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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.58551512

Short AMZN. It’s going to have a TSLA adventure of pure bottom finding for months.

>> No.58551645
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You're welcome.

>> No.58551711

First for female natural gas

>> No.58551752

we miss you anons. come home

>> No.58551782

Why? It beat earnings handily last quarte.

>> No.58551829

new thread new me

>> No.58551870

Bant is for shitposting. This thread is for serious financial advice.

>> No.58551968


>> No.58552016

>This thread is for serious financial advice
riveting serious conversation...

>> No.58552038

are you a certified financial advisor? please post proof.

>> No.58552255
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>> No.58552479

So what happened at the end there? Good thing I kept my spy calls.

>> No.58552489
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>bought at 5195

Imagine missing a generational dip buying opportunity...

>> No.58552573

I'm here to find advice

>> No.58552594 [DELETED] 

nigger test. if jannies ban me for le no no bad word that hurts their little feelings then i'm never coming back to this shithole again.

>> No.58552676
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how do the bears ITT like my new car?

>> No.58554116

I was curious about lottery pools. I was doing some math. If you get 50 people to buy 1500 tickets that's 3k for a chance to win 5 million with a healthy chance to win a smaller prize that would recoup the cost of everyone's tickets. After you split the winnings between everyone it'd be 3.2 million with the current jackpot. Is there a way to hunt down people doing lottey pools?

>> No.58554123

>14 hours old.
>16 replies.

>> No.58554129

These days looking at memecoins right now. 99% of them are bust but that 1% can give you absolutely insane returns on investment. I am looking for that 1% , I have gone in for dcash and votepepe with small amount this time for the presale. Fingers crossed.

>> No.58554130

>enters thread
>*succession theme starts playing*
Dont reply to me unless you make 7 figs

>> No.58554199

>in hundreds of posts the /bant thread/ has 16 posts talking about stocks
Smg dead

>> No.58554271
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I bought more shorts.
See you at the bottom Mumoid.

>> No.58554274

Get off your neighbors driveway anon

>> No.58554470
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Accept Christ and return to stocks
>you do buy everything at bvps right anon?

>> No.58555040
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Market Breadth is the weakest since 2009.
The rally is being led by a small hand full of nigger stocks.

>> No.58555264

WHats the next Nvidia in terms of performance in your opinion

>> No.58555320

Bant was a mistake. Tried to be a containment

>> No.58555334

board but its just INT with attention deficit disorder. Everytime gookmoot tries fixing boards it just makes things worse. /g/ is animeslop posted all over the place now. This site is designed for oldfags but its just jeets and weeb underages making no effort threads.

>> No.58555832
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>Wait for market to hit a high then have a week pull back
>Buy calls on soxl, tqqq, or spxl for a month out
>Massive profit
Can't be this easy, can it?

>> No.58556415

Real thread

>> No.58556494



>> No.58556516

GME living rent free

>> No.58556881

sold my vixy I've been holding since Jan 2023 that made up most of my portfolio for a 95% loss to buy gme 2 weeks ago after roaring kitty tweeted. Some anon asked me to tell them when I finally capitulated I just remembered. So yeah. Lost like 25k and now I have 3k remaining all in gme. If there's a volmageddon now I'm gonna fucking kill myself

>> No.58556996

that's nothing
jus don't do leverage and company stocks again and your golden

>> No.58556999
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hedgies on ledgies you colossal faggot. lol.
the thought of you taking your last breath honestly gives me a chubby.

>> No.58557017

What do you guys think of JEPQ?

>> No.58557336

all the bizraelis spend the weekend having sex with girls. so its a little slower

>> No.58557340

>having sex with girls.
Fucking /lgbt/ gets more pussy than us.

>> No.58557362


>> No.58557379

NVIDIA and the rest of the AI overcommitted top of the tech industry are at or near the maximum of a bubble. "AI" CNNs, Latent Spaces, and LLMs are not actually Intelligent and have almost hit their maximum capabilities. They are a dead end and the average consumer's starting to get frustrated seeing the holes. Get your money out of GOOG, AMD, NVDA and any other major players in AI as soon as you possibly can. Even if their numbers continue to grow for another year or even more, the day the market's confidence in the AI trend runs out, all of that opportunity cost plus more will be lost before you even get the chance to react. They've been lying tp their largest shareholders and cannot walk back or reevaluate the functionality of these AI products because they didn't properly explain the risks and potential shortcomings of their strategy at the outset. They genuinely presented it as guaranteed money and now they can't even disable an obviously broken product because it would look like the situation is out of control. If you don't get out soon, you'll be blindsided by the largest downturn since the recession.

>> No.58557390
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>gme rent free
he fast, he lean, he a hedgefund killing machine

>> No.58557784
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Hmmmmmmm, why is M2 dumping, last time this happened was 1933

>> No.58557822

I replaced all my VOO with SPLG.

>> No.58557949


>> No.58557997
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uh, bros, what did they mean by this

>> No.58558026

two more weeks

>> No.58558171


Also, where did everyone go when the email verification was mandatory? Is there another anonymous /biz/ website out there with any members?

>> No.58558624

Wouldn't you like to know little glow

>> No.58558632

you kidding? Are you implying that the stock market is not legal? idiot.

>> No.58558635
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I'm SO ready for the cope and seethe from the non-GME believers.

>> No.58558646

>OP posts anything having to do with GME

>half the replies are emotional seethe

bad move OP

>> No.58558706

/bant/, Biz is just for the bot farms like /GME/ now

>> No.58558859


>> No.58558868

Ok I just looked at /bant/ and there were 0 /biz/ threads. What the heck anon?

>> No.58559099
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Redditors are buying in at ATH irresponsibly. Now I know this screams top signal but i feel like theres still more pump to go. FDA approval (or disapproval) is way off in August. has anyone been following this one?

>> No.58559427

Why are these idiots always so all or nothing when they don't even know what they are doing?

