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58530723 No.58530723 [Reply] [Original]

Based strictly on financials, market cap, and most importantly daily usage (3rd most used crypto), LTC is a million times the smartest investment you can make at this point.

>hurr hurr but the meta says that this is a dino coin!
You will not make it, enjoy your heavy bags on a dead chain (unless you buy LTC).

>> No.58530732

I'm becoming a LTC maxi more or less
it's just a better BTC

>> No.58530743

There is no second best, baggie. LTC will continue to plummet in sats and all the cope in the world ain't changing that.

>> No.58530756

have sex

>> No.58530763

Appreciate in value

>> No.58530767
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Smart decision.

Just based on the fundamentals alone it's the best investment on this board. 3 days ago the daily volume of LTC was 8.5m LTC. 3200 is minted perday.

Pay attention to the clear and obvious upwards accumulation that's going on, even without blackrock/grayscale.

>> No.58530780

this is the same retard who fuds LINK btw

>> No.58530788
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i have 600, moving on to 700, hoping i can hit 800 LTC before run starts if anything i think i already made it with what I have

>> No.58531154

that's a make it stack for sure, I heard something like 84 was the sui stack

>> No.58531195

I have 78, what should my goal be?

>> No.58531205

I have 150 which is a sidebag for me while I max ETH.

>> No.58531223
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Medium of Exchange is a trivial use of money as transactional use carries little term risk, see: fiat value over time versus gold, BTC, equities. The chunky part of Money is the Store of Value, Unit of Account demand, as these demands can't be met by anything but an abstraction like money. BTC has first mover advantage, the window for overcoming this was over a decade ago. BTC won, get over it.

>> No.58531239


>> No.58531279

>there is no second best, because umm well, because i said so! okay?

t. michael saylor

>> No.58531282

Charlie Lee dumped on thee

>> No.58531288

satoshi abandoned bitcoin

>> No.58531659
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I like litecoin but the only way I see it actually performing well this bullrun is if an etf gets approved. Otherwise it will stagnate.

>> No.58531701

litecoin has always been immune to moon. dont fall the same old trap

>> No.58531764

stale meta and take

>> No.58531788

BCH is better cuz Satoshi never dumped his BCH like charlie did with LTC

>> No.58531801
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>enjoy your heavy bags on a dead chain

>> No.58531810

hasn’t been shown to be false yet, sorry the truth hurts. BCH is indeed a much better buy

>> No.58531818

there are people who bought Litecoin in 2013 who haven't even hit a 2x


i'd kill myself fr

>> No.58531826

Bcash (yes I will call it that) has a charlatan figurehead being charged with tax fraud.
Not a good look.

>> No.58531899

they can charge Satoshi for all they want, nobody cares, they will never find him

>> No.58531933

"bitcoin jesus" has already been arrested and awaits extradition.

>> No.58531946

>Your crypto currency would be better if it was centralized around 1 person
Kys redditor

>> No.58532034

"bitcoin jesus" is a cool guy, but he has nothing to do with btc or bch besides being kind of a "celebrity" for shilling crypto

>> No.58532275
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yet LTC remains relevant and boomer bait grayscale/blackrock already has been loading up all year

>> No.58532286

>1st bullrun it did a 100x
>second one underperformed but still did a 10x
what always are u talking about niggie

>> No.58532360

if grayscale LTCN is trading at 4x surplus, surely this is incredibly bullish?
right now institutions would be shorting LTC and using the proceeds to apply for units of LTCN at NAV and then at some point over the next year they will dump all their LTCN and close out their LTC shorts?
does this mean their shorts are suppressing the LTC price and we will get a crazy pump when they reverse the position?

>> No.58533607

Still holding his bags.

>> No.58533666

used to make online purchases, never to hold.

>market cap
market cap is due to people who bought and are about to use it to make online purchases, not to hold.

>daily usage
used for online purchases and nothing else.

I suppose it is one of the smarter investments since it is actually used for purchase instead of just speculation.

>> No.58533669

i meant to say this in a positive light somewhat. unlike other coins where retards buy and hold with the intention of dumping onto bagholders, LTC is used so much for actual purchases.

>> No.58533712

Neither LTC nor BCH differ significantly from BTC on a fundamental level, meaning that they all suffer from the same drawbacks.
LTC can't scale (it's only 4x faster than BTC, which isn't significant), and BCH uses big blocks, which comes at the cost of decentralization. It's been known since the early 2010s that you can't increase the block rate or the block size on a linear blockchain without harming security and/or decentralization. BCH and LTC don't solve this problem; they must make different tradeoffs, so they don't actually add any new value to the cryptocurrency space.

>> No.58534194

>so they don't actually add any new value to the cryptocurrency space.
Then why do people care about cheap, fast transactional fees you fucking R tard

>> No.58534262
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i've been holding 100 of these since bitcoin was 16k, since doge was 6 cents, since eth was $1000

the payoff better be good because this is the lame duck in my portfolio, my worst performing asset by far only up about 12%

>> No.58534279
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>I'm telling you, zoomers, there's nothing wrong with my 120 years old shitcoin that can't pump for shit, you newfags are all about vidya and super tokens you forgot this is all about greed and speculation

>> No.58534541

Max 1.2k this cycle. Conservative estimate is 600-700.

>> No.58534894

They don't, and their continually declining value in sats is a testament to that.
>B-b-but LTC is so widely used!!
Mastercard handles more transactions in a single day than Litecoin is even capable of handling in an entire year. It doesn't get used for squat in the real world.

>> No.58535244 [DELETED] 
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>Bro doesn't know about CONAN


>> No.58536110
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yet grayscale continues to accumulate even as of today, what do they know? why aren't you going to follow smart money?

>> No.58536113
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also has a higher long term holder ratio than BTC (BTC being 69%, LTC being 73%).

The perfect storm is coming, as foretold >>58281331

>> No.58536321

grayscale is accumulating because if you send them 1 LTC they will give you 4 LTC worth of LTCN that you can sell in 6 months

the question is why is LTCN trading at such a high premium?

>> No.58536340

You can't sell them for a year. Grayscale can't sell any LTC til a year after purchase too.

>> No.58536368

LTC is the 1st most used crypto ahead of Bitcoin. If Bitcoin moves ahead of it briefly thats irrelevant.

>> No.58536480

grayscale can only sell 2.5% per year to cover fees
the LTC in the trust won't be sold until it converts into an ETF