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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58518349 No.58518349 [Reply] [Original]

for last weeks bottom sellers and fudders... we feel very very sorry for you... except we FUCKING DONT


>> No.58518391

That C.S S fag on suicide watch and I couldn't care less. I never thought I'd say it but I'm glad my APU stack is down knowing he had his entire tiny networth in it the poor faggot. The universe simply cannot allow such bottom of the barrel faggotry he tried to pull with his fud. His 18 million tokens he sold will be worth a fortune within a year, watch it. Get fucked.

Anyway... The future is bright foxbros!

>> No.58518467

He truly was the bottom signal, wonder how that feels kek

>> No.58518878
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so, about all those retards i kept seeing who looked at our textbook pullback happen and said
>umm, i dont know... the chart looks horrible right now... it sounds like a good project, but i dont want to buy that...
right at the bottom:
how do so many people like this exist in this space?
are the people who act like this only around for a month before they get replaced by new newfags?
this isnt even an avi-specific question, but avi is a phenomenal example for it since the project itself is completely solid

>> No.58518887 [DELETED] 

nobody really cares and nobodys buying your bags faggots.

>> No.58518893
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they do and they are, though
thats the reason we're posting

>> No.58518911

shhhh. they are the ones who will FOMO back in and pump our bags when its in the 100s of mil mc. people like that exist for our exit liquidity

>> No.58518912

This is the type of people that live in small rural villages far away from any real civilization, everyone in their families have failed, including them, no one has done anything right. The cycle continues. They haven't seen money before, they haven't even tasted it and they never will. Bunch of nobodies. Best to ignore but sometimes it's difficult, they are so fucking annoying. Good thing everything always falls into place, in the end. They will have nothing, their toxic behaviour and lifestyle will stay the same.

All they had to do was to buy and hold. If they don't want to do so, then kindly fuck off in silence. No need to start a shit show on the way out.

>> No.58518971

why so sour? I hope you make it too buddy :)

>> No.58518974

serious answer here...from what i learned.... when money gets involved. The brain gets all weird especially of you are not an experienced investor. You see you portfolio get cut in half and the brain says you need to stop the bleeding.

>> No.58519051

Stay in your lane faggots. Remember when the audit score came out and you niggers got cocky? What happened shortly after that? Oh yea, whales kept dumping until you guys hit .001 again and then you suddenly stfu. Now that some news come out, you start arrogantly spamming biz again. You haven't learned a thing. This is going back to .000s. See you there. Hopefully you learn something this time

>> No.58519056

Why can't I buy this shitcoin on base yet?
I thought after the bridge they were going to work on it?

>> No.58519061

the bridge is in testnet, when mainnet is released they are planning to deploy on there. I assume it would happen almost immediately as a testament to the finished product.

>> No.58519078

>sold in the 60-70 range
>made money off APU, OKAYEG, etc. over the last month
>see the thread confirming this CB quest thing, manage to buy my entire old stack because this coin sucks SO MUCH SHIT that you didn't even need to predict the news ahead of time to catch the pump, you just had to be there
>enjoying my 50% discounted AVI and all the gains made in the meantime

Yeah I feel sorry for you guys getting sidelined by this coin for the bulk of shitcoin season. When you reach $1/avi I'll be sitting right beside you zealots, laughing. And the devs will STILL be fags

>> No.58519081

What happened? The entire fucking market crashed, that's what happened. Stop coping now C.S S you will never get those 18 million tokens back. Never.

>> No.58519101

>He thinks he's the only one invested in the frogs
With such a pitiful comment imma say no, you did not get back into Avi before this pump, your tone wouldn't be like that. Step aside, faggot.

>> No.58519203

>avi dumped because the market crashed
Cope. Whales dumped on you. It was a classic sell the news moment. This will be no different

>> No.58519233 [DELETED] 

“Zealot” here
While Avi was cruising I also made money off shitcoins, and never sold. You sound like you’re sour and bought back in at a higher price. Maybe you made money still yeah that’s great so did a lot of others but here you are being a sour faggot.

