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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58543873 No.58543873 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey presentation (new slides about institutional abstraction layer), discusses DTCC stuff etc:

>Euroclear guy "the technology you provide... is the path forward"
>Europe's DTCC, founded by JPMorgan
>"The group settled the equivalent of €992 trillion in securities transactions in 2021"

Securitize (Blackrock affiliate):
>"I hope we can work together"
>Securitize Announces $47 Million Strategic Funding Round Led by BlackRock

SWIFT talk coming up next? With a new guy, last minute replacement. There's a page where he discusses need for interoperability and success with trialing abstraction layer

New DTCC+Euroclear report released today (highlights need for interop/abstraction layer) https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/DASCPWhitePaper.pdf
Great Sergey interview on CNBC yesterday https://www.cnbc.com/video/2024/05/28/crypto-more-legitimized-since-sec-approved-spot-bitcoin-etfs-chainlink-co-founder.html
New Sergey interview about capital markets/RWA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gwJBV4KdIg
JPMorgan and 21Shares (Ark) also attending another Chainlink meetup next month

Crypto market is still sleeping

>> No.58543876
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same SWIFT guy

>> No.58543878

token not sneeded

>> No.58543883
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DTCC using the same wording

>> No.58543890
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last minute addition after they just released that report, interesting timing

>> No.58543894
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>> No.58543899

>30 year old OP finds this meme funny
I’m glad you’ll never make it

>> No.58543902

Wait, this is a new talk?
With a fucking Euroclear guy?

>> No.58543903
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>> No.58543905
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Yes last minute addition, see op link

>> No.58543914
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jpm team just casually meeting up with chainlink, wonder what happens next?

>> No.58543920
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>> No.58543927
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>> No.58543936
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>> No.58543943

Not OP but I'm 30 and legitimately chuckled when I saw that pic lol

>> No.58543944

Hi Chris

>> No.58543946
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>> No.58543947

who has that larp from a couple of months ago saying that people would come out into the open late may and june?

>> No.58543962

You’d chuckle at dog poop.

>> No.58543973

yea they said after consensus chainlink will be endorsed left and right through out june.

>> No.58543974
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>> No.58543978
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read the new report and watch sergey's new slides, sergey literally addresses all the stuff that the report mentions
they're suddenly all using the same wording like "abstraction layer"

>> No.58543980

I can't believe this retarded clown market is pricing LINK at $18.50 after all this.
Meanwhile, SHIB and DOGE have higher marketcap and volume.

>> No.58543985

humiliation ritual until the tipping point, whenever that is. hopefully soon.

>> No.58543989

it's ridiculous
i can understand some of the underpricing up until last year
it was only really from that june 2023 swift announcement that it looked like it was happening
ever since then i've just been waiting
at this point though, how are more people not seeing it
you also wonder about eth long term, evm is going to win but eth may lose as there will be many, many blockchains

>> No.58544004

and ADA and TON and XRP and BNB and

>> No.58544005

but wheres the paaaamp
wheres the paaaaaaaaaaaaaamp

>> No.58544011

I believe this. It's getting really crazy how much switch-flipping has been going on the last few months. At this point it's just embarrassing how little retail investors know about it, because it's all very clearly publically available.

>> No.58544024
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anons on biz were posting pic related when all we had going were a whitepaper, 2 man team radio silence and autistic breadcrumbs

seeing all of them line up and sergey appearing on msm to confirm all of it feels so surreal
even more surreal is seeing link still behind complete shitcoins and only getting minor pumps from this

how long can the corrupt market makers and braindead retail normies keep getting away with this?

>> No.58544032
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With all those top-tier news we'll be fucking happy if we don't go back to single digits this summer
>Chainlink is adopted for interdimensional communication and trustless teleportation between worlds by the Megaverse Ayyy Conglomerate

>> No.58544042

I actually guffawed for a good minute upon seeing the OP pic, just so you know.

>> No.58544046
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when does the madness end

>> No.58544051

Just you wait, by year end we'll all be at the yacht party sipping mimosas with Blythe while we poke Simeon with sticks through the bars in his cage.

>> No.58544066

It's because the guys are afraid. They don't understand the technology or its potential. Just look at how he clings like mussels to a rock on BTC while he is completely overwhelmed and is investing backwards in ETH. Crypto is still considered risky by most people and big investors. It's a bit like explaining to your grandparents the benefits of a connected home. Plus when you have a lot of money you're lazy and you put it into shitty things that earn 5%

>> No.58544068

Blythe Masters is so fucking milfy, hnnnngggg

>> No.58544074

im a retard but all this seems to just confirm what we already knew. chainlink is the standard. now can we get this party started already for fucks sake.

