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58536216 No.58536216 [Reply] [Original]

graduated college -

got a scam BIZ degree, a 3.3 GPA, and a few internships. However, the 0% interest rate job market appears to be long gone and I can't even get a shitty white-collar wagie job that pays over 50k, and that's before taxes (live in T1 blue state).

I somewhat saw this coming and have been accumulating crypto since 2021 from my valet job, now sitting at around 110k after hitting a few plays - Pepe, remilio, tao, mog, etc...

I'm losing hope... you all are very vocal about how bad being a wagie is and it sounds like hell so I'm not very motivated to pimp myself out to some zogcorp. I'm really just debating moving home with my parents and using crypto profits to start something myself.

I'd have no expenses but my whole family will think I'm a bum. For some reason, they believe commuting 2 hours a day while having to pretend to be a lib for peanuts is more honorable. but they are old school so I understand. Overall, I am lost and starting to believe that I am severely retarded.

frens, wtf should I do with my life

>> No.58536221

Hustle now for 5 years or wage for 50 years and die

>> No.58537419

I'm in the same boat except I had forced-online classes (scamdemic) and I didn't know the timings to apply for and hence missed every internship.

So I have absolutely nothing to show for and no way to get any job and the only thing left remaining is probably pushing shopping carts.

>> No.58537531
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Keep grinding

>> No.58537614

I'm 36
I have done it all in terms of jobs and entrepreneurship, and somehow scathed by in life with minimal effort. All I do is trade options down, but with a specific strategy

My advice: If you know anything about options, learn to sell options. With $100k capital, you "easily" manage to bring home $1k a week.

Learn the wheel method. It's all over youtube. Watch a bunch of videos. Deposit $25k into brokerage. Test the strategy with that money. After you're successful, start using more and more capital. It literally cannot go tits up

>> No.58538129

I'm old now, but I've been working since I was 14 doing landscaping/construction etc during the summers and sometimes on weekends during the school year for $19/h. That was back in '95.

When I graduated HS, I got a job through a family friend fixing computers at a startup company in the city. I knew a little HTML along with networking and how to fix PC's because I was into PC gaming at the time and lucked my way into a this job paying $27/h. That was in 2000.

Fast forward to today and those jobs in today's dollars are $40/h ($84K/y) and $52/h ($110K/y) based upon their respective years. Show me anyone today that makes anything even near that as an entry level job for a kid with no experience and no education. It's absolutely impossible.

Boomers will tell you to get out there and work hard because the math worked for their generation. It doesn't for yours. $50k is not even half the salary I was making as a dumb kid and your housing costs are 1,500% higher. If you have something going on for yourself, I would try it out and keep throwing money into crypto. You're still young enough that you can take the risk and still recover.


What is your strategy? Is it different than the wheel?

>> No.58538171


> $110,000 to your name at a young age
> feeling hopeless

You zoomers are genuinely deluded and disconnected from reality if you are serious.