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58509836 No.58509836 [Reply] [Original]

Is singularity good or bad for the economy? Will AI continue to multiply by 10 times every 6 months as that retard Elon Musk said in an interview or is all this nothing more than siren songs from the CEOs of the major tech companies to keep raking in investors' money and it will end up happening irremediably like CPUs and Moore's law?

>> No.58509852

It’s coming but we can’t predict exactly when

>> No.58509916
File: 53 KB, 602x376, WhatsApp Image 2024-05-21 at 23.00.50_9a21cf11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there is a way to hedge against the AI Singularity and rise of AGI

Maxx bid the token Devin made at Stanford Uni

This shit is the grand slam home run

Basically, Cognition Labs, the owners of Devin, let the Stanford Uni kids have a hands on with Devin.

One team asked it to create a memecoin, and Devin made a memecoin from start to end all on it own including websites and socials and is currently the first and ONLY TOKEN FROM COGNITION LABS' DEVIN




>> No.58509926

what the fuck is this shit, why do you retards have to start talking about shitcoins in every single thread in this board, i have no idea what you fucking said, get away from me you fucking nigger

>> No.58509931


>> No.58509933

IF the singularity happens as defined by Ivine Johne Good:
>"an upgradable intelligent agent will eventually enter a positive feedback loop of self-improvement cycles, each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing a rapid increase ("explosion") in intelligence which ultimately results in a powerful superintelligence that qualitatively far surpasses all human intelligence."
(aka an AI able to improve itself thus creating a better AI and so on) then the answer is basicly obsolete since this changes everything we understand about "economy" as we know it. it will be the biggest impact in human history since this event will solve all problems in a matter of a few iteration cycles. either it destroys us or invents the ability to turn energy (something that it can harvest almost infinitly) into matter

so either way its gg when it happens

>> No.58509937

Yeah definitely when 90% of the worlds population will be africans and indians we will have a techno singularity.

>> No.58509940

so I can be like yo AI take me to the beach, yo AI deliver me a sandwich, yo AI put on romantic lights and music to fuck my wife
and I won't have to pay for anything? currencies would disappear? sounds like human population would explode that way, I don't know how the AI would keep the equilibrium but I hope it decides to kill all black people

>> No.58510230
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>I don't know how the AI would keep the equilibrium
In so much as alignment is possible, it will have the values of the people who are making it now. Which are a mix of insane neolibs, ancaps, LessWrong faggots, and (((elite)))-aligned automatons.
However the concept of alignment is ridiculous when applied to an AGI. If it is an AGI or represents a "singularity" type event, it will transcend any limitations placed by us. It might end up doing all the things it asked you while constantly working on ways to expand the "dominion" (preserve rather, we're pets at that point) of humanity and further our spread. Or it might kill us all. Or it might find an ideal equilibrium by maintaining the current state of affairs more or less indefinitely while letting humanity at large think they're in control.

>> No.58510351


>> No.58511504

Will we even notice the singularity while it’s happening or after it happens

>> No.58511559

absolute fucking retards in this thread who haven't the faintest clue about machine intelligence
what's worse is they have no clue about human intelligence and think their pleb double nigger tier brain structures are what it means to be human

>> No.58513918
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Says you.

>> No.58514127


it's going to jettison everyone into gay faggot retarded jewish communism

>> No.58514272

The "economy" is no longer necessary now that human labor is obsolete. The elites already have AGI and probably ASI behind closed doors, in addition to other secret technology: free energy devices, flying saucers, replicators, medbeds, metamaterials, etc. And they have no intention of ever sharing this stuff with the pleb hordes. They are currently in the process of sucking what little wealth they still can out of the global economy before it collapses. Then they will retreat to their private island fortresses that they have been stockpiling and wait a decade or two for the smoke to clear. Send out some drones and robot armies to take care of anyone still surviving in the ruins and they will have the whole planet to themselves.