>> No.58519249

The market crashed, are we not living on the same planet? Everything is onchain, market crashed and people sell. The hedge was frog coins. If you call ~20m wallets whales then you are exactly what you smell like, a curry reeking poor faggot. All those 20m wallets that sold are now out btw, with holder count going up and we're almost back where we left them. Do you know what that is called? Of course you don't, faggot.

>> No.58519250

I bought both APU and AVI 2 months ago. APU has grown to be my second biggest bag. I look forward to AVI growing to be my biggest bag.

>> No.58520193

hope jimmy is ok, havent seen his 60+ posts in a bit

>> No.58520209
File: 14 KB, 250x243, 1712992771593745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id like to add that the market-wide dump was right after we pumped from .0002 all the way to .007, and we bottomed out a little under .002 for a couple days.
even at the lowest point of this catastrophic world-ending megadump this faggots crying about, we were actively sustaining a 10x.
i think avis undervalued but we were still overdue for drawback, and the 35x run being stopped by a marketwide event rather than it being a problem with avi itself is insanely bullish

>> No.58520428

Well said

>> No.58520608

Megadump incoming, prepare you're anus

>> No.58520942

It keeps going up on my screen

>> No.58520985

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

>> No.58521002

I told you I had multiple wallets but you thought I was larping. bottom seller, bottom buyer. whatever...all said and done I'm up. not as much as I thought I'd be, but I have no regrets. there was truth to a lot of the fud, but it doesn't matter because in the end

>> No.58521003

Don't forget to take your meds. Also, it's not too late to buy in.

>> No.58521028

Hahahahahaha. There is no fucking way you have multiple wallets, you embarrassed and your way of fudding was so low, you'll never fully recover from the action alone. What a low life. Instead of joining the tg to give criticism you went to biz to fud it to hell. I am so happy it backfired for you, I am so happy you are losing money on that other investment(I am losing money over there too, im just happy you are losing aswell). You are probably larping as C.S S but the message is the same regardless.

You marked the bottom. That sell wick to the 0015s will forever be marked in the chart and it has the name C.S S written all over it. Forever. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

>> No.58521036

you embarrassed yourself*

>> No.58521038

sure thing dude.

>> No.58521061

>it's not too late to buy in
Before long it'll only go down.

>> No.58521064
File: 6 KB, 262x212, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't make the rules

>> No.58521065

that sell wick was definitely not mine btw... that was thanks to the panic when the team wallet sold. 25% discount that day for bottom slurpers. I sold 2 days earlier if you remember....

>> No.58521078

kek, its funny because you are probably the guy arguing with me in that thread accusing me of having an agenda. you type like that hyperdefensive faggot

>> No.58521093

You sold some earlier but I saw your last 2.5 million sell down that wick like the little maggot you are, so so happy you are losing out on this pump. Imagine how much you could have dumped on us up here. Hahahaha. 18 million tokens. Gone.

That is not me, im not a faggot like you. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.58521109

wrong on every point. guaranteed I have more avi than you do. not gonna keep arguing though. I will not be fudding this bag anymore. bottom is in and if they don't fuck it up we can expect some massive pumps ahead

>> No.58521119

>wait for paycheck to buy some avi
>mfw pump happened before payday
feels bad wagecuck, guess I'll have to wait for dump in next days

>> No.58521140

HAHAHAHAHAAHHA whatever man, why did you fud in the first place and sell 18m tokens for no fucking reason if it was just "fudding your bag". You are the one being wrong on every single point in life and you know it. Again, if you want to change your agenda speak the fuck up in the tg again. So fucking cringe honestly. You can't even play the villain card right, what are you even good for lol.

>> No.58521156

how many avi did I buy in the bottom range? the fud was legit though, I just know it doesn't matter over a longer timeframe

>> No.58521178

You really got the team with the fud! You really really got them there, that was a genius move of you. I just regret not selling 18m of my tokens like you did. You outplayed everyone. Next time I'll do better. But that's the past, let's focus forward!

>> No.58521218

>victory lap thread
>under ATH

>> No.58521231

>Giant news
>Imagine not being positive for the future of your investment

>> No.58521239

coinbase is going to market tf out of their smart wallet. its gonna blow past ATH very quickly when people realize avi has a learn-and-earn integration with cb

>> No.58521249

Your sell was literall last at bottom. How you manage to do that is beyond me.

