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File: 3.73 MB, 584x480, Ace Combat 3 - Kill Streak.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58534016 No.58534016 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58531358

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.58534018
File: 97 KB, 374x499, 090108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.199 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~75.3 (18.825) million shares 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 (18.85) by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 (19.0) by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 496.382B, 84P = 5.909B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 467.398B, 79P = 5.916B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 431.239B, 79P = 5.459B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q3 23/FY23 Earnings 8-K/10-K
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
Annual meeting Jun 13th
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.58534046

wagmi bros. 30 bucks tomorrow pre market ez pz

>> No.58534050

Wtf I love ace combat 3

>> No.58534056

Hope you’re enjoying this Memorial Day, brothers. Jesus is Lord, the burgers and hotdogs are hot like the air temperature and the lake feels nice.

It’s a great day to be a white American in rural Texas.

>> No.58534060

$69 EOD tomorrow

>> No.58534069
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Place your bets. OC Edition.

Glass Them From Orbit took the lead with OC. Meanwhile Absolute Unit has overtaken the bathniggers and warranties for a solid second place. Atom CATs are napping and the original wedge ends shortly after they wake up.

The Leviathan could be about to strike. The leading theory is that the Swiss government loaned UBS enough money to close their positions at a manageable loss.

Is the Absolute Unit the cannon for Glass Them From Orbit? Will it fire after the Leviathan strikes? Why is LEGO shitposting? Find out next time on GME Z.

As always sneed politicsniggers.

Atom CATs
>Lights turn on at the end of the month and all the chicanery is exposed in real time.

Revenge of the Bathniggers
>Plan administrator claws back everything due to proven fraud, bondnigger gets his due, RC gets Baby, bathniggers get cash and new equity (GME from new offering or some kind of unit), shortniggers must buy to deliver.

Warranted Dead or Alive
>Shareholders of record receive warrants (special call options) as a sort of dividend. RC and the big investors exercise their warrants which reduces supply. GME makes billions from selling new shares through warrants. Shortniggers have to buy warrants from shareholders of record at a price those shareholders demand.

Wedged into the Ledge
>Pee-pee-poo-poo indicators show line go up soon.

Absolute Unit
>GME shares are exchanged for new units (possibly on tZero) representing ownership of a basket of securities. Other companies (formerly towels) may receive a similar arrangement and be given the same units.

The Leviathan
>Someone bought a lot of calls. Crowd favorite is UBS. All theories entertained.

Dark Horse:
Wu-Tang LAN Party
>NFT dividend of rare Wu-Tang Clan album.

Blast from the Past
>LEGO Bionicle x Gamestop M&A with G3 Bionicles released for shareholders and LEGO Fortnite Bionicle skin NFT dividend.
>Toys'R'Us and/or Blockbuster M&A

Glass them from orbit:
>All of them, simultaneously.

>> No.58534071
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Do you think Aladdin is exempt?

>> No.58534072
File: 105 KB, 544x777, Screenshot 2024-05-27 120931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tony the shill working overtime to write more hit pieces for his hedgie overlords. Can't wait for the RICO charges to land him in prison.

>> No.58534080
File: 39 KB, 1080x1350, 20240527_091052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get it over with nothing is going to happens by the next shareholder meeting. I have survived so many nothing burgers dump this shit to $5 already so i can giga slurp

>> No.58534087
File: 35 KB, 950x653, 20240526_142947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your consistent baking, OP.

>> No.58534091
File: 585 KB, 600x870, 064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check for votes if you haven't already voted for the June 13th GameStop meeting. Most will email or mail you about voting while some (like Degiro) will need you to contact them. Proxy voting should be available to holders in the following:

>> No.58534094

In two minds between bringing the entire wreck of the titanic up or developing under water gungan city around it, spending all this MOASS money is going to be hard work.

>> No.58534110

>that id
>fags end WEF 6PM

>> No.58534112

holy shit we just broke 30$ on the german markets.... brooss..

>> No.58534113

we will never get close to $10 ever again. it was the absolute bottom.

>> No.58534119
File: 221 KB, 1080x1823, Screenshot_20240527-135222_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does lego know who tranny sparkles is?

Siloniggers, your response?

>> No.58534121

the German markets are washing over us right now in an awesome wave

>> No.58534129

I've often thought we'd never go below the current price after a pump. Seen too much bullshit over 4 years. Current rumors are all a nothing burger.

>> No.58534133

Tony took this thread’s chirping personally and finally wrote a new article? How much estrogen do they have him on?
>verification not required

>> No.58534138
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>> No.58534141

>How much estrogen do they have him on?
Not enough, he still seems agitated.

>> No.58534143
File: 59 KB, 1112x272, ATM percentage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME's ATM offering for a small-cap company is impressive. It takes some interesting market dynamics to be able to pull that off, twice.

>> No.58534146
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>> No.58534147

Guys, I'm thinking we are all going to make it in two more weeks

>> No.58534150

dangerously based towel schizos

>> No.58534152

I’m thinking you may be right

>> No.58534154

estimate for top price?

>> No.58534161


>> No.58534163

sounds like a fake and made up number

>> No.58534165

for 1/6,000,000 of a share right?

>> No.58534176

Selling? I'm holding for massive dividends.

>> No.58534187
File: 272 KB, 1920x1080, 07679515-D5C0-42C6-9D3B-4F89C3A3521E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a sell number
>doesn’t have a number to keep holding to prevent total collapse of the system
Sounds like paper hands chief

>> No.58534193

>Famous investor Warren Buffett took advantage of loss carryforwards with his purchase of Berkshire Hathaway in 1965, and today investors can use knowledge of NOLs deductions to identify companies that are poised to unlock higher free cash flows in upcoming years.

>Berkshire synonymous with great wealth and success, and it all started with some shrewd investment and “extraction” of early cash flows partly through net operating loss carryforwards.

>“And it turns out that the 1964 balance sheet was in effect missing an important hidden financial asset in terms of available past losses that could be used to eliminate substantial future income taxes. Subsequently, Berkshire did make substantial profits in 1965 and 1966 that benefited greatly from a lack of income taxes.”

>In the years to follow, Berkshire posted great earnings. In 1965, the first year since purchase, Berkshire posted around a $4.00 EPS with zero income tax paid!

This is why BBBY / DK Butterfly makes shills seethe. Ryan Cohen challenged Warren Buffett to a thumb war. He's going to get the GME holding company started by acquiring BBBY / DK Butterfly to take advantage of the billions of dollars in NOLs, just as Warren Buffet did when he got started. Again, in order to do so, previous shareholders must be preserved.

Gameshire Bathaway will be born soon and we're gonna WAGMI so hard.

New World Order has been replaced.

All aboard the New WAGMI Order. Choo, choo.

