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58480762 No.58480762 [Reply] [Original]

Is passport broing just simple market economics? How does /biz/ feel about this geo-arbitrage of dating markets?

>> No.58481205

Female nature is the same everywhere, and women are all still agents of the state everywhere. But at least overseas women are skinnier, more feminine, and will whore themselves out for less money.

>> No.58481340

stupid question, you should be able to figure this out on your own

>> No.58481448
File: 132 KB, 800x533, 800px-Pagani%2C_GIMS_2019%2C_Le_Grand-Saconnex_%28GIMS0023%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just watched the video. the blonde chick said her ideal life is to be a stay at home mom. and her ideal car would be a pagani bc. wish i could give her what she needed

>> No.58481451

>Stay at home mom
>believes a woman


>> No.58481459

How does a 2001 nissan sentra with mismatched paint and hundreds of meaningless one night stands sound?

>> No.58481601

I met my GF while working a shit job. Sorry you can't attract women

>> No.58481620

This. Same game just a different race.

>> No.58481638

same race if you stick to europe

>> No.58481645

oh okay. same game different players might be more apt.

>> No.58482763

Dating is dead. Marriage is more dead.

>> No.58483817

she seems nice if a bit delusional. brunette seems crazy though

>> No.58484031


>> No.58485518

I hate women

>> No.58485587
File: 11 KB, 325x274, 564684286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao these zoomettes are so deep in the hole they all unanimously want sugar daddies

>it's not the 1950's anymore women have their own money CHUD
apparently not jfc

>> No.58485609

I pay a Filipino family $500 a month and they let me keep their 3 daughters continuously pregnant.

>> No.58485646
File: 278 KB, 940x590, 1484479474502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kendu Inu is way more profitable than a girlfriend and it's literally a dogcoin

>> No.58485653

highly cost efficient

>> No.58485700

thats not what she needs, thats not what she wants either
what she wants is chad's cock, what she needs is a beta provider
what would she need a pagani for anyway, she can't even drive

>> No.58485709
File: 26 KB, 500x281, 39372851911_72ef64558b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit what women think, they're for sex only.

>> No.58485751

Oh this all makes sense now, their social media profiles are linked in the video

These are all models, Ivy League grads, and big earners themselves and their expectations aren't all that surprising

it'd be like getting a video of athletic guys and trying to catch them having unrealistic expectations based on the median BMI of American women

>> No.58485832

prove it

>> No.58488937

When she says "stay-at-home mom," she means with lots of servants and a nanny so she doesn't have to actually do anything a wife and mother is supposed to do.

>> No.58488974

it's perfectly normal to make $200k+ as an ivy league grad, all the men these girls know make at least that. even a run-of-the-mill software engineer can make that in america. people mad at this video are just out of the loop, these girls can and will find someone making 300-500k

>> No.58489066

>When she says "stay-at-home mom," she means being a pampered NEET

>> No.58489114

Well some of them will. A lot of them will end up as broke single moms

>> No.58489124

high class thin ivy league girl --> broke single mom how, exactly? maybe if they develop a heroin habit, but if they haven't by now they're probably not going to

>> No.58489173

>Can and will
Not a given at all. A lot of these girls will end up the 30+ year old women who complain online about how all the good men they see are with average looking and/or very young woman. Top earning men know that women their age who "know their worth" are in fact not worth the effort or risk. The last thing you want as a high value man is woman that is your peer (unless you've known her since highschool). Much more likely to divorce rape you in the long run

>> No.58489796


>> No.58489871

Does that car play good violin?

>> No.58489872

>high class thin ivy league girl --> broke single mom how, exactly?
Because women are stupid and will always find a way to fuck things up for themselves unless they have a dad or other male influence who gives a shit and can do long term planning.
>Top earning men know that women their age who "know their worth" are in fact not worth the effort or risk.
This. But it's not as much a problem if the woman is an actual peer, the danger is usually that the woman who "knows her own worth" typically overestimates that worth several orders of magnitude and unironically believes it despite having no/little income and being objectively a 5/10 in looks.

>> No.58489882

>Because women are stupid and will always find a way to fuck things up for themselves unless they have a dad or other male influence who gives a shit and can do long term planning.
Sounds like cope cuz u know those girls are out of your league

>> No.58489893

There is something about US women that is absolutely complete repulsive compared to women outside the anglosphere that you can't chalk up to just economics. They are ruthless and raised to be as cunty as possible, you eurofags have no idea how good you have it.

