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File: 54 KB, 1500x1000, satoshi-nakamoto_final-297c9027b6124891acf6e46918fa1b26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58550928 No.58550928 [Reply] [Original]

Why is that faggot Satoshi Nakamoto hoarding 1.1 million BTC instead of selling it all so we can slurp more and more?

>> No.58551264

>Has nip name
>Shadow outline is of an average white dude

>> No.58551653


>> No.58551760

>invents cryptocurrency
>never spends a single bitcoin in 16 years
What did he mean by this?

>> No.58551784

I showed my mum Satoshi posts on the bitcoin forums a few years back when I was trying to find clues

One interesting thing my mum said is that he structures / formats his posts in a way that people did back in the 1980s/1990s, that people no longer do anymore, but this was common place back then, and generally people from that time still post that way

My mum is 65 and worked as a lawyer since the late 1980s, and she said Satoshi writing format is that of someone from her era.

So there is a good chance he is my mums age or older, not that 65 is really that old now-days, but maybe he had some health issues or something and is no longer alive.

>> No.58551787

ask sergey

>> No.58551791

He ded

>> No.58551798

i'm done slurping, fuck the late comers, ppump this bitch up

>> No.58551804

It makes sense honestly, he never sells his BTC and that's why he dumps stinky linky to sustain himself and his harem of HR roasties.

>> No.58551912

death of old age

death of old age theory cuntfirmed, digits if true

>> No.58551930

If you zoom in enough then you can literally see the slant eyes through the shadow you fucking mong

>> No.58551932

hal finney seems confirmed. sends a transaction to himself as well.

Now the only thing that disproves this theory is only one thing. He said "maths" instead of "math" and other britishisms. But since Hal was hiding who he truly was and he was a cryptographic expert. Do you really not think he wouldn't deliberately use words like "maths" and reference british newspapers?
He was very meticulous

>> No.58551977

biggest cope ever
the team just used Hal as the scapegoat. Nakamoto being a real person that lived in the same town as Hal while he died poor basically confirms this.

odds are the og team lost all their old miner private keys because they never imagined btc being worth more than $1. now theyre too embarrassed/semi-rich to come forward after losing billions

>> No.58552051

Satoshi could have anonymously mined a bunch of btc in the early days under the guise of just being another early adopter.

>> No.58552064

No, Hal left BITCOIN for his kids in his safety deposit box when he died

>> No.58552110

His wife said they sold all of his Bitcoin to take care of his health needs in the last few years he was alive.

Bitcoin wasn't worth much back then when they were selling to fund his health care needs.

>> No.58552119

No, in 2014 he still left some in his safety deposit.
Read the article shortly before his death

>> No.58552122

Be careful what you wish for

>> No.58552130

>not that 65 is even that old!!!!

Hate when fuckers say this. 30 isn’t old! Ha, well you know 40s is the new 20s. 50? Young at heart! 65 isn’t even that old!!!

Shut the fuck up faggot your mom is old and so are you.

>> No.58552155

Craig Wright has sold plenty of BTC over the heard .
He doesn’t sell his BSV

>> No.58552164

Yes I know, but I mean old as in for what was considered old

My grandparents are in their 90s, so yeah, my mum at 65 is old, but she doesn't seem anywhere near as old as my grandparents in their 90s.

I mum walks 20k steps a day, shes more active most young people 1/4th her age.

>> No.58552192

Most people that learn English in My country used to learn the british way, like saying colour instead of color, so the theory of language to me its not enoug, but my conspirational part of the brain says it's all suspicious

>> No.58552247
File: 94 KB, 1484x920, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58552395


>> No.58552430


>> No.58553981

Satoshi is a quantum superposition consisting of Adam Back, Nick Szabo, Hal Finney, and Wei Dai.

>> No.58554071
File: 295 KB, 500x500, 1401456583450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let my man be a millionaire in peace
hold Retardio if you want some money geez

>> No.58554546

pseudonym :)

>> No.58554548

Deflation works.

>> No.58554549

how could someone make bitcoin and never be discovered

there's no way america and the EU and china don't know who he is