it does it's not going to result in China roaring out as the new world superpower.

tl;dr everyone is fucked, mate. Just try make sure that you and your family are less fucked than the one-third of people who are globally going to die when this turd eventually flushes.

Thanks for reading my doomposting. Enjoy the fact that women's insatiable lust for shiny things applies to PMs as well.

>> No.58535601
File: 1.22 MB, 772x818, kos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagmi, /pmg/ bros
never forget to pic related

>> No.58535607

>China and Russia DESPERATELY want to get away from the dollar as a global currency, and so they're trying to hoard up tangible assets to back their own currency when they inevitably try to make that break. The problem is that China's economy is absolute shit, it's a trillion dollar construction bubble propped up by nothing more than the government saying "we'll kill you if you question our fake numbers." That only works for so long, and at this point it's questionable as to whether they can actually recover. Russia is Russia, need I say more?
if china's economy is such shit, how come they can make cheaper solar panels and EVs than america?

>> No.58535608
File: 253 KB, 680x524, 1681263038106928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a comfy feeling knowing i am better positioned than most people

>> No.58535730

Its dead zogbot day

>> No.58535832

To any Canadian stackers here, what websites do you use to buy your PMs? I've been using TD (my bank) and Silver Gold Bull as they're the ones that seem to have the lowest price points for free shipping.

>> No.58535895
File: 2.66 MB, 5390x1400, CND_KlondikeTrio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Burger, but I've been quite happy with bordergold for pic related.

>> No.58536021

Is it worth buying 2oz silver coins? I have the opportunity to buy a tube of 10 20oz Yale of Beaufort coins for $645 and they look absolutely beautiful.

>> No.58536029

yeah 2oz coins rock
i got a bunch of them at spot last Christmas sale from apmex

>> No.58536100

It's good bullion, but the Yale was among the least popular of the series. So it won't appreciate as much as say the Dragon or Griffin. Another unpopular was the Greyhound.

>> No.58536557

Depends what your goals are. I used to have 8000 oz, before the tragic boat accident.

>> No.58536878

Slave labor does not a thriving economy make.

>> No.58536887

>used safe
Someone pointed me at Facebook marketplace for a safe. Tons (literally) of used safes in every size and shape.

>> No.58536940
File: 174 KB, 811x560, baba.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be boring by October.

>> No.58537015
File: 1.40 MB, 1397x972, Notmystack3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58537030

tell that to the romans

>> No.58537275

>i-i-it's slave labor!
sounds like cope to me but ok

>> No.58537289
File: 213 KB, 847x781, Screenshot_20240528_075900_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stack metal
>don't invest in production
Lmao, Captcha:kay4(you)

>> No.58537332
File: 533 KB, 900x731, 1711741046794016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No surprise.

>> No.58537383

You could have gotten twice the return with an S&P 500 index fund with a lot less risk.

>> No.58537400

if you're telling us to invest in miners, no thanks
bunch of charlatans

>> No.58537437

Is there a tier list somewhere in terms of silver coins? I see that certain coins like ASE's and Libertads sell at a way higher premium than other less desirable coins.

>> No.58537495

I used to keep my entire stack in a vacuum cleaner box in the corner of the basement covered by 20 year old video game magazines.

>> No.58537554

hiding spot > muh super duper impenetrable but obvious safe

>> No.58537570

What? If you bought BTC a year ago you’d be up 156%. Compared to gold/silver that’s gigantic. Whatever helps you cope bro

>> No.58537595

You cryptocucks won't be so cocky once bitcoin sees its first recession

>> No.58537629

i made plenty of money on crypto
the difference is, i'm smart enough to know crypto is garbage
156% gains are exactly that: diminishing returns

>> No.58537635
File: 67 KB, 736x732, f1e95315aa41cf32477b969a7402ad9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts bros

>> No.58537699

Whatever you do, don't buy 2009 ASEs

>> No.58537720


>> No.58538065
File: 139 KB, 220x147, LETS HERE IT FOR DAY 23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58538104
File: 2.76 MB, 4032x3024, pres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filthy bankers lost control
filthy bankers lost control

>> No.58538117

The junk that I have is basically what I used when going to an LCS and getting 10 ounces or so at a time and telling the dealer to give me what's leftover in 90%.

>> No.58538124
File: 56 KB, 602x452, hsfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a gun safe might need obvious placement for quick access.

>> No.58538135

Keep mine in the closet, nobody would look there

>> No.58538147
File: 247 KB, 563x455, FyrPUIjWcAALdAG[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh cheapies

>> No.58538161
File: 1.65 MB, 1168x766, 20toz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in time, you will accept the truth that $32 is still cheapies

>> No.58538200

Why do people buy their silver off of anything other than r/pmsforsale?

>> No.58538215

There is an anonymous that made a concerted effort to keep posting the wrong chart despite being told he was wrong several times.

The true number is that 60 oz puts you in the top 1% of silver owners in the world. Not 10% that is bullshit. The situation is much more dire than people realize. His math is wrong and his chart is wrong. The other chart was circulating back in the day but that dumbfuck single handedly spread disinformation and made this common knowledge.

>> No.58538254
File: 210 KB, 480x320, 41BD1609-EAAA-4D34-AC3B-B82D6CF86C17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw $32 again

>> No.58538306

Because it's fucking reddit.

