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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58502574 No.58502574 [Reply] [Original]

Avichads, it's your General speaking...

It's time for lift off. LINE UP AND REPORT IN FOR DUTY!!!!

1 - 10.000 CADET
10.000 - 25.000 AIRMAN BASIC
25.000 - 50.000 SENIOR AIRMAN
50.000 - 100.000 SQUADRON LEADER
100.000 - 250.000 WING COMMANDER
250.000 - 500.000 GROUP CAPTAIN
500.000 - 1.000.000 MAJOR
1.000.000 - 2.500.000 COMMODORE
2.500.000 - 5.000.000 COLONEL
5.000.000 - 10.000.000 BRIGADIER GENERAL
10.000.000 - 25.000.000 LIEUTENANT GENERAL
50.000.000 - 100.000.000 AIR FORCE GENERAL
100.000.000+ RED BARON

>> No.58502638
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>> No.58503129
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5m stacklet here

>> No.58503276
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havent seen these in a while
i have been promoted.... bigly.

>> No.58503314

Kerasu meets with the Base growth team tomorrow

>> No.58503320

Sirs when burn price very bad

>> No.58503331

What’s sui / make it at this point?

>> No.58503346

500k / 5m

10m generational wealth

>> No.58503353
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>> No.58503391
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nobody wants your shitcoin Fat Redd

>> No.58503407

Is 150mil enough?

>> No.58503456
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yes mr red baron

>> No.58503636 [DELETED] 
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VINU bros did better than foxbros, but we are united on this after all

>> No.58503999

I have 1.4 milly.

What could this get me realistically?

>> No.58504154


If people think 5m AVI will get $1m USD, then they would think 1m AVI would get you $200k USD

>> No.58504188

welp, bought back in at a slightly higher price than what I sold at and with less capital. Hours got cut in half and most of my chips are in SOL and APU :/

>> No.58504397

Air force general reporting in.
Still chilling.
Never sold.
Hope y'all swingers and sellers didn't get too greedy. This baby will FLY.

>> No.58504497

My starfox coin doin a lil summn

>> No.58504891

I have 15M. I guess I'll stop fudding now. the bottom is obviously in and main net should be close.

>> No.58504927
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golden cross is so close on the daily, don't fuck this up retards and we might see a 200-300% pump

>> No.58505001

Holy fucking shit you're not kidding

>> No.58505016
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well we got a 185m wallet dumping 1m every pump now, they did it yesterday and they are now doing it today

>> No.58505030

1M is nothing to the chart. that guy is not looking for a violent exit, he's selling off small amounts on the rise...respectfully. not worried about it desu

>> No.58505112

I bet the team knows who it is too. Probably another “supporter” of the project. This nigger is going to be our next enzo (if it isn’t him) and he’s going to have the full backing from the TG. Now we just wait and see when the other 100m+ wallets start deciding it’s their turn to start selling. Meanwhile, Pepe just cleared $5b. It looks like it’s going to be another memecoin cycle. Fuck this shit

>> No.58505125

Kek, they do know who it is.

>> No.58505159

WHY can't these whale niggers in this project just wait for a god damn cex listing.

>> No.58505166

Base is a fag chain made my a faggot pot head
Avi fits right in

>> No.58505168

So our top whale isn’t a drooling retard and has the self-control and foresight to take profits responsibly over a long period of time?

>> No.58505185

All you have to do is talk about a wallet in the TG and see how the team reacts. That’s how you can tell if they know who it is. They did that same shit every time enzo killed a pump
>based Enzo!
>go Enzo, go!
>he’s a fren and supporter!
That faggot, including this 185m wallet, were the reason we never hit 80m. But hey, at least he’s dumping on us in a respectful way! I’d rather him take a massive shit on my chest and get it over with

>respectfully dumping on us
>t. Kerasu
>t. Magic
Why do you guys act like this

>> No.58505188

>Be me, the real red baron.
>See some whale selling less than an ETH at a time during pumps.
>Look at the chart, continuing to rise.
>Think to myself, surely /biz/ has eyes too?
>No, they seem to be blind.
Never change silly /biz/raelis, never change.

>> No.58505220

Nigger the price is going to follow eth regardless but that’s only going to do so much on its own. Someone dumping thousands of $s at a time isn’t helping.

>> No.58505234

Every coin has whales retard. Dude could absolutely crater this chart if he actually wanted out, but you’re crying about a 1M sale.

>> No.58505255
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Well he'd also lose 50% of what his value is as well
I'm not worried about him. AVI will speak for itself, the giga whales won't be able to suppress the price forever.

>> No.58505263

Listen kid, this is probably the first time you have ever actually invested into something instead of gambling on random /biz/ shit tokens. You are clearly new to this, because you do not remember Enzo dumping tens of thousands of dollars at once and the token still hitting all time highs.

>> No.58505365

The whale is a certified retard, not for selling low amounts at a time, but for keeping that many tokens in a single wallet to begin with. If you're that retarded, you unironically have to wait for an OTC deal now.

What he's doing is fine, he sells 1mil and someone else buys 1mil, fine redistribution. What this mega retard doesn't understand is the psychological aspect. Learn for next time you manage to get a big bag in a project, split it up. Now hold til at least a T1.

Pump the fox.

>> No.58505417

>Every coin has whales retard
No shit but the whales in this project won’t even let us hit 100m, let alone go back to 50m even with eth pumping. So much for “muh conviction”

>> No.58505429

TA is just bullshit on anything else than stocks

>> No.58505446

Fuck off, magic

>> No.58505453

185mil, you bet your ass they know

>> No.58505463

>Psychological aspect
Young man, the only reason this any psychological impact is because you and the rest of these /biz/lets do nothing but stare at the chart for hours on end. Waiting for the inevitable increase in valuation that we all know is coming. Breathe kid.

>> No.58505467

Wise words right here y'all

>> No.58505475

Old man, don't dump us to oblivion please sir

>> No.58505478

Thank you for reminding me, I need to get back to his DM about that red baron based fox. Shows you how much I am actually around. Tally ho lads.

>> No.58505692

This only proves the point. We all know price will rally, so why sell now? Tell the retard to wait for T1. Unless it's you, but you know better.

