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58505845 No.58505845 [Reply] [Original]

the smartest man and most respected scholar in the world has spoken. Bitcoin is bad. You chuds need to trust your governments to print as much money as they see fit. the ignorance of the bitcoin and crypto currency community knows no bounds....
Yuval Noah Harari has openly stated his dislike for bitcoin (BTC), the cryptocurrency developed by the anonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto. “When I look at bitcoin as a historian, I don’t like it … Because it’s a money built on distrust,” Harari explained. “The central idea of bitcoin is that it is basically electronic gold, so we don’t trust banks, the governments, so we don’t want to give them the ability to create as much money as they like, so we create this bitcoin.”

The historian added:

It’s a currency of distrust. I do think that the future belongs to electronic money but what we’ve seen over the last centuries, is that it is actually a good idea to give banks and governments the ability to create more and more money in order to build more trust within society."

>> No.58505858

ignore people over the age of 30

>> No.58505872

Exactly. It's a step backward.
Gold coins were also a currency of distrust, which is why it was a major improvement when it was finally replaced with paper that read "this is definitely worth some gold, you can trust me."
And then later that paper was replaced with even better that read "this is definitely worth some paper, you can still trust me."

I don't understand why you people would want to throw all that trust away.

>> No.58505875

How does inflating our purchasing power with money printing creating trust within society? This guy is a literal retard.

>> No.58505886

>How does inflating our purchasing power with money printing creating trust within society? This guy is a literal retard.
wooooosh found the low IQ chud. your small brain just isnt capable of understanding these brilliant concepts.

>> No.58505890 [DELETED] 

Has there ever been a more obvious example of someone who is just paid to be a book-licking propagandist? His pretense at being an intellectual is so pathetic he's basically giving positive advertising for the thing he's trying to bash.

This was like the Biden Econ advisor being unable to explain how the fiat system works and just stammering like an idiot.

>> No.58505891

I genuinely thought this was /pol/tard satire at first to stoke antisemitism

>> No.58505899
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especially when they're jews

>> No.58505904

Has there ever been a more obvious example of someone who is just paid to be a boot-licking propagandist? His pretense at being an intellectual is so pathetic he's basically giving positive advertising for the thing he's trying to bash. This was like the Biden Econ advisor being unable to explain how the fiat system works and just stammering like an idiot.

I think he's affiliated with the WEF, so of course hes just some champion for all things dystopian

>> No.58505909
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I hope you end up in a bread line fool

>> No.58505932
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>the smartest man and most respected scholar in the world has spoken
Surely you’re joking. Dude is such an obvious plant. I fucking hate him.

>> No.58505947
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Liberal insult that brainwashed losers who think trannies are women like to use.
This Jew also says that Humans shouldn’t have free will you fucking retard. Of course he doesn’t like BTC as it gives freedom and takes control away from his group.

You like the idea of Jews controlling you faggot?

Your post is as dumb as it glows

>> No.58505957

Lol. Found chudso.

>> No.58505959

Anon I think he was obviously being facetious just to bait and guarantee his thread is bumped

>You chuds need to trust your governments to print as much money as they see fit.
libtards don't often talk like this even if they believe it implicitly

>> No.58505966
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somebody's gotta take the bait to keep the thread going tho
a master troll could dip and dodge through it all

>> No.58505968

what i don't understand is how organizations, ideologies (and the people who align themselves with them) who are dedicated to changing the world, solving problems, etc-
COMPLETELY IGNORE the role of those same people, organizations, governments in creating and perpetuating those problems!

to my mind this is the most insane part about the last four years- with covid, the 2020 elections, the ukraine war- in every case, the partisans of the zoonotic hypothesis, the vaccine, the 2020 election not being manipulated, and NATO being a force for good, are the same people who have built their entire identities around "fighting the power" and making the world a better place.
they are arguing that the government never lies or cheats? that pharmaceutical companies and wall street have the common good as their primary motivator and not the profit motive? that the military industrial complex seeks to build peace?

it just boggles the mind- the credulity. i understand that i am unusual in my willingness to go against consensus and call out corruption and lies where i see it, and most people just "go with the flow" and trust the man on TV and think that the authority figures wouldn't outright lie- but still. wouldn't you think that at some point, there would appear a crack in the edifice of lies? i can't understand it.

growing up, my dad subscribed to Time and Newsweek. every week, we'd sit down and go through it and talk about the main articles, critically analyzing the arguments. this is a man who prided himself on critical thinking and made a career out of it.

and he just accepts all this bullshit without a second guess! and will defend it violently- to the point of almost disowning me for disagreeing about the vaccine in particular.

to me it looks like mass hypnosis. some kind of deliberate large-scale program of social engineering designed to make people dissociate.