>> No.58559436
File: 259 KB, 750x1000, muslim pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out there is a Sharia compliant S&P 500 ETF called SPUS. It excludes things that are haram like usury, alcohol, gambling, pork, and adult entertainment. It's performance has actually beaten SPY over the past decade.

>> No.58559592

nevermind I found it. Im moving to /bant/ permanently. I like you guys and I hope to see you there, come monday!

>> No.58559616

They're desperate

>> No.58559671

They see the stories about small time investors going all in on choices that turned out to be really good, like Apple and Google and Amazon before they took off and are desperate to get those results for very little effort. So they dump all their eggs in one basket for the first thing they think might be the next big innovator. Of course, most of them are making bullshit promises or pursuing a dead end that won't last, but there were plenty of people saying that about all the companies which control the economy now before they got to this point, so those criticisms, even if they're valid can just be dismissed as a lack of vision rather than the serious concerns they really represent. They're people sold on a retarded get rich quick idea that they never had the chance to act on the few times it worked.

>> No.58559691

>It's performance has actually beaten SPY over the past decade.
It was created in 2019 and the difference in that time frame is entirely explained by the covid dip.

>> No.58559729
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CONYbros ww@?!

>> No.58559737

I bought 25 shares with my "gambling" fund at around 20 per but haven't really done anything with it.
Think I could hold it to 26/share or so and then dump or are there better plays to make?

>> No.58559766

you're better off just collecting the dividend. i can only see it trending downward for the next few months.

>> No.58560316

In case you guys were unaware, DFV just bought like 4.8 million shares of GameStop. Buckle up faggots

>> No.58560331
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>> No.58560509
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>> No.58561225

Do any actual businesspeople post here not just neets gambling?

>> No.58561227

Impressive that GME is cheaper than his last update, yet his portfolio is 10x larger.

>> No.58561445

He probably shorted it on the way down, flipped long right before his congressional testimony, flipped short again, then went balls deep long.

>> No.58561833

>Impressive that GME is cheaper than his last update
Check again. He’s up like 200 million dollars since premarket opened. He’ll easily be a multi-billionaire once options start trading today. Jesus fucking Christ. The greatest investor of our generation without a doubt. The madman started out with 50 grand

>> No.58561839

lol you look fucking retarded now

>> No.58561846

>The greatest investor of our generation without a doubt. The madman started out with 50 grand

>> No.58561848

Getting plebbit faggots to "ape" into a stock isn't exactly investing genius is it?

>> No.58561855

Cope and seethe faggot lmao

>> No.58561867
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wake up saars, it's GME time again

>> No.58561878
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I don't know why I ever doubt these niggas
I really hate coming here sometimes because of the FOMO but as a bogglechad I must stay strong.

>> No.58562049
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doubting gamestocks

fucking neck yourself
>he wasnt chosen by the algo

>> No.58562061

GME is doing it again. Glad I bought some AMC calls. Can't afford GME just yet

>> No.58562066

>Hey bro I hear you've been buying our shares so we've decided to do a stock issuance for 10b shares.

Lol, lmao.

>> No.58562583
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my guy it's time to embrace that companies have cult followings especialy in financial sector
>boomers will give their left nut for tsla
>half of this board will give theirs for nvda at 500
>the rest of reddit fags here will give theirs for gme
act accordingly knowing that a human testicle is worth around 1k

>> No.58562597

we lost

>> No.58562615

Who are you?

>> No.58562910

>GWAV does 1:150 reverse split

My fucking shares, bros.....

>> No.58563148

Oil is fucking crashing

>> No.58563285

he definitely didn't get there by just hodling and drsing lol

>> No.58563334

Wtf happened to brk.a?

>> No.58563345

Poem anon died

>> No.58563574
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What the actual fuck?

>> No.58563637

I mean, when it literally makes you a billionaire, it kinda does.

>> No.58563682
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>> No.58563746

Sorry for the technical difficulties. Anyways thanks for playing.

>> No.58563748

The end is here Buffet drank a poisoned cherry coke.

>> No.58564489
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How does anyone use /bant/ smg? It's just blatant racism over there.

>> No.58564496

My 300-IQ long-term play is LEV. Got in while it's cheap.


>> No.58564503

Is this a joke

>> No.58564695
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>/biz/ suggested I short NVDA
>It's up


>> No.58564741
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Who's buying DFEN!?

>> No.58564758

made a few tester buys on stocks im currently watching.

>> No.58564763

Is this why the market is being retarded?

>> No.58564813

never mattered it was always bullshit excuse for hedgies to drop and prop stocks and crush retail

>> No.58564892

/biz/ suggest you short everything at all times

>> No.58564899
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There's a block on trading this with my broker

>> No.58564915

Guessing my order won't go through

>> No.58565064
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Opinions on baidu? It's profitable and all the numbers are stellar yet it keeps making new lows into 2010 territory. Institutions offloading because of possible china war?

pic related, the BIDU numbers when I bought some for $2800. down 15% since then

>> No.58565079
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>Check again. He’s up like 200 million dollars since premarket opened
You miss the point. When DFV went silent in 2021, he had half as many shares at a cost basis equivalent to $40 today ($150 pre split)
At the time, this was the majority of his net worth. He shared the remaining cash balance too. Either he made bank trading other positions for 3 years, or more likely he was the whale buying calls before he started pumping into the May expiry - generating a 30x return on a few mill worth of calls.

>greatest investor of our generation
Pump and dumps are not investing. He's siphoning money from his followers. It's like calling Kylie Jenner an investing legend. You could argue the first wave of profit was a successful exit from a short squeeze, but every dollar he has earned on the two recent pumps is because some retard bought GME at a peak while he was silently cashing out call options and spamming memes.

Important to understand that even in a very extreme short squeeze like 2021 GME with 100% short interest, there'll be a synthetic 200% long shares in existence of which only 100% - half - could exit to short liquidations. A short squeeze is still a pump and dump in the end. Unlike a pure pump and dump, some shareholders can exit profitably at expense of those shorts, but it's only possible because other retards take the long term loss as shares trade back down towards fair value. All the GME cultists that bagheld down from 2021 to today were in that second boat.
The key is understanding "100%" short interest is really 50%.