>> No.58538428

>Is there any hope for a nose dive in price? I’m only so high up on the tier lists
Nose dive? No
the premiums stabilize the price
they have low premiums when the spot is high and high premiums when the spot is low

>> No.58538543
File: 207 KB, 1513x959, 1696906101619534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The true number is that 60 oz puts you in the top 1% of silver owners in the world.
Source for that number?
Seems five times that has street cred.

>> No.58538583

true, sad. many such cases

>> No.58538656

That is how many oz could be distributed equally among 1% of the world population. Realistically, if you hold even 1oz you are probably in the top 5% of current owners.

>> No.58538673

Most people think they own gold and silver via their financial planners who may own things like SLV or GLD.
I think it will be highly likely that the banks will try to inflate these values up in order to offset financial losses elsewhere. They will want to keep the tax-cattle in the paper ponzi and not freaking out. However I think people will catch on and start selling paper-metal and trying to slurp up the real deal. Because your SLV and GLD sitting with your bank is going to be concerning when there is real-world FOMO going on in the streets. Price action will not be sufficient as QUALITY proves its value. People will be burned so bad by the banks it will be a repeat of the great depression where Zoomers and everyone alive today won't trust banks again for the rest of their lives.

>> No.58538707

>Because your SLV and GLD sitting with your bank is going to be concerning when there is real-world FOMO going on in the streets.
that's a really good point

>> No.58538711

The equal distribution of the metal is not only investment but also ALL production that requires silver. Per person, you only get 3-4 grams of silver coming out of the ground every year. A TV with 2ounces of silver per person is akin to 20years of silver production per your allotment of 3 grams.
These are mind-bending hypothetical scenarios that shows that the MMT system is stretch so razor thin. If the silver market breaks then so too goes so many other facets of the economy.

>> No.58538767

>Is there any hope for a nose dive in price?
Not likely, they would of pounded the price down below $30 already if they were able to. The banks haven't lost the ability to keep the price down through derivatives via the comex but it's getting more and more difficult for them to create big price drops. India's silver buying spree is what's really creating this support at $30 but China's arbitrage is adding a lot of fuel to the fire. Anything's possible but if there is a drop below $30, it won't last very long.

>people will catch on and start selling paper-metal and trying to slurp up the real deal
This is the general consensus among stackers on how/when we're gonna see the price really explode but I'm not so sure.
Personally, I believe it only takes a handful of whales to clear out the retail market. We could see major bullion retailers (APMEX/SD Bullion/JM Bullion/etc) have their inventory wiped out in a matter of days if the right buyers with deep pockets all FOMO in at the same time. I wonder if we'll see premiums sky rocket before the actual spot price here in the west ? If we wake up one day to silver trading at $50+ on the shanghai gold exchange with the spot price in the west still lagging between $30-40, maybe we'll see bullion dealers raise their premiums above 20%.

>> No.58538859


Yeah. If Electric Boogaloo 2: The Legend of Curly's Gold kicks off, I'm as good as dead anyway.

I'm just hoping to augment retirement income 30 years down the line by being able to sell metal when I need a few extra bucks.

>> No.58538889

What most people don't realize is that all of the metal brokers may very well just stop selling to one another and the ONLY silver they will have access to could be what is sold to them from retail. And in that scenario they may very well just become net-buyers themselves.
If people don't remember Spring 2021, literally every single website was in a shortage with ungodly premiums and if I remember correctly they even shut down orders over the weekend because they were unable to maintain proper hedges for price action over the weekend because they did not want to be on the hook for massive orders only to have the price blow them out over the weekend.
That's an appetizer of things to come. Only next time there won't be more supply hitting the market and it could just get slurped up as things get scarier with the banks & bond market/

>> No.58539027

That doesn't answer how you get to 60 ounces.
And how else would you come up with a percentage rank, but to say it's evenly distributed? Yeah, it's unrealistic, but do you have a source that actually shows how much everyone has? Of course not.
Even the 60 ounce chart uses equal distribution, but use 6 M ounces as global availability. How's that number so small? What's the source for that info and conclusion?

>> No.58539044
File: 19 KB, 729x172, 2024-05-28_15-55-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I;m thinking about thos Rocks

>> No.58539229

Just stick to the lowest premium. If you ever try to sell, you will be lucky if you can even get spot no matter what from any LCS; p2p good luck even finiding someone.

>> No.58539300

p2p use r/pmsforsale

>> No.58539340

The chart shows what % of people could hold how many oz evenly split based on historical ownership and mining output. And learn to read, the chart shows 30million oz of silver. 367oz would be evenly split between 1% of the current population given that 1% of the world population holds all available silver equally. In reality, most silver is held by institutions, industrial, and whales. An overwhelming majority of people hold 0 silver at all. If you hold even 1oz of silver you have more than most people by default.

>> No.58539386
File: 303 KB, 2243x237, 60-ounce chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The chart shows ... based on
Exaclty. And the chart you rely on has absolutely no reference as to how he got to 6 billion (my bad - not million) ounces available.
You're repeating yourself, not answering - how does he get to 6 bn ounces - no citation, nothing to back up that value.
>And learn to read, the chart shows 30million oz of silver.
30 *billion*. You made the same mistake I made.
And both charts assume even distribution, which you ignore.

>> No.58539452

what gold coin should I buy?
I own a Pamp bar
want a 1oz Sov

>> No.58539526

I'm thinking a lot about the election. /pmg/bros. Not that I care a lot which faggot rootless urbanite cocksucking populist wins, but it's hard to imagine the US ever having an uncontested presidential election again and I think each successive election will see more and more violent protests, polarization and instability. The parallels with Rome are astounding and if they continue then we'll see people submit to an absolute dictator in exchange for said dictator putting an end to the wars and bureaucratic corruption.

