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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58510652 No.58510652 [Reply] [Original]


Chainlink has over 600 employees and plans to expand to over 700 this year.

Discuss, no trannies allowed.

>> No.58510688

fast growth is not necessarily a good sign
might cause a lot of bloat
not bad not good unless you know more than just number goes up

overall bullshit but also meaningless like pretty much any news or insight into chainlink unless we see price appreciation

>> No.58510691

corporate bloat. they could cut 80% of employees and still run just fine. no idea why they are hiring more

>> No.58510746

fake news

chainlink is a two man team run out of a nail salon

>> No.58510767

Chainlink is the largest two man team in human history.

>> No.58510780

Honestly for their output it seems extreme and unnecessary. I could see 100-200. 600 is a LOT of fucking people to take an entire year to release essentially a beta version of a product (CCIP) with no real users on it.

>> No.58510786

>no idea why they are hiring more
Maybe because youre stupid?

>> No.58510814

probably fell victim to the paradox where more people working on a project = longer time to completion. a naive view would be more headcount = good, faster, but in actuality it can complicate things unnecessarily
no it's because sergey has never ran a company before and is probably believing his VPs when they ask for more headcount. he doesn't realize that VPs will constantly ask for larger teams and more headcount for political reasons. this is also a fully remote company, so no doubt 3/4 of people "work" only 1-2 hours a day.

>> No.58510819

Slightly concerning. I guess it shows their confidence though which is nice. Company has and probably could continue to operate at a fraction of the size.

>> No.58510832

In contrast the Ethereum foundation only has 21 employees including Vitalik. Lol

>> No.58510854

YOU have never run a company before you fucking retard. Go back to your hole faggot.

>Slightly concerning.
Yes because when a company grows thats a very bad thing.

>> No.58510867

Only reason they'd have this many is they're anticipating massive use at scale.
Or at the very least that they want to signal that they're ready for it.

>> No.58510917

unnecessary growth is bad. you want companies to stay as lean as possible. this actually is making more and more sense why chainlink is continually missing deadlines

>> No.58510920

>Yes because when a company grows thats a very bad thing.
Anon I'm practically a full on LINK maxi but realistically there are plenty of examples of companies that hired too big too quickly and then failed as a result. I worked for one, even. I don't think they're at risk for failure because they have plenty of capital and more tokens to dump on us, but that is exactly the main issue for us here -> If they're not outpacing their team size in terms of adoption and value added, then they are forced to market dump more tokens which inevitably just fucks us by keeping price suppressed. If they had enough revenue to sustain the team size, they would just hold their tokens and price would be positively affected by that.

>> No.58510933

I'm just waiting for the inevitable Chainlank stock IPO after they've finished dumping 450 million more tokens.

>> No.58510951

>it's another episode of fuddies taking every piece of link information and twisting it into a bad thing

>> No.58510963

>it's another episode of baggies taking every piece of link information and twisting it into a good thing

>> No.58510971
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>> No.58510987

OP doesn't seem to have bad intentions and I think realistically over hiring is a valid concern for an investor. The question seems to be "are they over hiring or is this validated?". Realistically we don't have enough information to answer the question, but from the outside it's hard to see why the fuck they'd have 600 employees. That's my take.

>> No.58511014

In school did you prefer to do a project by yourself or be with someone that says they will do something just for them not to respond and/or do the thing half assed? Nobody will care about your company as much as you will.

>> No.58511037

>unnecessary growth is bad
Yet you have zero idea whats happening behind closed doors

>why chainlink is continually missing deadlines
They dont set deadlines, theyre arbitrary dates to give you an idea of when tis being released. Its not like youre waiting for them to release a protocol for you to implement it into your app right? You bought the token, thats it. You dont contribute anything to the ecosystem.

>there are plenty of examples of companies that hired too big too quickly and then failed as a result.
No one cares about your random shitty ass company with 40 employees that also failed lol lmao

>> No.58511046

This is only equivalent in a universe where everyone has to hold Link.

