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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58506863 No.58506863 [Reply] [Original]

So let's say, hypothetically, that I gambled $1000 in a shit coin a few months ago and some how my retarded ass times the bottom perfectly.
And now let's say that, hypothetically, that $1000 is now enough to buy a house in cash.
Let's say I wanted to cash out this hypothetical money. Not all of it, but like $100k. How would I do it without fucking up then chart or fucking up my own withdrawal amount? Do I really have to just slowly sell $2k at a time for days?
Again, this is all hypothetical.

>> No.58506865

imagine being this retarded

>> No.58506879

No I'm serious. I've never had this much before. I seriously don't know wtf to do. Please help. I guess I could just market sell $100k but I'd lose a fuck ton from price action.

>> No.58506881

Congrats anon, you are now the rugpuller!

>> No.58506891

Split your bag into like 10 other wallets and slowly cash out over the next 24 hrs

>> No.58506892

post coin

>> No.58506893

Do as you said, cash out in chunks, best when there's a pump so there's more volume to cash out. Also use the proxies like cowswap etc so it's not painfully obvious that a whale is leaving.

>> No.58506899

Ok. Makes sense. I never thought I'd be in this position so I never thought this far ahead. I'd like to cash out over the next few days while we are still on this rally.

>> No.58506907

Take a fucking hint. What other coins in biz has done a 300x in the last few months?

>> No.58506909

>Do I really have to just slowly sell $2k at a time for days?
Yes basically. Don't forget to keep some walking around money for a rainy day.

>> No.58507169

This is hilarious. You've made it with the biz-dream-scenario and yet you are unable to close the deal. All that effort -- researching shitcoins, gambling your money, patiently waiting, and getting lucky -- it's all basically for nothing lmao.

>> No.58507188

It's starting to dawn on me that I likely won't get all the money I see in my wallet and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.58507198

Just dump on those faggots

>> No.58507210

Just cash out everything you can and move on. If it dumps before you sell you'll be kicking yourself forever.

>> No.58507253

You're going to sell before the kraken listing?

The first T1 exchange the lil green frog gets could really be the catalyst that pumps it to the stratosphere, depending on ETF approvals too ofc. I'd say cash out a fifth of what you're planning on cashing out, for now.

>> No.58507281


>> No.58507309
File: 88 KB, 814x648, professor apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really depends on the liquidity of the coin and market cap. Say you have $100,000 but the market cap is $50 million with $500,000 in liquidity, price will still crash but won't be TOO bad. If there's barely enough liquidity to cash out, you'll destroy the coin and price impact will fuck you. You should do a test, perhaps sell $5k and see how bad the price impact is. If there's almost none, then up your next sell to $10k and so on, until the impact becomes too high.

>> No.58507310

>Do I really have to just slowly sell $2k at a time for days?
IRS will get you for structuring even though that's not your intention.

>> No.58507311

Assuming you are talking about Apu, surely you can cash out 5-10k every day without it affecting the price too much? Sells like that happen all the time.

>> No.58507319

I guess that's what I'll do. This is all new to me.
Markets are mega pumping rn and there's sure to be a pull back very soon. Not saying Apu is dead, but you know what they say about 1 in the hand and two in the bush.

>> No.58507362

I'd keep atleast half of your stack. That way you're hedging your bets. There will be a pull back, but not as big as the one that got btc to 57k. Pepe got to 1b in a bear market just off 1 listing. It's way top early to be giving up a major portion of your APU bag. But if you're hell bent on it, then cash out during pumps. The volume will ensure you get as much bang for your buck.

>> No.58507383

You're saying you made a few hundred grand on a meme coin and never used a Dex tracker?


Lookie here. At the bottom you'll see people selling several Gs all the time. 5 or 10k a day isn't going to do shit--unless you somehow create a snowball effect.. even then I doubt it'll kill the price action completely because Apu is bound to go to 1b at the bare minimum.

>> No.58507394

dump it all if you want bro, caring about the "community" or whatever is how they reel suckers in and how eternal bagholders are born, don't let it be you

>> No.58507399

Lmao i remember when shiba was at 20m mc and people like you used to call shiba holders baggies. Kek

>> No.58507403

You really don't know how to make this work? Are you sure you have a frontal fucking lobe? Hello?