You will own share in the greatest company of all time and you will be happy!

>> No.58534211

>It’s a great day to be a white American in rural Texas.

Canadian here. I'd to move to Texas post-MOASS. Visited last year and loved every minute of it. Texas BBQ is second to none.

>> No.58534215

Gimme the shares sold as a percentage of outstanding for the "HOW COUDL YOU RYAN" diluties.

>> No.58534242

Another leaf here. I'm gonna go one step further and recolonize Mexico with the other whites.

>> No.58534258

Based and Latina pilled

>> No.58534301

Looks like he wrote it 2 weeks ago on May 13th when DFV started tweeting. He hasn't said shit since. shills in shambles

>> No.58534324
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Wen MOASS hit I'm gonna fuck his tight hedgie issued fucktoy while he gets buttraped in prison by bbc

>> No.58534326

finally get to carry a gun too

>> No.58534327
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>> No.58534331

There are so many posts and memes popping up from 2021. It really feels like 2021 all over again.

>> No.58534340
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>> No.58534350
File: 420 KB, 654x1098, the chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the LEAPS delayed everything by 3 years.
We're back to our regularly scheduled Hype-Train.

>> No.58534352
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x1104, Prison4shorts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucked up so bad they will not be getting the White collar comfy prison. No heckin way

>> No.58534354

So you think it's going to go to the millions and stay in the millions?

>> No.58534355

Wait, those are hundred of thousands of dollars for one share? Shit I cummed.

>> No.58534356

This is the MOASS, gradual over time, no violence, thrusted peacefully to the heavens

>> No.58534359
File: 287 KB, 631x1734, 1669416074510462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It really feels like 2021 all over again
History always repeats

>> No.58534370


>> No.58534378

Okay but I have a lot of people to help in a short amount of time and I need many millions of dollars to do it.

>> No.58534387

>feels like 2021 again!
>ZOMG guyz the crypto NFT guys tweeted about wutang album
Nothing will happen. Everything the past month has been a nothing burger except for the fact we got diluted a little in exchange for a billion dollar cash.

>> No.58534396

Do it gradually

>> No.58534399
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>> No.58534403

Do a flip faggot it ran to $80 and they have $2bn in cash it's terally never going down again. Shorts are utterly reamed. Do better doom shill

>> No.58534406
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>> No.58534408
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>> No.58534410

6 million would get the ball rolling. Surely I can at least redeem 6 million?

>> No.58534413

Sure trade those 120 shares them wait 15 years to see them worth 80 billion

>> No.58534424
File: 88 KB, 1600x900, 813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 15 years that's the price of a turkey sandwich.

>> No.58534435

>No merger news on merger monday

Its Over

>> No.58534444
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>> No.58534469
File: 453 KB, 1632x1158, 2024-05-27 15_29_33-Coca-Cola-Stock-with-Dividends-Reinvested-Over-Past-50-Years.png (1634×1157) - B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's all announced on earnings. After CAT, T+1 and the calls exercised. The unit will include reissued stock, cash, shares of GME on blockchains / wu tang NFT, warrants etc. But it all comes after CAT. June 5-7th. It gets announced next week, earnings they do the paperwork with an 8k. Shit explodes in AH no breaks or bullshit halts and that's not even moass. That's just people buying the news, the moass comes with a dividend, then if that dividend contains a particular stock then it has a time before it ipo's and shorts have to close on open but we might get warrants or shares in that company. It will take weeks to play out fully, just remember the point is not to sell and get dividends like you could not imagine in not only your but your great great grand children's lives

>> No.58534470
File: 269 KB, 1092x758, Gameshire Bathaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot something

>> No.58534475

C-checked and witnessed

>> No.58534485

Thanks. I bet the others had it similarly. If so, gme would have made way more compared to its market cap off of similar dilution.

>> No.58534486

Tony didnt have a childhood, that's why he is righting hate pieces.

>> No.58534490

If I can sell a handful of units for 100k a pop, I'll take some of that money right now to take care of the mortgage, healthcare stuff, and a few other things while everything else cooks with dividends.

>> No.58534498
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>> No.58534499

>just remember the point is not to sell and get dividends like you could not imagine in not only your but your great great grand children's lives
My children are turbo autists, that much money would be dangerous.

>> No.58534506
File: 61 KB, 649x527, apu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and possible hot take: I don't think wu tang clan is very good at all

>> No.58534507

can you imagine your life being so pathetic you sit around in a gameshit thread writing fan fiction about how you're going to be a trillionaire in just two more weeks so your real life can finally begin, on a holiday?

>> No.58534512

I like this chart. It sparks joy.

>> No.58534517
File: 49 KB, 736x414, GHvjf8xW8AAsWo9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing will happen.

You should sell then.

>> No.58534532

Bitcoin was worth 100 per penny back in the day.

>> No.58534534
File: 18 KB, 584x329, 2881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1PBTID forgets that people who don't have bullshit jobs still have to work on holidays except Thanksgiving and Christmas.

>> No.58534561

Same, I think 10% for instant secure yourself money then let 90% roll into dividends and reroll 50% is a good plan for me. With 1108 shares 10% would say if I want a house and a bit of cash for 2 years to get my investments with a buffer in to buy the dip or dabble in crypto / pm's I would need to see this shit go to $15k at 10%, $7.5k at 20%, $3.2k at 40%, etc I could see myself selling 50% and keeping the shares in the tax free ISA. That seems like such a fucking baller move about now. Tax free dividends, with 714 shares in it kek

The only question I have is do they see the price rise sharp and THEN do the dividend or do it when it's low to get massive retail fomo and how quick will they do stock splits?

>> No.58534567
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That's cause it's a reunion, senpai.

>> No.58534571

Just realised the last stock split was at 40/160? So they might even do one ASAP to make it even worse..... fuuuuuuuuuuuck

>> No.58534582

Does gme people think of gameshire bathwater or is that just babbages?

>> No.58534600

nice, thick case you got there

>> No.58534605

I only have 1XX shares or so across CS and Fidelity. I need a serious moon to make it with my stack.

>> No.58534610

Strict GME holder here, I want to believe. I do not care how I get there, I just want to get there.

>> No.58534611

why do you still 1xx your stack?

>> No.58534626
File: 397 KB, 662x689, GOgr7OkaYAEZfuR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think M&A activity is extremely likely at this point. I just don't think the towelgroids will get even a cent out of it except to the extent that they are also holding GME.

>> No.58534629
File: 126 KB, 3029x1215, 2024-05-27 22_13_16-Watchlist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epiphany time lads. $160 / $40 they did a stock split. It looks like we might be there by mid week lol so they could do another stock split to make it more attractive to investors excuse while 3/4x your stack just before moass again kek

Oh you devil Cohen

>> No.58534632

How do you propose that and not understand how the NOL's work? Nor the fraud lawsuit?