>> No.58544084

i am still convinced it was someone from the team that spoonfed us in the early days
no other way that we picked up one out of thousands of alts being launched at that time, it was pure mania
i still say it was steve, always hiding from the public eye but secretly plotting
i see you ellis

>> No.58544085
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one of my favorite (funniest) long running things is following this jill roastie from nasdaq
because she's this detached outsider but somehow she's been following it since the start
she's been covering crypto/chainlink for years and it's obvious she has no idea what's going on and just going through the motions with her job, just PR releases for hire, her whole job is repeating canned questions for fake interviews meant to prop up startups with bullshit fluff and she always looks so fucking bored, like she knows most of these wont even be around 6 months later
and even she gradually started having these lightbulb kind of moments mid interview where she realizes "wait what, who the fuck are these guys" and seeing sergey gradually gaining in power levels with legit connections

>> No.58544088

>ok so, so let me just repeat that number very quickly... 38 trillion!
Kek, even Sergey is overtly disgusted with Links price action.
>you hear this? 38 trillion in assets, fucking buy already!

>> No.58544140

because there is no retail, it's mostly people from the 2017 and 2021 cycle in crypto right now, there are some degen normies buying memecoins on solana but there is no mom and pops FOMOing like crazy into anything that's being shilled. Crypto "OG's" from 2017, all the big twitter profiles they never cared about link and never liked it, some of them traded it and made calls for it just to sell after 20-30% profits, there is very few 100k+ followers people that actually hold and shill link

TLDR: the market is inefficient, but also the market is always right

>> No.58544149

there's no doubt that sbf did a lot of damage in the us with crypto which is the biggest retail market
also there's way too many tokens now, too little capital being spread too thin
it looks like it will take these institutions to be explicit to get anything moving properly
might get that with the swift talk tomorrow but probably not
would be a nice 5th birthday present (mainnet went live may 30, 2019)

>> No.58544150

>At this point it's just embarrassing how little retail investors know about it, because it's all very clearly publically available.

many such cases

>> No.58544152

maybe if she gained 15lbs

>> No.58544171

It's an extremely retarded clown market, anon. All we can do is wait it out. Stock market was once just what you see with penny stocks, also just a degen gambling casino. Over time regulations and people just wising up made it what it is today and penny stocks (scams) all got relegated to a bullshit market nobody but degens trade in.

Eventually all the dog coins will be the penny stocks, they'll get regulated and ignored (by real money) into the ground. The shitcoin casino doesn't go away, but the general market will mature and only big swinging dicks like Chainlink will get to play. It might be another 5 years or so before this stuff is really taking shape, but within 10 it'll all be fully in swing and if you're still holding LINK at that point just 100 LINK will be an impressive amount to own. Those of us who can make it there with 1,000+ will be rich beyond what we ever imagined.

>> No.58544178
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yeah that's the way I see it, I'm even afraid that real usage from real known financial firms might not be enough to move the price if there is no significant real demand for the tokens, people are just gonna acknowledge the news, nod their heads and go on about their lives chasing the equivalent of lottery ticket on dextools with their $3k 'investments'
hopefully bitcoin goes on a 100k+ run this year or we might be cooked as the zoomers say

>> No.58544241

Assblaster was potentially connected to an insider who fed him the information.

I’ve come to the same conclusion, there’s just no way it was at all possible for /biz/ to latch on to LINK in particular out of the many somewhat promising projects that existed at the time. If anything, XRP was the *obvious* pick back in the day.

>> No.58544249

jill enjoyer her, she's a good character i hope she secured a fat link stack

>> No.58544323

People are upset about price action but everyone needs to remember too that holders have always actively fudded everywhere. I don’t really go on reddit but I’m sure even these interviews and articles that speak for themselves are being fudded to hell and back by /biz/ holders with shit that can easily convince reddit brainlets LINK is a scam or at least a bad buy.

>> No.58544340


> Tokenized RWA is at $160B while DeFi is at $107B.

WTF RWA development is moving at full speed.

>> No.58544343

>presentation, slides, discusses
>talk coming up
>report released
it never ends

>> No.58544345

*not including digital assets on private and permissioned chains.

>> No.58544361

XRPtards STILL think they're going to take over cross-border payments despite every cross-border payment agency saying they're using Chainlink to enable.

>> No.58544456
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Thanks bro but I'm not reading all that. I have 2500 link in the pool, will I make it? If so when?

>> No.58544460

its also my birthday tomorrow anons, i share it with the mainnnet. I believe this is important esoterically but dont know why

>> No.58544534

Are you the guy who spammed those images here in 17 and 18? I told you they are hideous, I haven't changed my mind. Godpeed anon.

>> No.58544796

nobody with a brain thought XRP was anything other than a shitcoin.

>> No.58544889

Kek nice angle to watch from. I’ve never liked those interviews, they have a surreal kind of vibe

>> No.58544902 [DELETED] 





T .ME/PurpleParlor

>> No.58544972

oooooooooo is right

>> No.58545055


>> No.58545083


He said 100 trillion in that video.

>> No.58545104

Current Link dominance at 0.43%. 10T total market cap gives Link a price of $430 usd FULLY DILUTED, and assuming no gain in market dominance. Boys I think we're going to be OK.

>> No.58545220 [DELETED] 
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the link token is old news chooky is the next wave of memecoins launching on base you missed the chance to get rich off shiba and pepe but chooky is your last chance to 1000x bro don't miss out on the next crypto millionaire maker #getrichwithchooky

>> No.58545288

Do you even know what “chainlink on mainnet” means?