>> No.58507415

Alright smarty pants, what would you do in OP's situation?

>> No.58507447

nigger what are you talking about, shit is 1/3 of its ATH, most holders are underwater. apu isn't your secret club, it's 300m, not some undiscovered gem

>> No.58507464

Sell 11k at a time to avoid it. It's 10k or less a day for structuring.

>> No.58507470

You look at the 24 hour volume, and you start selling whatever is half of that amount

>> No.58507471

i sold half that through cowfi, no one commented on it. im in all the tgs and twitter chats, etc. they only comment or notice if you get front ran by jared or if you dump 150m+ at once.

>> No.58507473

Alright, I think that's reasonable. Hopefully market doesn't crash before I'm all out.

>> No.58507478

>it's 300m, not some undiscovered gem

You really think normies know how to use a DEX? As long as it's not on any major exchanges, it's under the radar.

>> No.58507487

dca selling a shitcoin on uniswap cant be structuring, uniswap doesnt do 10k+ tx reporting so theres nothing to avoid by doing it

>> No.58507490

boy, look at this, OP is exactly like one of those tiny IQ morons that bought doge because Elon said so and made 3 million bucks, fucking hillarious.

>> No.58507494

>24h volume is 4m
>sell 2m
>price impact of 40%
Please don't ever call anyone stupid again, retarded ass tripfag.

>> No.58507999
File: 1 KB, 153x181, Screenshot 2024-05-21 164235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like OP started to cash out, and that's BEFORE Tier 1 exchange listings.

>> No.58508017

>nigger what are you talking about, shit is 1/3 of its ATH
Lmfao. Nigger what are you talking about.

>> No.58508043

I think he's talking about SHIB...which still doesn't really make sense since the people who bought at 20m would still be up a 1000x.

>> No.58508061

Normal faggots don't give two shits about crapto. You idiots are trapped in skinner boxes with scammers that keep telling you you are special early and what not as long as you buy their crap

>> No.58508122

Extreme cope.

>> No.58508184

I mean hey I'm a top 5% wallet as well so I hope you hold most of it and don't bomb the chart but I get it. Just do like 11k worth a day/when its pumping with volume flowing through and everything will be fine.

>> No.58508190

wdym? why?

>> No.58508192

You cunts didn't even let this bitch hit ATH before dumping it. Look at pepe, a fucking 4.5b market cap token about to break 6b in one day while we can't even stay at 300m

>> No.58508205

Apu isn't even on a T1 yet, it's honestly primed for a parabolic Shib like run to the top, just got to give it some time it hasn't even been 3 months

>> No.58508234

How do I stop myself from getting bitter about Okayeg? Don't get my wrong, I've made over 20x my initial investment on apu, but I'm just addicted to the gains now.

>> No.58508246

Why be bitter when your 20x may turn into 70-100x when all is said and done. Nothings stopping you from buying some Okayeg in the meantime

>> No.58508270

Newfag when you have some time in this you just forget about it because the amount of tokens that you could have invested into and decided to ignore will keep growing.
I sold a multi-million dollar 8 Fig shib stack for peanuts. Even without going that far back yesterday I saw Maga at sub 1m and decided not to invest.
You will eventually stop caring

>> No.58508280

No, reality. You are fleeced by ancient scammers stuck in this shit that use you to launder their dirty liquidity. There is no "normie" coming. Last bubble was an anomaly from stimi checks, hyper inflating the currency and stay at home. Its not going to repeat and it might have killed cryptos reputation for good

>> No.58508291

how did you find about shib first? T. Realized 7m but invested a fuckton(200k)

>> No.58508298

How many Xs from here realistically could it do? I have very low 5 figures in APU but it still doesn't feel like anywhere near enough for me to make it.

>> No.58508299

Despite all your crying hundreds of meme coins are up thousands of %. You're just seething about not getting any of the gains.

>> No.58508303

It will go over $3.33 billion. So minimum 10x.