>> No.58534648

Not everyone has tons of money to dump into gambling on meme stocks. I joked I could fomo my savings in on Tuesday but that's money for emergencies and such. I do have $450 lying in wait. I'm hoping for a dip so I can buy some more shares on Tuesday. If it dips to around $10 a share I can get into the 2XX range.

>> No.58534658

no no i mean block out the number

>> No.58534678
File: 64 KB, 1479x527, larry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There really is no force like internet autism in large numbers stubbornly focused on a single goal.

>> No.58534679
File: 348 KB, 600x458, 1658445401054273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never went anywhere. We just got bored.

>> No.58534688
File: 16 KB, 474x320, Older meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an older meme, 2021-2022 era.

In the early days during ladder attacks we XXXX'd our shares incase Gabe Plotkin was in the room with us trying to dox us. Silly at the time, but so was covid.

>> No.58534691

They told us to forget gamestop that much they forgot to tell us to sell gamestop.

>> No.58534697

I don't know. I see other people doing it. Feels easier than explaining it all like
>I have x amount of shares in CS, x amount in my trading account, and x amount in my IRA.

>> No.58534704

I also have another 714 in a pension lol. Those are for perma reinvestments then at 55 25% out tax free

Damn 1856 x4 again would be fucking nice kek

>> No.58534710
File: 36 KB, 657x526, 9407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I forgot to start an IRA and buy GME in it.

>> No.58534713


>> No.58534724

holy shit, we cut through 32$ like butter on that german market

>> No.58534727

Why is that good?

>> No.58534745

What is she on at moment?

>> No.58534746

except we haven't but we will tomorrow dw

>> No.58534753
File: 153 KB, 1281x1395, 1713120347181966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys it looks like [conjecture]
>Haha Cohen jew am I right?
>please sell

>> No.58534761


>> No.58534762


is there german afterhours? where can i see it?

>> No.58534768

kek dumbfuck holiday baggies

>> No.58534777
File: 78 KB, 573x507, 1642360684798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As soon as pre market starts tomorrow morning this baby is instantly ripping to +50%

>> No.58534782
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>not watching the german chart in USD

>> No.58534783
File: 6 KB, 229x220, 1716647777422519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth!

>> No.58534787

As soon as Robinhoods bullshit 24 hour market starts in 2 hours it’s going to rocket and they’re going to put a limit on it

>> No.58534796

isn't RH's limit already +50% in 24 hour?

>> No.58534804

Yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.


>> No.58534815
File: 150 KB, 750x866, 1616096643309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non believers WAGMI but bragging rights go to BBBElievers and you will come to accept it and heal over time

>> No.58534834

I think it's 20%

>> No.58534840
File: 138 KB, 287x356, 1691990806150883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made that up. kek baggies.

>> No.58534851

posting for hexanon, why do you keep insisting, im getting lots of flak from you... I posted to answer you originally when you asked "how does this help shareholders", when the thread was being slid like no tomorrow post "dilution". I will apologize in recognizing that you are not a shill, however you must understand that claiming that RC is like AA, and overall not waiting for some time to pass to get more info was a very emotional response which did prompt me to go on the defense. As we all know RC is the biggest shareholder and wouldnt fuckover himself as he takes no salary and all his comp is in shares, and every move is meticulous/planned despite not being apparent at first. Anyways, thread is comfy and im getting good vibes next weeks

>> No.58534854
File: 2.67 MB, 414x322, kekkies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how kek works

>> No.58534871
File: 225 KB, 1125x1737, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i made that up. kek baggies.
you're right somehow... wagmi tomorrow

>> No.58534877


>> No.58534880
File: 670 KB, 1695x828, 1689201332911794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man can only be paid by selling his shares or dividends. The rest of the board too. So obviously the plan is to have some kind of recurring dividend. The only question is does is cause the moass or do they do a split by stock dividend during the moass kek "here have 4x the shares, wait 2 days and it'll be back to the same value as before and we'll do it again, and again, and again"

>back to $20 fast

Eh Andrew, you can see the pain in those eyes

>> No.58534881

THAT is how kek (the frog deity) works.

>> No.58534889

Mein nigga
*fist bump*

>> No.58534890
File: 515 KB, 920x984, neato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should know by now not to taunt gme

>> No.58534891
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>> No.58534892
File: 83 KB, 768x338, 1716344571753226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the dividend/distribution can take many forms, I think theyre covering all the bases.

>> No.58534898
File: 743 KB, 950x647, wagmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that energy is in the air again

>> No.58534906
File: 1.17 MB, 846x951, 1 Piggy .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point is to be like coke, build up the bank to the point you can retire off the dividends. I mean it's great that if you reinvest everything but how do you earn anything from it? You got to take the dividends and reinvest some of it but you need some as cash each payment, but if you build enough cash you can grow it a bit as well. But it needs to have the most basic need - kill shorts. Now the unit comes later I think or maybe they have already done the deal and it's all falling into place for next week or so. But the long term plan is "buy ice cream, a house even a trip to the moon" as Cohen the poet once wrote

>> No.58534909

So 800/800……….anon was right all this time?

>> No.58534911

Billions per share is not a meme.

>> No.58534912

I just hope they too a never ending split as the price breaches a million plus and I don't have to explain to anyone why I'm rich now....
Ye see it's still 20$.... Heh while I have like a billion shares

>> No.58534913
File: 87 KB, 1024x683, 1705979437835185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried to warn you bitch basterds

>> No.58534914

It's not price anchoring if the amount of shares you have is unlimited. I'm perfectly fine having 800 x ∞ shares.
Nowhere I have a workshop to build. For the first time in my life since kindergarden I will live in a cool climate. Looking forward to that.
Video games?
>blockchain based education
RC about to blow up the college system.
There's...certain... religious groups that intentionally worship the creation over the creator, evil over good, while having a good public facing image and subverting society at multiple levels. Maybe the world would improve without them?
Checked and glassed from orbit pilled.
checked and huh.
see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBwAxmrE194
Try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7woEXovruc

>> No.58534915
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>> No.58534917

Clint did you house get tornadoed or something?

>> No.58534918
File: 211 KB, 332x503, 2023-10-07 19_29_01-ThePPShow - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the collection of these?

>> No.58534921
File: 226 KB, 1588x896, 1716329293996740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The point is to be like coke, build up the bank to the point you can retire off the dividends.
Yes 100%. Many parallels to Berkshire Hathaway, RC says it himself. It just makes sense on not just the business level but as a story (to sell to normies, ie. not just one company vs hedgies but retailers as a whole) that Teddy will become such holding company and who's portfolio of companies will be the source of dividends and growth post-MOASS

>> No.58534923

Gme people are all babbages.