>> No.58505969

>israeli historian

Top kek

>> No.58505981
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>You chuds need to trust your governments

>> No.58505986

in my opinion Hariri is just Dawkins or Degrasse Tyson v2.0, a designated public point person for a given agenda. these people are put out in front to act as lightning rods and public faces for an ideology. personally (and this is after talking to people who know him personally) i don't think he fully believes all the stuff he says in public. it's almost like performance art, like an Andy Kaufman act- he is allowing an archetype to occupy him, like a method actor.
I get the sense that politicians, CEOs, people interacting with the public in the media realm, often do this- like playing a character. this is nothing new (probably as old as the first politician cavemen, lol) but there's something different about it in the social media era. it's like people are letting the AI talk through them- they get a list of talking points, which they repeat, which the AI algorithms then repeat, which means other people repeat them, filtering down through society, and on and on and on.
it's like we're being governed by algorithmic feedback loops

>> No.58505988

Sounds like he's poor and can't cope.

>> No.58505989

Brother, it's called cognitive dissonance, and it's one of the weapons in the jewish toolbox of subversion.

>> No.58505997

(keep in mind that this is a man who is the most visible public figure in an organization dedicated to fixing the problems caused by governments)
the cognitive dissonance here is not an accident- it's designed to confuse people and make them more unquestioning

it reminds me of how hypnotists will speak in a soft and relaxing voice while swinging a pendulum back and forth and then give a command to put people into a receptive trance. it's like it is designed to overwhelm our collective psyche's natural defenses

>> No.58505999
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>the smartest man

>> No.58506044

checked ;)

>> No.58506057
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and also checked for you good sir

>> No.58506059

BTC is basically sunk cost fallacy, it's never going to be a major currency because the establishment won't adopt it.

>> No.58506136

i know i just wanted to vent, lol
in my day-to-day professional life i have to play it pretty straight when interacting with people so i come to 4chan to blow off steam.

do you think the normies know? this is something i can't figure out. i'm sure it's a spectrum, not black and white, but do you know the people repeating these lies are ever consciously aware of what they are doing? do doubts creep in? they'd have to, right?
what do you think Yuval Noah Hariri's internal monologue is like?

one thing i see is how strongly people react when faced with opposing points of view, especially the "true believers." this accounted for people saying antivaxxers should be denied healthcare, january 6 protesters should be locked up, etc.
it seems to be a reaction to these artificially constructed points of view. anyone who goes against consensus is a heretic, to be damned and burned at the stake.

>> No.58506138

what if UFOs are just laser pointers being shined from a higher dimension into our 3D reality, maaaan.

>> No.58506146

no, it will never be a major currency because the tech can't support it.

>> No.58506160

this shill is busy getting ratioed by bitcoiners today: https://x.com/harari_yuval/status/1792934757325553797

You don't sound smart here and are not really saying much at all other than lazily expressing status-quo bias.

>> No.58506178

This "more trust within society", is it in the room with us right now?

>> No.58506180

There are many viable scaling paths for bitcoin, but you probably haven't considered any of them in good faith as a shitcoiner who narratively depends on none of them being valid so you can hawk your shitcoin. There isn't even urgency for solutions to be fully fleshed out within the next few years, so another point is there is not even a scaling crisis of some kind as shitcoin faggots commonly like to pretend.

>> No.58506188

Someone murder that cunt already

>> No.58506221
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well the cosmos is too damn big for anyone to fly here.
aliens are probably just human time travellers.

>> No.58506239

This is like arguing we shouldn't have written contracts because it undermines trust in verbal agreements

>> No.58506264

But I distrust the ones who make monetary policy and pump currency when ever they feel like it.

>> No.58506275

Ignore homosexuals. Yuval is married to a man.
We trusted; (((bankers))) lied and destroyed our currency/trust.

>> No.58506286

>the smartest man and most respected scholar
racist jewish supremacist anti-human Yuval Noah

>> No.58506295

>BTC bad
>paper money good

This is satire, right?

>> No.58506336
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Reminder that this kike wants you to be doped up on drugs and video games in a pod with no family to “soft genocide” you.

>> No.58506349

Scaling bitcoin will require a hard fork, which bitcoiners have an autistic aversion to, so altcoins will be the only option going forward.
>inb4 muh lightning
Besides being a garbage solution which introduces many more problems than it solves, it doesn't even solve BTC scaling, because the BTC base layer is so slow that it would take 10 years just to onboard 20% of humanity to the LN, and that's assuming no transactions are used for anything else at all.
Bitcoin will eventually need to hardfork anyway in order to remain quantum resistant (IBM already has a computer with 1,000 quits, and once a compurerwith 100k qubits is built, all of BTC's cryptography will be completely broken)
Either BTC does a hard fork in the future or we move to altcoins. There are literally no other options.

>> No.58506373

>to me it looks like mass hypnosis

That's because it is.

Do you really think that the sick fucks that perpetuated shit like MKULTRA learned nothing over the course of several decades? Do you think the ultimate result of their grand analysis was that you can turn people into robots by spending several million dollars drugging and torturing them so that someday they'll maybe freak out and shoot the right person/people one day 24 years down the line when some crackhead or turbo-autist will do the same more reliably for a fraction of the price and effort?

Fuck no. The whole idea was to learn how to best control the largest number of people. The results speak for themselves. How do you spend the least money - or by inversion, make the most money - to control the most people?

