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58510897 No.58510897 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a better meme bet right now than this? Full autismo power of 4chan, fits right in with all the CT fantasies of being some cool le frog character, still sub 1B mcap. I know at this point it won't make you a millionaire from $500 but in terms if risk:reward, I haven't found anything better. With king frog on its way to take over dog coins, doesn't this eventually follow? Is matching the market cap of doggie coins out of the question? I think not. That would still be a solid 50x from here. I don't think it'll happen over night but within a year feels likely.

>> No.58510997

Interesting how as a real human posting an organic thread about a popular meme here which normally gets threads with 100+ replies I get zero replies. Are all the "frens" just bots?

>> No.58511012

Apu is at a point where people need to put in $5,000 to $10,000

A lot of people are afraid to put that kind of money into a memecoin

Getting from 250M to 1B will require people with funds that are above /biz/ level net worth now

>> No.58511032 [DELETED] 

it depends on how much you wanna make anon. there's some /biz/bros that are starting a new CTO right now called Roaring Trump. I just bought a small bag based on anons tip in another thread. Could be millions?

>> No.58511041

Good thing the bull run is less than a year away
Apu is the clear best play right now. Shib hit 45 billion last bull run and apu can definitely go just as high if not higher. We're still very early

>> No.58511042

This to "make it" though, right? You can put in anything you want. If you're poor and have $100, then getting $1,000 back will feel like a huge deal to you.

Get the fuck out of my thread you spambot shitlord fucktwat. AHHH

>> No.58511047

SHIB hit 45 BILLION? I didn't even check. I didn't go into memes at all last year, trying not to get left behind this year. Frogs seem like where it's at right now.

>> No.58511074

Sorry it was actually 43.5 billion but still, we are so fucking early. It might even go higher than that due to inflation

>> No.58511077

Fuck apu
Not his fren

>> No.58511095 [DELETED] 

I'm not a spambot you fucking mong, I'm offering fucking retards like you a chance to make some actual money before this shit goes into fucking orbit. If you haven't noticed, Trump shitcoins have been doing millions in MC. This thing is cabal backed and they finally gave the green light to set it off. I'm not shilling or advertising, I'm just sharing it in case 1 out of the thousands of retards here want a golden opportunity.

>> No.58511208

>Shib hit 45 billion last bull run and apu can definitely go just as high if not higher
I disagree.

Cute dog is VERY normalfag friendly, a smaller bit more autistic version of a """racist""" cartoon frog not so much.

>> No.58511215
File: 121 KB, 1024x1000, 1651041783409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are all the "frens" just bots?
Most of the people posting about all shitcoins are. That being said I actually put 50% of my shitcoin play for this season into APU for no real reason beyond probably undiagnosed schizophrenia. I don't have enough to make it by far but I think there's a reasonably good chance it can hit a 10x from here when the shitcoin casino goes into overdrive closer to the election.

>> No.58511230

This. Low single digit billions is very likely, but never SHIB levels.

>> No.58511246 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1271x746, moonship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RPC below 500k still
the apu rocket has already left, get into ron paul coin before it blasts past 1M


>> No.58511260

ok sorry, your reply read like a spambot, especially with the contract address thrown in.

I thought PEPE would never win bc look at how we've used it, but normies don't know and when they find out they really don't care. Everyone on CT started using a fucking frog as their persona without having any clue all the fucked up shit we've done with that frog over the years. And now it's too late. They are all frog posters and they can't go back on it, so they just reappropriated the whole meme for their own needs. APU will be accepted by way of PEPE. I fucking sat on this board smug for years thinking PEPE could never pull off what it did and not buying any. Look at me now. The amount of opportunities I've seen on biz and not gone in.. bleh.

>> No.58511295

I disagree. I'm friends with a fair few of the retard lefty types that would say something like pepe is racist (I live in NY, give me a break) and pretty much all of them say they still like pepe the frog but feel like they aren't allowed to like it because other people think it's racist. I don't think these worries are going to bother them when they're sitting by themselves behind their computer or phone screen deciding what to buy. If other normies ask them what cryptos they made money off of they'll just say doge or BTC or something

>> No.58511449

Probably a bit late to make huge gains in Pepe as it's already 5 billion mcap; however, Apu and Okayeg are also excellent plays and still have excellent entries, especially Okayeg.

>> No.58511670
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of course there is it's chud on solana and billions will buy

>> No.58511674

yea I mean PEPE probably has room to run but APU has way more. Idk about Okayeg, seems kind of forced.

>> No.58511686

Only bag holders believe in shit like "normies appeal". Enjoy being poor, you will never make it with this loser 4chan mentality.

>> No.58511700

It's an established Twitch meme that has a cult following, it is anything but forced. The frog tokens that are forced would be things like blue pepe, based pepe, blue apu, baby apu...things of that sort that are low effort ripoffs that aren't even established memes.

>> No.58511882 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1280x574, IMG_20240522_121341_781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better entry on IHOB. it's picking up steam. 6x to ATH. Dev keeps deving this CTO. Liquidity locked. Jeets jeeted. pancakes cooking. Easy 4x

>> No.58512364

We're nearing the point where this happens. First, exchanges that offer margin onboard Apu. Then election-year shenanigans happen, and smart money is waiting to eat it up. But they aren't normal election year shenanigans - it's MAGA Vs. "Anteefuh." Massive amounts of money is moving. Derivatives become so tempting... Liquidations become profitable, but progressively more expensive to snipe. There's an arms-race. Some people literally can't afford to lose, and they literally own the money-printer. $45 Billy is FUD.

>> No.58512397
File: 409 KB, 1920x1200, LINU_uber-alles.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin kek...
>doggie coins are gonna sodomize you with a clenched fist wrapped in sandpaper.

Casino is just phase 1 lads.. stop hopping around all these rugs.

>> No.58512418

On chain slot machine, lmao. Gonna melt faces when people catch up

>> No.58512430

Baby Apu is the play for the Apu enthusiast. Enjoy another 10x with Apu, but come claim your 100x with Baby Apu too.

2 rugs 2 ctos, solid

>> No.58512460

Pepe, Apu, Okayeg...the big three for this cycle.

>> No.58512474

wtf? how do I use this? I want to gamble

>> No.58512685

>2 rugs
3rd times the charm. you bapu fags are insufferable get the fuck out! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.58513035

The irony is that the weeds are easily choking out the plant they're trying to leech from. Actual Apu threads are immediately derailed now and nobody wants to participate.

>> No.58513468

no, majority of frens are just on CT and don't even come to this place anymore
if I was only on X I wouldn't have been fudded out of half my fucking bag
this place is a toxic dump but it did lead me to apu so that's good
are you holding fren?

>> No.58513471
File: 144 KB, 600x400, pepega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitchfags will send this

>> No.58513473

Newfren here, how does a US Chad like myself buy these shitcoins anons?

>> No.58513492

everyone in 6 figure hell is hungry for something that can retire them. the truth is, as the mc grows and Apu becomes more established, it will attract bigger buyers.

>> No.58513514
File: 601 KB, 1045x906, 1698872508152301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck apu
>Not his fren
what the fuck did you just say you fucking cunt

>> No.58513525

where do you buy apu? Do i buy eth and swap it

>> No.58513813

Cowswap is best. apu.community is there to double-check your contract address is correct. (And listen to the banger soundtrack)

>> No.58513817
File: 794 KB, 2250x1500, spaceapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea dump your shitcoins and ride the starship: 0x594daad7d77592a2b97b725a7ad59d7e188b5bfa