This is, of course, assuming the numbers presented are not a total larp. This recent action is more reminiscent of the Zach Morris modus operandi than the historic roaring kitty style.
This sort of market manipulation is a violation of the securities exchange act. That said, our current SEC is highly incompetent and has repeatedly failed to meaningfully enforce said laws. It's unlikely anything will come of DVFs recent abuse.

>> No.58565110
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Which order?

I just bought 32k worth of DFEN. Apparently there's been a technical issue that's the reason for this to dump. Should be back up soon though right?

>> No.58565188

Not reading all that but I invested 30k into gme for 3 years and am up 34k in profits, remember when you were telling me not to buy? Cut your wrists.

>> No.58565417

>5 figs
Typical. It's the dunning-kruger portfolio size. 100% return over 3 years is nothing special, especially for going all in on one position. That's average variance these days. Look at CVNA, for example.

If you reply again I'm sure you'll larp in such a way as to feign superiority, but these are the facts:
1. If you were DCAing for 3 years, you spent most of that time underwater. You were roughly back to breakeven when shares dumped last week, you'll likely be breakeven again in another week or two once the current pump fades. There's a reason GME holders only show up and post at absolute peaks.
2. If you have ever traded the pumps, you are just profiting off others losses in the same sense as DFV. Nothing wrong with this if you're not the one organizing the manipulation, but it's just a trade like any other stock. Most of the better trading has been on the short side for GME, since it spends most of it's time in decline. The meme stock bros do not have enough collective capital to push the market cap beyond $10 bil or so, so that is the max weight it can sustain. Free shorting beyond that point.
3. The actual business operations of GME are in the worst state they've been in the past 3 years, and the company relies entirely on ponzi finance dilution during these pumps to raise capital to sustain the business. There is no meaningful cashflow, there never will be cashflow. At least it's not AMC I suppose - those apes are actual monkeys. Lets not even mention BBBY.

>> No.58565435

Unironically how the fuck do you "make it" as an investor? How do you figure out a strategy that lets you escape the rat race without watching the charts for 18 hours a day for years?
I have roughly $50k cash and a burning need to become financially independent. I'm currently doing boomer boglehead "safe" DCAing into S&P ETFs but making actual money by doing so seems to be agonizingly slow.

>> No.58565473

FUCK this didn't go through

>> No.58565523

Coffee can approach + buying only stocks with profitability and good numbers (ROCE, ROIIC, Lynch score, Piotroski f-score, etc) should do well. Studies show f-score alone outperforms s&p 500 if you buy a bunch of them and just hold on.

But if I weren't so hooked on looking into stocks and brands I'd buy some kind of 2x levered s&p etf

>> No.58565825

I told you.

>> No.58565896
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Jesus christ you are so scared lol.

Sorry you hedgefucks are about to lose everything, c'est la vie mutha fuckas. Feels so good to be balls deep in all of this.

>> No.58565907

Nice wall of text faggot, when it was 80 I was up 130k in gains. You were wrong as fuck all this time, begging me to sell, and now you get to enjoy writing retard paragraphs like a stupid bitch. Being you fucking sucks.

>> No.58565960
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Brk.a is holding up my portfolio.

>> No.58565979

lmfao you're never getting your money back

>> No.58566015

lmfao I'm up 100% worry about yourself faggot

>> No.58566081

>when it was 80 I was up 130k in gains
Called it. You can't resist replying with pure cope to larp superiority. Again, gains mean nothing if you don't realize them. What you've actually just shared is that you truly are a retard, bagholding to a 50%+ loss since peak. Next time you trade a pump, try and use a stop loss.

>You were wrong as fuck all this time
About what?
GME fundamental thesis is dogshit. Even your hero knows this which is why it's now a feed of pure meme spam cashing in on past influence. Where are the writeups and youtube summaries now?
I have nothing against anyone trading it profitably as long as they're not lying and abusing influence to convince other retards to lose money.

>Being you fucking sucks.
It's pretty great actually. While you were averaging down bagholding GME for 3 years straight knowing you were trapped unless jesus the miracle pumper returns, I was investing in real companies like PBR at stupidly cheap valuations to the point where I've received more dividends than my initial basis. TRMD is another example, purchased in the $13s back in 2022 and it's now trading at nearly triple despite paying almost my entire cost basis back out as well.
Fundamental investing works great when you're not a retard.

>> No.58566130
File: 67 KB, 1024x937, A393E7FF-030F-4882-A7C0-20B2C1579645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME makes gaming uncool

>> No.58566140

>another wall of bitch cope
not reading the cope you write to sleep at night faggot, I will read the quarterly reports gme put out that showed how much they improved year after year, quarter after quarter, those have been a lot more worthwhile than what ever pussy aching you're doing now.

>> No.58566150

Difficulty reading is a sign of low IQ.

>> No.58566215

You should have bought during the dip.

>> No.58566318

Lower iq and still out trading you, you are fucking pathetic

>> No.58566413
File: 47 KB, 748x561, 20240220_232250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how shorting GME at open today wasn't a literal free money trade.

You are playing against the dumbest motherfuckers in the entire market, it's like taking candy from a baby.
A direct transfer of 90 IQ redditor paychecks into my bank account.

>> No.58566488

that's 300% with puts lol

>> No.58566523

that isn't a bad idea
it enables you to not have to worry about stocks
even people who come here everyday lose tens of thousand of dollars on 1 bad play

>> No.58566548

Sure, but if it takes me just as much time to become financially independent through this method as it does for me to reach retirement age from a standard career, what's the point?

>> No.58566641

Divies. Get a portfolio of companies with a history of increasing their dividend pay outs every year and then reinvest the dividends til you get to a point where your monthly dividend payments exceeds your monthly expenses so you can just live off that.

you won't even care if line goes down. Divies will still be paying out.