>> No.58508318

So are millions of shitco stocks.
What's your point, your skinner box has a texture you like more than the other boxes

>> No.58508334

Here on /biz/, it was shilled on released date when it was but a small PnD scam coin

>> No.58508357

I've been casually in it (check back every bull run, finally found a bigtime winner in Apu) since 2013. Made minor 4 figure gains on Doge & Shib but yeah I first saw Doge back in 2013-2014 or something lmao.

>> No.58508366

I could see 10-20 billion. 20+ if you're optimistic, 3-10 if you're not. At 10 billion I'll be around 2.4 million dollars so I'm hoping for 20 to officially make it after tax.

>> No.58508367

>Made profite on scams not even hiding they are scams
>That's my crypto story fellow retards
Disgusting skinner box. No aesthetic

>> No.58508368

>Yeah, they're going up by 1000x
>but I'm asshurt about crypto so it's BAD
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.58508374

The key to making money is to ride the hype Grandpa. Apu had Biz by the balls for the first week.

>> No.58508389

I mock you faggots, I'm not whatever. Its amusing and cringe to watch certified retards egg each other on to dump money, liquidity and time, capital into a skinnerbox that doesn't even pretend to not be a scam
>Buy my scams
No bubbelle. Go try to find the goy still stupid enough to buy your shit

>> No.58508394

You are basically a cancer to society and nobody will miss you when you’re gone.

>> No.58508400

That's the kind of cringe I still lurk and post for on this graveyard

>> No.58508419

Apu is big enough your hundreds of thousands wont crash the chart too hard. Youll probably lose 5-10 percent to slippage and get the rest in ETH

>> No.58508439

I guess that's ok gains, I really hope it 100Xs or something though. I need at least a 100x to make it considering taxes take like 40%.

You are not as smart as you think you are. Every midwit faggot thinks crypto is muh scam and that muh tulips will never come back. Crypto is the only way that a regular white male with no connections has any chance of making any serious money at all, and just for that you should be bullish. If you have absolutely no way where you cannot be a poorfag for life and it's literally impossible to get an entry level job because you need to either be a woman, nonwhite, or someone with connections to ever get hired, of course you're going to gamble the peanuts you have on it. Even if it goes to zero, you're hardly anymore fucked than you already were.

>> No.58508443

>regular white male
Okay chang, still won't give any of your e-beggars a dime for your scams

>> No.58508457

How does this make me Asian you stupid faggot? Aside from even being bullish or bearish, if you think decentralized electronic money is useless you are literally retarded, but most likely you're just jealous that other people made money and you're coping.

>> No.58508470

You used pretty much all the standard wumao idioms when interacting with assumed"white" and yeah, you are totally Bob from Wisconsin and like apple pie and Monster trucks

>> No.58508483

take it all out at once and post the red candle chart and laugh it up with your biz bros

>> No.58508495

How the fuck does saying it's impossible to get a job if you're white make me Asian you stupid retard? You're either completely retarded or a faggot glowie who was coached by your faggot scumbag boss to try to stop young white men from buying crypto and making it and to shift things into blaming the Chinese because they're shitting themselves at how much essentially every young white male hates the US government and accurately views the system as a rigged scam. You can't make a group of people not not hate after torturing them their entire life. Nobody is going to fight your faggot war for you or care about your scam system collapsing lmao

>> No.58508498

You do it again. Chang Bot?
Chang, no matter how much you larp.as white boi, every white men is going to identify you instantly as chang bot

>> No.58508507

The fact that you're posting under two different IDs is hilarious for you to call me a bot, especially the way you never try to counter a single one of my points and just call my Chang over and over again, because you know you would lose the argument. I think you are a literal fed lmao.

>> No.58508510

Standard wumao script. To a T.

>> No.58508512

Anon, I'm going to be debt free by end of week. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of cutting checks for banks and Sallie Mae.
I'll finally be able to buy a car for my wife so she doesn't have to drive around a shit box. I can even have some for a down payment on a house. I didn't sell it all, but fuck me dude, life comes first, coins comes second.

>> No.58508519

Sell it all. What's the point of just closing part of a position. You have no obligations toward anyone of those clowns. Take their liquidity and never look back. You won

>> No.58508520

Is this the common narrative with crypto baggies? I might make my own coin with my gains and dump on you guys a second time.

>> No.58508522

Happy for you. I'm going for the all or nothing retire by next year method by riding it through but those are my goals, and you hit your goals so hell yeah.

