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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 64x64, Foxcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58540236 No.58540236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

first of all, jannies pls, there are like a gorillion fox coin posts up on the board all at once

second, i finally read the hyper long thread and holy shit there are some absolute retards on this board

your standard biz shitcoin is 50% speculation and 50% esl but somehow the one coin on this board that has openly proven their coinbase connections has brownoid fudders who:
>sold the bottom
>try to get exit liquidity for their scam coins
>make up random shit hoping it sticks to get a better entry

it took me all of 30 minutes to read the whitepaper and a few mediums which prove all of these village feeding poorfags wrong

TLDR i bought in today

>> No.58540243

>10b is fud

>> No.58540255

Avibros.......why do the devs post on here all the time??

>> No.58540264
File: 6 KB, 375x98, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold the bottom
>try to get exit liquidity for their scam coins
>make up random shit hoping it sticks to get a better entry

>he chose the wrong damn coin boi

>> No.58540295

>pengo reveals himself again
Bros........why's he so mad? Completely inorganic avi spam...

>> No.58540368

Sers no need to get angry. Team love cummunicate wit envestirs. Vary gud vary safe coin

>> No.58540424

ser.............i heard devs did nothing when we needed them most.....motherfuckers....

>> No.58540507 [DELETED] 

sers!...why so mad!!??

>> No.58540518

this coin has the most schizo baggies and fudders. this is usually a red flag ime, so I guess I won't be surprised if it never lives up to the promise, but I have a lot of this shitcoin so I hope it does reach billys

>> No.58540532

It's the devs..............they did NOTHING when we needed them most....

>> No.58540540

This board doesn't matter for price action above the mid 9 figs it's all about team execution, hype and something to show for, avi has it all. 99% of people posting here doesn't have a bag and never will.

>> No.58540550

Clam it dev....do something...

>> No.58540588

this board has probably been responsible for most of avi's price action desu. the majority of us either have a bag, or did at one point.

>> No.58540593

Yeah, AVI has it pretty bad right now because of the amount of bottom sellers we had:

> C.S. S. is the GOAT bottom seller. He sold his entire 18m stack at the absolute, literal bottom and then made a really long proud and weird fud rant on biz. He sold for APU at the top
> Korb keeps typing like this ... He sold right at the bottom in favor of KNS. While that project is cool, you can see how his choice turned out
> Matthew Red is one of the OG fudders who has been been fudding ever since he bought. It's the only profitable trade he ever made, but he kept fudding his own bags and sold at the bottom
> mattdoescrypto.eth sold 22m at 0.0002 right before it launched. He also announced his sell right before, and his portfolio is worth a few hundred bucks now because he kept buying tokens like 404 Bakery
> APU holders go in every AVI thread and fud it, even though AVI holders don't go into other threads and fud their token

>> No.58540627

You are exactly who I’m talking about when I say this coin has the most schizo baggies anon. The fact that you keep track of this shit and feel the need to post it in every thread is weird af and def not healthy. It makes me second guess myself cause guys like you, generally speaking, don’t make it.

>> No.58540638

If you're reading this and don't own a suicide stack of Avi then you're a retard. biz has propped up the price for the early stages of this project. Now, it's going to be big players bringing in REAL investors. Get in before they do and don't let the fucking shitskin thirdworlders fud you out of making it because they sold the bottom and suck at investing

>> No.58540640

>this board has probably been responsible for most of avi's price action
Which is why going on cmc/killerwhales is the type of shit we need. There's only so much shilling that can be done on biz. Avi threads have only become a place for shitposting outside the TG. Biz doesn't have the kind of movement it used to

>> No.58540645


So you don't expect people that have been holding AVI for months to not know anything about the fudders we see every day? Fuck off.

>> No.58540657

I assume most of us here are stuck in 6 figure hell, cause we all bought the same coins. I’m up 6 figs in avi, and 6 in apu. Biz is doing really well this cycle I think.

>> No.58540683

You are obsessed. How many wallets does Enzo have again? Is css in the thread with us now? Take your meds dude

>> No.58540694


It's just funny lore, like the other anon says biz is effective until a certain point then the bigger players have to step in, this board is filled with poorfags i dont know if you are in the tg chats but its real bad. I'm only there for sentiment check, they're all poorfag gamblers that won't make shit this cycle. There's only a handful of people only that has made money on biz this cycle or any cycle for that matter.

Imagine getting fudded out by schizo gamblers, the same people that told you not to buy AVI were the same people that told you not to buy APU. And you bought both. You won. Simple as.

>> No.58540698

I'm up big on avi, but that's not what I meant regarding biz. AVI was originally shilled here by the team (magic?) last year but it's time to finally move on. pep3coin was another project that was shilled here sub 10mcap and it was getting fudded to hell, just like avi is. They stopped posting threads here and eventually they cleared 1b. Biz was not needed for that. This place is mostly full of jeets, poorfags, and scammers. avi is too good for this board.

>> No.58540708


> Make banter on biz
> Hurrr you are obsessed

Again, you can go and fuck right off you midwit retard. You are the classic case of a boring NGMI that can't recognize when people have fun, and you try to be serious because you have nothing clever or insightful to say. Your absolutely off-putting midwit attitude rubs off from real life and it's repulsive. I could never imagine being so humourless.

>> No.58540709

Truth, and avi is close to moving on, cb connections have been proven real and this board will lose another alpha. It's scary how retarded people in crypto are right now and it's scary how young most are. Literal children gambling on solana and base cus cheap fees.

>> No.58540723


> It's just funny lore

Don't try reasoning with that humourless midwit. They think that being dull, boring, and completely "safe" is what makes people interesting. It's painful to be around people like that.

>> No.58541290
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>> No.58541322

This coin will neeeeeeeeeeever be with shit. Keep holding those bags.

>> No.58541350
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x1024, adsfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant even spell right PAJEET

>> No.58541663

>this coin will never be with shit