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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 352 KB, 300x300, honklerdotvip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58538341 No.58538341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Launching in 30 mins on base.
No launchpad or BS, fairlaunch on uniswap.

tg honklerclub
website honkler dot vip
twatter honklercoin

>> No.58538349

You might want to rethink that. There’s a honeypot honkler on eth right now that went to millions in a few hours.
It’s not sellable of course

>> No.58538353

don't put money on this shit anons
this is a fucking scam
these guys will rug as soon as the market cap hit 100k and then they will leave it to the """community"""
please dont fall for this
do not buy this shit

>> No.58538376
File: 450 KB, 625x417, 7d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for tokensniffer then and liq lock then? If you use your brain a little before buying you will see if it's a scam or not kek
Those fags frontran us, they knew the meme was too powerful

>> No.58538397

eth honkler stole your idea

>> No.58538407

He shouldn’t have posted on biz vague “we’ll paunch soon” bullshit. ETH honkler is a scam though, it’s whitelist for selling

>> No.58538420

base > eth

>> No.58538423

Ok I'm fully ready to take $10 from my profits on Dat Boi and to watch you guys rug them after 15min. I can't wait

>> No.58538434

will this be a honeypot?

I hope you truly launch it soon. I'll be at work at 6PM and wont be able to buy

It would be nice if someone took advantage of the real meme.

I only buy biz coins like oscar and Apu. Groyper, Kek as far as I know and the others were not lauched here.

>> No.58538440

The better question is how was eth honkler able to get 100/100 on tokennigger. All I managed to puzzle out was that most sell transactions are bots and it seems to whitelist a whole range of them.
I wish I could read solidity code

>> No.58538463

0/100 on tokensniffer, sell fee, tracks to another scam. Stay. Away.

>> No.58538468

told you mfs this shit is a scam
u guys gonna get fucked if you buy this
please dont

>> No.58538477

it wasnt even released yet?

>> No.58538484

oh its being released by the same team that made the honeypot

fuck you OP

>> No.58538486

>This token was flagged due to evidence of a bug, hack, or scam:

> Evidence of serial scammer

OP you fucking retard. This could have been a 100m+ coin if you weren't such a fucking retarded Jeet.

>> No.58538487

It was, and now they locked the chat

>> No.58538489

you dun goofed

>> No.58538493

I didn't buy it, so no.

>> No.58538496

yeah they locked the chat

I didnt even know the BASE token address so I never bought

>> No.58538497

you dun goofed by opening the wrong honkler coin

>> No.58538503 [DELETED] 

post the address

>> No.58538511 [DELETED] 


>> No.58538520

That’s the eth one, retard

>> No.58538525



>> No.58538527

Issue is the telegram OP linked is the same one on ETH
so it seems like its the same team as the honeypot
also they locked the chat

Also in the OP he claims it was gonna be released 2:01 PM, but on the website 6:01 PM

>> No.58538556
File: 136 KB, 1204x524, retardsFactory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scam, don't touch this