>> No.58534930

Kek bag

>> No.58534932
File: 2.76 MB, 2969x1324, 2024-05-27 23_47_09-(3) _biz_ - _GME_ - Ace Combat 3 Edition - Business & Finance - 4chan - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, how on the fucking nose is all of this in hindsight?

>> No.58534938

WTF is that?!

>> No.58534940

any idea what king/prince could mean from their names

>> No.58534952

I'm gonna kiss so many big bearish bellies.

>> No.58534960
File: 2.29 MB, 2640x1149, 2024-05-27 23_57_41-Greenshot image editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I read it's referencing retail as the kids. They're 2 universities and I think they are the 2 stocksof 2 retail baskets

>references to getting up early
>dreaming of things to buy
>massive wear house (taking on amazon)
>Teddy's BIRTH day (IPO)

The kids are learning Teddy's plan and ethos and that's representing us being g taught by Teddy and the gifts he is giving us.

>> No.58534962

Those are his actual kids names. Yes it's retarded.

>> No.58534971

I have only 29 shares, am I boned?

>> No.58534976
File: 1.73 MB, 2830x1099, 2024-05-28 00_03_45-Greenshot image editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's weird but it's a billionaire flex I'll let him have it over musk's QR code child.

>Teddy with a bank in the background
>Man on roof about to leap (makes the world go round)
>Teddy becomes a bank

>> No.58534978

290 million dollars maybe just one aquarium for your orcas

>> No.58534984

dreaming of dragons, could it be tied to Dragonfly Capital?

>> No.58534994

>With Teddy's help now they can spot them everywhere
my sides

>> No.58534996

everyone thinks they will make it
who knows where this will end.
some xxxxxtards will end up with less than autistic xxchads

diamond hands

>> No.58534998
File: 14 KB, 255x228, 3150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He liked socks.
The thing I like most about socks is that they come in pairs.

>> No.58535004

Interesting website.

>> No.58535007

My poor orcas

>> No.58535019

Well it would be cool to buy them, they are worth about 13 billy

>> No.58535021
File: 596 KB, 804x779, 2024-05-28 00_13_08-Teddy and the CORN STAND - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can all look yourself I'm tired but this last cell made me always question the 45 number, only $157m to pay as a dividend as cash. It needs to be a mixed consideration merger to kill shorts. Cash and equity. 2 presents. I leave the schizo ponderings to you all now

>> No.58535032

i hate lego so much. retarded nps brand. for kids you get 5 times as much for the same price from other suppliers.

>> No.58535051

That's almost 7 for 1

>> No.58535057

the thing that stands out to me is 20cents per ear, obvious link to cents/dollars per share. An ear of corn, but also ears in the photo. 4 ears from characters, 5 from the corn. So thats either another 45 or a clue to 9x20c=1.8$

>> No.58535067

im inclined to say ear alone=just gme, with chocolate ice cream means with a certain acquisition (that has been crossed out), and from there, butter and salt/butter and spice are also other acquisitions. This is pretty schizo, what do you think?

>> No.58535071

>20% dividend per Year?

>> No.58535074

that also fits, good catch

>> No.58535075

No. The neighbors did. They had some hell of a good home owners insurance policy. He sent me a pic of his almost completed house today. The fence is already back up too. The Mexicans work very fast

>> No.58535078

And their little boy only fractured his arm he’s going to be alright

>> No.58535081
File: 1.14 MB, 1447x1437, 1716449144027219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine it's absolutely fine now
I've done the 3.5 grams of magic shrooms on mothers day and we are all in the MOASS timeline now

>> No.58535083

based trip trader. I only make financial decisions under the influence of drugs.

>> No.58535084
File: 241 KB, 840x1122, 1716814787764677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does a higher single share value appeal to you? srs question.
followu-up question: are you transgender?

>> No.58535086

Robinhood overnight trading opens in 30 mins. I’m ready for Tony to clock in and entertain me.

>> No.58535087

Is it also the Wu Tang timeline?

>> No.58535088

Time to buy some more shares on Fidelity before it's too late agagagh.

>> No.58535095

Last night I did nitrous and ketamine. I thought I died. Ans entered the spirit realm, I saw the moass was to happen, just as predicted but God/the universe wanted a lesson for me and all of us to know for the post MOASS world. Money will not buy us happiness, happiness needs to be earned. You also cannot buy spirituality. The universe tole me to enjoy the money, but also let the others enjoy it with you. This is a gift from god/the universe to teach us about ourselves.

>> No.58535103

i like to exaggerate

>> No.58535110

He also told me that + he said ur gay
>verification not required

>> No.58535114
File: 532 KB, 970x400, 1715030296701843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing the shrooms I've did were of the golden teachers strain 3.5 grams of it the trip lasted about 8 hrs and the very same night DFV was active again
I don't care what anyone or anything saids or does
I've experienced the moass and perhaps my entire life is that 8hrs
This has all happened before in a reoccurring universe
We all truly make it an infinite amount of times forever and ever stretching into enterity things are more beautiful wonderful than anything or anyone can ever hope to even possibly begin to even fathom or imagine
Just wow

>> No.58535116

They both drastically lower blood pressure so you probably just went hypoxic.

>> No.58535121


I did acid on mothers day and can confirm.

>> No.58535122
File: 170 KB, 1440x1220, 6D7ADE73-227D-4C6B-A0FD-5388331C7605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s happening again…

>> No.58535123

Next time do Albino Penis Envy. Also known as A.P.E.

>> No.58535130

thats it. im calling the cops.

>> No.58535133

hey stop that, im trying to make generational wealth

>> No.58535134
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1711406512743136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad it wasn't worse.
>mfw I can't hold all these pcos.

>> No.58535137

I'll sell you 1 share to eat your own shit in front of me

>> No.58535139
File: 1.81 MB, 755x679, 005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Money will not buy us happiness
You don't know where to shop.

>> No.58535141
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>> No.58535144
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>Colin Robinson

>> No.58535148
File: 64 KB, 140x159, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw wagmi

>> No.58535149
File: 171 KB, 364x355, vlad sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535153
File: 642 KB, 1580x1070, gme-HODL into the danger zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baker i'll be your wingman any time, right in to the WAGMI zone

>> No.58535157

Checkered and have you changed your mind on bbby theories being cope?

>> No.58535162


>> No.58535164

The Tricias did this.

>> No.58535165
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1702329807758129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Ryan Cohen has thought about doing literally anything with that video game retailer he bought a few years ago?

>> No.58535167
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>> No.58535169

Don't end up like the titan sub, Nick Rekeita, or a 155mph car wrapping around a tree. Generosity and helping people will be the foundation of a good public image.
It's ironic that finally being able to afford coke or prostitutes will be the downfall of any long term financial success.
3 year string of forgetting to take his lithium.