>> No.58566645
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ASMB stock ladies!
Shortsellers beware!

>> No.58566998

it's just risk management
you could make 30k a year
and then lose it all in six months
if you buy stocks for companies instead of ETFs

>> No.58567407

just a glitch bro. Happens all the time. Please understand our system which manages quadrillions of dollars of assets of the most powerful people in the world each day is very prone to errors like this.

>> No.58567426

yes is this a joke? perhaps one that’s bad and, dare I say it, comedic?

>> No.58567450
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>wake up
>GME didn't moon
what happened bros? I thought the DFV triple down will ignite the rocket?

>> No.58567477

>what happened bros?
see >>58563574

>> No.58567496

Give It to me straight: if the ECB and BOC cut rates this week, would that have any influence over whether the Fed cuts next week? The inflation rate in Canada was reasonable so they are talking about lowering rates, but the inflation rate in the states is still much higher. But if Canada lowers rates and USA doesn't I would think it could fuck their exchange rate.


>> No.58567498
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My broker is listing the price of DFEN as $10, other places list it at $20.

What should I do about this?

>> No.58567502
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>> No.58567571


>> No.58567620

Oh please, you have enough fucking threads to discuss this without coming here.

>> No.58567649

Does anyone else think DFV only made a sudden return to posting things to pump and dump the stock? The short position simply isn’t there. There’s no actual legs on this thing but he makes a WSB post and the price almost doubles instantly and then starts trending back down

>> No.58567661

He has calls.

How does selling calls affect the price if he's dumping?

>> No.58567669
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Also, GME is gonna pump tomorrow right? Futures are already


>> No.58567672

you do not fit in.

>> No.58567677 [DELETED] 

it's time to move on
it's over

all the leafs should head over to the leaf containment forum at rfd

everyone else can go back to r*ddit

>> No.58567693

>1 post by this ID

>> No.58567694

He has calls that were another ~10% drop from being out of money before he posted. At the time the stock was trending down now it’s had a massive short term increase. You don’t think his intention was to artificially inflate the stock?

>> No.58567705

>You don’t think his intention was to artificially inflate the stock?
I do I'm just criticizing the insinuation the drop is a result of his calls being sold.

>> No.58567714

His track record demonstrates otherwise… we’ve never seen him sell of any part of his position. Maybe he swing traded also. ALSO… does it really matter? Pump and dump it I don’t care I’ll sell on the pumps and buy on the dumps same as he is. At least with my fake shares, real shares are in CS. Swingchads always win

>> No.58567724

I don’t think the drop is from him selling I think the drop is from others offloading and the stock in general correcting itself after the massive spike from people FOMOing

>> No.58567728

Yeah that makes more sense.

>> No.58567730

Everyone knows it. Heres the rough timeline
>2020: DFV posts thesis and starts buying GME
>Jan 2021: DFV rolls and loads a bunch of OTM calls and becomes a multimillionaire as shares 30x, peaking 100x his initial buys
>Feb 2021: DFV is called into a congressional hearing, and is scared to trade more
>March 2021: DFV doesn't like seeing the pump of his lifetime fade back down to obscurity, so he takes some of his profits and builds a direct stake. Shares pump back towards Jan highs as retards hype his purchase as the second coming of Jesus. He realizes his almighty power as a promoter.
>Summer 2021: GME is holding up well and DFV is content to disappear with what seems like a stable $50 mil stake, he knows taxes will be large and he's already sitting on life changing wins, why risk more?
>Fall 2022: SEC Charges Zach Morris with market manipulation, putting fear in the eyes of all pump and dump organizers that their abuse actually carries some real risk.
>March 2024: Judge dismisses lawsuit. Pump and dumps are officially legal (for now).
>Early May 2024: DFV decides hes free to return and see how far his fans can take him. He loads up on calls
>May expiry week 2024: DFV unloads the meme extravaganza. Perfectly timed, playing the same pumper playbook hes seen others use before.
>One day later: DFV sells his massive call option position for another 30x profit, this time on a starting size over $1 mil. He's now a centi-millionaire
>One week later: GME is back below where shares were trading before the meme spam started. No one actually gives a fuck because it's an incredibly blatant pump and dump.
>One month later: It's now approaching June expiry, DFV tests the waters and sees if the retards will give him a threepeat. Memes are used up, so this time he just posts a large position. Common pump and dump trick to build hype as retards think there's huge weight behind them.
>Today: By the time you're reading this, his stake has already been sold. Sorry baggies.

>> No.58567732

lmao are you fucking retarded?
he shows up with an additional 170 million dollars from his last known position and you think he didn't sell?

>> No.58567736
File: 137 KB, 3032x528, DFV day 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell of a pump if so. Keith made nearly $80MM in ONE DAY and seemingly did not close his position.

Imagine if he sold when it was up nearly 70-80% in the overnight market. Imagine having all that buying power fuck I would try to start ww3 singlehandedly

>> No.58567741

>lmao are you fucking retarded?
That anon has direct registered GME shares. They think other shares are fake. That's a self report.

>> No.58567873

When are you closing this?

>> No.58568080

brka brka muhammad jihad

>> No.58568342


he will exercise his call postion like he did countless times before

if not all of it, a large % by selling to cover

he alluded that he didnt have an exit strategy: "what´s an exit strategy"

he will just get as many shares as he possible can then use his stock position to get on the board and push for divies or whatever he wants gamestop to do.

he has no need to sell his shares, sorry shillies

>> No.58568468

tempted to make a play on a stock that has slapped me twice. trying to play a short term pump.

>> No.58568883

Maybe third time's the charm

>> No.58568952

Thoughts on super micro?

>> No.58568974
File: 53 KB, 448x277, 2504480_screenshots_20240523190538_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coffee can approach
Never heard of these before, thanks for the tip anon. Funny, it's similar to what I do already.

Damn, actual information on /biz/ in 2024. Who woulda thought?