>> No.58506016

lmao you are never going to see a 0.007 again
give up incels

>> No.58506055
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those who sold the bottom, bhahahahahahahahh

>> No.58506118

you thought THAT was the bottom? Lmfao THE FOX HAS NO LEGS LMAO

>> No.58506124
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>> No.58506327
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11milly here I’m set

>> No.58506333
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Strap in aviators
Ethereum ETF is right around the corner.
Runway looks good.
Boarding ends SOON so get the fuck ON because we're taking off with or without ya

>> No.58506368

>the dump
Jfc this token is plagued

>> No.58506383

We better start getting more people on board this shit otherwise all the bottom buyers are going to relentlessly dump on us every time eth moves up. If eth ever dips again, we’re fucked

>> No.58506396

Who could argue with digits like those?

>> No.58506454

Look at how much the top wallets hold. They're going to be holding the coin hostage and suppressing the price all the way to .01. I mean good for them for getting in early and cashing out but there's going to be a metric fuckton of resistance until they're all out.

>> No.58506473

half this board missed apu with the same logic.
you retards fud yourselves out of everything that ends up pumping desu

>> No.58506527

I'm not fudding you sycophantic brainlet, I hold over 10mil. It's just a fact of the token distributions: unless we get a major influx of new buyers, then it's going to take a while to breach the resistance that we're going to be facing on the way to .01 as the early whales become multimillionaires. Can it happen? Sure, why not, but at the current rate then the price will continue to get hammered down as whales reach their price levels.

>> No.58506591

>I'm not fudding
Can you not comprehend the project you are already a whale in? Magic said it himself in the AMA last night. After SkyBridge, there will be no need for any other project to build a bridge to Base.
>Unless we get a major influx of new buyers
The arcade will generate consistent buy pressure as every token will be shilling their new game to their respective communities. Even if these buyers only buy five dollars worth of Aviator, the tokenomics described in the whitepaper net 25% of the tokens that cannot be sold.
>as the early whales become multimillionaires
Assuming I am not already? These are the issues with nu/biz/. Sure, some of the early whales were lucky, but many of them accumulated in the September to November 2023 period. Can you stop wailing about "muh price action is not vertical." Have some patience.

>> No.58506665

>he’s killing our pumps, but he’s a fren and big supporter!!!
I bet he is. Stixil and broski announcing that they know this wallet and hes a friend from the shib day. Why does every top holder seem to be connected to the team somehow? Is this really an eth farm? Are all the “frens” getting insider info to sell at specific stages? Why would a supposed supporter of the project be selling at 30m???? FUCK this HURRY UP AND PUMP SO I CAN EXIT THIS SHIT ONCE AND FOR ALL! AAAAAAAAAA

>> No.58506695

It's not even that bad, the distribution. There's 12 wallets holding 1% of supply or more. You can exclude 4 of those as they are Treasury, Uniswap, Burned tokens and Uncx vesting. Multiple top wallets are the team themselves or close friends. Most of them are aiming to provide LP or sell OTC. They will for sure not dump so the distribution is even healthier than it already looks. These guys are ex SHIB there is no way they aren't looking to make Fuck-You money. By the looks of it they are aiming for multi billions mc

Literally check the distribution of 100 other tokens and I promise you 99 of them will be worse.

"We need buy pressure" There. Has. Been. No. Marketing. Yet. So far it's all biz. The attention of a single KOL or CB and it's over. Stop looking at "millionaires" it makes no sense. Every single token at 500m+ has multiple hecto millionaires already, so how do they pump to the billions?

Avi sitting at 30m and there's a single holder being close to a million. This is unheard of for most tokens.

>> No.58506729

How is this not bullish though? One guy they knew sold 4m tokens so they called for an emergency meeting and almost cut his dick off. They're working hard, they say they aim to be around for the future, to compete in the gaming space, have their market share in the crypto space. Let's hope so. Stixil is under the LLC name so he can't pull some shit legally. Trust the process.

>> No.58506787

>By the looks of it they are aiming for multi billions mc
There's no way they're going to hold a 100m+ bag all the way to multibillions. They'll sell along the way, as they have already been doing, and they'll keep a small moonbag just in case. That's if they don't lose conviction along the way and end up pulling off an enzo where they ultimately just keep impatiently dumping until they're fully out. I would say you know best since they're your friends but saying and doing something are 2 different things, especially when it comes to money. Greed can cause people to do things they normally wouldn't

>> No.58506811
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Yeah yeah yeah, I've seen people say this when Shib was still new.

>> No.58506828

none of the shit you guys are talking about matters at this stage. volume and liquidity will grow, new entrants join, old whales sell....it happens with absolutely every single crypto. the distribution isn't abnormal

>> No.58506843

These guys have experience in the space and they have experience from SHIB and BONE. You can literally make 6 figs for free collecting fees while providing liq and don't sleep on OTC. I don't know them but I see what they are going for. They got cucked by shytoshi, they say Avi is not a revenge project but you know how people are, these guys will do anything they can to point the middle finger to that guy and I believe they will succeed.

>> No.58506870

Yeah I touched on this here. People wonder how others have made it in the past and look at them in ave. Nigga try buying SHIB after the massive drop before the euphoria run. In order to make it, you have to buy when no one else is and you have to zoom out so you can see what nobody else sees.

These idiots are all in though, that's why they fud. If I only held Avi while watching all the frogs and cats rally, I would have killed myself already. For that, respect that you're still here with us, I could never. However Avi is a bag I won't touch because it has that special factor to make it.

>> No.58507489
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always hush hush....

>> No.58507502

this furry ripoff of starfox isnt going to reach even 50m, you guys are fucking dellusional kek

>> No.58507515
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You gotta love the bottom sellers. It's pretty clear that SkyBridge is gonna be listed as one of the Base bridges, and that the arcade is gonna be shown off as part of onchain summer. The team's connections to the CB listing team do not hurt here.

>> No.58507524


Kek then don't buy you fucking moron. it'll clearly moon with or without you.