>> No.58535170

Anyone else don't want a gf pre-moass? It seems like a woman would impair judgement when moass is occuring.

>> No.58535176

>It's ironic that finally being able to afford coke or prostitutes will be the downfall of any long term financial success.
This has been an issue since King Solomon walked the earth.

>> No.58535177
File: 1.23 MB, 498x280, 1716256078501795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One good girl is worth a thousand bitches. Bam.

>> No.58535178
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>> No.58535179

It doesn't matter as long as she doesn't know about it. There's pros and cons. Pros of having a gf right now: you know whether or not she's vaxxed and you know she's not with you for your GME money. Pros of getting a gf after MOASS: you'll get to be a lot pickier with your mate selection

>> No.58535183

It's probably the best time to get a girl. I fully intend on LARPing as a poor 30-something starving artist, while secretly having all the wealth I could possible need to be comfortable.

>> No.58535186

>and you know she's not with you for your GME money.
You said it yourself. They'll never know if you never tell them.

>> No.58535187

How can you sell if you can't buy ? this do not compute

>> No.58535188

>Baggies spend three years DRSing 76 million shares
>Ryan sells 45 million in a week

Big oof

>> No.58535190

I've never done shrooms or LSD or anything like that, but I regularly have dreams where I'm blessed to be witness to Grand Celestial Happenings. One time, I was in in a hut on the beach in either Chile or Costa Rica, looked out the window and saw the universe in all its grandeur, an infinite purple expanse filled with gold filaments and structures. Another, I was a young bearboy monk walking along the cliffs outside my alabaster monastery; the sky turned to tartan wine and a throne made of burning stained glass appeared and struck the moment of infinity.

>> No.58535191


>> No.58535192

Stop asking questions, goy.

>> No.58535194

Lol imma rent out some dopey apartment and drive some dopey car. Of course imma be /fit/ but imma make the girl I really want to keep pass through some of my "tests". She passes she will be rewarded handsomely

>> No.58535198


>> No.58535199
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>> No.58535201
File: 18 KB, 400x400, professional_photo_defo_not_a_shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna continue to wear underwear with holes in and perhaps buy an old camry beater to bop around in.

If any women attempt to talk to me I will continue to hiss at them like a cat, much like I do now.

>> No.58535202

dark pool is open

>> No.58535206
File: 54 KB, 900x600, 917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you buy one without them finding out about your money?

>> No.58535208
File: 52 KB, 1240x744, 2917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already pre blocked all family members besides my mom in preparation for moes ass tomorrow
I should prolly block my mom temporarily too but w/e

>> No.58535210

Sorry I don't care of the opinions of junkies.

>> No.58535214


>> No.58535218

Remember anons, hold all your wealth/assets in LLCs. Your apartment or beater car can be in your name. No need for a prenup other than what you hold personally.

Women don't understand how money works and equate wasting money on *brand* or *luxury* is happiness because you can flex on other people.
Winrar. Women who don't care about money are the most deserving of the comforts of wealth.
I'm going to buy a 2nd RV and pay for a space to park it.
You're gonna have to live in an apartment or RV while your mansion collects dust. Probably for a year minimum.

>> No.58535223
File: 67 KB, 498x596, They _must_have_amnesia_because_they_forgot_that_im_him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Count of Monte Cristo. All we gotta do is be handsome bastards, light in the wallet, but with hearts of gold. Little will they know that you're dress is meager, your wealth is like a nabob, or a Maharaja.

>> No.58535224
File: 516 KB, 1170x1709, B878B5FD-B05E-4C60-B615-3E32AA55BD06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will keep an eye out.

>> No.58535231

>RH overnight is open

>> No.58535232


>> No.58535233
File: 80 KB, 1170x401, A1A3C619-D98E-4E7B-AD50-1E257C911188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535236

hoping we get a good AAAAAAAAAA the first hour when markets open tomorrow so I can double down before the real oooooooooo

>> No.58535245

I need an unvaxxed virgin

Those two alone filter out 99% of women. Third and fourth requirement is be skinny or fit and sign a prenup.

>> No.58535252
File: 98 KB, 250x203, Comic_Turaga_Nuju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon thought the Bionicle G3 Gamestop Acquisition was a meme
(i dont remember how to link across boards this probably is the wrong format)
the Bionicle general on /toy/ has been discussing G3 leaks for some time, and now the news is supposedly just around the corner, curious how the timing works out, eh? But why would Ryan Cohen want to add a new wave of Bionicle sets to the shelves of his funko pop stores, I mean video game stores. It's not like millennials and zoomers alike would flock to nostalgic and/or new Bionicle products, which include lego sets of varying complexity, collectible masks, trading card games, video games of various platforms, board games.
overnight isn't real yet I will be watching it to satisfy my gme needs regardless

>> No.58535256

Based germanbros thank you for pumping now it is our turn

>> No.58535257

It's worth the extra effort to get one. Be your wife's first everything. More effort put at the start means less effort long term.

>> No.58535259
File: 72 KB, 851x851, 1716319348600384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis
This is unironically it isn't it....

>> No.58535263

germany bros aligning with the GME enlightenment era. we will rise together brothers and sisters.

>> No.58535265
File: 97 KB, 497x500, the shills have a president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir this is a GameStop thread

>> No.58535271
File: 1.06 MB, 1290x1713, ken will not divide us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tornado goes woooooo

>> No.58535273

I'm aware yeah. Vaccine filtered out all the women I would have seriously considered for long term dating then marriage. I live in a libtard state and don't know many unvaxxed women lol.

There's one that wants me to come out and meet her a few states away but she's Muslim and idk about all that, I'd be okay with Christian

>> No.58535281

>Bionicle general on /toy/ has been discussing G3 leaks for some time, and now the news is supposedly just around the corner, curious how the timing works out, eh?

Qrd on Bionicle leaks? I know lego is super popular, didn't realize Bionicle was still around

>> No.58535283

The "cat" is out of the bag isn't it...
Where are all the shills ?
Did they finally get ventilated ?

>> No.58535286

Baggie,,, I can't stop laugh !

>> No.58535288

Just another reasons upon the massive fucking mountain of reasons and evidence for us to move out of our shit-lib states.

>> No.58535290
File: 57 KB, 1024x1024, 1696935847240542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ready to shit myself tomorrow morning

>> No.58535291

Speak proper english

>> No.58535293

There is a Tuxedo cat on the lego store, if this isn't it, I don't know of a better time.

>> No.58535295
File: 441 KB, 674x686, lego-beholder.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this thing is cool

>> No.58535297
File: 27 KB, 639x292, BA0CE482-18AC-4490-ADAE-8C59FCEFC8A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bionicle is a hopeful meme. The Legopill stuff is real though:
Bear trap:
Roaring Kitty reference:
To the Moon:
Loopring (GME):
Self explanatory:
BBBY signal:
The si(g)n:

Go to Lego.com right now for a final hmm.