>> No.58521267

definitely wasn't. doesn't matter what you fags think anyway. the bottom was both sold and bought by cowswap triggers. lot of volume happened down there

>> No.58521294
File: 10 KB, 469x355, fgdjvcsfdsv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>definitely wasn't.
You live in a little fantasy world, don't you. Everything is on chain. It's true, it doesn't matter what we think, but facts are facts.

>> No.58521300

yep, that was a small sell somewhere around .0017 bottom was .0015 where someone had a 10M avi stop loss set. you fags think you have it all figured out

>> No.58521314

If you having one sell away from the bottom makes you sleep better at night, then I'm all for it. Kudos to you. You were the 2nd to last person to sell the bottom, congrats. I can tell this event haunts you since you have it down to a T. Let it go now and move forward with your life, grow a pair of balls, straighten your spine, work on your posture and move the fuck on now. Stop fudding, you're completely out of tokens. You fucked up. It is what it is. Shit happens.

>> No.58521335

I'm considering buying Peaq once it's listed on exchanges. The DePIN narrative is something you shouldn't overlook.

>> No.58521580

I'm already mining lanify, even if it will cost shit i lose nothing

>> No.58521581
File: 209 KB, 471x352, 1555557764361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and lamo trying to save face on anonymous board. At this point you just lying to yourself to keep made up delusions. Take L

>> No.58521864

What's a realistic target for this coin? I just don't see it reaching higher than 100m marketcap.

>> No.58521871

lol? if you think it can't reach higher than 100mcap why do you care? That's basically a 2x

>> No.58521902

>getting this defensive over a simple question

>> No.58521930

Sell at 100m then if you believe so, simple?

>> No.58522131

That doesn't answer the question my dude.

>> No.58522173

Nobody knows the answer to your question though. People can guess. If you look at what GALA did last cycle, they hit multi billions with a defect gaming platform and horrible tokenomics with VC money dumping non stop. For AVI to hit $1 is only ~6.5b mc. In a super cycle with more money than ever entering the market, total mc in the multi trillions, I'm thinking $1 is conservative. Especially with this coinbase narrative going, with the bridge and arcade combo + possible endorsement. If it all plays out... I truly believe 10b+ is more than possible. But to tell someone this that haven't seen a crypto bull run before, they will say im a lunatic.

>inb4 fud attack

>> No.58522185

Not really defensive, just if you have a brainlet notion it can't go over 100m why should any waste time convincing you otherwise?

>> No.58522221

Well, if that's true then you wouldn't have to invest that much to make it if you bought right now. What makes you think Avi could end up as successful as this GALA thing other than that they're both gaming platforms?

>> No.58522236

It's all stated in that reply, if everything is delivered, which so far they have delivered everything promised, then I believe it will happen with ease. People are speculating in the tg, it's a 'read between the lines' type of situation. Hop in! You can speak to the team directly if you have any questions too, they are very attentive and friendly :)

>> No.58523058

Here comes the dump. It was nice knowing you.

>> No.58525759

kekw, ngmi

>> No.58526959

The pump* also don't stare at the 1 minute candle frend

>> No.58526965

i fucking love avi

>> No.58527293

Me too, wagmi forreal

>> No.58528063 [DELETED] 
File: 997 KB, 1136x640, 1618963747891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes my head hurt
but well, VINU better I guess

>> No.58528073
File: 114 KB, 1619x642, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volume is building up a lot
this is NOT financial advice

>> No.58528084

It is starting to feel like our first mega run up. This time with all the paperhands out, only believers and new believers in. This is going to be a spectacular year. Shout out to the team for holding it down.

Not cool to hijack threads, it also gives you a bad look.

>> No.58529168
File: 107 KB, 1125x943, 1715904513061879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avi will go up.... bigly.
they told me its programmed to do so- thats what they said!
its true, people. it is!
this is financial advice

>> No.58529527

Do NOT buy the fox token

>> No.58529648

Did you really miss the dip? lol what were you thinking

>> No.58529735
File: 116 KB, 2000x2000, Covfefe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will go up bigly yes indeed. It's the greatest, just the best.