>> No.58507533


>> No.58507861
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my bet is that skybridge is going to be the recommended default bridge on the base interface. WHAT ELSE IS THERE

>> No.58507943

>Base is desperate
So Kerasu seems to be excited about this meeting, but the fact that Base is showing signs that it's desperate to their prospects is a bad sign imo. It seems like things at Base aren't going as they expected it to go? Never mind the fact that it's looking like Sol 2.0 atm. Will Base get the adoption that we all originally anticipated they'd get? If Base doesn't pick up steam, AVI will fail by default since the project is based around...Base. The skybridge is supposed to be the main driver of income, right? From what it sounds like, funding from the arcade will be minimal since it's designed to reward players / gamedevs. If you really think about it, being too dependent on the Base chain doesn't sound like a very sustainable plan financially, right? Realistically, our success is based on their success. If they fail, we fail by default.

>> No.58507982

well that's the bet we are all taking right? Will Base be full of rugs or develop into something else? Solana being valued at $80B says otherwise.

Why would you think Base is desperate?

>> No.58508009

Dayum. I am impressed, you really do have a talent for fudding don't you. Can't tell if it's fud or if your parents are siblings.

Now line up all the positives on why Base will succeed?

Bro people like you... if somebody you knew won the lottery you would be like "Money isn't everything in this world... You know what I even feel sorry for them, money brings problems!!" Go jump off a fucking bridge, SkyBridge even

>> No.58508030
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>FINE, so what if coinbase is integrating skybridge, coinbase is desperate and their chain is gonna fail anyways! (YOU ARE HERE)

>> No.58508051


>> No.58508074

Oh my god you are referring to the word "disparate" that kerasu wrote... So the inbred theory was true. Use google before you go on an incel rant.

>> No.58508092
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holy fuck
please dont tell me thats what it was

>> No.58508119 [DELETED] 
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>Why would you think Base is desperate?

>FINE, so what if coinbase is integrating skybridge
They aren't

It was clearly a typo

>> No.58508142

Desperate - Disparate

Two different words

>> No.58508239
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The golden cross has potential to god candle any day now
Just needs another 10-20% pump to show some confidence that it's real.

>> No.58508323
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based TAfag
i unironically believe people who discount TA are all poor retards
anyways, testnet has been live for about a week and a half now.
this onchain summer meme starts in a couple weeks.
its now likely that skybridge, once live, will be on this list of base bridges.
there was also that whole "the few who were personally invited to the smart wallet seminar" thing.
theres plenty of potential catalysts around the corner, and our last pump was triggered by an announcement of an audit (nothing).
our future is looking bright here, and i think the only thing holding us back is, like it always has been, people simply not knowing about avi.

when skybridge is live and avi is on base, i think avi at least deserves to hold stable at a market cap comparable to aerodrome

>> No.58508329
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I believe.

>> No.58508631
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>> No.58508639

This tweet is just crazy, mfers be kicking themselves in a few weeks for missing the obvious signs. By summer "You had one year" will be a reality lol.

>> No.58508673
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Ladies and Gentlemen, repeat after me..... I WILL NOT FUD MY OWN BAG

>> No.58508688 [DELETED] 

Hopefully the things we've speculated on all these months comes true and it gets us the exposure/buy pressure that we disparately need.

>> No.58508746

Another highly respected friend of the team just sold! Thanks for your support!! I'm so excited to revisit the .002 range! woot woot!!

>> No.58508859
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and mr subway man just loaded up

>> No.58509134

People complain that there isn't any advertising going on for Aviator. Then DO IT. I am sure there are a bunch of well off enough retards that can boost this thing.

>> No.58509301 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58509616

>Treasury wallet: $7m
>Marketing wallet: $175k
>"why aren't baggies spending their own money to market avi!? WORK for you bags!"
No. We have a guy that was hired specifically to do just that.
>inb4 they don't want to dump avi to do it
Who cares at this point? We can't even sustain any good growth without the team's own friends dumping on them. The team might as well dump avi to help with marketing if it means bringing more buyers in.

>> No.58509697
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>> No.58510012

Light Squad reporting in. Trust the Kerasu Plan and hold on fellas. We are on the precipice of something big here. Remember to SMILE!
You Will Know Them By Their Smile

>> No.58511159

Dark squad general here, I just want to say that we will NEVER allow the sky bridge to be integrated into the smart WALLET. OUR AGENT HAS ALREADY BEGUN BOTTOMING FOR EVERY KEY BASE ADMIN, THEY'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO RESIST HIS ANAL WILES! HAHAHAHA!!!


>> No.58511166 [DELETED] 
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New CTO just started. Get in quick and don't say I never shared anything with my /biz/bros.

>> No.58511187



>> No.58511526
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>> No.58511660
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Kerasu is no longer on the team, and they’re looking to fill his spot. Anyone interested?

>> No.58511734
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>> No.58511741
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>> No.58511789

I'm team avi, but this kind of shit is starting to piss me off. the implication in the tg is that he's attending a summit of some kind for avi, but its almost certainly related to his regular job.

>> No.58511815

like...lets be real. there's no ex-disney exec speaking at some base chain summit. its a marketing summit for something else. dude said he's in politics before. so, don't bring it up while explaining how you're a member of the team.

>> No.58512085

I think you are the only one who understood it like that... Obviously he did something work related, a non crypto summit, he works with marketing he heard a speech about marketing and got inspired for his work.. why do you overthink everything ahahahah

>> No.58512281
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Lol if I was paid 10K every month from Stixil's SHIB "friend" to do absolutely nothing I would also go to Disneyland every day to attend some Mickey Mouse summit and have soul altering experiences.

Btw, this is Stixil's wallet that he bought for peanuts. And he tells people to create Tweets. Tells you a lot about this shitcoin.

>> No.58512317

And DW that is actually a decoy wallet. All those wallets with a team member's ens is a decoy. Their real wallets are those that sold every pump

>> No.58512336

He’s responding to the question about whether or not he’s on the team…

>> No.58512402

Dayumm. I’m only a major..

>> No.58512604
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this is unironically very fucking bullish that the team is looking to offload the non developer work to new potential hires
like moderating chats and shit
that means the developers are ready to commit fully to development instead of having to juggle around a bunch of baby bitches

>> No.58512726

>that means the developers are ready to commit fully to development instead of having to juggle around a bunch of baby bitches
Not sure what you mean by this. The devs are hired contractors. Their only roles are to dev, nothing but dev.