>> No.58569014

What are the odds of GME announcing a multi acquisition during earnings call followed by DFV call exercises? If the acquisitions were all of heavily shorted microcap companies shorts would run out of juice. I don't think the market would be able to handle it. Multiple short squeezes followed by a MOASS. I've watched the big short 4 times and have extensively studied children's books to arrive at my conclusions.

>> No.58569068

Sup Faggets,

Let me let you all in on a little secret. The stock market discussion thread has moved to /bant/. We will no longer be subject to the tyrannical jannies and their draconian moderation practices. When you're ready to can find us here. See you all soon.


>> No.58569079

futes is pretty red so i think ill just watch how it does. trying to build more patience in my trading

>> No.58569218

Wonder when the music ends. 10 more days and I can sell w/ long term capital gains...

>> No.58569228

I friggin love that car and license plate

>> No.58569317
File: 75 KB, 810x508, coolcoolfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool cool

>> No.58569513

I have lost 1k. I don't think I'll make it back.

>> No.58569663

owari da...

>> No.58569730
File: 37 KB, 405x400, inbetween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7/9 are gme seethe posts
>the price is 5 dollars higher than when this thread was made
reddit squatting faggots mad at a video game retailer because it blew their fucking backs out 3 years ago lmfao

>> No.58569805
File: 33 KB, 735x542, e48ce0d2bb9dd20648e3393427add5e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market is quieting already for summer holidays and everybody is just riding/sleeping on leveraged s&p 500 longs which has been insanely profitable

correction is inevitable anyhow that market is getting slower and exhaysted at the top so bad spot to buy more


>> No.58569811

This. The media and industry is filled to the brim with AI "experts" that have no idea what a neural network is but can talk for hours and give seminars, write books etc. about how AI will revolutionize the world. It's a bubble like one we haven't seen in a long long time.

>> No.58569828

selling as soon as I can to not incur short-term gains tax.
SOON. Made $52k on this shit.

>> No.58569844

>not one mention of MLGO in this thread

You guys are worse than reddit lol

>> No.58570015
File: 24 KB, 350x576, 1714401643985552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPY crabbing. I'm thinking of buying lulu-melon calls after that dip.

>> No.58570035

faggot retard take.

>> No.58570077

GME is $15 cheaper then when I started posting about it. Not my fault you missed an easy short.

>> No.58570084
File: 43 KB, 640x585, 1717424453505206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed the generational low on realty income and agree realty

buy now or buy priced out forever

>> No.58570085

I will buy LEV

>> No.58570118

Name 1 reason I shouldn't put my entire account into 0dte 5245/5250 put credit spreads.

>> No.58570140

I don't know what any of those things are.

>> No.58570143

Way too much effort for relatively low returns
>renting faggotry
>upkeep faggotry
>taxes faggotry
unless you’re unironically renting land to farmers it’s not worth the hassle

>> No.58570168


>> No.58570173

Well if you're so smart then yolo all your money.

>> No.58570179

its guaranteed income in a crabby market and wayyy less risk then selling options

>> No.58570425

>184 replies in 3 market days and a weekend
This is a /GME/ board. Kneel

>> No.58570623


>> No.58570820
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, marioSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendbros why are we bussin today?

>> No.58570837

>5% yield

Why would anyone buy that when you could just go buy a rent house and get 12% yield + appreciation + add equity by painting it and shit

You need like 10 million dollars for owning reits to make sense

>> No.58570867

Nevermind it looks like they reported earnings today thats why.

>> No.58571057

When's the correction Lain?

>> No.58571139

>get a 6% mortgage
>buy 3 single family homes
>great tenants moves in
>one tenant stops paying 2 mo later, goes silent
>other tenant sells all your shit, stops paying
>final tenant has to move out. you say he will break the lease and no security deposit back. smashes the wall with a sledgehammer as a consequence.

good job but I'll just let my REITS grow.

>> No.58571603

i came onto here to ask about this, considering that basically the entire pumping of the S&P500 right now is just ai bubble hype, what should we actually be putting money into as at this point there really is no direction to go but down?

>> No.58571617

Being a landlord is a job, so that extra yield is something you're putting time and effort to work for. You can outsource property management, but then you have added costs you have to deal with. Taxes become more complicated, and there's also concentration risk.

5% yield isn't great but the idea is it grows with inflation. There are risks with REITs too, of course.

>> No.58571654
File: 15 KB, 216x637, pnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start options trading 6 weeks ago
>first week immediately fuck it up and go -$700 into the red
>every week thereafter just make money and now $327 in the green
Feels good bros.

>> No.58571690
File: 67 KB, 684x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your positions?

>> No.58571755
File: 20 KB, 807x177, amd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>POP % of 32%, 17% and 57%
Anon wtf. Only thing I have open right now is a position on AMD.

>> No.58571780
File: 123 KB, 1496x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have to close both legs right? Like I can't just close the POP 60% NVDA leg, and POP 68% GME?

Also, it's near impossible to find higher POP's where the amount you can lose isn't tremendously huge.

Also, I put in sell order for NVDA but that's pumping. Buy order for GME but that's dropping. And buy orders for VIX which also dropped.

>> No.58571802

>Like I can't just close the POP 60% NVDA leg, and POP 68% GME?
You probably won't be able to because your positions are offsetting each other and you probably don't have the buying power to cover the huge risk.
>it's near impossible to find higher POP's where the amount you can lose isn't tremendously huge
So instead you take a 30% POP where you're basically guaranteed to lose money?

>> No.58571831
File: 129 KB, 967x608, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So instead you take a 30% POP where you're basically guaranteed to lose money?
It never gave me those POP values. For instance, picrel just shows 54% POP only.

>> No.58571856

Because the bid/ask spread is different now. Your POP of 41% is based off what you paid and were paid plus IV. You need to go through this course.


>> No.58571863

Thanks for the link I'll go though it. So far been using this: https://tastytrade.com/options/how-to-trade-options/

What should I do with my orders?