What a time to be alive. I need more metal. I'm never SURE that it's going to make me safe in my lifetime, but I'm sure I wanna have it just in case.

>> No.58539588

you can get the 2024 australian dragon coin pretty decently priced and it looks sick

>> No.58539896

>1oz Sov

>> No.58539916

quintuple sovereign maybe?

>> No.58540108
File: 585 KB, 1280x1067, Silver Rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The true number is that 60 oz puts you in the top 1% of silver owners in the world

>> No.58540270

I used to be a mover in college, big ass safes were always ludicrously expensive for customers in just about every situation. Most of the time they wouldnt have any other options either depending how big it was. I’d put safes along with pool tables, pianos, hot tubs, and busted trailers. You can always find one for free if you’ve got the means to take them.

>> No.58540308
File: 54 KB, 300x300, sg2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2009 Ultra High Relief St. Gaudens $20 Gold Coin

I have had my eye on one for years.

>> No.58540312

Should I be buying both silver AND gold? Or do they both fit the same niche in a portfolio?

>> No.58540320

right now buying gold doesn't make much sense imo. the GSR is collapsing. buy silver and trade for gold later if you want

>> No.58540488 [DELETED] 

checked gawd damn

>> No.58540565

>You can always find one for free if you’ve got the means to take them.
That's what I'm seeing. I picked up a small office safe today for $100. Looking at gun safes next. There's at least 4 within a few minutes drive that are huge and cheap. The only variable is how big a safe my sons and I can move!

>> No.58540597
File: 2.91 MB, 720x960, 1706872460398020.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever used Bullion Star in the US? Says they're based in Singapore.

>> No.58540796
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, 20240519_103343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year of the dragon
>32 ceiling broken
I for one am happy i stacked my 100oz in jan/feb.

>> No.58540937

Home safes are security theater.
>why are small volume high security burglary safes so fucking hard to come by?
If it's small a couple of guys can haul it off and open it at their leisure. If it's big enough to be non-portable, it requires a contractor and a band of meth head helpers to install, and the first thing those fuckers do when they get canned is break into your house and crack the safe open.

Just put stuff in pipes and bury it.

>> No.58540955

The best form of security is secrecy. Having a diversion safe is maybe a good idea so you can entice people to try to haul off a bunch of bricks instead of your stack.

>> No.58540956

Smallest coins are silver, or are those platinum?

>> No.58541142

Where do I get these coins? help a noob out please.

>> No.58541150
File: 1.36 MB, 2987x1601, yesIdrinkit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old pics edition

>> No.58541226
File: 348 KB, 1129x1075, Alternative Liberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebay, local silver dealers near you, Ebay is your best bet; or go to the mints website.

Those 10oz Asahi are goona be 500 by july; according to silver guru's

>> No.58541278
File: 351 KB, 670x1160, 2024_CuPriceFcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according to silver guru's
Predictions are amusing.
Note: Copper's just under $5 right now.

>> No.58541313

We had this hulk of a dolly with heavy duty straps we would put safes on. If you’ve got two non-sois workig together with it moving the safe is easy once you get it tipped. Just know exactly where you’re going with it and prepare as needed. Watched a strung out coworker drop a tall gun safe down a flight of basement stairs. Fucked alot of shit up. Still havent seen someone lose their job faster than that.

>> No.58541389

I have lots of coins from 1936-1944 from nazi Germany with a swastika on them, many types ,many dominations, is that rare in the Western/USA? Got like 50 probably, lost track of them since I take coin collection as a hobby and buy them whenever I spot them.

>> No.58541400

Stop pretending to be retarded, Safes are supposed to be bolt down to the floor or walls no matter their size or weight.

>> No.58541412

I stash my gold/silver/coins by burring it under my dog's house in my backyard in like 3x
sealed plastic containers filled with anti-humidity little packages under my dog's house which is huge on purpose.
My dog is also a 50+kg Japanese Akita.
Very good strat, trust me.

>> No.58541417

What I mean is that safes are not safe at all. They are required if you own a gun, but other than that they have no use. People who rob for a living know how to open a safe easily and fast.

>> No.58541590

What are you basing all that on exactly? Personal experience?

>> No.58541706
File: 222 KB, 1125x1195, JP oopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JPMorgan had a sussy oopsie yesterday


>> No.58541819


>> No.58541825

Oy very!!!

>> No.58541905
File: 866 KB, 1134x1512, trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58542006

Is that the OG Pale Horse, or is the edited version?

>> No.58542024
File: 205 KB, 567x756, nin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OG....of course.

>> No.58542062

Id trade that for some OG coins desu (and never trade it for anything back)

>> No.58542114

Just sold all my silver. No longer want to be associated with you violent racists

>> No.58542127
File: 253 KB, 557x1250, 1641244053787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58542171

why is this place so dead?

>> No.58542172

I have two copies..........if you are in New Jersey, I would be willing to help fellow stacker.