>> No.58535298

>please sell sar!

>> No.58535300
File: 45 KB, 658x662, 9380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't date a motorcycle Anon. That's silly.

You misunderstand. I am retard man. I cannot rizz. I have grey hairs. There is nothing interesting about me. How do I acquire without flashing money? Pokeball?

>> No.58535303

just be yourself

>> No.58535304

So Is lego gonna merge with gme?

>> No.58535306
File: 945 KB, 960x960, 9ihgf890pkjy9o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this going to 5 figures by Thursday?

>> No.58535308
File: 39 KB, 650x500, 1883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. Bees. Now I get it.

The answer was bees right?

>> No.58535309

It's going to 6-7 figured by Thur/fri

>> No.58535311

Yeah i might move to Florida post moass to enjoy no income taxes. Find a nice conservative chick. I tried the unvaxxed dating sites but it's all old women looking for love and gross lmao

>> No.58535314

Hopefully so, I wanna call my job quits and chill out for a little bit. Have a summer like I did as a kid.

>> No.58535315

Yeah I'm aware the Lego pill and all for it. I just don't understand why Bionicle is being specifically mentioned, doesn't lego own Bionicle?

>> No.58535318

>Have a summer like I did as a kid.
I have not completed a Zelda game in over 10 years. Simpler times.

>> No.58535320

>Remember anons, hold all your wealth/assets in LLCs.
Oh, you're back.

>> No.58535322

all I can say is that my life is pretty plain

>> No.58535330
File: 330 KB, 1080x1938, 5B185753-E501-4B5A-8C49-B05C7846BA2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’ll find a home with TEDDY.
Bionicle is just a hopeful meme. Bionicle is the most popular dead brand from Lego, so the meme is Ryan Cohen will being back Bionicle. There’s no evidence it’s just fun to say like “make anime real”.

>> No.58535335

finally something entertaining to watch.. the internet is so shit now.

>> No.58535342

Where r all the shills and bots ?
Have the Indians died ?

>> No.58535345
File: 27 KB, 906x170, 84B65BFA-D357-4314-A9A4-DF7ADA86EFAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 30% in Korea.
I’m noticing a trend.

>> No.58535348

I haven't completed a GAME in 10 years.

>> No.58535356

Is hawaii worth moving to post moass? Seems comfy and nice. Maybe worth a 3-4 month visit?

>> No.58535357

kinda funny how price discovery happens everywhere but us markets

>> No.58535365
File: 4 KB, 800x800, iiam [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgtkgjv.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535371
File: 1 KB, 33x27, ₒₒₒ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535374
File: 257 KB, 1170x1838, A92862C6-FA6A-4A1C-B3F5-EE1751D929FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535378


>> No.58535383
File: 304 KB, 465x512, 1666576060169737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME and everyone who holds it earnestly has big dick energy

>> No.58535384
File: 87 KB, 1080x1067, 1715899718817999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh SHiT ....

>> No.58535387

ah shit. looks like we're OOOOOOOOing tonight

>> No.58535386

>Bionicle is the most popular dead brand from Lego, so the meme is Ryan Cohen will being back Bionicle
Oh lol

>> No.58535388
File: 345 KB, 870x1092, ROCKET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535389

Damn it's oooo'ing so hard in 24h M.

>> No.58535390


>> No.58535392
File: 94 KB, 600x398, Astral Apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Tuesday morning prophecy is coming to fruition

>> No.58535393

Ahh shit, here we go again...

>> No.58535395
File: 213 KB, 1145x659, 1712418770916665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be a gamestop summer frens!

>> No.58535396

Going to have to live modestly. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
penis penis penis penis penis penis
The first person shitting themselves will be reading CAT data.
One of the freedoms money brings is hobbies. Charity work is a hobby anyone can participate in. Personally I'm going to have a workshop. I enjoy DIY stuff and 3d printing. I'll also donate to charities and volunteer my time.
It's smart to hold valuable assets in a LLC. RC Ventures is his assets but 'out of his name'. Maybe the law changes and LLCs become bad, but I'll wait until that happens. I'll also wait until GME is an asset worth moving into a LLC.

>> No.58535400
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>> No.58535401
File: 88 KB, 748x831, NPCheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my first ever shares of anything (GME) 4 days ago. Am I GMI

>> No.58535403
File: 33 KB, 500x500, artworks-000540408681-p2stmc-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535405
File: 271 KB, 767x563, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535409


>> No.58535414
File: 187 KB, 670x473, 1713497532248303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58535418

Pickup homeless women at the soup kitchen. Got it.

>Don't scare it!

>> No.58535419
File: 65 KB, 718x404, 1661524412150039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My niggers the gmehad is begun

>> No.58535420

Not financial advice.
Everyone longing GME is early.

>> No.58535427

Shit I knew I should've bought more at $17

>> No.58535428
File: 83 KB, 960x908, A1F5497C-0AEF-4E58-A56A-F5535CCEE82C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presented without comment.

>> No.58535431

Baby, it'll blow your mind.

>> No.58535433
File: 3.63 MB, 211x374, 1716751892813983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me resisting the urge to beg all of my friends and family to buy GME (they didn't listen last time when I told them to buy at $20 and then it shot up to $300)

>> No.58535440

Just cut them off entirely they don't deserve you anyways

>> No.58535441
File: 61 KB, 673x209, 1716590647286117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tried to warn us

>> No.58535442

Fuck em, just remember all times they laughed at you.

>> No.58535447
File: 184 KB, 1200x1200, 1641403317499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most ironic thing about gme being a "meme stock" is that meme magic is real and not to be underestimated

>> No.58535448
File: 1.53 MB, 480x270, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58535453

They are all in France pissing on women.

>> No.58535455

I got my Qschizo dad to throw down with a “trust me bro” and my normalfag mom to throw down with a “if you want to gamble…”
So I’m sitting pretty comfy.

>> No.58535459
File: 76 KB, 1170x1176, DA432376-50B8-4830-B44F-1E6F07350271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only an hour in btw

>> No.58535460

I know that feel. I've already told them to years ago, but you can lead a horse to water but you can't get them to drink. Also if the moass takes a little longer then expected I don't wanna hear pitching crying and blaming me. I know they won't hold through some insane price swings. My dad wants me to sell at $100 lol lmfao. So I figured after all this il get rich alone.