>> No.58571869

To close this order. Do you just close the 73% leg or both that and the 20% one?

>> No.58571872

Shit nigger I'm not a financial advisor but honestly I'd close everything out, take the $70 hit. Then go through that course and start fresh knowing a bit more.

>> No.58571881
File: 194 KB, 1540x946, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your AMD call. See what I mean about the Max Loss beign substantially higher than max profit?

>> No.58571892
File: 2 KB, 229x55, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take the $70 hit.
It's $215 total

>> No.58571900

You close both at the same time. You seem extremely lost in the sauce. It's a little alarming.

Yes it is. Though a 1:3 ratio of max profit:max loss I've found is pretty good. Often you'll only get 1:4.

>> No.58571918

>You close both at the same time. You seem extremely lost in the sauce. It's a little alarming.
Understood. And yes, I'm just learning but thank you for being so patient with me. I have one more question, instead of closing out ASAP should i wait until expiration date because it may go in my favor by then?

I basically bought in GME, VIX, and shorted NVDA. I expect NVDA to drop eventually. Do you typically wait until expiration or close when you see a high POP for a green order?

I'm gonna ape this order.

>> No.58571959

>I have one more question, instead of closing out ASAP should I wait until expiration date
It depends but generally you want to close out way before expiration. As a rule, never let your options expire. You can get seriously BTFO by doing that.
>I expect NVDA to drop eventually
Sure, eventually. It might even dip tomorrow. However you have 3 days until expiration and the stock split is on Friday. You have very little time to work with.
>Do you typically wait until expiration or close when you see a high POP for a green order?
I close when the P/L is at my target generally speaking. Tastytrade recommends doing ~45 DTE and closing at 21 DTE or at 50% of max profit, whichever is hit first.

>> No.58572001

>You can get seriously BTFO by doing that.
Tell me why?

>stock split is on Friday.
Is this expected to cause NVDA's prices to go up more than down?

I'll close the orders I have and put in your AMD order.

>> No.58572029

>Tell me why?
Assignment and pin risk.



>Is this expected to cause NVDA's prices to go up more than down?
Nobody knows for certain but NVDA has been on a massive hype train for a while.
>put in your AMD order
Good luck, anon.

>> No.58572129
File: 21 KB, 548x282, hive_launchpad_goys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Chinamen here would notice HIVE Digital Technologies jumped up 8.88% today... 8 is their luckiest number. If you know, you know. See you at the top lads.

>> No.58573209

Based renters

>> No.58573210
File: 69 KB, 432x474, crayon_eater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stock market crash when, I sold too early and need to buy back cheaper :(

>> No.58573224
File: 320 KB, 749x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through the course now. Did you watch it from start to end comprehensively or just take the quizzes and if we get something wrong we go to the lecture that goes over it.

Also, is POP the main criteria you look for in trades?

btw, you're based thanks for being so informative.

>> No.58573226


> Chinamen

I think that's not the right nomenclature...

>> No.58573322

Take as much of your money out as you can and sit on it until the bubble bursts, then put it back in the second it starts to show strong signs of recovery.

>> No.58573339

Watch it comprehensively. You need it, big dog.

>> No.58573352

>POP the main criteria you look for in trades
Yeah, plus what profit:loss I'm being offered. I weigh that with what I think the stock is going to do.

>> No.58573791

What platform is this?

>> No.58573869
File: 28 KB, 400x400, ferris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvda costs so much now they're gonna divide the shares and price by 10 to make it look 10x cheaper, i can't tell if ppl will take this as a sign to pump and buy more, or as a good opportunity to sell the news and take profits and try to leave ppl holding the bag before everyone else tries to, i can't even call it a bubble cus everyone now believes its gonna go up forever and the price to earnings ratio went from 200 to 80 which is no longer a stupid bubble built on pure greed and fomo, I hate AI so much but its making me so much money aaaaaaaaa

>> No.58573886

why did SMG
shill me on an ETF called FANG
when there's a fucking oil company called FANG
that has done a 10x in the last 5 years?

>> No.58573891

>smashes the wall with a sledgehammer as a consequence.
Oh no, a $40 sheetrock sheet, somebody save me!

>> No.58573932

Some of us do shill oil, sometimes.
But it's more complicated than riding tech to infinity.

>> No.58574408

Coinbase looks like it's about to pop off!

>> No.58574676

That's worse then inflation or bonds tho... Like plenty of blue collar stocks that pay more in divvies too and will never stop.

Also the reits I looked at were 12 to 13 percent so there is that....

>> No.58574705

I told you people to buy cony and hold it for a year to make gain last week.

Coinbase is set to be the crypto bank name that people recognize.

>> No.58575166

nvidya twelve fiddy presplit

>> No.58575386

>NVDA split
I know forward splits are supposed to be bullish, but this feels bearish.

>> No.58575393

I closed my AMD order this morning for $157 profit after fees.

>> No.58575449
File: 72 KB, 1080x916, IMG_1264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this true?!?! Why are women like this?

>> No.58575547

>nvda almost 1200
This is bananas. I was happy at 1100.

>> No.58575576

My US ETFs are pumping HARD today

>> No.58575944
File: 191 KB, 1170x1106, IMG_1266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is $650k NW considered pretty good at 29?

>> No.58576258

If it's in cash and stocks, yeah. Not if it includes a house.

>> No.58576316

Thank god, I bought a couple shares at 1150 do get in on the split and was worried for a second. I wanted the shares regardless, but it looks like I'll still gain some.

>> No.58576326

I'm ready to sell.but need to wait a few days for tax purposes. If it gains a lot during the split...that would be nice.

>> No.58576339

There's going to be a retail frenzy over "cheap shares" I'm pretty sure. I'm expecting to see it go to 150 not too long after the split.