>> No.58542206

Because jannies made email registration mandatory for a short period, reducing the already close to dead board daily posts even further.
Their reasoning being
>Too much Jeetscam spam
However the shitcoin scam has always been around, people just chose to ignore it

>> No.58542211

Ack man, I am not even in America - well really I think the coins I got are still readily avilable in the collectors market. Its really old Norwegian coins from 1890-mid 1900s
How did you get two copies though? I would think just managing to get one of those must be close to impossible

>> No.58542277

I would give it to you for free, but I bought them in the 90's. My first copy is really worn out from just passing it among friends back in the day, the copy in the pic is my back up. Even in the mid 90's I knew it was going to be special.

>> No.58542278

Some home safes are security theater for sure, but there are plenty that are not. Anything you get for less than $100 is going to be thin-walled and is really only for protecting papers in the case of fire. Liberty safes and the like are better but are also fairly easy to bust open. In reality these aren't safes but are RSCs, Residential Security Containers.

If you're looking for and actual safe, get something that is TL-15 or TL-30 rated. When I got a safe Hollon was the go-to brand. These things will be 250+ pounds and fairly small, but are rated to stay closed even when under assault by people with common power tools. Of course any safe will open given enough time and effort, so it can also be worthwhile to invest in some sort of security system for your home.

>> No.58542290

You got some nice digits yourself there
>Even in the mid 90`s I knew it was going to be special
Oh man, thats a good investment then. Id imagine quite a few people around here is willing to give a whole lot for them

>> No.58542299

The email restriction is gone? Nice. Just takes 15 minutes to make a post. Splendid. Top signal in silver.

>> No.58542501

Uhhh bros? Gregory Mannarino told me to exit the stock market... silver is gonna be safe if the market crashes, right...?

>> No.58542505

What are the chances for this happening?
atm it seems more likely to go up to 2.5k

>> No.58542589

We achieved soft landing, the market will boom for another decade as the FED lowers rates because the inflation is going down fast.

>> No.58542626

if you admit to believing the fed on this board i believe you should be put to death. scaphism or something.

>> No.58542641

Sold some firearms recently and Im using most of it to pay off some debt I have. I'll have maybe 1500ish to play with. You guys think I should get some gold with it or all into Silver? Thinking 750 in Junk and the rest in Bars or Rounds. If I go Gold Il probably get some 1/2oz Maples or Pre 33 US

>> No.58542690

he's just a chartcel

>> No.58542694

it will
paper silver will crash, but you won't be able to get physical without an insane premium

>> No.58542850
File: 18 KB, 360x164, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 10.56.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58542885

Do I just bite the bullet and take the monument metals 5oz at spot? I’ve been good about having no buffalos in my collection, but I’m a little antsy about price. They also have mystery engelhard 10oz bars for not an insane amount over spot. I know I probably won’t get any p series bars, but it might be fun anyhow

>> No.58542900 [DELETED] 


>> No.58542905
File: 32 KB, 512x512, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didnt i trust the $ILVER shills?

>> No.58542921

Because it will all be over soon

>> No.58542943
File: 1.77 MB, 1050x916, 3coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fell for the "rocks can't possibly be worth anything" psyop

>> No.58543328

Wrong, the economy is improving and investors are confident that FED has won the battle against inflation. We will have another decade long golden bullrun in the stock market. All risk assets will crash hardly mainly gold and silver.

>> No.58543342

You should have listened to /pmg/
You should have listened to /setf/
Instead you listened to Jews
now you will own nothing

>> No.58543351

i dunno dude. seems like everything is flat lining

>> No.58543357

and I will be happy

>> No.58543361

I'm bummed I missed out on getting an original copy from one coopers friends a few years ago, sigh

>> No.58543509
File: 2.52 MB, 1947x2312, stacking silver tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren, where do you get the funny meme coins like pic related?

>> No.58543559

those aren't worth it fren
don't pay the coom premium

>> No.58543580
File: 26 KB, 735x598, Ohmaygawt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58543689
File: 384 KB, 735x700, 1716930500499667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a strategy to force the price of silver upwards by buying large quantities of silver derivatives

>> No.58543819

Here, but they have nothing in stock right now.
spicysilver dot com
You can see old stuff in the "Mintage Info" and "XXXTRA Mintage" tabs.

>> No.58544142

Blow up random branch building to get rid of evidence in ... Ohio
yeah, ok

>> No.58544316
File: 631 KB, 658x1274, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 6.20.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58544320
File: 386 KB, 970x1012, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 6.21.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

41 degrees North

>> No.58544446
File: 277 KB, 994x750, IMG_0401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old pics
relative I suppose

>> No.58544455


>> No.58544495

No reason to assume it's metals related.
jewish lightning for sure, but could be covering up anything

>> No.58544500

Gematria is for retards. You can make anything say anything because you make up the rules as you go.

>> No.58544519

I think I want to get rid of some Krugerrands. What's the best way to sell?

>> No.58544525
File: 719 KB, 454x1378, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 6.32.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you assume that these were all from the same collection?

>> No.58544548

Is there a comprehensive list of German coins anywhere? I keep thinking I’ve finally found the last of what I’m missing only to find out that there are more.

>> No.58544610

i'm not sure if numista or pcgs would be a bigger pita to dig through, but that's usually what I end up doing.

https://en.numista.com/catalogue/germany-1.html - all pretty much

https://en.numista.com/catalogue/allemagne-pre1945-1.html - unification through 3rd

https://www.pcgs.com/pop/germancoins - you can click on whatever era you want and then go through the pop reports

ma-shops is sorted by period / coin, so that could work too

>> No.58544839

the normies outside of /pmg/ on /biz/ making threads confused at silvers spot price increase.