Make them pay for it.
>pay us monthly to dripfeed you propaganda directly to your television
>pay us for increasingly low-quality food and chemical-shedding products that inhibit critical thinking skills and physical well-being in men
>pay us for medicines that make you more docile in order to treat the problems we caused to begin with

Whether you're a /pol/lock or not, it should be blatantly clear after the past decade or so that something is going very, very wrong. We live in the future, but our lives are NOT getting better. We're getting sicker and less capable. Our standard of living falls every year. Crime, suicide, and divorce keep rising while IQ and income keep falling. Someone, somewhere, is most assuredly fucking everything up on purpose, and nobody is stopping them.

>captcha: 0P00P
Oh poop, indeed, captcha. Oh poop indeed.

>> No.58506430

I understand that you've made a major investment and are ideologically bound to it but I look at what Bitcoin is and the people married to it and I just see a bunch of delusional boomers not very far removed from Q Anon or the trannies.
Currencies will absolutely go digital but they won't be using BTC because BTC is already old tech and the people who matter don't control enough of it to allow it to take over the financial system.

>> No.58506453

>but I look at what Bitcoin is and the people married to it and I just see a bunch of delusional boomers not very far removed from Q Anon or the trannies.
You just completely made that association up. It's not real except in your own mind.
In reality, the biggest buyers of bitcoin as of late have been financial institutions. But as usual, redditots are stuck in a time warp where the world never moved past 2012.

>> No.58506492

>overly simplistic view over history with anti-aryan sentiment

I don't take advice from that
As a matter of fact, I'd prefer to give advice: shut the fuck up

>> No.58506509


>> No.58506516

He is a retarded piece of shit, his pop-culture history books was what made him famous, he is a disgrace for the humanity and he doesn't know what he is talking about.

If you want to know the future just listen to what he says and the exact opposite will happen. I hate him so much.

>> No.58506538
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History degree holder here: he's a SHITTY historian. Of that screencap description, the only truth in there is "Israeli".

>> No.58506544

anything jews don't control is not to be trusted

>> No.58506553
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When someone is touted as "the smartest man" or "the most respected scholar" it just makes me laugh. Not even stephen hawking was right all the time. Kek.

>> No.58506582

ultimately it doesn't matter what I think, do your own thing I'm just telling you what I see.
I'm not even saying it won't continue to go up, it probably will because the world is absolutely chock full of rubes, morons and people who want to take them for a ride.
It ain't gonna be the global currency, that isn't going to happen.

>> No.58506760
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>smart nerd tells me le btc is bad
>the government tells me le btc is bad
>check my folio
>30k in conan, 20k in maga, 13k on trump, 10k on btc, 5k on eth
>neeting comfy without having to work or worry
>look at my friends
>desperately working to survive
yeah he's not very sneedy or feedy in my book, just another psyop to try and get me to go back to the mines

>> No.58507302

wow blessed thread. so many digits confirm Noah is the supreme shepherd of mankind

>>30k in conan, 20k in maga, 13k on trump, 10k on btc, 5k on eth
no APU...
>try and get me to go back to the mines
oh youll be back in the mines in no time, bucko

>> No.58507412

thank god we have these gay jewish libtard academics to be our moral compasses

>> No.58507433
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>oy vey! we aren't stealing through debasement, we're building trust!

>> No.58507440
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>> No.58507451
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>> No.58507469

most of them don't believe it, only the young retards do. they tell you to trust the state because they are the state and they're not going to follow the laws they apply to you, not anymore complicated then that

>> No.58507593


>early life:

No thanks, schlomo. I'll keep most of my money out of the system.

>> No.58507660

Only midwits think that BTC's value proposition comes from it being a global currency.
Hint: gold is one of the soundest and most valuable forms of money in history, yet it is not widely used as a currency. Because currency =/= money. Fiat currency was invented by the government to steal your wealth through inflation. Simple as.

>> No.58507855
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>When I look at bitcoin as a historian
either fake historian or retard, currency debasement is as old as the idea of currency itself.

>> No.58507892

nice bait thread, isn't this guy a literal kike faggot? He looks quite vegan and AIDS ridden to boot.

>> No.58507960

so this worthless gay globalist kike is a historian now?

>> No.58508758

Dullard. Medium of Exchange is a trivial use of money as transactional use carries little term risk, see: fiat value over time versus gold, BTC, equities. The chunky part of Money is the Store of Value, Unit of Account demand, as these demands can't be met by anything but an abstraction like money. BTC is a quantum leap in these properties of money, fixed in supply, stateless, trustless, transparent ledger etc etc. Compared to gold, with it's infinite supply and 2% inflation, or equities with their enterprise risk and unlimited supply, bitcoin is unmatched

>> No.58508784
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>POV: I win the argument because you look jewish

>> No.58509225

Yes. I read 1/4 of one of his books and he seemed like a gay retard before he suddenly dropped the fag-bomb and I the book.

His book was basically just inventing outlandish what-if scenarios and either drawing false conclusions or outright saying good thing = bad thing.

He is pretty useful though. Any media wanking him off is 100% kike-controlled.

>> No.58509239 [DELETED] 
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damn thats crazy bro why dont you buy some chooky