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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5853360 No.5853360 [Reply] [Original]

> November 23, 2017
> went to /biz/ to tell them ADA, XLM, XRP, XVG will be mooning non stop in the holidays until Q1.
>Only a handful of people believed.
>kek why do I even bother to share this insight

From then on you'll be seeing 5x - 25x gains.

Next up and some are already revving up their rocket engines:

XLM and ADA will continue to fly while the next batch runs.

if someone had a screencap of my thread (3 people said they screencapped it), please post them here, I'll give you some bonus info.

>> No.5853629

I honestly do not understand why people haven't bought ZCL yet. It will give you free BTC fork coins at the end of this month.

>> No.5853656

Just missing VEN

>> No.5853706

>makes some bogus claim
>doesnt use a trip

Looks like you're full of shit

>> No.5853730

So should I buy XLM or not? I don't like chasing moons

>> No.5853770

what about ven crytpofucker

>> No.5853771

Ven is all hype.
Wtc will be back for the crown

>> No.5853799

When do you anticipate the others to start flying?

>> No.5853804

I believe you. Good to hear XLM will continue. XMR is interesting, hasn't moved yet much compared to other alts. I've already got ENG and ZCL, will look into the others. Thanks anon.

>> No.5853812

also ada or icx shillfucker

>> No.5853822

When is DBC taking off?

>> No.5853823

Because brainlets.

>> No.5853924

whales are not on /biz/ anyway so I don't post here much, they can enjoy their rare moon missions, while I've already got 1000% since the last time I went to biz.

I haven't looked much into it.

biz is full of shit. I won't bother.

If you held XLM since november you'd be seeing lambos before the year ends. but personally I don't think it's too late. ride on other coins, make sure to diversify

>> No.5853945

go find your own post

>> No.5854056

what do you think about ICX and decred?

>> No.5854148

like I said, I haven't looked at VeChain much. What I can say is that it's pretty undervalued, but if you've learned one thing about cryptos, what is highly shilled everywhere gets opposite results. Notice that before ADA,XLM, ENG, and XRP (maybe), mooned, you rarely see them being shilled here on biz or reddit or in the forums.

shit coins on the other hand like Bazinga are shilled 24/7 and they get pretty bad results. A quality coin + shilled by everyone before its moon mission, no matter how good it is will end up shit.

I decide and see them in terms of quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4). there's not much sense holding less than 3-4 months. Just get in before Q1 ends. All coins listed here on my original post will see good returns before Q4 I can assure you that. Those "normies" that you often laugh about are doing research, and are currently contemplating to buy altcoins, this process will end in 3 months.

are you an insider or do you just have a good eye? See you at the top. I hope it doesn't get lonely.

refer to my reply above about being shilled constantly. A seed doesn't grow if you keep touching it and exposing it outside. Darkness and isolation germinates every potential seed... and coin.

>> No.5854162

I believed you on xlm man.
Thanks for that.

Why ENG?
It’s an awesome project and I invested part of my portafolio but secret contracts seem a bit far away doesn’t look like it will go more than x3 this year, I’m talking out of my ass tho, enlighten me senpai

>> No.5854168
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I bought XLM at 20 cents, should I stay in or move to one of the ones you suggested? Scared to move my gains. .

I listened.

>> No.5854231

i don't believe you, but i'll cap this and happily eat my words in your next thread

>> No.5854306

alright crypto sage. noted.

>> No.5854347

People believe in the people behind it, not the "whitepaper". They believe the principle and the principles of the founders. The reason why Samsung and others can't beat Apple.

ENG has by far one of the best and solid dev team there is in crypto history. I didn't care much about what they actually offer, just seeing those people working and I just had to dump my cash into them.

good move. Why don't you just hold it and shell out more to buy other coins? I personally don't like withdrawing from one coin to move to another unless I see tangible evidence that it's all going downhill.

you are welcome. After this day, I'll be back in 2 weeks again. Find my thread by then at these hours. I'll always post a picture of petyr baelish.

>> No.5854410

Thank you for the list OP

Which coin should a poorfag go all in on? I have $10k to invest

>> No.5854411


Thoughts on Zencash OP? IOHK is helping implement their new treasury model into ZEN protcol.

>> No.5854413

NEM is rarely mentioned here and it just fucking blew pass Saturn and still barely a peep. Is it gonna be a $100 coin? I would almost be a millionaire.

>> No.5854453

Give me your thoughts on coins involved with the main net launch. ICX, Aion, and WAN?

>> No.5854458


crypto sage, what do you think about ICX and decred?

>> No.5854506

I agree on ENG, if they deliver, it's gonna be huuuge

>> No.5854534

VEN announcement was BULLSHIT, sell now or see you at the dip.

>> No.5854556

Big if true

>> No.5854826


ENG chart looking primed for a mutli bill marketcap, I'd buy some in case.

>> No.5854853

ADA is going for $10+ this year.
I originally capped ADA between 5 and 10 but I can see it going well beyond that now.
Strap in dudes.

>> No.5855354

OP, do you think these insane gains will last for long?