>> No.58545035
File: 68 KB, 941x726, GOxCRtsXwAEf9Ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Physical silver you can hold in your hand yes, ETFs, futures contracts, etc. will be worthless.

the voting machines are owned by companies using proprietary software the public isn't allowed to audit. the vote counter is far more important than the candidate.

Invest in production sure but you have to be careful. I'd be wary of keeping fiat dollars tied up in stocks long term and take profits wherever I can. Nobody can be sure how things are gonna play out, will you even be able to liquidate your stock holdings when it really lifts off ?

>> No.58545128
File: 3.72 MB, 3024x4032, Glod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like his MMRI index. A rising dollar in the face of rising interest rates is akin to your knee-joint bending the wrong way. It's actually a pretty astute way to keep an eye on some pretty important trends.
He has the correct take on precious metals that he prefers the real-deal and not the mining stocks. He recommends it without being an alarmist-maxi like so many others (it is useful to listen to the Bix Weir's as well)

>> No.58545270

Anyone ever buy a colorized American Silver eagle? There's someone offering a good deal on it but it looks kinda fugly to be honest

>> No.58545400 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, photo_36_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chooky token is the ultimate store of value like a shiny silver eagle but with the extra edge of being a meme coin on base and let's get real who wants a boring old silver eagle when you can have a badass chooky token it's like comparing a horse-drawn carriage to a rocket ship don't settle for a good deal on some boring silver coin when you can have the ultimate meme token chooky token the future of hodling bro

>> No.58545404 [DELETED] 



T .ME/PurpleParlor

>> No.58545429


>> No.58545551

>the vote counter is far more important
Enabling recounts is why it's important to retain the paper ballots. Think of the tallying software as a convenience for speedy result. It counts votes. It's not weighing factors or doing marvelous computations.

>> No.58545702 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, photo_38_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chook token is like the ultimate store of value man forget shiny silver eagles that's so last century with the chooky token you're getting the best of both worlds - a meme-worthy token with built-in viral potential and all the security and transparency of the base blockchain and let's be real who wants some boring old silver coin when you can have a badass chooky token chooky token is the future of hodling bro

>> No.58545800

how much silver is too much silver?

>> No.58545810

If it sinks my inflatable kayak as i paddle to south america when ww3 starts, its too much.

>> No.58545948
File: 254 KB, 1050x1152, 1651422369181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old pics

>> No.58545994
File: 7 KB, 261x193, images (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok pajeet

On an unrelated note, what kind of silver coin should I stack if I like to eat my Hamburgers made from authentic cow meat cooked to Medium perfection?

>> No.58546259

Doesn't matter gold and silver are barbaric relic with no purpose in the modern economy, they have been replaced by digital gold BTC as a store of value and inflation hedge.

>> No.58546303
File: 1.75 MB, 2464x1908, 1619540566175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58546338
File: 78 KB, 792x529, 16823403540603612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58546416

don't. colorized is dumb.

when you question why you would want more.

electronics industry says hello

>> No.58546493 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 1024x1024, photo_33_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if colorized coins are dumb and worthless then chooky token doesn't even deserve to be called a coin it's more like a joke a useless piece of code that's destined to be forgotten by the world as for electronics industry saying hello well chooky token is not even on their radar it's just a tiny blip in a sea of failed projects so yeah that's your response

>> No.58546546

I guess you're making a statement about crypto, but I never mentioned anything about crypto.

colorized coins are still stupid. leave silver, silver, and leave gold, gold.

>> No.58546765

colorized ASEs look particularly dumb

>> No.58546831

I tend to think most novelty silver looks atrocious if it is not on one ounce rounds. And even then, knowing people pay top dollar for some stamp on a generic round sort of puts me off to it. I would love to have the seven wonders, the zodiac sign all collected - but not at the prices being asked. Sour grapes I guess.
My favorite aspect of stack picks is quantity and seeing familiar pieces that I own in other people's stack. Looking at plastic tubes of rounds is just as pleasing as the actual thing because I know what is inside and it makes me covetous. Junk silver, 1 ounce rounds, 10 ounce bars (all types), kilo loafs, 100oz loafs. That shit hits hard.

>> No.58547102

CME is not reporting live commodity prices.

>> No.58547152

Greg is great, but he has been screaming the same narrative for the past 5+ years which screwed people over
>The sky is falling!!
>The sky is falling!!
>The sky is falling!!
>The sky is falling!!
>The sky is falling!!
>The sky is falling!!

>> No.58547248

if he got people to stack silver for 5 years, he's a good man
keep on stackin

>> No.58547256
File: 238 KB, 1069x1390, shia-labeouf-wears-his-favorite-jeans-and-boots-to-lunch-at-granville-EH5Y4H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice stack nigga

>> No.58547277
File: 507 KB, 1100x1100, Klondike_Reverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fourth Klondike .99999 is available.
www bordergold com/us/product/gmlkg4/
I boughted two days ago, and the price now is $10 less than then. Grr...
Also, might be cheaper on bold, if they get it. I hear mintage is only 550.

>> No.58547279

fair point. The less people playing the ponzi stock market the better

>> No.58547380

i like that design a lot

>> No.58547400
File: 1.69 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many acres can I buy with a single ounce once SHTF?

>> No.58547814

very cool

>> No.58549218
File: 930 KB, 1299x587, 1697496961585574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58549550
File: 144 KB, 690x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hol' up. you be sayin' dat theyz got gold up in dem rocks?