>this is bullish
I see it differently. Maybe kerasu is too busy with his real job and can’t dedicate enough time to avi. We haven’t grown enough to need so many new team members so this seems out of place given our current situation. You could argue that this is all in anticipation but on the face of it, it seems way too early

>> No.58512751

Or Stixil straight up fired him because he made AVI lose 45 mil mcap in about 2 months and a half. Sad day. Anyways. Get someone that knows what they are doing ffs. We are here to make money, not to marry coins and make internet friends to talk about food and autistic shit.

>> No.58512761



>> No.58512770

Same fag my cock in your mouth bastard. You cannot comprehend two different people having the same opinion that goes against your beliefs? Welcome to biz. And welcome to the internet, in general.

>> No.58512841


>> No.58512995

everyone is jimmy except for you

>> No.58513392

>Come back to check responses.
>See a room temperature IQ troon crying.
/biz/ used to be great.

>> No.58513430

I have officially decided to stop fudding my own bags. From now on, if I don't have anything good to say about avi, I won't say it at all!

>verification required

>> No.58513552
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sure thing bro

>> No.58514328

>done fudding my own bags
Which personality is saying that this time? That's like 3 out of the 15 that have agreed to stop fudding

>> No.58514394

Don't tempt me

>That's like 3 out of the 15 that have agreed to stop fudding
I'm neither of them. I will admit have about 3-4 IDs in this thread though.

>> No.58514470


>> No.58514823


>> No.58514926

I have 5

>> No.58516286

I sold it all for apu the other month but this looks like a good time to put some profits back in boys :)

>> No.58516425

Just a moment... you are now showing that the founder of a project bought his own tokens on the open market instead of allocating himself any before supplying liquidity?
And you feel that this is a bad thing?
>stixil.eth purchased tokens 06-09-2023
>Aviator token launched 13-07-2023
So you had two months to buy in before that wallet... Why did you not? This token was relentlessly shilled on /biz/ during July & August 2023.

>> No.58516438 [DELETED] 
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ebayebayebay EBAY
>XRP VERY GUebayebayebay EBAYDE
>BABENA WE MAST BUY U S DOLAL>Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidebayebayebay EBAYler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hr Hidler Hidler Hidler Hidler Hid
baberger where is the popeger POPEGER baberger w popeger POPEGER baberger where is the popeger
EFERIEUMS effeeeehrioieaums EFERIEUMS effeeeehrioieaumE>XRP VERY GUDE
XRP OH YESFERIEUMS effeeeeebayebayebay EBAY
COINBMETORumEFERIEUMS effeeeehr HIDLER CAR EFERIEUMS effeeeehrioieaumEFERIEUMS effeeeehrioieaum we NEED to BUY the effeeehruiums we NEED to PERGER where is bebeper
XRP OH YES is bebeper
WHER IS PEPERGER gibe pepeberPEPERGER where is bebeper
COINBMETORere is bebeperPEPERGER where is bebeper
WHER IS PEPERGER gibe pepeberGIBE PEPERGER where is bebeperPEPERGER where is b
kadena is BABENER
GME GME GME gmeg mgemgem
gme gme gme
XRP OH YES. janniesebayebayebay EBAY let 1 /SCG/ s AVI IS SHIT neral run, then they started shadowbanning them(making them unbumpable)

but they are tire
goodluck /biz/ bros, they are dead set on killing this board. after being here since the start i won't be returning. this board has precisely zero utility if we can only discuss janny-approved coins
catch me on twitter and private TG'sOR
>CLAP ebayebayebay EBAY

>> No.58516448

Tell that fucking Jan bastard to shut his fucking mouth with the financial advice bullshit. One of the requirements for the Coinbase listing is to NOT PROMISE ANY PROFIT RETURNS AND YOU ARE ALL FUCKING THIS UP STUPID GOD DAMN RETARDS

>> No.58516497

>oh no le coinbase is le gone!!!
Do you niggers even look at other tokens that make their way onto CB? Some faggot being a retard that has no connection to the team aside from a hugbox tg isn't going to destroy all hope of AVI pumping

>> No.58516532

True, but we had a couple of spergs failing to hide their power levels in the tg yesterday and that shit is toxic. Keep the Kalergi Plan discussions on /pol/, we only want to hear about the Kerasu Plan. in the tg.

>> No.58516604

I mean, it makes sense that the team wants to distance themselves from that type of shit but at the same time, the team is the one who originally decided to shill avi to biz of all places.

The FA meme is retarded to begin with. Having it leak out of the TG and onto the teams twitter posts is even more retarded, but yea you’re point still stands. That hasn’t stopped CB from listing shit in the past

>> No.58516636

What's with Pengo, what's his plan? Out of everyone on the team he is the one who i think about a lot. Can't place anything on him and its making me fucking terrified.

>> No.58516647

He is a neo-nazi and he joined avi to gather funds for his war on niggers I hope he wins

>> No.58516774
File: 65 KB, 760x450, IMG_4292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pengo’s trip to Turkey confirmed, hairplugs and plastic surgery. You have two weeks while he recovers to get out.

>> No.58516805

Pengo is a proud bald man, he would never

>> No.58516831 [DELETED] 


Pengo is just a telegram mod

>> No.58517163

that shit looks scary if something goes wrong even shaved chromed dome will look molested

>> No.58517300
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>> No.58517315

this is so fucking nasty looking i am completely OK with male pattern baldness and not injecting hair into my skin
holy fuck this is disgusting
embrace being bald, niggers. I Know some 30-35 year old nigger out there is reading this now feeling the top of their head or their widows peak. Embrace it, boomer. You don't leave the house anyways.

>> No.58517337

also will have to drink tranny meds for rest of life to keep them

>> No.58517345

Those are just scabs, it'll look indistinguishable from the hair in the back within a few weeks

>> No.58517382

I hate these faggots so fucking much like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.58517580
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>> No.58517597

wow that's big. that meeting they had the other day must have went very well.