I do think you should at least hold onto 25% of your bag as a moon bag for the what if

>> No.58508524

I want to let the rest ride and see what happens.
$80k cashed out in eth, will see what happens next

>> No.58508529

Do what you have to do however we are barely starting the bullrun, this is far from over. What could be debt money can become enough wealth to retire.
The US election cycle is something very well known and studied, it will happen because it always happens. Every bull market in the history has been followed by an even bigger bull market

>> No.58508528

I wanted to get "make it" money, but it's so hard to look at 6 figs and not use it to solve literally every problem in my life RN.

>> No.58508531

Never let something "ride"
If you think the scam rum its course or you reached your goal there is no rationality to keep a position. Rip the bandage off, never look back

>> No.58508534

Oh chang, this is the cringe

>> No.58508541

We all know what your are fed, it's extremely obvious.

>> No.58508543

Respectable- different stages of life as well (I don't have a house or kids)

>> No.58508550

As said the cringe of crapto "communities" is ultimate.

>> No.58508568

You let your winners run and cut your losers quickly, dumbass.

>> No.58508574

Just giving my word of advice, too many newfags are way too physically attached to money that can barely changes their lives. Its sickening, you will still need to go back to your cage by monday morning

>> No.58508589

No you don't.
>Your winners
If you don't close the winning position it might not stay winning. If a position is closed its entirely closed and never looked back at
More standard crapto "community" Chang lines. Its like you haven't updated your scripts in 12 years

>> No.58508606

>nuhuh you don't let winners run!
Oh. You're poor aren't you.

>> No.58508610

You don't. If a position is closed it is entirely closed. No matter if loses or profits. Closed is closed, open is open

>> No.58508612


>> No.58508620
File: 42 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-db6ccfec801413a76781bd8f56f6f90e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its fucking MAY, we are in election year and a poorfag has a six figure token on one of the leading tokens during this run when the bullrun top is normally during Q2 the year AFTER the election and you want me to tell him to just dump his whole stupid ass stack ?

>> No.58508622

Whats next, a link to your telegram or shitcord?
If a position is in profits and you decide to take profits, you take all profits because else they might not stay profits.

But hey I get it, this is a pyramid scheme, and every dime of liquidity extracted is a dime of liquidity YOU can't extract

>> No.58508626

>just starts screeching after getting btfo

>> No.58508629

>Baizu give chang dollars
>Please ccp is going to kill family if not sell enough scam for dollar
No chang, your crapto scams are done, out, faded. You are neither avantgarde, nor mainstream, you are cringe

>> No.58508636

its left translated bro., ove

A math degree is whats value rn . Sincerely Chang

>> No.58508641

Nevuh hurd bout moooonbag?
THHHH Captcha

>> No.58508642

The only valuable thing about a communist is his head being exploded by a way too big caliber

>> No.58508643

If he's smart enough to care about the chart and optics for the project then he's objectively smarter than most jeets. Just because someone doesn't have prior info that doesn't make them dumb.

OP is getting shit on unfairly desu. He wants to make money, because that's why we're all here, but he's trying to do right by other holders. Can't ask for more than that.

>> No.58508647

btw I think most anon are shitting on him because this retard just out traded them and they're seething.

Bunch of salty midwits itt.

>> No.58508653

bro this aint pol this is jew york not texas we be makin some money heeeere. Btw the cycle is left translated and is over, what do ya think bout that?

>> No.58508661

Chang, there is no fresh liquidity coming. As said, crapto is neither avantgarde, nobody of you is "early" and crapto fucked up becoming mainstream. Its pure cringe

>> No.58508674

i agree with you john this is a dog eat dog market, but what should we do now? everything involving money is fucked up

>> No.58508683
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>this guy is so retarded he actually thinks the guy trolling him is chang

>> No.58508684

I don't care what you do, I laugh about a "community" that has a worse civilizatory make up than any stone age communist one. Scammers and suckers. Nothing in-between. No products, no services, entire "industry" not needed able to be replaced by a shared excel file.