>> No.58549707

Krugerrands. Are they a good silver coin to buy?

>> No.58549712

yup. much better than buying a king charles coin

>> No.58550424

Yes that’s right, I’ll take physical delivery of all 3200 ounces please. Yes I’ll hold.

>> No.58550795

I will gladly trade a few 100oz for crypto if anyone is interested

>> No.58550839
File: 106 KB, 675x601, 3FE3EDEC-1254-479C-B4D6-DED7E72F8F99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the (((money lenders)))

>> No.58550847

just bought 8 more silver maples
man it's gettin tougher to stack frens
money's tight
but you gotta keep on stackin
find that fiat any way you can

>> No.58550932
File: 142 KB, 300x420, akamaihd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bought 8 more silver maples
Keep stacking. Just bought a 1/4 oz Eagle. Going to get some junk too.

>> No.58551243

I bought a tube of 25 silver maples at spot price. Man I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now

>> No.58551259

how'd u pull that off

>> No.58551296
File: 51 KB, 700x706, aW3lLMXG_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mapple from China ?

>> No.58551509

>Local shop has 16, 1983-1986 Libertads
>I have now money to buy them

Its Over

>> No.58551573
File: 2.34 MB, 2568x2152, PXL_20230809_122917802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have a source for canvas con bags? I need a home for my junk

>> No.58551663

rob the store

>> No.58551735
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gold eagle has a couple ship coins in stock for anyone looking for those

>> No.58552498
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>started stacking less than 2 months ago
>already have 30oz of silver (not including junk silver) and 1oz of gold
Should I be concerned?

>> No.58552884

The best time to start stacking was like 2011. The next best time is now. I'll still hope for cheapies for your sake as well as my own before the next leg up.

>> No.58553159

I don’t have a crazy stack or anything, but I’d recommend refraining from gold for now. If you aren’t familiar with the historic GSR, then you should look into it. That’s a productive two months, though - what form are your metals in?

>> No.58553205
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I feel like regardless of how high the price of silver gets, it's still a way better alternative to worthless fiat currency. Any silver purchase at all is beneficial, at least that's my sense of things.
Mostly coins, and also a couple bars. Just bought some Kangaroos earlier today and I'm getting some rounds and junk silver in the mail soon, so I'm pretty excited. I know coins have a higher premium but I don't mind it that much at the moment.

Also I'm not going to be buying anymore gold until I have AT LEAST 100oz of silver, probably more.

>> No.58553215
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walk into bank, ask


use da interwebs

>> No.58553294
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Weight is weight after all! The only coins I have are some Britannia's I’ve grabbed for spot. I’m itching to fill a tube of them someday

>> No.58553338

clean oven top fren

>> No.58553818

Why is every pmg general getting moved to bang?

>> No.58553894

whats bang

>> No.58554900

he means bant. its worse in all ways since it just has people spam porn in the threads.

>> No.58554963

>cuck/biz/ niggers seething about /bizant/ium superiority in a week old crusty ass /pmg/

>> No.58555090
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because if I say nigger faggot kike my post gets deleted

>> No.58555131
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>> No.58555141

Buying gold is basically a hedge against collapse. Is that what you're doing? And even in that case it's better to have guns and ammo.

>> No.58555155

Would anyone recommend buying gold or silver as the price is currently?

>> No.58555188

physical gold/silver is always a good buy fren

>> No.58555237

Three things every stacker should have:
>Silver bullets
Simple as.

>> No.58555252

people who think society will just descend into utter chaos and madness without fiat money just drank the fiat koolaid a little too hard. we'll be fine.

>> No.58555254

If you're making decisions based on current prices, you're speculating. You can dabble in speculating with really speculating: restrict purchases to only those items you really want for other reasons, like a limited design you know will sell out, or one of a series you want to complete.
Also, this is a good time to buy those way overpriced pieces, like over $60/ozt. These items typically don't go up with spot prices, so in a way you're getting a deal. Kinda. Sorta.

>> No.58555256

>with really speculating
*without really speculating

>> No.58555265

Real /pmg/: >>>/biz/>>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/biz/>>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/biz/>>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/biz/>>20429283

>> No.58555266

Real /pmg/: >>>/bant/>>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/bant/>>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/bant/>>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/bant/>>20429283

>> No.58555268 [DELETED] 

Fuck me
Real /pmg/: >>>/bant/>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/bant/>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/bant/>20429283
Real /pmg/: >>>/bant/>20429283

>> No.58555269

I'm sorry, I tried.

>> No.58555312


>> No.58555324

Try necking yourself instead next time.

>> No.58555676

Serves you right for trying to spread Antisemitism.

>> No.58555742

I'm a leaf so buying guns isn't much of an option for me right now. But buying silver is the next best thing as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.58555767

Didn't Canucks have fairly decent options? Is this a Trudeau thing? When's that fucker up for reelection, anyway? Regardless, I'd still try to get something. A crossbow, air rifle, or at least like a short spear. Are those options?

>> No.58556147
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sure pal, you've got nothing to worry about.

>> No.58556183

>newfag clearly doesn't know what the fuck he's doing
>pretends he's just a super rusty old timer
You're not fooling anyone, newfag.

>> No.58556441

You could just check another thread on another board that links to a different board, to see how to format it.

>> No.58556449

Best time to stack was the 90's, sadly God decided to make me a zoomer, no cap

>> No.58556587 [DELETED] 
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don't listen to >>58556147 you should be worrying

>> No.58556608

I bought my first gold Oz this morning and I'm really wanting to open up the case and touch it.