>> No.58545291
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Bro is way more Retardio than me and I'm holding Retardio

>> No.58545680
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Thought this was interesting. I remember a few years back we saw some people connecting JPM's Liiink to Chainlink but there was never anything concrete. Funny how we now have Liiink/Onyx meeting up with Chainlink publicly after all these years.


>> No.58545713

another jill enjoyer here, hope she's doing well and accumulating

>> No.58545743 [DELETED] 
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another jill enjoyer here hope she's doing well and accumulating

>> No.58545769
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CanDID is inherently flawed because it can be sybil attacked.

>> No.58545771

it's all coming together, but reality is often stranger than fiction (and imagination)

I never, EVER thought it would all happen this way. But here we are.

>> No.58545793
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The market is dumping again sisters.

>> No.58546097
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>10T total market cap
5T of that will be stable coins

>> No.58546315

>a system that will enable BUILD projects to make their tokens claimable
>on how the mechanisms are being built
Why do I get the feeling that people won't just be given the tokens, but they'll have to do some kind of monkey work that each project dictates to get them?
Tell me I'm wrong here. Why is air dropping so hard in this set of instances?

>> No.58546323

to avoid getting buttfucked by government agencies.

>> No.58546330

Why is that twitter link dead?

>> No.58546339

fit21 bill seems to clear the path for our build tokens, finally.

>> No.58546340

That seems to be the de-facto assumption. I wonder if it's correct.

>> No.58546346

>The bill classifies a blockchain as decentralized if, among other requirements, no person has unilateral authority to control the blockchain or its usage, and no issuer or affiliated person has control of 20% or more of the digital asset or the voting power of the digital asset.
>The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) must regulate a digital asset as a security if its associated blockchain is functional but not decentralized.
>However, the bill establishes certain exceptions to SEC regulation for digital assets that limit annual sales, restrict nonaccredited investor access, and satisfy disclosure and compliance requirements. The bill also sets forth requirements for primary and secondary market transactions.
How does this affect chainlink in general and BUILD rewards specifically?

>> No.58546359

it gives clarification about what's a security and isn't. with the bill passed, most erc20 tokens are officially recognized as not being securities, which cll can now freely distribute without fear.

>> No.58546547

literally the same speech ive heard in 2017 LMAO this dude on repeat for 7 straight years.

>> No.58546559

there is no liquidity retard, Markets only pump on that. They token doesn't matter, thats why shib and apu pump. chainlink is just another shitcoin

>> No.58546569

>would be a nice 5th birthday present (mainnet went live may 30, 2019)
you are a stupid faggot and need to end it

>> No.58546630

no wonder the token doesnt pump LMAO this is such a pipedream. the whole talk is just "we will do this, and we will do that" nigga you havent done shit. from ur shitty pilot test with swift to the vision you are selling is going to be DECADES LMAO only a bunch of basement dwelling retards like biz who has never had a real job doesnt realize that.

>> No.58546651

how can you distribute something that doesn't exist ("build rewards")

>> No.58546658

correct... in the msnbc interview two days ago fat boy said he was basically just going to this conference to see old friends... it's just a bunch of grifters gathering back together telling war stories

serg is probably laughing his ass off telling them how he went on biz as a guy named assblaster 5 years ago and convinced a bunch of edgelords to fund his company

>> No.58546664
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>nigga you havent done shit
His oracles have settled $12 trillion worth of economic activity without a single major issue.

>> No.58546680
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>oh yeah? Let me check the price right no-ACK
>the price is low because Bitcoin dumped on all big news
>you're delusional
>here's a few dozen pics as evidence

and round and round the discussion goes once more, just as it has gone multiple times every day for the past four years.

>> No.58546692

this is the truth and im going to copy paste this every single time these faggot shills start up their dialogue. Its like talking to a fucking NPC in an rpg with how they all sound the same

>> No.58546697

>faggot shills
Notice how that entire dialog tree consists of fudders moving the goalposts.

>> No.58546703

What is the value extracted to the Link token per dollar transacted?

>> No.58546705

skibidy chainlink ree ree

>> No.58546706

thats literally what it is. A dialogue tree from, and its the same three pieces of information almost word for word. The board was better when they the had email verification

>> No.58546708

1 to 1.
1 LINK = $12 trillion.

>> No.58546768

yea but what's the real answer?

>> No.58547299
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>> No.58547622

>low iq fudcuck tries to peddle his plebbit sockpuppet account again

>> No.58547641

if it's not goalpost moving its projection, every single time
notice how they try to insist that email verification got rid of link "shills?" this is purely because people realized that fuddie samefagging went to 0, and fud spam in the catalog went from the usual 12 threads at all times to like 2 of 3 max with pretty much no responses while link discussion threads kept going without the same obvious derailment attempts during that time

>> No.58547671


just like the cha--ACK
enjoy your powerpoint slides tho

>> No.58547692


lmao look at this guy vomitting his diary of arguments that run inside his head every day

here's the problem: the chart

>> No.58547735

We need a stream dammit

>> No.58547755

We get it, you like to buy tops but usually in investments you want to buy things when they are low.

>> No.58547778


>> No.58547797

false alarm, it seems that main stage is pass only