>> No.58576348 [DELETED] 

rename this bake to /GNG/ on your next bake

>> No.58576456

>That's worse then inflation or bonds tho
As are most divvy stock yields. For that matter the S&P average is close to 20x earnings meaning the average stock is earning 5% of today's investors cost basis per year. Dividend payouts are naturally a bit lower.
The point is that these earnings will likely grow. They're inflation adjusted yields.

If you buy that 10y treasury and get near 4% yield, you're always going to see exactly 4% until it matures. At that point you have no bond, and if they're trading back down near 2% you can only roll to a 2% yield or buy some other shit. If inflation turns out higher than currently expected and averages 6%, your 4% was trash.
Corporate bonds have a bit more yield, but suffer the same risks in addition to some credit risk. Bonds are also almost the least tax efficient asset classes. You pay more taxes on interest than REIT distributions.

>> No.58576501

Huge amount of money incoming from Goldman right before July 4th. The rally will continue all summer, and when the fed lowers rates in september, all the way to the elction

>> No.58576586
File: 135 KB, 1484x601, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats. Mine is stuck on "Working".

I also tried to close out VIX, NVDA but they haven't closed.

Any idea why?


>> No.58576594

ASNS shattered the record for the most halts in a day today at 35.

>> No.58576602

top fucking kek GME seethe. mad you missed the boat at 10 bucks? well, you're still early because we are unironically going to infinity. just buy and hold you arrogant retards.

>> No.58576674

>I also tried to close out VIX, NVDA but they haven't closed.
To close or open anything you need someone on the other end of the trade. So basically nobody is willing to buy at your price.

>> No.58576683

>To close or open anything you need someone on the other end of the trade. So basically nobody is willing to buy at your price.
Shieeet. Should I adjust the price?

Also, why hasn't my AMD trade gone through when yours' did?

>> No.58576697

>Should I adjust the price?
Yes if you actually want it to execute.
>why hasn't my AMD trade gone through when yours' did?
Because you're trying to open a position. I already had an open position and closed it today.

>> No.58576712
File: 72 KB, 400x440, 1338066577455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NVDA bros, at 1280 we become the biggest market cap in the world.

>> No.58576733

gme next

>> No.58576759
File: 3 KB, 279x50, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Yeah, when I try to change the prices I get this error.

>> No.58576802

still undervalued.

NVDA is only fairly valued if it's more valueable than everything else in the world. I love this stock that only goes up.

>> No.58576971

nice call

>> No.58577130

>he's still holding INTC
Anon wtf are you doing?

>> No.58577364


>> No.58577737

i have 1 k to invest any good long position?

>> No.58577758

NVDA on max margin

>> No.58577766

im mostly cash.

>> No.58577860
File: 818 KB, 2175x3000, __ubel_sousou_no_frieren_drawn_by_khyle__522d66b53e611df8cab0a8ced719138d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still poor despite 5 years of smg

>> No.58577953

Can I short NVIDA now?

Me too anon, I might be retarded

>> No.58577959

Pltr or soun that's what I'm personally in.

>> No.58577967

No, someone in bant/smg/ got fucking obliterated trying that today. On second thought, maybe you're good now.

>> No.58577977

how did your gamestop shorts do today retard

>> No.58578026

kek this didn't age well

>> No.58578072

Do not short NVDA. You are practically guaranteed to get blown out.

>> No.58578134

Why are you replying to a post about fundamental concepts to shill an unrelated pump and dump?
Are you too lazy to quote properly?

If you must know, gamestop is still trading lower than Monday's open and the premiums continue to tick away for those making leveraged bets. There is a coordinated attempt to manufacture a gamma squeeze on the monthly expiry, so leverage is most of the move. I wouldn't be surprised if they try the same next month, and maybe even the month after that until it reaches a point where DFVs posting stops having any impact. I do wonder if at some point the SEC may step in, perhaps pushing to get the GME options market disabled and prevent obvious manipulation. Regardless, I've seen these setups time and time again and they always end in tears for those left holding the bag on the other side once the crowd moves on. Even for gamestop, there is a 3 year record of that pain in recent memory. GME does not produce cashflow, so it's more like crypto in the sense that all profits must come from offloading shares at a profitable selling price to others. Basically a ponzi.
You are probably too low IQ to comprehend this, unfortunately.

I am not currently short, but may short again around June 21st. There is massive open interest which will require large amounts of capital to convert to shares. Capital that I suspect traders have no actual intention of converting. In the meantime, the setup actually favors long positions. I had initially speculated roaring kitty would close his position day one as I suspected he did last month (>>58567730) but it's clear he intends to hold until expiration. Note that this is still manipulative, as, like previous pumps, he will close calls - ideally at profit - and the net effect is that he has entered a synthetic long and then sold for higher. Some profits may be rolled into GME stock, but not all. He does not have the capital on hand as shown in the balances being reported. There are also tax considerations.

>> No.58578154

lol, lmao even. I saw your id and wanted to kek you since the price is up, the full-screen cope was delightful though.

>> No.58578163
File: 86 KB, 730x1229, __painleve_and_painleve_azur_lane_drawn_by_preview_preview0__a0f215935e3846760570e2863126229a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMB stock ladies
The shortsellers will be destroyed!!!!

>> No.58578221
File: 1 KB, 112x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fugg i'm finally in the green from my gme order

I'm getting obliterated from shorting at 1115

>> No.58578274

>I saw your id
Hilarious. You truly must be obsessed if you've committed to memorizing my ID and positioning across a span of several days without even skimming through the thread.

It really is a religion to these guys, isn't it?
I must be a spawn of the devil, sharing basic logic. Maybe I'm a witch.

Unfortunately, I don't remember you at all. There are so many 1pbtid GME shills that it's hard to tell whos who. Previously, I assumed your were all one guy samefagging on mobile, but I see you have 4 posts under this ID.
So I have no opinion of you. Enjoy your gains today, and I'll be adding this conversation to my trading journal so I can have a laugh several months from now.

>> No.58578303

You need to look at P/L YTD.