>> No.58535463
File: 1.18 MB, 1056x757, lego-bionicle-rahkshi-lerahk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bionicle G1 was a multimedia toy franchise that SAVED lego back in the early 2000s
>basically action figure robots you could build out of LEGOs and then combine parts to make your own imaginary heroes
>brought back for a few years but quickly cancelled
>LEGO really doesn't care about Bionicle nor does it want to promote the franchise
>LEGO wants to focus on kids' toys
>nostalgia is a millenial market
>enter Ryan Cohen
>Gamestop is transforming into something larger than a mere video game retailer
>currently making bank on Funko Pops
>expanding into "retro gaming" spaces to corner the nostalgia market
>Gamestop as a brand already has nostalgia
>expanding into trading cards and collectors items
>Bionicle perfect for Gamestop's brand
>nostalgia factor
>collectible factor
>console/pc video games
>handheld video games
>board games
>trading cards
>Bionicle story essentially soft reboots every year
>new wave of sets to buy every year
>will look great on shelves along with Funko Pops
>something that kids and their parents can both buy for any number of reasons
>look great in canisters as well (unopened collectible angle)
talk about deep fucking value

>> No.58535466
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From a certain point of view.

>> No.58535467

Any aussies here for some advice?
So I did a bit of research, not a lot, but I went with CMC Markets.
I learned this weekend that they don't facilitate DRS so I am now considering moving my shares to nabtrade.

Questions is, I do a FOP transfer first yes? Whilst this is being completed do I have access to trade my shares or am I effectively locked out of trading for quite some time them in case I want to take profit (of let's say 10M usd per share)?

>> No.58535468
File: 248 KB, 652x521, 1656700660105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. This week is going to be ridiculous.

>> No.58535478
File: 1.11 MB, 600x929, Bionicle Comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lego will be glad to be rid of their old IP, and even get paid for it (they will retain some rights so they can include Bionicle easter eggs in some of their products and have the option of doing a collaboration with Gamestop, phrased as "in association with"). Imagine a company spinning off a part of itself that they themselves don't care much for, yet outside investors desperately want to acquire. But when has that ever happened, right anons?

>> No.58535480
File: 123 KB, 750x750, Poilet Tater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's poppin' frens? Oh that's right, we are.

>> No.58535485

10,000 USD by Thurs

>> No.58535486
File: 157 KB, 1080x1288, 297ADA60-FD3C-4F57-B79A-DBC4E1157F6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m totally down for RC making the Bionicle dream real, but it is just a meme as of this moment. One step at a time fren.

>> No.58535488

Who is actually doing all the buying ?UBS ?

>> No.58535490

>"Why didn't you tell us, anon?"
>If I'd told you and it didn't happen you'd have thought I was an idiot and never believe me again, again.
>And if I'd told you and it DID happen but you didn't buy in then you'd blame me for not pushing harder.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I like the lottery winner advice: set aside 20% after taxes in a trust fund for family for education, medical care, housing assistance, etc. He says that's more than generous and I tend to agree.

>> No.58535502

I can definitely envision a retail space of lego, BBBY/buybuybaby, and GameStop products in a Walmart sized store all around the country. Great for an all in 1 shopping experience for parents who care about the quality of merchandise

>> No.58535507

One good video game and tie-in cartoon and they'll be back.
I forgot how cool the packaging was.

>> No.58535509
File: 1.27 MB, 1196x724, turning silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dine drømme er måske mere virkelige, end du er klar over, anon ;)
If Ryan Cohen and his board members generated a ton of hype over various businesses for possible merger and acquisition, only to focus on reviving an obscure 2001 toy franchise, could that be called some kind of, I don't know, Kansas City Shuffle? How silly would a billionaire hedge fund manager feel if he used up so much capital researching and exerting influence over so many unrelated businesses, domestic and international, only to have missed some niche lego action figure reference?

>> No.58535516

I think some of those might be Throwbots, also. I still wish they'd come up with something more concrete for them and the disc thing. Like an arena playset where you could make them fight, somehow.

>> No.58535528

How many halts tomorrow?

>> No.58535533

About tree fiddy.

>> No.58535536

I’d say about tree fiddy

>> No.58535538

Based and tree fiddy pilled

>> No.58535547
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>> No.58535549
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>> No.58535555
File: 61 KB, 573x507, 143278427840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't be us shads

>> No.58535560

d-d-delete this!

>> No.58535563

duuude bionicle is god tier.
late gen x + early zoomers had the best fucking toys growing up

>> No.58535568
File: 173 KB, 1080x856, Screenshot_20240527-214851_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this god tier song


>> No.58535577
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>> No.58535581
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>> No.58535591
File: 134 KB, 946x1323, 28A0DB5B-4450-4F09-9E2D-5B7875E186C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy volume.

>> No.58535596


>> No.58535597
File: 1.42 MB, 400x226, 1714433215836936.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>target $15.50

Its wild to me that there are still people who are in ((denial)) about the fuckery thats involved with gamestop.

>> No.58535599

Cryoshell and the other songs Bionicle used in their stuff was pretty legit. I think the first song that comes to mind is Gravity Hurts for their big recap before the mid penultimate desert gladiator wave.

Found it:

>> No.58535602
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All redditors of course.

>> No.58535603
File: 1.04 MB, 1176x1528, GOgOpV3bkAIHQML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to cross 1M before the START of premarket.

>> No.58535606

holy fuck

>> No.58535611

Already there.
Something is happening.

>> No.58535615
File: 63 KB, 728x569, imgbin-pepe-the-frog-know-your-meme-t-shirt-frog-jFm09uUCYjPy3N6cQa5CHgeSc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight banger

>> No.58535617

I’m nervous as fuck guys.

>> No.58535622

we're going to a billion volume. $1000 EOD.

>> No.58535624

I am the opposite. If it goes up great. If it goes down I'm ready to buy. We're going to see fireworks all month.

>> No.58535627
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>> No.58535629
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>>58535611 checked
can we go long on Swiss energy companies? Need 2nd order tendies

>> No.58535633
File: 48 KB, 657x718, 1687516844801182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken Griffing, I will sell you 1 GME for the price of 3x10^13, take it or leave it

>> No.58535634
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, 719fcc1ac4dcc68dccde7bbc67b0036c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited.

>> No.58535638


>> No.58535639

>…and beyond
Thanks Grok

>> No.58535642

Cryoshell is really good

>> No.58535650

Id love to see drone footage from citadel offices tonight. You know kens got guys in there rn scrambling

>> No.58535653
File: 46 KB, 610x343, SMT4maincharacter61052413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren I tried for a long time to talk people into buying and after months realized they wont listen. Buy a share for those you love and realize that you cant help everyone.

>> No.58535659
File: 11 KB, 480x360, ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The opening price on the US market jumps to 3.7 million.
>immediately halted
>It stays like this for at least 20 minutes
>Someone on the switchboard fucks up and removes the halt and makes it so GME can only be bought instead of sold.
>Becaues there's nothing but buy pressure it jumps again to 44 million
>halted again.
>The price immediately drops to 0 for seemingly no reason
>"It was just a glitch"
>Shortly after this, the whole market shuts down
Nothing to see here.