>> No.58511102

inside the chainlink bubble, everyone holds it

>> No.58511147

you have no idea either, why should anyone listen to your autistic seething rants?
chill the fuck out bro

>> No.58511178

The scam will go in the record books along with Enron and Theranos

>> No.58511186

Vesta gonna have full advantage of this, link is gonna be perfect to channel all the info needed about rwa

>> No.58511191

This is true if the company is established.
The Chainlink protocol itself is rapidly expanding, it makes sense that they have to keep expanding their team for now. Think of how many more bridges they're working on for CCIP (there's at least 4 more on test-net right now), plus teams working on the DTCC and SWIFT stuff. Then they've got teams deploying additional price feeds on new chains, developing Functions and deploying it on new chains, pushing out all their other services (VRF, data streams, automation) to new chains. This isn't even including the maintenance of existing services, which requires dedicated team. Think of how long this shit is taking to come out right now, imagine how much longer it'll take if they cut 80% of the workforce lol.

Cutting "80%" of the workforce works in cases like twitter, where the product is mostly established and it's just maintenance and service imrpovements, not when scaling up your product.

>> No.58511223
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Look at the people they’re working with and being praised by. This “useless team of 600” is clearly doing something right. Pic related.

>> No.58511285

To add onto this, I’ve been here long enough to remember when we were just speculating about potentially working with SWIFT and the DTCC. I’ve seen more than enough evidence to stay invested in this and for that reason, I’m just never gonna sell xD

>> No.58511491

im not the one making up shit you retard.

>sergey has never ran a company before
>probably believing his VPs when they ask for more headcount
>he doesn't realize that VPs will constantly ask for larger teams and more headcount for political reasons
>no doubt 3/4 of people "work" only 1-2 hours a day.
>unnecessary growth
>why chainlink is continually missing deadlines

How many lies and made up bullshit is this?

>> No.58511492

If you're in the bubble, it's because you want to be, dumbass.

>> No.58511514

yeah great point. He isn't extremely bright like all Chainlink employees doing their nails and making day in the life existing videos at CL. Worst of all...YOU paid for it

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58511524
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well you heard it here first folks. Biz's very own expert has declared that more employees MUST be good


>> No.58511540
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he's speculating based off what is public knowledge, pic rel
why are you getting so riled up tho?
take a chill pill yourself, you sound unwell

>> No.58511557

Meanwhile Linkpool is run by three extraordinary persons of near British descent and they have managed to convince quadrillions to become devoted full time fucking "based" LPL chuddie kiddos how you doing based chuddie kiddos pools closed

Really makes you think

>> No.58511578

whoa calm down bro, no need to get this upset. Sheesh

>> No.58511695

Maybe they're setting themselves for what they know is coming?

>> No.58511735


>> No.58511744

Very concerning news but at the same time, they had Eric Schmidt as the advisor and he basically did with the chainlink team what he did to google.

>> No.58511753

Thats not speculating, thats vomitting up made up bullshit.

>> No.58511757


>> No.58511766

if you say so dude

>> No.58512163

At least try and have an honest discussion without licking the asshole of the fudders ok? Fucking faggot

>> No.58512334

>600-700 employees
>probably an average salary in the 6 figures territory since they are overpriced silicon valley wagies
Their wages likely cost somewhere between $50-100 million dollars. They also have to pay exorbitant costs for property, equipment, electricity and maintenance. Also need to divert funds to stakers who sit on their ass doing nothing. There's no way CLL labs can keep this shit running with how shitty their revenues are. Once the token dumps are finished, they'll become insolvent and everything will fall apart and collapse.

>> No.58512409

What if swift or DTCC buys them out?

>> No.58512414

you're literally unhinged

>> No.58512446

That's 700 jobs, most of them HR roasties with no real skills, that anons from /biz/ created. Don't let anybody say that holding chainlink was worthless. Your dedication and devotion had an impact on this world.

God bless you.