>> No.58517664


Yeah I don't think people understand just how massive this is. AVI will be on the front page of the CB wallet, and there are gonna be goals like "bridge your favorite token to Base to earn 1000 AVI" on it

>> No.58517739


right as always


>> No.58518049


>> No.58518097

bringing this anons post back to reiterate
>i unironically believe people who discount TA are all poor retards

>> No.58518101


>> No.58518108

i kneel

>> No.58518471


>> No.58518501
File: 176 KB, 2001x634, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Called it and this 'pump' proves the golden cross was real
inc 100-300% gains within this week probably

>> No.58518686

when though? This summer?

>> No.58518706

Being right never gets old. Follow us oldfags to the promised land /biz/lets.

>> No.58518712

Why can't I buy this on base yet?
I refuse to pay eth gas fees

>> No.58518719

How much are the fees? $50 max? By the time it gets on base you'll pay double or triple the price for the same stack, do the math lol

>> No.58518720

what's the best case scenario price this hits this summer?

>> No.58518829

BEST case? $1.50-$1.75
Most likely case? $0.40-$0.75
Worst case? $0.10-$0.25

>> No.58518830

Im so happy I took the plunge and upgraded myself to a Colonel a few days ago, let's effing go!

>> No.58518854

dark squad sissies... we lost

>> No.58518861

I think you are conservative, I'm thinking more like

Best case $3-$4
Most likely $1.75-$2.5
Worst case $1-$1.3

A $2 AVI is only about 13bil we have seen crazier things. It can very well double that easily with the help of CB in my opinion.

>> No.58518872

is $2 avi really only 13B MC?

>> No.58518888

So lets talk exit strategies for when this takes off. There was some mention of OTC deals and also earning income through providing liquidity. Any good QRD on how either of those work? I have zero knowledge about any of that, more specifically about dealing with LPs

>> No.58518894

if you're serious, 0.2-0.3% of your supply sell it over a wave of months to a year+

>> No.58518905

checked, OTC would only be for giga whales where exchanges wanting to list AVI would negotiate directly

liquidity is just putting it into Uniswap and you get paid fees and as AVI price increases your AVI would be gradually converted into ETH. Basically a way to DCA out without nuking the chart

>> No.58518933

Yeah, crazy I know. People are underestimating what a bull run can do. $3-$4 is achievable.

Getting paid free money while cashing out without nuking the chart. Where have I heard this before. This is music to my ears and this team is miles ahead of the game. I love this project.

>> No.58518948

lol that hight at the end of this summer? or is this a 2028 sort of thing

>> No.58518970

Time isn't a relevant factor that corelates the price. FOMO is. If we know coinbase likes AVI and it's proven (which it is, now) then FOMO will start to kick in.
A waterfall of FOMO creates unreal prices fast. Seen it happen plenty of times.

>> No.58518982

I just saw the uniswap guide on providing liquidity. I'm too smoothbrain to deal with that
>OTC would only be for giga whales where exchanges wanting to list AVI would negotiate directly
So if I were a top holder, I can reach out to coinbase and ask them to buy my bags?

>> No.58518984 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate eth and prefer trading only on Base but cmon, by the time avi breaks its old ath (guaranteed) those fees are well paid for and then some

>> No.58518986

I must've missed the CB thing. You're right, things skyrocket fast, but I was just wondering if there was any substantial guess, albeit speculative, of when this might reach past a dollar. Whether it's end of Summer or sometime in 2040.

Commodore by the way.

>> No.58518999

Yeah you can simply shoot them an email when the time is right, I have done the same thing with kraken once, smooth process, they would be more than happy

>> No.58519013

This bull cycle for sure friend. Imagine all the things we know now... Then you add the Arcade into the mix. There is no web3 gaming platform on Base right now. Gaming is extremely hot, a way to hail in customers, users. If you think they're gonna promote the bridge, what do you think they will do with the arcade? Competitions and stuff, it is SO marketable. Coinbase already sponsor gamers, WoW teams and what not. Yeah, I'm thinking we're gonna make it.

>> No.58519024
File: 616 KB, 750x1110, b875668341dfc23f0f266b9b98f3289c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commodore here, though just barely.
A $1 price, hell even .5 would set me up for life because I live in a shithole country. I really hope this goes well.

>> No.58519030
File: 254 KB, 900x806, 1701837427990166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im also very interested in this
what did that process look like after emailing?
did you just move your stack into your kraken account, and they took it and credited you cash?

>> No.58519113

$4k for a shitty million
gtfo not buying your hyperpumped tranny furry coin

>> No.58519135

Oh fuck off lol.

>> No.58519142

I only have experience with kraken desu, they were very professional, I had to KYC myself again for some reason, fill in some documents and sent them my funds in which they credited me as promised in the documents. This was a long time ago, it seems like most serious exchanges have an entire section for this. Kraken has their own OTC platform now. I am unfamiliar with coinbase, you can just send them an email and ask them how their process is. Use a burner email if you feel sketch about it. I can't even access their website, see if they have an OTC section.

What is that mentality lol, count your X's not the amount of tokens.

>> No.58519148

yeah whatever
good luck when there are fags with 50mil tokens or more

shill me AVI then
how many "x's" could this shit pull from here?
a 10x or what?

>> No.58519156 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58519173

Aren't you seeing what's going on in the other thread? The rumors were true, they did in fact have meetings with coinbase and they are noticing Avi. Avi is having a treasury DAO vote right now to deploy $500k worth to the CB smart wallet integration. And they keep hinting for more in the tg. Their Base bridge will go live soon... Onchain summer starts... Avi will attend... What else do you need to know, read between the lines.

The "fags with 50mil tokens or more" are the same fags that did their research and were betting on all of this to go down. They bought when volume was literally $0 some days. You can't complain if you take zero risks lol. Avi was risky as shit but it paid off. We've been trying to spoonfeed this forum for 10 months but got shat on... For 10 months. Go figure.

GRT had a similar cb scenario last cycle, go check how many X's it did. The answer is: Many

>> No.58519466

games and crypto dont work

>> No.58519472 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58519546

>he didn't buy the fake panic dump

>> No.58519626

I seriously wonder if people are just completely mindfucked by shitcoins. Shortly after the Aero/CB Ventures news, Aero pumped from .10 steadily all the way to .07 and then blew past 1 dollar and now its settled at around 1 dollar plus or minus ten cents. If what the team is saying is true, then it's fairly guaranteed that AVI will do the exact same thing.