>> No.58535660

Don't bother.
Don't bother with this either. Don't let ANYONE know you hold GME. Just help them out financially after it's over.

>> No.58535671

I can't wait to travelers the world, and blow my load into various women all across the world for about a year or so and leave. It'll bite me in my ass when I actually settle down with kids 20 years in the future if they do a DNA test. But it'll be worth it, all in the name of good fun

>> No.58535672

I've just been saying "stocks and crypto" when people ask what I spend money on.

>> No.58535683
File: 36 KB, 720x889, 20240413_130344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crabbing is getting me excited. Calm before the storm.

>> No.58535684

Remember: you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

>> No.58535686
File: 44 KB, 640x640, pepe-laughing-laughing-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$6.10 - $15.50

What an absolute faggot. DFV bought more at $40 pre-split and argued it was still a fantastic value.

I hope this idiot is short and loses everything.

>> No.58535687

This. Think of the lore

>> No.58535690

Grok is an AI.

>> No.58535691

I like Grok, it taught me how to commit tax evasion

>> No.58535695

That's just all retail dumping their hundreds of millions of dollars into the meme stock precisely when the price went up and not the months and months and months before when it was at 10 bucks. Cramer told me so.

>> No.58535697
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>> No.58535701

>boss just gave me a promotion and a raise
Fuck. What am I supposed to do if MOASS soon? I can't just immediately quit after this, they'll get suspicious and MOASS happening would be all over every news feed so they would suspect something with that. I don't want anyone knowing I'm rich dammit

>> No.58535706

Just change your number and move away
Just fucking ghost EVERYONE

>> No.58535708

Don't make any drastic decisions for atleast 90 days. Get all of your duck in order first, taxes, CPA, lawyer etc.

And for the anons who want to tell their family to buy again, there's no point. They didn't have the conviction to hold from Jan 2021, talking about it again will just draw unnecessary attention to yourself and create pocket watchers as they see the price of GME skyrocket and question you about how much do have, did you sell, can I have some money, etc.

My lips are sealed. I'm flying low and will be doing stealth wealth

>> No.58535710

He’s already consneeded.

>> No.58535712

You know what I'm calling it after 3 years I'm calling it
Endless shit of pajeets and shills
I'm calling it
The moass begins tomorrow aftermarket or premarket
It has already been manifested

>> No.58535713

Were you the same guy that told them friends and family, but they didn't buy and some of them were mad at you?

>> No.58535716

Taxes? I'm not selling until the IRS is gone.

>> No.58535717

>market makers get blamed for causing a short squeeze by breaking the law
Not all the markets can shut down at the same time anon.

>> No.58535721

>Not all the markets can shut down at the same time anon.
Why not? The ones that CAN shut down at the same time effectively stop trades going in and out of the ones that can't.

>> No.58535722

Someone took time to write a paragraph of gamestop fan fiction on memorial day. Holy fuck lmfao how pathetic is your life

>> No.58535729

Damn my nigga was only 17 4 1 day damn.

>> No.58535731

CMC Markets is CFDs, you don't own the shares, anon...

I went with Stake. Instant deposits too. There's also boomer tier SelfWealth, but they have a clause where they can pretty much rug if the market collapses. Can't remember the exact wording as this was 2 years ago, but it was enough to move all my shares.

Some anons like to have shares on multiple brokers though.

>> No.58535733

I thank the shills for keeping me bullish. But it’s back to the call center soon.

>> No.58535734

Shut up the fuck up and eat your Vegemite

>> No.58535735
File: 51 KB, 885x571, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overnight price cap is set. see you all in the morning.

>> No.58535739

since post numbers increment so slowly,
some anon roll this from 1 to 100
that will be tomorrow's closing price

>> No.58535741


>> No.58535742
File: 9 KB, 323x135, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight anon. enjoy your tendies.

>> No.58535743

That would have cascading effects throughout the economy. People would want to dump their stocks if the market "shuts down" occasionally.

>> No.58535745
File: 41 KB, 750x440, euxjm2gs2zma1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That would have cascading effects throughout the economy

>> No.58535747

I'm not rolling but I'll say we open 9:30am at $26.01 pump to $29.81 then dump to $24.91 until after 1PM where we pump to $35.10 and close at $37.71. I will it into existence.

>> No.58535749

Reasonable guess if “the” announcement isn’t tomorrow.

>> No.58535750

very nice
thank you, good night anon.

>> No.58535754
File: 43 KB, 1574x623, whois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he register teddyholdings for only a year? must be pretty optimistic

>> No.58535757

Nice catch.

>> No.58535758


>> No.58535769
File: 137 KB, 640x480, tribbles v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(That one was a bit later.)



>> No.58535774

I never had a GF am I in danger?

>> No.58535789

Immense danger. Be autistic as you can to weed out the bad ones.

>> No.58535793

In danger of women in general? No, at least if you did your best to hide your wealth. In danger of gold diggers who hunt for flaunters, and especially young naive men who suddenly found themselves rich overnight? Yes, very much so. Hide your wealth well, and use your newfound time (that previously was spent waging) to become the best version of yourself.

>> No.58535799

Only if you trick yourself into believing they're capable of love.

>> No.58535808

You’ll have the opposite problem soon. Just be smart with your money and don’t get a girl knocked up or something and you’ll be okay. Looking for wifey is even better.

>> No.58535824

The absolute best piece of advice I ever got concerning women was unironically from a happily married mother with three early 20's daughters. It came after she asked me if I saved my money or do any investing
>Oh investing? A little here and there. I'm still broke as hell lmao
And she straight up told me
>Never tell a woman you have money.
God bless her.

>> No.58535830
File: 99 KB, 690x495, onua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked should this get added to the OP?
bullish for GME

>> No.58535838

Why are we all using this thread still instead of helping the other one hit its bump limit

>> No.58535840


>> No.58535844

Because GME now go to bed

>> No.58535847

Gn anon

>> No.58535869
File: 2.58 MB, 3006x2288, 1657208976451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its a dead thread.

>> No.58535870
File: 1.38 MB, 220x331, 1716489234369312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im feeling a bit anti-Semitic this week

>> No.58535892
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Pump chads I salute your valiant efforts in providing us this bountiful harvest. tyfys you handsome devils, god speed.

>> No.58535904

Could be worse, I could be some faggot seething about it.

>> No.58535906
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>> No.58535928

Calling it now
Taiwan gets invaded today by China
I felt it in the force
I don't FUCKING care about that chud
He can chop off his own dick and suck out the balls he probably already did and killed himself
Because it is indeed unironically happening

>> No.58537852


Chinks tongue my anus