>> No.58556636

what did you get?

>> No.58556706

It's just a buffalo, but it's in one of those certified cases. I don't ever plan on selling it though and the coin guy even said he could reseal it if I wanted to touch it.

>> No.58556959

>certified cases
>he could reseal it
?? My brain's trying to figure this one out.
It's not succeeding.

>> No.58556993

Hey /PMG/, I know this isn't the place to ask but I do not want to start a thread about it.
I am not in to crypto and have a rudimentary understanding of it but how do I convince my father in law he is about to be ripped the fuck off. His details have to be taken with a grain of salt as he is compulsive liar as well but here goes.
He was contacted by someone saying there was fraud in his bank account, like $350 bucks, and was told apparently by his bank in person he states which I think is a lie to contact AFCC.net which looks like a sketch site. He now has an atomic wallet with his name and accounts stating he has like 94k in crypto but he needs to pay the capital gains taxes, $9600 and the crypto funds will be released. There is alot more details but it is just red flag after red flag to me and he got pissed off at me. He believes the fiat wallet that was transferred to him cost 20k for him to be able to exchange the crypto for cash. I tried telling him that isnt how it works but help me help my father in law from making a huge mistake

>> No.58557044

This is a phishing question, along the lines of the Nigerian Prince scam. Start with whois to look up the site:
Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. One has to have lost their mental faculties to sign up for that. Did he send money to make that alleged 94k, or is that some figure from the ether? Sounds like monkeys want to finagle the 'tax' money out of him. He wouldn't pay them anyway - it would go to the IRS.
This reeks so bad, even your post stinks of larp.

>> No.58557053

>Sounds like monkeys want to finagle the 'tax' money out of him
This is what I believe as well.
I think it is basically a crypto recovery scam except he had no crypto to begin with.
The $350 that was taken out of his bank account was apparently invested and the 94k in crypto is apparently the result and they are telling him it is his if he pays the capital gains on it which is apparently $9600. I cant even recite all the details he gave me because I just see so much bullshit and red flags, it is pathetic really. But he is a desperate fool at the end of his pitiful rope right now, and did not take kindly to me telling him it is a scam. He told me he went to his bank in person and talked to this guy "sam" on the banks phone which he is the one "tracing" his money. But I think that detail is bullshit and he was contacted by phone and likely has a spoof malware atomic wallet on his phone showing him the numbers. I mean every detail is so sketch

>> No.58557168

Can you explain what the actual amounts should be?
I have 150oz
Am I in the top1%?

>> No.58557231

What do you guys consider to be an acceptable premium for buying silver?
Do you buy gold plated jewelry?

>> No.58557282

I had a very similar thing happen with my father in law. His son and daughter and I tried to tell him it was a scam. Explained everything. He wouldn't listen. We let him loose the $8500. He still won't admit his fault. He blames the bank.

>> No.58557291

You can tell him that owning the private key to a wallet is like having the money in your bank account, and if these people have "his" key, they can just subtract their fee from that. Explain to him if they can't do that, it's because the crypto is fictional and only his money is real in this scenario.

>> No.58557799

This is where I am at but he is already up shit creek without a paddle and dont want to see him get grifted.
He believes the crypto wallet and the fiat wallet he was "given" that is "under his name" cost 20k each. He thinks someone stole his identity and put that much money into his stolen identity. When his identity is being stolen right now, I am pretty sure they have his banking info etc. The only thing is is he is broke and in debt, if he had the 9600 he would of given it to them already. "Sam" has run a confidence game on him and he believes it. "Sam's" number was apparently given to him in person by the bank and he contacted him at the bank which is bullshit I think. And now he thinks the guy who is "tracing" his money is his friend and going to teach him to buy and sell crypto.
I asked him why he couldn't use the crypto, and they have him believing he has to make this one transaction to unlock transactions with his wallets that cost 20k. And my way or idea of crypto is illegal and he has to do this the legal way. I tried telling him it isn't how it works and that if he has that crypto in an account he can sell it and report it on his taxes if he wants to be legal about it but he truly believes these conmen. Unfortunately he did not want to listen to any reason, he has a carrot on a stick and if he had the money he would of been scammed already. I think he told me because he was hoping i would be as desperate and gullible and give him the money to do it.

>> No.58557815

I have a question pmg. As we all know, governments are eager for total financial control of their populations.
Freezing accounts for disfavored activity like in the Canadian trucker protests.
Total surveillance of all transactions. In the US, we’ve had to report all transactions above 10k to the IRS for decades without adjustments for inflation. Recently they pushed to lower that threshold to $600.
There’s the push for CBDCs across every country on the planet to enable this total surveillance and freezing of funds.
In the meantime, cash has been discouraged pushing people into more trackable digital transactions. The EU in particular has been particularly aggressive limiting the amount of cash that can be withdrawn. They even discontinued the 500 euro note. Same story happened in India. In the US, and everywhere, inflation eats away at the value of the largest bills. We should have $500 and $1000 bills by now just to make up for the loss of value of the $100 bills of the past.
My question is this. Why do governments mint bullion coins?
By minting these they allow private transactions which cannot be frozen by any push of a button of arbitrary large size. A single 1oz gold coin is equivalent to a $2500 bill. Canada mints these. Even the fucking Chinese communists who have implemented a CBDC mint these coins.
Why? What are they all up too?