>> No.58519761

30m marketcap is too expensive for any shitcoin
i never buy anything beyond 4m and even said price is too risky to buy

what if something else is "delayed"? i don't want to throw $10k now just to get gigadumped by some faggot with 100 gorillion tokens

i just want a conservative non monboy marketcap for avi in the future so i can decide if it's worth buying this or not

>> No.58519943

You should buy apu its mcap stable and conservative

>> No.58520020

>i just want a conservative non monboy marketcap for avi in the future so i can decide if it's worth buying this or not
We almost touched 100m (3x from here). At the very least, you can expect that to happen. I don't know what other delay there would be? The team did extensive testing on the skybridge prior to the public testnet. They're working on revamping the entire site, they're trying to hire more people, they seemingly already made deals with coinbase.. I mean, what more signs do you need that shows this will send?

>> No.58520286
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>that second paragraph
hit the nail on the head

im a
>fag with 50mil tokens or more who bought when the volume was literally $0 for some days
you can see me earlier in this thread genuinely asking that anon about performing OTC deals
even if i shop around and OTC doesnt seem right for me, ill sell directly to exchanges or open a liquidity pool.
genuinely, the people who have been through the shit with this token for months on end did it because they saw a team thats genuinely putting in work to build their passion project and bring positive, constructive change into this horrible, worthless space full of scumbag pajeet freaks who promise the world but would let your family die for $5.
i refuse to dump this.
a lot of the big holders are in the same exact boat as me, and we tend to be pretty open about wanting to handle this project with respect

this respect between avi and its whales only works because we're white, btw

>> No.58520722

>I just saw the uniswap guide on providing liquidity. I'm too smoothbrain to deal with that
you can't spend 10 minutes reading to make potentially millions more depending on the size of your stack? You've got several months to figure it out, there are tools to make it easier for you as well.

easiest is just going full range LP if you are a brainlet, but you could also use V3 to create take profit ranges at certain price points where you actually get paid fees to exit

>> No.58520804

>$3-$4 is achievable.
no way we would all have 7 and 8 digits of profits here

>> No.58520935

In theory yes, most people will sell before then and be stuck with the haunting thoughts of "why did I sell too early". There won't be many mega millionaires, but there will be some. Look at Pepe, 99% of this board sold off during the first sell off last summer, they would have all been 9 figure millionaires. It's not that easy as you make it sound.

>> No.58520967

i just checked etherscan and only 560 wallets hold 1m tokens or more. It really isnt that big of a deal

>> No.58521039

By the time we hit the 10-50 cent range that number will be below 150 while the holder count go up, just how it works

>> No.58521111

give contract address on apu

>> No.58521142

Why is AVI pumping again?
Havent been up to date on crypto since last July when I bought AVI and am suprised.
Can someone explain to me what the upcoming smart wallet and "base" is about? Will I have to switch my AVI to the Base ecosystem or with it stay ETH?

>> No.58521174

I think the whitepaper says it will auto-migrate. Some have mentioned arbitrage opportunities cross-chain

>> No.58521205

>adding liquidity
I also have little knowledge about this. What are the risks, if any, to doing this? I have 50m btw. Assuming we actually make it, I was going to go the otc route and leave a small moonbag behind.

>> No.58521397

God bless these quads. Wagmi Aviators!!!!

>> No.58522660


>> No.58523862
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Happening in less than 1 week. Things are starting to move quickly. Now it all makes sense on why they were trying to hire more team members just a few days ago

>> No.58524342

The sentiment in this thread flipped almost immediately when the team provided evidence that they were telling the truth the whole time. The incessant shitcoin gambling has fried 95% of all /biz/tard's ability to scope through bullshit.

>> No.58524347

even the smart wallet seminar wasnt enough proof for some people, its actually fucking insane

>> No.58524377

But... but... the entire avi team were just lucky to get on the seminar... anyone could apply, there were probably hundreds of thousands of people that applied... hehe... that was just dumb lucky by the silly avi team... right anon?

>Team shows literal emails that it's a closed invite-only event for BUILDERS in the ecosystem and there were ~50 spots total over 2-3 days

They even continued to fud after the emails. Like what the fuck is wrong with people. Not that I care, they can stay poor, they seem to enjoy the lifestyle, good for them. If they are happy, I'm happy!

Happy gambling on shitcoins, I agree memecoins are fun, but they are getting out of hand. The biz chats are just infested with degens that have lost the meaning of money, and by the looks of it they are losing it all in the process. I can't wait for retail to flock to Avi, I can't wait to leave this board and I can't fucking wait to get on an exchange because let's be real, retail are too dumb to buy on uniswap. Biz had 10 months. It will soon be 1 year. To accumulate before we hit retail. AVI is an IQ test, just like LINK was.

>> No.58524446

Based. Sold me on AVI

>> No.58524456

I am just glad the rest of you took up the mantle so I could take a break from /biz/ after I posted all those updates July-August of last year.

>> No.58524497
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>> No.58524501

No way. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.58525450

This is good exposure

>> No.58525551
File: 693 KB, 2150x1080, myavistayswavy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you fking autists, here's my cheat sheet as a thank you for getting me into avi.

nobody knows, but here's a guess fren

>> No.58525554

I left euphoria phase blank because those tend to be hard to predict. I'm happy with anything above 1bil. Can it go to 10 bil? Sure. 40bil? Why not.

But where here now at 40mil, if you're not a poorfag and you buy today the gains from here to 1 bil should be plenty.

>> No.58525562
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godspeed anons, make a plan and stick to it

>> No.58525574
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changed some colors
Also we're definitely between disbelief/hope stage judging by these threads.

>> No.58525605
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Red leader standing by

>> No.58525613

I can mostly agree on that chart, I do think you're being a little conservative though with the whole sell off area, also you're saying euphoria starts at 10x from here? only? You seem to have been around previous cycles, you should know how fast the market moves when it really starts... moving.

