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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 257 KB, 619x563, IMG_5552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58533106 No.58533106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

She seriously needs to log off.

>> No.58533113

Can I get a rundown

>> No.58533118

I want to tounge her anus

>> No.58533120

Annoying thirdie foid that shits up the tg of all biz coins. She’s an argie and her bags are miniscule and she’s literally on tg 24/7 with her shitty esl english.

>> No.58533121

kek stalking chicks now and making posts about them on /biz/. you're the incel loser here for it. just ignore her she doesnt even know your sorry virgin ass exists and you're seething about her on this board like a bitch made loser. mad she didnt dm you back virgin?

>> No.58533132

Emilia I am worth over 44bitcoins. Let's have sex.

>> No.58533135

>ignore her
Literally every 5th tg message is her

>> No.58533137

hope she sees this bro

>> No.58533141

kek stalking chicks now and making posts about them on /biz/. you're the incel loser here for it. just ignore her she doesnt even know your sorry virgin ass exists and you're seething about her on this board like a bitch made loser. mad she didnt dm you back virgin?

>> No.58533144

holy shit white knighting over a tg biz "girl"

>> No.58533156

She posted herself here. she’s definitely a girl unfortunately

>> No.58533170


>> No.58533177

look buddy back off okay?!?! she's mine pal. *bares my teeth*

>> No.58533181

I'm not interested in your crypto roastie

>> No.58533186




>> No.58533194


And this is how every tg project dies
With attention whores and disgusting simps shifting attention to worthless discussion topics

>> No.58533203

She’s in avi and linu chats 24/7

>> No.58533206

maybe anon shouldnt make weepy threads about girls that dont return his dm's or tell him to fuck off. than we wouldnt be talking about her or talking shit to him for being a bitch about it.

>> No.58533209

She's killed the AVI chat stone dead. A literal black hole remorselessly sucking up every last iota of comfiness

>> No.58533281


>> No.58533720

Tbh she's annoying and always tries to hijack conversations.
i wonder how fat she is because he spends all fucking day on every shitcoin telegrams
like she needs to get a fucking job , a hobby or something

>> No.58533737

This. She's in every fucking tg and just says stupid barely comprehensible garbage for attention. Women really are all the same.

>> No.58533748

not giving this bitch anymore attention so i'm saging but she was already annoying as fuck the day she joined with every fifth message being her, asking shit like how much a token is worth.

just check on dexscreener idiot

the attention seeking is clear as day and nevermind going on about worshipping lucifer or doing tarot. the broken english is just the icing on the cake

i dont even use biz that much but i still browse it here and there, i'm only making this post because ill probably get banned if i post this shit on the telegram

>> No.58533758

I don’t know why anyone engages with whatever it is. I noticed it as soon as it came in the TG and immediately soured the mood. I was hoping it would not come back but ugh, today again. Already weaseled up to Kerasu and is working on Stix now.

>> No.58533816

Wtf... avibros??? Is this true?

>> No.58533836

Does she lurk here. I'm white would you have sex with me if I send you a pic and you think I'm attractive. I can travel anywhere in the world except for illegal places of course with 1 months notice

>> No.58533952
File: 6 KB, 375x98, hee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never change

>> No.58533994
File: 69 KB, 680x527, 1716136680584989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will never go to 2m because it's a GEM

>> No.58534006


she's actually hot as fuck, like 9/10. She posted (clothed) body pic in LINU telegram. Somebody here probably has it.

>> No.58534043
File: 160 KB, 1200x628, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u srs?? i guess ill post a pic of myself then this is me without make up i just woke up haha dont judge

>> No.58534047

ive jacked off to that picture 4 times and came everytime

>> No.58534051

im also a crypto girl investor btw hehe

>> No.58534059

What a bunch of pathetic losers you "men" are, you are probably one of these christcucks who got pissy because of a silly tarot reading of a token. I live rent free in your heads and yeah I hold small bags so what? I'm here to make money lol.

>> No.58534090
File: 81 KB, 804x1024, 1681358158546431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STFU incel, real emilia here.

>> No.58534124

That's not me, I'm not retarded enough to get sun damage.

Also I think a lot of people here are just incel losers, I only post in tg during spare times while I work, it's not that I'm an attention whore, you are the ones who give me extra attention just for being a woman, I'm sure if I larped as a moid you wouldn't say all the bs you say. I don't post really more than the average poster.

>> No.58534131

I just wanna smell your feet emmi

>> No.58534148


You're cool and always welcome in AVI. The satanism debate stuff took over the chat for a while which was annoying, but you've been chill ever since.

>> No.58534182


Tits or it's not you

>> No.58534203

These debates start because of some annoying people that were also in LINU in the past with their weird "brothers in christ" subchannel and they are pissy as fuck. I like how they use christianity as a misogynist circlejerk and at the same time are degenerate greedy retards (the fact they make fun of my small bag shows how hypocritical they are and that they don't hold the morals they say to purvey) they are the only people who cause drama and accuse others of doing so.

I literally never had any issue in any telegram channel before despite the interactions with these losers in most tgs I am in is all comfy.

>> No.58534232

that is one old ass pic. that chick is easily in her late 30s early 40s now.