>> No.58512458

companies can issue shares to collect money. it's a bit worse for sergey because people will start telling him what to do, but it might be preferable to minting a secondary "utility token" which will look suspicious

>> No.58512471

>What if swift or DTCC buys them out?
SWIFT and DTCC aren't going to prop up token price and parasitic stakers trying to leech value.
>issue shares
Shareholders aren't going to be happy about token holders stealing the money that should be their own dividends.

>> No.58512487

Youre actually a faggot cuck.

How do you know? If you wanna speculate a made up scenario, so can I.

>> No.58512501

thanks for proving my point

>> No.58512504

>Shareholders aren't going to be happy about token holders stealing the money that should be their own dividends.
the current "staking" situation is nothing more than a customer retention program, complete with pretty graphics tailored to the sensibilities of crypto moon boys (it has a number that goes up over time). after the ipo, there will be none of that (apart from buybacks and dividends, of course)

>> No.58512515
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Their linkedin page has a total of 566 registered employees. 40 employees in human resources as you can see. 40/566 = 7%

Mind you the video states over 600, but im sure the ratio of other jobs also increases as the company grows.

>> No.58512518


>> No.58512548

>community and social services
These also sound like HR roasties so there's another 40. Plenty of other meme categories too who add no value

>> No.58512627

No thats because youre a moron, theyre different jobs hence the different category. Nice attempt though

>> No.58512914

what's this fucking based LPL chuddie kiddos shit?

>> No.58513831
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Just some gimp who quite obviously got burned bigtime by LPL, likely by selling LINK for it. The story was always that you'd need some retarded ratio of LPL to stake LINK in their pool. I do sympathise considering how brutal that whole thing was, keeping in mind Johnny Huxtable and linkpool were invited to CL events from the start, including early SmartCons, so I've tried to level with him in the past that it's not funny and he should get his head right or try start a new meme but I think it's clear he's effectively lost his mind and this is shouting into the void is some sad weird ocd cope for him. Everyone just ignores him basically every thread.

Wish I had the Johnny Huxtable Norf FC meme on hand. Picrel instead.

>> No.58514299
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>> No.58514301

Whoops wrong thread

>> No.58514639

i am not familiar with tech start ups as cll would be equivalent too
but 7% HR sounds really high, do they have this big of a turn over to need that? and they are fully remote so it isnt that they are doing any workplace improvement stuff

>> No.58514649

I am inhaling deeply and contemplating the aroma

>> No.58515004

>but 7% HR sounds really high
Ya no, its not. HR needs to be regional when you operate globally. Different laws.

>> No.58515157
File: 153 KB, 959x1731, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore the shill, yes, HR numbers are sky high and yes, CLL has a huge turnover rate
>the average HR staff to employee ratio is 1.7 per 100
>Too few—or too many—HR staff members results in higher turnover.
now watch as the seething shill will proceed to spout more insults

>> No.58515166

Pure startup bloat

>> No.58515169
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>inb4 it's all fake fake reeeeeee faggot cuck reeeeeeee

>> No.58515311

I'd be confident too if I still had 41% of the total supply ready to shit-spray into baggies.

>> No.58515390

>applies to job and gets denied. Proceeds to write angry review about how they were unprofessional
lol lmao even

>the average HR staff to employee ratio is 1.7 per 100
Yes for the average company. Chainlink operates at a global scale.

>> No.58515397

So do they work 1-2 hours per day or are they burning them out? Which is it?

>> No.58515457

Lazy and non-competitive people leaving? Bullish

>> No.58516325

unorganized, very young, poor communication and rude simply describes every modern hr dept and that for a good while now
its a total cancer on every company but thats apparently how we do things now
conforming to industry standard should not count against cll

and before you start screeching back to me avocado, please tell me which over 500 employees globally significant company you recently interviewed for where hr was pleasant, i'll wait

>> No.58518199

>tom gosner
kek what ever happened with that big plan with docusign? went up in smoke there didnt it.

>> No.58518325

it's gonser, not gosner. always was, chudiie. /mandela

>> No.58518981