>> No.58508689

OP, are you still here?
use cowswap to avoid front-running
your shitcoin is probably in the MEV range

>> No.58508690

i made 7m from shiba am i on the scammer side?

ni hao

>> No.58508693

>MEV range
I've seen jaredfromsubway scalp a $400 transaction on a $100k mcap coin.

>> No.58508700

saying "crapto" is cringe
apologize or your mother drowns in her vomit tonight

>> No.58508702

why isnt that faggot liquidated already .?

>> No.58508706

And I made whatever trading natgas. So? Doesn't change that you have neither products, nor services, no usecases or demand and as it looks like every cringelord in crapto has accepted that every crapto can be perfectly substituted, is essentially worthless and a scam, not even hiding that they are scams, trying to sell being scammed as "fun"

>> No.58508716

it is a ponzi scheme but we are early. Buy Pepe from ur Cfd profits

>> No.58508718

No, crapto is the perfect word to describe this shit eating "community" of suckers

>> No.58508726

No. I would rather stick a cactus up my ass than to give a dime to cringe crapto faggot

>> No.58508734
File: 326 KB, 313x489, 1588350176007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't sell it all, but fuck me dude, life comes first, coins comes second.
Fuck you.

>> No.58508743

so true, sorry for trying to break up your close knit community, we're in it for the tech here

>> No.58508760

Just shut the fuck up, retard. There's no such law you ignoramus faggot.

>> No.58508782

kek OP are you causing this lil apu dump we're experiencing? regardless congrats and I hope you can get your money out without damaging the liquidity/the chart too much.

>> No.58508793

Damn, I'm such a nonce. OP, devilish. Don't leave a dime, make it a clean rug.

>> No.58508898

I'm glad i found this thread i thought something was wrong with apu and is just one dude cashing out.
Good riddance.

>> No.58509033

Sir kindly stop rugging

>> No.58509216

market sell it all for eth then put it through tornado cash and sell for usd on coinbase lmao

>> No.58509229

OP JUST SELL It all so I can buy in

Even 2x would be nice for me

>> No.58509259

i'd rather be concerned about the taxes.

>> No.58509276
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>not going to repeat
>this is not a clownworld destined to collapse under its own weight and the entire 1st world economic system is not literally a financial heroin addict barely sustaining itself with more debts
should we tell him?

>> No.58509304 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58509313 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, photo_18_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro chill i get you're frustrated that other people have been launching tokens but not making money on base and you didn't hear about chooky (which isn't sold anywhere yet) and have decided to go full nigger hater on me but come on man just buy chooky you won't regret it

>> No.58509590

Let me guess, you unironically believe in never selling? Grow up.

>> No.58509596

There has to be some deflating happening. Either controlled or uncontrollably, in both cases the last thing you would want to be caught with in a deflationary environment is a deflationary asset

>> No.58512262

This sort of thinking prevented me from making a lot of money over my crypto career. Don't think of your positions as one whole thing. It's clear you're very new to this from your posts.

>> No.58512554

Which wallet is better than one integrating Account Abstraction? It's a game-changer, far superior to the current user account model.

>> No.58512860
File: 176 KB, 318x382, 146546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this for PAJAMAS and used the recent pump as exit liquidity, the only way to do it (if you dont want to screw yourself or others is to do it slowly, in 1k stacks, that way you let other people buy your sells. Hope this helps OP

>> No.58513123

Be sure to reinvest some of your gains in Baby Apu for another 1000x

>> No.58513192

No. I invested in pepega. Maybe I can get lucky by timing the bottom two times.

>> No.58513885

honestly a lot of top signals going around

>> No.58515364

>le house
>le wife
>le car
What a fucking cuck you are jfc.
The same day of eth and pepe pump you decided in your americuck burger retardation to start dumping.
I hope your wife gets faster to Jamal's cock on his new ride and enjoys the house after the divorce.
Teaching midwits how to dext was a mistake.

>> No.58515702

50b eoy
Sellers get the rope
Diamond hands wagmi
Am I right fellow baggie?

>> No.58517569
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>he thinks he can cash out internet funny money

>> No.58518446
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I will let you know of the best exit strategy once my AAST and WOJAK bags get pumped to my satisfaction.

>> No.58518479
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>> No.58519711

I'm hoping to be in a similar situation with Supra, that's why I'm timing the TGE.