>> No.5855478

can anyone verify this??

>> No.5855965
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Hey OP, any thought on RLC?

>> No.5856093
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It's in a few hours

>> No.5856278

I've held that the moment they got on bittrex. See example above. It was one of the MOST promising coins ever, but the devs just suck so much.

It's all an obvious pattern. Good devs bring together moon missions. Good whitepapers, good roadmap, and etc with shit devs and background people = shit coins.

Dip incoming in february, rockets again after valentines.

I saw that too. hence I'm holding ADA long term. 5 years in crypto = vaporware doesn't mean shit.

>> No.5856332

and EDO

>> No.5856367

announcement isnt even the thing that will pump it. they have partnerships with PWC and likely BMW, and a rebranding soon.

>> No.5856456
File: 161 KB, 1600x800, nrm_1424972091-arianahoneymoontour234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about icx anon king

>> No.5856533

Of the coins you are shilling, do you like any more than the rest?

>> No.5856592

promising but not sure if the people behind them are good. I personally don't like the way the koreans handle cryptocurrencies.

ADA, XLM, XMR and ENG. I could live with just these on my portfolio

>> No.5856597
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So don't hold RLC?

>> No.5856655

I sold mine after 5 months. Those were some heavy bags. I personally talked to several of their dev teams but they can't come up with anything really good to share. I once envisioned it to 100x but I slowly realized that I might be wrong.

>> No.5856675

What do you think of aion? I'm torn between that and OMG for this month.

>> No.5856684

Hey senpai, what do you think about xrb? It was shilled as fuck here and now again with dadi and nano.. Is it just a pnd shit coin?

>> No.5856708
File: 1.24 MB, 950x795, batman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread on here is archived, quit LARPing op. BAT is the only thing that will surefire 100x this year. Everything else is speculation.

>> No.5856738

I would hold both though I only have OMG.

>> No.5856744

What do you think of FUN? The team is promising on paper with good connections, but I'm still a little hesitant about it

>> No.5856775

Should I ride BTC for the dip?
I'm currently waiting on XLM ICX and VEN late Jan moons

>> No.5856795

what's wrong with koreans and cryptocurrency? icx seemed promising. plus the run up for it was insane. you're making me wanna dump my icx

>> No.5856874

I bought salt, fun, 0x and the verge dips. Still waiting for salt but everything else is going up nicely.

>> No.5856879

What do you think of TRX? It seems to have potential and has announcements coming in but I don't know if I should invest in it now or keep investing in XLM and ENG since I believe in those for sure.

>> No.5856975


what about ICOs? any that stand out?

>> No.5856989


Whats your price prediction for OMG after Q2 ?

>> No.5857028

the CVC chart looks of nice, will try to buy some

>> No.5857032

should I dump 5k usd in this right now? convince me otherwise

>> No.5857084

It will be fun when the bitcoin private fork date is announced x'D dont miss on ZCL guys

>> No.5857100

I know someone who literally just started today and dumped 5k on TRX before it exploded. You just have to know what to look for.

>> No.5857202
File: 228 KB, 400x400, spawning in combat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey OP, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I really appreciate your opinion!
What do you think of Dadi and Crypterium? Do you think buying makes sense?
Also when to buy Enigma? Dont wanna rush things > pic related

>> No.5857319

what was your reasoning? link to thread?

>> No.5857425

req/zrx worth bothering with?

>> No.5857841

I like XMR but will it really moon? It seems like a very stable and comfy coin, the CHF of crypto if you will.

>> No.5857882

an undervalued coin which i think has big time potential is DNT. What do you think op?

>> No.5857908

You've got to be kidding me. Bazinga coin is the most obvious scam shill, with the same threads spammed and getting 0 replies.
XLM, ENG were shilled here often before at least 1/3 way of their moon. You're bad at reading /biz/

>> No.5857920

you mean the CHF that lost 20% of its value overnight 1 or 2 years ago?

>> No.5858090

What do you use to trade?
exchange, wallets etc

>> No.5858095

>5 years in crypto = vaporware doesn't mean shit
Listen, crypto is going to correct fucking hard in not even 2 years and ADA is going lower than it is now. Mark my words.

>> No.5858160

Why didn’t you snap a screenshot yourself you cocky dumbass?

>> No.5858635

i really want to go 1/2 on dbc but i think im too pussy for it

>> No.5858727

Because he made it up

>> No.5859339

ENG Hell Yeah -> MIT on board

>> No.5859519

Don't forget BitClave the dark horse. ICX co-founder is on the team, advertising industry. Once this hits Kucoin it'll go parabolic like all other promising coins did.

>> No.5860232


ENG is now 5.95$, to high for buying 10.000, for a poorfag like me...
A 100-200$ long temr investment could be a good idea?

>> No.5860366



>> No.5860419


>> No.5860630

Because I plan on buying the forked coins after they initially dump without having to worry about zcl dumping

>> No.5860882

The same reason why the buy shit that mooned to a 100% ATH in a day - because they are imbeciles.