>> No.58557820

One other interesting piece of info, he made a new bank account at a new bank and given information of it to this "sam" guy and they have put around 50 transactions of 1k in to his account. Now here is the thing he did not want to listen to reason but I tried to ask him if he is transferring the money out or he is and he wouldnt say anything other than I think per transaction he is making a dollar. SO I am pretty positive they are transferring money into and then out of his account, likely to build trust but possibly laundering other crypto through his account. But how does one not see anything wrong with someone else being able to take money out of their account, or maybe he is transferring it out himself. He "signed a contract" and thinks he is working for the government. Jesus christ I mean it cannot get anymore ridiculous.

>> No.58557849

According to this chart, it looks like 367 ounces will put you in the top 1%.
The big difference is the choice of how much silver is available and/or in the hands of holders right now - 6 or 29 billion 10^9) ounces.

>> No.58557856

When you put it like that it does sound fishy, But if they did not offer it people would just buy the non governmental rounds. And likely by the fucking boatload if the governments ever stopped minting it. I would say by the governments stopping production would be admitting everything /PMG/ believes is correct. So instead they continue to mint and demonize pm ownership. You ever seen the video of the guy offering a candy bar or a 10 oz silver bar to people on the street? The subset of people who buy in to physical metals is small, and the idea of scarcity/rarity by the governments not minting it would cause a buying frenzy even to people who never purchased before, IMO

>> No.58557899

yes, top 1% is like 80oz

>> No.58557905

yup. it's basically to keep up appearances lol

>> No.58557909
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>In the US, we’ve had to report all transactions above 10k to the IRS
Sort of - all *cash* transactions. It's the vendor who fills out the form (8300). Check line 32 of pic related to see what "cash" means.

>Recently they pushed to lower that threshold to $600.
The only $600 limit I can think of is a PayPal trigger. If you receive $600+ via them, they report that to the IRS and it's considered a form of gained asset to go somewhere on the 1040. This is because ebay businesses were getting around that.

>Why do governments mint bullion coins?
Hmm... not sure. Some ideas are they represent the country, provide tangible assets to hold, are sources of income for the gov't (high premiums), have a guaranteed purity by the country (and is why so many are counterfeited by the Ching Chong), and people want it.

>What are they all up too?
Satisfying a demand. I don't believe it's nefarious. If they wanted to be, they'd outlaw bullion (again).

>> No.58557959

>Satisfying a demand.
the US government hasn't satisfied demand for silver eagles in decades, something they are legally required to do

>> No.58558001
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It's pretty astounding that the number of ounces you need is so low to be in the 1%.
Greg Mannarino always says silver is the best investment of all time and often says to look at the historical Dow:Gold ratio and then the Gold:Silver ratio.
Twice in US History Dow:Gold has hit 1:1. And the GSR is like 70-80 when it has always been 15. It is also thought the mining ratios are even dropping and it is coming out of the ground at 7 ounces per 1 ounce of gold.
So at its heart a major revaluation is looming. And the entire system could damn well break when its happens.
Gold and silver as monetary commodities sets the stage for the value of all commodities, and the tiny little suppressed market cap of silver could forcibly revalue gold and even all trade if it ever breaks out of the manipulation caused by real world shortage. Industry will be forced to price retail investors out. And all of those costs will just move on to the consumer anyway.
There will be some serious vitriol for silver investors in the future. In the same vane as people hating "oil speculators" when gas is $5 a gallon.

>> No.58558088

>the US government
The outlier proving the rule

>> No.58558230

If they didn't keep minting government coins the Streisand effect would kick in harder than you could ever believe and they'd probably create a large "black" market. As it stands, you can't actually spend that government metal directly most places that matter so you're limited to p2p transactions with mentally unbalanced individuals such as ourselves unlikely to be selling things you really want. People like the convenience of fiat so much even drug dealers and pimps want to be paid in cash or digital equivalents, but tell them the populace they can't have a thing while alternatives (generics, junk, foreign coins) are available? Look out. Meanwhile, if they just keep doing what they're doing no one really buys coins anyway. When the time comes, you probably will see a ban regardless, but that'll be a ban on all bullion with no alternatives available, making those black markets harder to set up.

>the guy offering a candy bar or a 10 oz silver bar to people on the street
Those videos are edited and people in those videos have valid reasons to be suspicious of the offer anyway, but I'd like to know how often people did try to take the silver.

>> No.58558316
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>> No.58558484

Look at what I found on ebay

>> No.58558490

that's a pretty good price too

>> No.58558601

who dumps the thing they paid ~$80 for on ebay for $50?

>> No.58558637

its an auction, not a buy now

>> No.58558667

>And the GSR is like 70-80 when it has always been 15.
I hope it means that silver is undervalued and not that gold is overvalued. If the gold is overvalued, we are screwed.

>> No.58558728
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>The unredacted version of Behold a Pale Horse.

>> No.58558738

>Why do governments mint bullion coins?
Because there is demand. Simple as. If they stop minting bullion, other countries will increase their output to fill the gap. It's an example of prisoner's dillema.

In the same time, you cannot ban silver and gold because it's used in industry, medicine, jewlery and art. So stacking CANNOT be banned. And if they cannot ban it then it's better to control it and profit from it.

>> No.58558740

>acceptable premium
As low as possible. Lately I've been buying junk silver, which is about the cheapest thing out there.
>gold plated jewelry
Fuck no

>> No.58558878
