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58503745 No.58503745 [Reply] [Original]

My mom is the only person who knows I have a 6 figure crypto portfolio

>> No.58503779

i bet she's proud of you

>> No.58503784

She is. I promised to give her money in the future and she refused

>> No.58503833

You should be doing your banking though your mother. So if you end up marrying a cunt and she tries to fuck you over, financial records say you've been living on handouts from your mother for the last ten years

>> No.58503868

i told my mom i had over a million in 2021 and she asked me to sell half of it to be safe and i didn't and now i have less than half of what i had

>> No.58503905

Keep growing it anon. What’re ur holdings?

>> No.58504146 [DELETED] 

My mother wants me to buy her a retirement house when I sell my bags

>> No.58504150

Six figures is literally fucking nothing

>> No.58504391

Is she in Mumbai?
Did she redeemed already?
I bet she's taking a shit on the street right now

>> No.58504621

It is LITERALLY hundreds of thousands, it can be figuratively nothing for you, and nobody cares anyway because nobody cares about you. Good job anon, sending love to your mother.

>> No.58504650

mine sometimes makes jokes referring to me as a “businessman” when all I do is wait for a dog like Kendu to triple my money, a mother's love is truly beautiful

>> No.58504748

Same here. Can trust me mum.
Except 7 figs and she has a 6 fig portfolio herself

>> No.58504754

It's not 6 figures unless you cash out

>> No.58504755

You can’t do anything with six figures except buy a third hand car or some manchild toys. To start doing things, you need 4-5m. In that sense, six figures is nothing.

>> No.58504792

Six figures puts you in the top 5% of Americans in terms of cash. Stop acting like you're too good for it. It may not buy a house but it's a lot of money. Most people have never seen that much money in their life.

>> No.58504806

The average American salary is 300-400k unless you’re a beggar, a drug addict or have a meme degree.

>> No.58504810

Take her out to a nice dinner.
Six figures is always just the start.
Gl anon

>> No.58504831

The Average American salary is like 60k. The highest paying average salary by state is Massachusetts and that's 80k. Most Americans live month to month and never save even 5 figures. They never have 100k at one time and buy everything with loans. You are delusional and been watching too many tik tokers.

>> No.58504853

you are such a fag
fuck off and go somewhere else

>> No.58504858

>Great… now let’s see what that looks like for engineers, doctors, lawyers and finance execs.

>> No.58504869

less than a couple percent of Americans are engineers, doctors, lawyers, and executives. How are you this poorly informed? How old are you?

>> No.58504889

If you’re not smart enough to belong to these professions, you’re de facto irrelevant. Yes, 6 figures may be something to a retard 50-year old cashier, the same way $30 means a lot to homeless fentanyl zombie.

>> No.58504899

You said the average American salary is 300-400k. This proves how stupid you are. People who make this money money are even aware of how rare their income is. Which means you are probably a poor peasant like everyone else. The audacity to ignorantly think you are too good for 90% of the population is insane. Which means you probably have accomplished zero in your life.

>> No.58504908

you remind me of one of those college girls who say they would only marry someone if they make like 500k salary, clueless to the real world

>> No.58504935

Lmao 6 figures is literally nothing, no need to brag about being poor

>> No.58504993

Oh look another retard that watches zoomers on tik tok. Still saving for your gucci bag, faggot?

>> No.58505006

Literally everyone and their mother is a millionaire at 2024 from crypto, real estate, online grifting, social media, etc. The only non-millionaires left around are children <20 years old. If you haven’t made it so far you’re behind the curve.

Even being a millionaire means nothing. 100k in 2015 is 4m now.

>> No.58505024

a broken clock is right twice a day
if I took the money and ran every time a woman told me to I would've missed out on >1k% worth of gains on multiple winning streaks. they've been right a couple of times, but I would never attribute it to anything more than chance

>> No.58505061

Once again you prove your ignorance and stupidity. Less than 10 percent of Americans have $1,000,000 in total assets, including their overpriced homes. The number of millionaires with $1,000,000 in actual cash assets is smaller , like less than 5%.

>> No.58505561

Insults from poorfags don't mean anything.
It's like a downie calling someone a retard

>> No.58505595

you are poor though

>> No.58505605

>Great… now let’s see what that looks like for engineers, doctors, lawyers and finance execs.
notorious for not getting out of debt until their 40s and 50s

>> No.58505612

1,000,000 is fuckimg nothing stop trying to make this a thing

>> No.58505621

The math doesn't lie. You are in the top 5% if you have that much cash and in total assets you're in the top 10% of all Americans. You have been lied to by social media.

>> No.58505637

You're arguing with a meth head scammer goes by Black Kali, he's a fuck head don't even bother, if they got a name/trip there's over 99% chance it's him.
There's less than 5-9 active posters here now and he's one.

>> No.58505664

Fuck off schizo

>> No.58505666

While that may be possible, the stats on people who believe this about money will shock you. This is what many minorities and younger generations believe.

>> No.58505677

God I miss 2020 biz when half the threads were about being in six figure hell

>> No.58505738

Most of biz posters were full of shit and 2020 was full of newfags anyway

>> No.58505758

It is. No one calculates wealth by the amount of USD you have
Cashing out is a brainlet take if you hold serious crypto (BTC/ETH)

>> No.58505776

It's not a brainlet take. Crypto is not money unless you sell it. A house is not money unless you sell it. Both can drop in the value due to the market but until you sell it, it's not real money.

>> No.58505792

I too have a six figure portfolio
One of those figures is a decimal point
The two figures to the right of that don't matter at all, neither do the 3 figures to the left
I made myself sad

>> No.58505810

no one argued it's money you retard
get yourself checked

>> No.58505893

Poor ass niggas

>> No.58506686

absolute retard

>> No.58506747
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 218714113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in constant fear of my family finding out about my 300k stash of $CONAN
>t. they're all libtards

>> No.58506805

Now I know.

>> No.58506855

I made more with super, doge and shib alone than whatever you achieve for the rest of your life, you pathetic waste. Die in a fire.

>> No.58506895

In debt and unemployed after finally finishing law school
Don’t start working until their early 30s, massive debt. Also required to take the heart enlargement vaccine
Good morning sar, I’m your replacement
>finance execs
Maybe the only real job in your list that actually pays for an honest days work