>> No.58578308

Excuse me, I mean P/L Open. P/L day is somewhat useful but P/L open is what actually matters.

>> No.58578318

Trying to figure how I can avoid dying on the Walmart floor. I’m 33 years old.

Income is 65k with potential to make up to 100k+ in the next 5-10 years. I have $11,500 emergency fund. $24,590 in stocks (Vanguard ETF) and $9,000 in a retirement fund from work. I pump $350 every two weeks into the Vanguard ETF and work retirement fund gets about $200 a month added by my employer. I will be inheriting $100,000 at some point in the next decade, at which point I’d look at buying a property. I kind of fucked around in my 20s like a retard and trying to compensate now. Any tips?

>> No.58578334

>trying to short NVDA, the quentessential pick and shovel play when every single fucking company is buying picks and shovels
Imagine being that fucking stupid. All you had to do was go long. I'm up 10% today thanks to NVDA.

>> No.58578340

You've got 30 more years. That's the equivalent of your entire lived experience to this point. You'll be fine.
Keep saving 10% and avoid chasing the hedonistic treadmill until you feel more comfy.

>> No.58578363

>I see you have 4 posts
Hilarious. You truly must be obsessed if you've committed to memorizing my ID

>> No.58578386

Anyone holding NVDA is basically a nigger.

>> No.58578389

Nigger and proud

>> No.58578404
File: 117 KB, 313x294, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58578430

I hope I'm the darkest niggerape in the thread.

>> No.58578449

Stay in your containment thread smg baggies.

>> No.58578470

Your browser has a search function, retard.

>> No.58578474

Kill yourself unironically.
>fucked around in your 20s
Millennials deserve to suffer because 9/10ths of them are too pathetic to say "the 2010s and covid 19 recession was out of my control and fucked me over", they would rather grovel and pretend it was their own fault their life is fucked up and not because the currency is ruind and this society is evil. If you aren't willing to stand up for yourself, then die on the walmart floor.

>> No.58578499

>it was their own fault their life is fucked
It is.

>> No.58578565

Actual newfag.

>> No.58578618

But I was a neet from the age of 22-25 after quitting a decently paying albeit absolutely soul crushing job as an assistant manager at Rent A Center. Didn't start making decent money again until my mid 30s. It's all absolutely my fault I'm so far behind the curve.

>> No.58578624
File: 49 KB, 726x326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My P/L Open is red.

>> No.58578626

I don't think he's that new, he reddit spaces a bit but he could just be older. Old folks like hard breaks between their paragraphs when they write.

>> No.58578657

You gotta close that NVDA and VIX. GME is looking good but GME is erratic so you can't necessarily count on it continuing upwards. You're in a good position to close everything out and take minimal loss.

>> No.58578669

he's referring to you not knowing basic functionality like highlighting IDs, checking postcount, etc - all newfag behavior. To be fair, I don't personally think you're a newfag, just a moron.
>reddit spaces
lmao. I suppose decent formatting isn't a problem when you're incapable of making a coherent thought longer than two sentences.

>> No.58578735

how do you convince someone to take profit on nvda? a colleague has done pretty well on it, now they want to go in more with margin, just like the meme chart. i told them at least take the profit out, or the initial but they claim to be holding for the long term. then again i could be wrong and i am also holding 20% of my port in 2x leveraged semis forever

>> No.58578756

>You gotta close that NVDA and VIX.
Tried to but >>58576586

>> No.58578759

>Didn't build wealth-building wealth in his 20s

>> No.58578781
File: 829 KB, 1247x1247, 10beers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

65k/yr is roughly 5.4k/mo and you can only put $700 towards investing? Lmfao, you deserve to die on the walmart floor. Hopefully as a greeter so some kid sees you and says, "Damn, Imma make sure that ain't me fr fr"

Whatever expensive ass hobby you've got (probably eating your wealth like a fatass), I'd cut it out immediately.

>> No.58578991

How do I short Lasertec given that Robinhood doesn't have it and my other brokers don't let me gamble

>> No.58579108
File: 14 KB, 1186x177, unlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to resubmit the order and when you do make sure it's "unlocked" that will set your closing price to the mid price.

>> No.58579110


>> No.58579223
File: 18 KB, 529x395, 1711884672222970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone pathetic for taking ownership of their choices and taking steps to improve their life situation
>thinks instead you should blame your shortcomings on outside factors and screech into the clouds about how it's all so unfair
>unironically thinks this is "standing up for yourself"
Holy dogshit, zoomies really are a doomed generation.

>> No.58579252

Getting spooked by this nvda rise. Been in since $450 or so.
Think it's time to set a sell order. Apparently buy orders are adjusted after a split but sells are not. Smdh.

>> No.58579311

you don't want those sweet penny divies?

>> No.58579315

>selling NVDA

>> No.58579363
File: 9 KB, 558x174, luckyredditfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never get to go back in time and buy split-adjusted $2/share NVDA

>> No.58579387


>> No.58579400
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, Designer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEW @_@ !!







>> No.58579423
File: 177 KB, 1485x903, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need to resubmit the order and when you do make sure it's "unlocked" that will set your closing price to the mid price
It's already been on that unlocked setting. Here's the NVDA short put with 63% POP.

>> No.58579492

You need to resubmit a new order. The price doesn't change once you submit the order. You need the monitor the current price against what you're offering and resubmit if it moves away from you.

>> No.58579527

I believe I did submit a new order. I'll look into this, I don't want you to waste time explaining to me lol. Thank you though.

>> No.58579536

You need to do it repeatedly if the stock is moving a lot. Let it sit for 5-10mins then resubmit if it hasn't filled. You don't have a price target and are just trying to gtfo. And it's fine, hopefully you learn a lot how all this works through this.

>> No.58582122

shorting the strongest stock in the market while its going up???

yeah go for it

>> No.58584263

GME price will drop down to 32 dollars tomorrow. I will refuel then.

>> No.58588222

I almost did this today to buy gme.

High risk but I'm inverting the market.