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58508597 No.58508597 [Reply] [Original]

I keep seeing hopium about May 30 with Sergey and Jonathon's talk at Consensus. What with it being the magic zelda date and the 5 year anniversary of main net, and all that. But my question for hopioid dealers is this: what is left to announce? Everything we were waiting for with link has already been released. Are they gonna announce a bunch of shitcoin integrations on ccip? What the fuck is even left to look forward to? PS this talk is taking place on the campus I attended college at.

>> No.58508655

Nobody? What are we even looking forward to at this point? The DTCC just randomly pumping muh quadrillions straight into the mcap? What the fuck is left now?

>> No.58508662

already sold idgaf what happens

>> No.58508775

what would be good would an in-production announcement of even a single use case
might be too early for that but that would be the best scenario

>> No.58508802
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If DECO can do what they claim and if it becomes generally available then you'll see a great proliferation of novel and profitable applications.

>> No.58508899

>what's left now?

just tokenizing everything on planet earth, and skimming a little some some off the top of every transaction involving said tokens thereafter. let me guess, you need more?

>> No.58508913

Checked. We already made it. It’s been an honor and I wouldn’t have ended up here without a very uniquely strange life attached. I’m gonna say this has been the most fun I’ve ever had being here and it was absolutely worth it. Most holders barely talk or even come here at all anymore but we still know. Hell I’m only ranked around the ten thousand wallet. I’ll miss this place and you all when it’s gone someday. Thank you <3

>> No.58509136

>let me guess, you need more?
Well considering we pumped from $4 to $20 in 2020 because some gook bank hinted at possibly using link's services at some unspecified future date, and now we have the world's largest financial institutions openly on stage with Sergey saying their completing major projects together, including the treasury of Hong Kong, and Larry Fink showing up to listen to Sergey. All that and we can't even get back to $20. I'd say yes, I definitely need more. I can't retire off $20 link. Even like a fully staked 50k gigastack is barely making a liveable income from staking at these prices.

>> No.58509142

I mean I think ccip being live basically constitutes in-production use case, even if it's only for literal whoEth -> nobodycoin.
They're not gonna come out an announce DECO all of a sudden like that. Are they even still working on DECO anymore?

I'm asking any linkautist still on this dead board: what is the next hopium carrot for link? Have they even hinted at releasing anything else?

>> No.58509150

The next big thing is one of these financial institutions moving their ccip tests to production, which SWIFT may already be doing. They announced that their new network will go live in the next 2 years so hopefully the upcoming talk will have details as to CCIPs involvement in it.

>> No.58509279
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I'm a link baggie and im telling you right now its all bullshit. My Stockholm syndrome prevents me from dumping. DECO will never be announced and SWIFT will continue to pilot. There's no proof of anything.

>> No.58509447

>August 2020

>> No.58509467

Last DECO update was that it was a lot harder than anticipated and it had been deprioritised in order to ship CCIP, abstraction layer and staking interface.
Which is a shame because we’re seeing today that there is almost zero demand for multichain crypto native products, and that’s probably not going to change until we have zk privacy tech.
What I really want is for the return of ICOs where the people buying into the ICO can submit a zk proof that they’re not from North Korea or whatever without actually exposing their personal information, which ticks the compliance and the privacy boxes in one go. Then we’ll have an ICO mania that will put everything else to shame.

>> No.58509475

>a uniquely strange life
Me too fren. Me too. I think all linkies are weird outcasts to some degree

>> No.58509915
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>submit a zk proof that they’re not from North Korea or whatever without actually exposing their personal information
literally Everest

>> No.58510109

>Everything we were waiting for with link has already been released.

yeah....just one problem there... there's no demand ($1,800 revenue after $3.5B capital raised lol)

>We already made it
far from it

classic bagholder stuck in prior cycle mentality... "partnerships" no longer pump shitcoins

>what is the next hopium carrot for link?
they are going to keep talking about how much "interest" institutions are showing and how things are "imminent". The reality however is you need the entire world to update banking regs

>next 2 years
replace years with decades

>Last DECO update was that it was a lot harder than anticipated and it had been deprioritised in order to ship CCIP, abstraction layer and staking interface.

hahahahhaahahahahaha. "Deco" doesn't even exist. Chainlink says they're going to "release" a product before they even begin working on it. This is what happens when you have a sociopath conman running things

>> No.58510136
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>"partnerships" no longer pump shitcoins


>> No.58510223
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>> No.58510232

What's your point?

>> No.58510301

>t. Waited 15 minutes to tell you how little he cared

>> No.58510342

I think the key takeaway that not one of you is willing to say out loud is this; Chainlink doesn't need money. They are kingmade with the most relevant partnerships possible for what they hope to accomplish as a Network Standard for next gen digital services. That's great, for the tech. However, the price of the token is completely fucking meaningless to them. I'm not even joking, price action doesn't matter to Sergey or his partners at SWIFT/DTCC, they don't fucking need money - WE are the only party to this investment that are here for a financial gain - they're here for absolute, border-less power and authority.

If the price fluctuates between $5 and $22 for another ten years, it really wouldn't make a difference to the eventual success and full utilization of Chainlink Services by current incumbents, and of course will at that time moon due to the security design of the network, but there is truly no reason for it to moon before then. It isn't a speculative asset, it's value is directly tied to usage - luckily there is *some* speculation now or else it would be worth far less, because I don't think raw usage of price feeds+keepers+ccip(lol) is anywhere near worth what the mcap states today.

Holding 1k-10k link is a nightmare when pepe, apu, dog coins all could have taken your stack and put you on your way to being a young millionaire vacationing in Japan, rather than constantly checking the news every day praying for your freedom from holding this cursed Saturn Death Cult project.