Other than that, those numbers are pretty much guaranteed, conservatively

>> No.58525633

>skybridge generating lots of revenue
>arcade being teased
The arcade will be in it's beta phase when the bridge is live and running. At least that's what the team implied irrc. Their in house game looks really good and polished though. They've also hinted at having already made deals with some big names in the industry, so I'm confident they are probably further ahead than we realize, but the arcade will be an evolving project with lots of work ahead. It's certainly going to be a long term play with that one. Most of us who got in early / even now will have made some significant gains anyways, maybe even made it, to not care much about what happens 1-2 years+ from now. The team is in it for the long haul so I'd say to anyone reading this to keep a moonbag even if you made good gains.

>> No.58525638

I hold like 12 milly and this is profoundly demoralising

>> No.58525674

Yeah, it's a conservative estimate. I'd be happy to be surprised, of course.And you're probably right, when things starts moving they move fast, at least they did. I'm just sceptical of this whole cycle so far and probably too bearish because of that.
Anyway, my targets are not other people's targets. I have a fat stack of AVI and anything above 1 billion and I made it (according to my goals).

Their in house game is that fall guys trailer? It looks nice.
I'm surprised we've seen so little of the arcade so far, but I trust the team. Always keep a moonbag

I also hold a lot. Why is it demoralizing? Is 1 billion marketcap (which seems almost guaranteed at this point) not enough for you? All you gotta do is sit on your hands until end of year and you'll be a millionare.

>> No.58525683

>also you're saying euphoria starts at 10x from here?

It's subjective ofc but I generally think the euphoria phase in most projects starts quite early, but it's also the part where you make the most gains in $.
Lots of people tend to get stuck in the euphoria stage tho, it's really hard to sell there which is why it's called euphoria, all rationale goes out the window

>> No.58525732

He doesn't have a crystal ball, that's just his guess. I mostly agree on the sentiment texts but I would move the price points up way higher, I think he made a mistake there, that is my opinion!

Overall I think you should move your goal posts a bit higher, not to be a moonboy, it's just what I fully believe. You didn't really paint out the 1b mark even on that chart, so essentially you don't believe it will hit 1b, but above you said it would. Maybe zoom out a little further and change the chart, although the texts are somewhat logical!

>> No.58525776

Yea you're right, always been too bearish in general. Call it scepticism. Didn't paint out the 1 billy but I believe we'll get there.
However, I think that making real valuations above 1 bil is so hard. Shib went from 1 bil to 40 bil based on what, better tech?
I can argue that AVI has real things, reach, revenue, products, services etc.. that you can put a fair valuation on. But as soon as we get above a few billions in marketcap without any real revenue it just starts to become weird. If we can get to 1 bill we might as well go to 100 bil, there are just no tangible things up there (unless we've really reached mainstream adoption)

Oh well everything's funny money anyway

we'll make it regardless.
avi stays wavy

>> No.58525782

keep in mind 3 billion (which is a fuck ton of money but not that insane for an actual token that has real world use) isn't that unrealistic. It might be a little steep reletive to the price now, but I could see AVI hanging out in the 3-4.5B range by end of summer or maybe sep/nov.
That alone puts AVI anywhere from 50 cents to 75~ cents
I don't think that's too unrealistic at least.

>> No.58525802

I was jesting slightly, but yeah, I'd hope for an ATH in the billions, plural - if only because projects don't tend to sit at their ATH for very long and I'd like to exit gracefully, if possible. It's also not like AVI is just another L2, AI, or meme token battling for attention with a thousand similar projects, so I feel like it would have to be a pretty catastrophic bull run for it not to cross the one-billion mark.

>> No.58525829

>Shib went from 1 bil to 40 bil based on what, better tech?
Based on the crazy market that is crypto and the euphoria kicking in! This cycle will be no different, people can say whatever they want, this is a huge opportunity for the wealthy to become even wealthier. They will repeat this cycle for as long as they possibly can, only change it up a bit but mostly the show will act the same.

It's true you never know what will happen up there at the high valuations, I've seen projects struggle for months/well over a year to reach the 1b, only to 2x the following days. You never know which youtuber will pick up AVI, you never know what impact let's say a CB, Kraken, Crypto.com or Binance listing will have. Each listing can be their own catalyst too. A Binance listing at 1b might very well take it to 2b, and so on. Things get... weird, like you said. This is crypto.

Crazy times ahead, one must not forget previous cycles, it is so so easy to forget. Throw logic out the window and enjoy the ride. Team is working hard, there is evidence for that now and they are throwing money around... $500k to the CB wallet, soon 1 billion token burnt (10% of supply!!!!) at 100m mc, 1 billion tokens for the bridge for supersonic bridging, 150 million tokens to the Base LP + ~30+(?) ETH out of pocket. The treasury will still have 10%+ supply after all of this to be used for other things.

We have repeated these things over and over for 10 months now, there's still people fading the starfox. I will never understand.

>> No.58525887


>> No.58525895

aand I'm fucking out bye nerds not even a x3 for all this waiting XD you can hold this shit for me

>> No.58525906
File: 99 KB, 1265x414, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big 2.5k sell, grats on the profits!

>> No.58525907

Congrats on your new playstation :D

People wonder why they never make it when they have the patience and the attention span of a toddler

>> No.58525994


> I held for months and finally sold right when they announced Coinbase partnership!! So long suckers!!

>> No.58526020
File: 612 KB, 1242x1122, 1708240528401566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this waiting
>not even a 3x (weirdly specific, implies youre just a little over 2x at current price)
wait, so you bought a couple of weeks ago?

>> No.58526056

hahahahaha when you put it like that, the state of this board man

>> No.58526161

>Their in house game is that fall guys trailer?
Yea that's theirs. They have been doing private testing (which is what you see in the trailer). They announced that they'll do public tests soon, probably when the bridge is live
>I'm surprised we've seen so little of the arcade so far
I was the same way but now I understand that everything they do is based on timing. They have a dedicated team working on just the arcade and its been in development for months now, so I'm sure there's a lot that they haven't shown yet. Short term, the bridge is where most of the public attention has been at since that's what will be getting coinbase's attention.

