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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.15 MB, 2000x2000, 1688500397886282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58549104 No.58549104 [Reply] [Original]

I have a useless psychology degree from a European country. What can I learn to work from home? I've done some freelancing here and there but I need to work towards a real project now. Is coding a meme now with AI and the billions of Indians and self taught normies in the industry? Literally what else can I learn online and get a real job from? I will NOT go back to school for another degree.

>> No.58549123
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Your fault for studying something fucking useless.
Should have done Electrical Engineering or something way more practical.

>> No.58549136

Yeah yeah
I had to choose at 17 and nobody warned me, I couldn't have known

>> No.58549138
File: 2.53 MB, 1324x1506, fuggit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swaztika represents the activation of melanin receptors, the boy is practically asking to be barebacked raw

>> No.58549154

You better haul ass and get Certifications to be a Plumber, Welder or Construction work if you can.

No one is going to hire a Liberal Arts, and the only feeling you will get from your degree is getting rejected or not hearing back from putting out resumes.

>> No.58549176
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fucking insane how fucked this world is. even at my fuckshit job, fucktards think they know better and just don't so I have a shitty job that is wayyyy shittier than it needs to be, even with some stellar things on my transcript I couldn't just waltz into a good school and get a good degree and do things that would not just make me money but everyone involved.

there needs to be a job for people who are smart but have no training, i think it might just be manager but managers are always the dumbest pieces of shit

>> No.58551326
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Come to Argentina, this country is full of neurotic people who loves and even fucking brag about seeing a psychologist. Not even kidding, going to the shrink is like a symbol of status here, no one will think you're a crazy mf or judge you for that

>> No.58551330

Please note they are not fighting for racial reasons, this is just a civil discussion about which evangelion girl is best, which is, of course, Misato

>> No.58551774

this image goes unironically hard for some reason

>> No.58552660

I hate that I'm autistic but was never smart enough for doing STEM shit so now I'm stuck pursuing a Poli Sci degree because I enjoyed Social Studies classes the most in school. I wish I wasn't such a retard

>> No.58552945

I've been waiting to see it again so I could save it for some reason I didn't the first time and it's been months since I last saw it posted

>> No.58553112
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Yeah me too, one random I thought about this image and googled it for the sake of it but couldn't find it except a cropped image without the nignog or mexican

>> No.58553282

What is the image conveying? Are they at least friendly? The only think I know is they are all cooler than the fag in the back.

There is some guy on /int/ making famous art into chudjacks.

>> No.58553619
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>> No.58553691

>nobody warned me
Bullshit, you just didn't listen.

Can't you become a psychologist? Isn't there something clinical you can do?

>> No.58553706
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serious answer, romans saw blacked as a civic duty, barabrian women were used in harems to purify the bloodline, the swastike represents the activation of melanin receptors as the bbc enters the gut chkra

>> No.58553716 [DELETED] 

Interesting. Does this explain why average negro is equal to a mentally challenged white kid with Down’s syndrome?

>> No.58553725

Interesting. Does this explain why average negro IQ is equal to a mentally challenged white kid with Down’s syndrome?

>> No.58553734
File: 1.07 MB, 593x917, yly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whites are npcs without sovereignty, its consciousness a product of ritual melanin receptor activation, a skinwalkers micking the man that fostered them

>> No.58553736

Is that what you tell yourself every time you shoplift?

>> No.58553739

* a herd of skinwalkers

but really a den of pigs sterilized with bbc vaccinations

>> No.58553742
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you are fauna, existence a bestowment, anything outside a trough is privilege

>> No.58553750

You subsist entirely off of food stamps and live with your mother until the day you end up in children for rape

>> No.58553759
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everything you produce or create is property of bbc incorporated , the hidden empire

read the fine print

>> No.58555202

Get off my thread, cuckold.
Anyone here ever worked security? I heard it's an easy job at night, you can even nap apparently lol. Considering it.

>> No.58556740
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I'm tired of Indians. We need to let them know.

>> No.58556765
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Learn a CRM and do Sales, the only skill no degree will ever teach you and nobody cares what your degree is as long as you sell something.

I'm more of an analytical kind of a guy, introvert, stutter and switched to this job for the commisions. My sales have been atrocious, learning to keep up was a nightmare, my boss is rugby-team tier obsessed wth winning but now my work is indeed more gratifying than crunching numbers all day, and it has lifted me to another state of being.

I get to travel a fair bit. Overweight wagies write quotes for me, I request documents to the design team, all I have to do is bring in hot requests and keep track of everything. I get to dress nice clothes cos fuck it, i gotta look good.

I also sell my own music show at nights, where I get to play the piano and make people happy, for the extra cash, food, drink and party.

t. Engineer and musician turned to sales

>> No.58556875
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You don't need any AI shit, you'll have more than enough with CONAN and you'll also giving money to an actual cause

>> No.58556898

>Is coding a meme now
lmao you're ten years too late bud

>> No.58556899

>whites are NPCs
lol no, the race that invented 98% of modern day society aren’t “npcs”, either you’re coping being born an ugly incel nigger or you’re an Asian falseflagger.
Either way very pathetic with your cope, sorry you struggle with whatever abomination stares back at you in the mirror, nigger

>> No.58558937
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whites dont invent, they inherit, shitting cattle golem used for debasement of gaia trampling it with shit on its hooves