>> No.58529805 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 2000x2000, 0270877b9bb6478b576ccbde96ee82c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that C.S S (aka Froggy Fresh) was showing off on biz that he sold all his AVI (18m) at the literal bottom on May 12 for APU at the literal top. You can confirm this by looking up his based fox pfp on opensea and checking on 4chan archives.

>> No.58529813
File: 7 KB, 2000x2000, 0270877b9bb6478b576ccbde96ee82c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that C.S S was showing off on biz that he sold AVI at the literal bottom for APU at the literal top. You can confirm this by looking up his Based Fox (attached) and checking the 4chan archives on May 12

>> No.58529847

Genuinely insane that he proudly dumped his entire stack despite previously being relatively active in the tg. He would have known that the fundamentals hadn't changed a bit, and yet he still went ahead and did it. Bizarre.

>> No.58529882


The pride he (C.S S aka Froggy Fresh) had for selling at the literal bottom is unmatched. He was harping on and on about the temporary UI and would not stop responding.

>> No.58529898

>He was harping on and on about the temporary UI and would not stop responding
Oh boy, this one will go down in history as the most retarded financial decision and rant ever. What a complete tool. Oh well, another one bites the dust!

>> No.58529900

>Reminder that C.S S was showing off on biz that he sold AVI at the literal bottom
Many such cases. Matt did the same thing. Boasted about selling his 22m bag for $5k right before it got bought up

>> No.58529912


I think he sold 45m AVI actually (mattdoescrypto.eth). His portfolio is worth a few hundred dollars now. Matthew Red also sold his last AVI at the literal bottom while non stop fudding his own bags. Reminder that AVI was the only real profitable trade he ever did and he sold out at the bottom, too

>> No.58529949

>harping on and on about the temporary UI
oh, thats who that was? kek
all these fuckheads blend together in my mind at this point
the UI guy reminded me of that one anon who kept calling avi a scam because he genuinely, unironically couldnt comprehend why skybridge generating eth revenue for future avi expenditures is a bullish thing for avi

>> No.58530193

I'll have to go back and check but I thought it was around ~22m. I was the one who bought it up kek. I had no intention of buying more but he was too proud about the sell, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make him seethe.

>all these fuckheads blend together in my mind at this point
yea it's hard to tell at this point who is who. He was also probably the fudfag that would type out essays fudding the testnet.

>> No.58530212

>yea it's hard to tell at this point who is who. He was also probably the fudfag that would type out essays fudding the testnet.
70 post per thread that was something. How such condition is even called?

>> No.58530325

The fud was effective enough to drop the chart 30% and even got one of the team member wallets to sell… most volume at the bottom was from limit buy orders. Thanks for playing.

>> No.58530343


It was 45m I just checked kek. ENS is mattdoescrypto.eth. His portfolio is now valued at a few hundred dollars. C.S S aka Froggy Fresh may meet a similar fate. Many such cases.

>> No.58531009

Imagine missing out by selling 45 million tokens at the bottom oh my lord xD swinging is so rough

>> No.58531317

We need a wellness check on C.S S

>> No.58531980

Research is essential, Anon. Without it, I wouldn't have found PEAQ or jumped into its token launch.

>> No.58532000

Kek, already sold some of my holdings and grabbed a fraction of Tesla on Eloop, profiting from its daily revenue streams.

>> No.58532016

Going to get a bag with my wageslave check in a week. Everything I buy stagnates. Sorry in advance.

>> No.58532107

Bullshit FUD liar incel

>> No.58532240


Matthew Red's wallet: 0xA3E2315732B7B8072a1c28259dCe8fD884f5133d

You can see that AVI was his only chance of making it, but he kept fudding his bags and selling on the way down.

>> No.58532307

He traided what 6mil to 900k avi in 2 months? Why these types just wont seek canadian healthcare?

>> No.58532585

It was 22m

>> No.58532708

>tainttickler69420.eth is a retarded faggot hahahaha

>> No.58532735

>that ID
kek, apt

>> No.58533626


You're right. 22m I confused the other buy with a sell because I'm retarded.