>> No.58526201

>But as soon as we get above a few billions in marketcap without any real revenue it just starts to become weird
That really depends on what they have planned for the arcade. They keep talking about avi being a 'generational project' and aiming to be a steam like platform for crypto. I can't say I'm as optimistic as they are but who the hell knows. If there is a team competent enough to make it happen, it would be these guys.

>> No.58526645

The team keeps surprising me with their optimism, they have tackled almost a full year of fud like it was nothing. I would have folded. They know something, they probably knew it the whole time lol.

>> No.58528048

Wing commander reporting in! It might not be much, but it's honest work!

>> No.58528051

welcome to the squadron buddy.

>> No.58528126

Okay fine you guys got me. Is now a good time to buy or will there be a correction soon?

>> No.58528139

I bought into this pump and it worked out! I told myself "At least you're not buying an ATH again"^^ It made me feel better, it's difficult to time a buy in

>> No.58528171

It’s been a long time since I’ve used a dex.. it says the pair is weth to avi. So I send eth to my wallet, swap that to weth, and then swap weth to avi? I’ve been looking it up and it’s giving me the option to just swap eth to avi without the weth part but I wasn’t sure if that was right

>> No.58528181

Regular normal ETH worked for me :)

>> No.58528241

Thanks! I’m a senior airman now. Will buy some more every week if this turns out to be a comfy hold

>> No.58528252

No worries glad it worked out! cool, I am a wing commander, gonna try to become a Group captain lol. The tg is cozy I'm lurking for now but it looks like a good community :)

>> No.58528277

Anything under 10 cents is a good buy for Aviator.

>> No.58528281


>> No.58528349

welcome to the air force bub <3

>> No.58528467

Begs for dip then said dip happens still wont buy

>> No.58529157

I woke up to see that green candle only to then realize a buy bot got triggered. You know what comes next.. Anyways, GM!

>> No.58529214
File: 115 KB, 2144x347, 84884848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he made $300 tho!

It wasnt flagged as a bot?

>> No.58529253

>It wasnt flagged as a bot
Not sure what it is but it happens with failed transactions. If you check the legitimate buy, you can see that his first one failed. This triggered the 'bot' buy. It also happens with sells too. I assume it's a type of front running bot that checks the mempool but doesn't get flagged as one.

>> No.58529278

I'm going to buy a $200 bag.

>> No.58529761
File: 7 KB, 2000x2000, 2480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with your timeframe and hope we hit your targets. With potential burns, the price could soar even with a modest mc

Yeah, this run is diff. Everyone's betting on meme coins, but it’s not 2020 anymore. There are so many more shitcoins now, so not everything is going to pump. People tend to stick with their coins due to the sunk cost fallacy. Anon put 50 buckaroos in dogcoi number 5, which is now down to $30. Instead of switching to AVI, he prefers to hold and hope for a recovery. Attention is spread thin among participants this time around.

AVI is different, though. Let’s hope it grabs enough attention for some insane valuations.
rewritten my post was spam fkn janni

>> No.58529781

>There are so many more shitcoins now, so not everything is going to pump
This. The market is saturated with shit relative to previous years.

>> No.58531002

Commodore reporting in, sir!

>> No.58531356

I've been eyeing AVI for a while now, only have 10K AVIs. Someone shill me this shit, I'm planning to buy more

>> No.58531824

Dyor. Lazy zoomer cunt.

>> No.58532609

It's weird that suddenly AVI threads are allowed to be posted on biz. In fact, there was around 6 avi threads last time I checked. Jannies used to delete avi threads almost instantly. Did they buy in? Is there some PnD group behind the recent pump and the jannies are in on it? It's the same shit that happened to linu threads. Insta deleted, then suddenly it pumps and there's 20 linu threads on the front page. Something isn't right.

>> No.58532756

There were constant avi threads before the email stuff killed biz. Now they are back because the people are back.

>> No.58532870


>> No.58532883

This was before the email verification. A bunch of of us were getting instabanned for "advertising", sometimes banned across all boards.

>> No.58532939

Avi is the only make it coin this cycle that isn't a pnd meme and actually has a reliable team. If people don't see the value in that (which I'm guessing jannies finally figured out), then they deserve to be poor. Memes have had their run this cycle. Get ready for actual projects like Aviator, don't get left behind

>> No.58532944

Wen moon

>> No.58532991

At 0.06 that’s still $720k. How is that demoralizing with a conservative estimate?

>> No.58533036

bros leviathan is threatening me in dms for my avi wat do i do

>> No.58533193
File: 217 KB, 429x447, 1715046393973284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much for this coin. Couldn't even reach its ath embarrassing.

>> No.58533329

gaming and blockchains don't work plus gaming is not a popular narrative anymore. it died the last cycle
and this coin is a scam

>> No.58533419

You're overthinking nobody cares what works and what doesn't, they have catalysts and the team is actually doing something! Stay sidelined, you seem to not understand yet

>> No.58533841
File: 175 KB, 400x400, 1704919819286667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just a bunch of bot boys dumping, you should of been here for the 7m dump @ .0015 MAX fear

>> No.58533980
File: 75 KB, 1080x292, Screenshot_20240526-195541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek people are still trying to convince us to sell our AVI after going through absolute hell and seeing the Kerasu Plan start to unfold (Coinbase Partnership etc). Soon all the annoying "wen dip" will come out again. I'm a top 40 whale and consider my tokens burned I am never selling.

>> No.58534171

Yes hello I'd like to join the flyboy club, what I gotta do?

>> No.58534174

Wtf?? Scambros........

>> No.58534205
File: 47 KB, 351x380, 1403220686217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yep we got a bunch of new fags, and we stopped pumping and they get all worried KEK

>> No.58534347


AVI bros have been through hell so many times, and this is probably the most hype things have ever been. Not selling.

>> No.58534388
File: 24 KB, 270x270, IMG_0539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon it’s over for you furryfags

>> No.58534411
File: 21 KB, 378x357, laughing-pepe-v0-l96v9djegebb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.58534458

>You know who we are. We already killed a dog
>Doge: 24b mcap
>Pepe: $7b mcap
>Toadkiller: $2m mcap
Congrats on this