>> No.58510436

You're acting like they have a "price go up now" button.
The absolute state.

>> No.58510524

You're acting like that isn't standard practice in this industry? newfag

>> No.58510556

I too am asking myself the same question OP

I was told it'd moon so many times

Staking v0.1 release (nothing)
Staking v0.2 released (nothing)
CCIP announcement (nothing)
CCIP literally released (nothing)
BUILD rewards (nothing)
Insane partnerships (nothing)

I feel like I'm missing a lot and still, (nothing). I'm never selling but good god, how do we smile through it all. I feel like it'll never moon now.

>> No.58510563


>> No.58510640

do you really think Cardano, Doge, and Shib have organic valuations based on utility? It's purely speculative. I was referring to this when I said that the only value link has now comes from speculation, and there have been far better speculative plays.

>> No.58510645
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>Staking v0.1 release (nothing)

>> No.58510649
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>Staking v0.2 released (nothing)

>> No.58510651
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>CCIP announcement (nothing)

>> No.58510654
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>CCIP literally released (nothing)

>> No.58510658
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>Insane partnerships (nothing)

>> No.58510660

there is no "price go up nao" button, it's all whale games and market makers doing whatever the fuck they want
there is no real utility either

>> No.58510673

imagine believing that a 2-3% BTC dump would be sufficient to drown actual buying pressure from huge players such as DTCC
the sad truth is that nobody fucking cares, and the LINK/BTC chart demonstrates that perfectly

>> No.58510674

>t. retard that doesn't know how imageboards work

>> No.58510680

The point isn't to drown out DTCC's buying pressure, the point is to nip speculative pumps in the bud.

>> No.58510690

lol. Its so annoying. Just let the inevitable happen do they really need to suppress it for this long. Is this really going to be the case up until like 2030

>> No.58510694


Yes, I should have clarified that btc dumps at any news. Is that worse than (nothing) or indicative of deliberate market manipulation to surpress price, and if it is, doesn't it just mean it'll always dump to keep link down, which is worse than (nothing)?

>> No.58510702

The word is produce you idiot

>> No.58510743


off road terrain vehicle companies and random chinese tutoring companies are worth 5-10 billion market cap. go to totalmarketcap site and scroll down

>> No.58510749

they sell tangible products

>> No.58510851

so LINK lacks utility, just like every other shitcoin in the market, but at the same time it also lacks any kind of speculative interest from market participants, unlike every other shitcoin
so, out of all those 11,000 banks, DTCC, InterWork Alliance, DA, Schmidt, Salsano etc, NOBODY wants to frontrun the golden ticket to the 4IR because they get spooked by BTC dumping a measly 2%
bullshit, you're literally high on copium

>> No.58510858
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>it also lacks any kind of speculative interest from market participants
No it doesn't.
It lacks Bitcoin not dumping on its news, like other market participants have.

>> No.58510861

LINK is the biggest crypto grift I dont get how you all fall for this years after years.

>> No.58510869

why can't market participants keep on speculating on LINK in spite of what BTC does?

>> No.58510879

>hurr why does the market dump during market dumps??

>> No.58510883

why can't it pump right after BTC stabilizes, as every other top performer does regularly despite of the countless BTC dumps they experience?

>> No.58510899
File: 142 KB, 1544x509, 1687057794822678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why can't it pump right after BTC stabilizes
Because BTC simply dumps some more.
Pic related.

Also, pumps rely on things like timing and momentum.
Once the initial enthusiasm gets dampened, the next pump attempt will inevitably be reduced.

>> No.58510915

so LINK investors/speculators according to you have literally the memory of a goldfish and the attention span of a 3 year old, they all FOMO when they see "news" but immediately lose interest as soon as BTC dumps one digit percentages
but every other speculator out there seemingly doesn't give two shits and keeps on speculating on his alt of his choice
yeah, once again, you're delusional and coping

>> No.58510930

Ok dumb question. Is this Swift intentionally doing this so they can accumulate more or is this competitors/investors being salty over the news?

>> No.58510931
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>so LINK investors/speculators according to you have literally the memory of a goldfish and the attention span of a 3 year old
The intensity of an initial reaction can never be replicated. That's just basic human psychology.

>but every other speculator out there seemingly doesn't give two shits and keeps on speculating on his alt of his choice
Because those alts don't get the Link treatment.

>> No.58510957

you're completely out of touch, these movements are entirely meaningless

>> No.58511040

Wish to god I knew.

The point is BTC didn't dump on that Hedera news, dumbass.

>> No.58511101

Chainlink sells the intangible product of cryptographic truth. How valuable do you think that is? Hint it’s literally priceless.

>> No.58511130

you're literally harping on about a scamwick, how pathetic is that

>> No.58511470

>a scamwick
what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.58511506

Link is so pathetic, limp, weak, etc., that if any coin, stock, etc., moves at all, at any time, it causes Link to drop. Same goes for humans, if anyone anywhere even sneezes, Link will crash.

Why you ask? Well because, Linkies are...

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58511519

>Which is a shame because we’re seeing today that there is almost zero demand for multichain crypto native products

Anon, there are two versions of CCIP out right now. We only have access to one.

>> No.58513170

Do you mean to say there is some secret bankchain version of CCIP that we don't have access to?

>> No.58513663

Yes, its called shadowlink.

>> No.58513821

He literally said there will be two CCIP networks initially when they announced the launch of it.

>> No.58513933

You just gave that anon a stroke

>> No.58513942

Well they say all kinds of shit. Is there any actual proof of this other CCIP?

>> No.58513950
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