>> No.58489965

>Sounds like cope cuz u know those girls are out of your league
Nope. You clearly don't interact with women very often. "Ivy league", "thin", etc. does not imply intelligence nor discipline. Obviously some women are intelligent and disciplined but the majority are not and suck at planning by themselves.

>> No.58489985

yuro women are just as bad, they only appear better due to language barrier

>> No.58489993

Can't give you children though.

>> No.58489997

Not true at all. You see normal average looking guys with pretty girls in Europe, this is unheard of in the US. You need to be super rich or black for a pretty girl to want to talk to you in the US. You have no idea how good you eurofags have it. I'm a burger and spent time in Europe and it was literally like paradise compared to what I was used to.

>> No.58490056

The trick to dating white women is being non-white lol, you don't even need to be black they hate white men so much they'd rather date anyone else even ugly men as long as they aren't white.

>> No.58490082

I see more attractive girls working at the supermarket here in Sweden

>> No.58490281

This only applies to the US and other angloid shitholes. Euro women actually don't hate white men, it was a total culture shock to me. Also, even US women will date Timmy over you Sanjeet.

>> No.58490309

>passport bro

enjoy losing everything once your new wife gets her green card

>> No.58490322

So I've always managed to find women and get a gf in america, i live in california.But oh my god, i traveled to europe and it was like a goldmine for dating. I feel that dating standards for women are way too high in the states, i'm 6'2" and white and i workout and i have a full head of hair and I still struggle on dating apps. I'm going to live in europe for 3-4 years to study so fuck you california..american woman want way too much, spoiled as fuck.

>> No.58490367
File: 48 KB, 507x445, GAOJWfxWUAA5Y7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't scrotes just make more money?

>> No.58490455
File: 23 KB, 317x432, 1679284493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that the video is nearly three years old, we already have an idea of where they ended up.

The black girl with the highest expectations, who then had no choice but to double down, appears to have deleted all her social media, likely from the blowback from the video, especially because she was open about her being a single mother already.

Aside from that, the other girls all maintain a sizeable social media presence and most appear to be accomplishing exactly what it is they expected and, as ambitious people, strived towards. They have their frat boy chino shorts-clad corporate middle-manager boyfriends, ownership of realty firms in booming markets, good looks into their 30's, and most importantly to these types, the ability to show it all off as a highlight reel on social media.

You may think after all this time that they will still somehow "get their comeuppance"; some kind of sudden realization that they are unhappy and it was all in vain or whatever, but this is just an invention to help you cope. They pretty much knew what they wanted and got it.

>> No.58490475

you are so full of shit it's hilarious

nobody is going for these old hoes, their lives will get worse and worse, and it has nothing to do with a desire for revenge or not, it's just what happens to old whores

just move to asia to exploit your white bwc and you can't lose, let the west fall, buy land in kentucky, worst case scenario you're either in asia drowning in poon or chilling in kentucky, can't lose with this strategy

>> No.58490504

this is something a lot of guys who try to impress women with money or status or gains tend to overlook. women buy shit for guys they like all the time.

>> No.58490516

>nobody is going for these old hoes, t
In America they will. The anti-age psyop is so successful chads want women 28+ instead of an 18 year old

>> No.58490522

women are whores

>> No.58490533

Rich people are mostly nerds that got shunned before they ‘had a purpose’ (got rich). They most certainly will impregnate some fake cream-like make-up doll. They already cum when they talk to these cucks. Besides anon gave a pretty neutral detailed explanation which by my estimate is based on verifiable facts.
Cheating is big because all the guys girls nowadays date are weak chumps that know how to make money in the modern world. Most work is boring as shit this age, so are the guys working them. They’re so focused on their fake career they don’t even notice the cheating. It’s insane these days fren. I bet porn stars are marrying money cucks without them knowing their past.

>> No.58490597

Be jacked (or at least very fit) and have game. You don't need really any money at that point

>> No.58490750


>> No.58490762

men aren't that dumb as a whole

the statistics will show that these chicks are alone while everyone is passport broing

that same guy you say is weak because he had discipline to be rich knows the alimony and divorce laws

you can't help a basedfag, but most men are rational and will simply passport bro or wait for the next generation of women that aren't as poisoned by ideology

I can hoard more coins than any woman, because I don't need flashy bullshit

= how the new patriarchy develops, women spend their money on stupid shit

men win wars and feminism is just another war

>> No.58491162

most men are not. why do you think that? Most american men think 18-24 is unironically pedophilia. this is a recent phenomenon that only became a thing through social media psyop. If society wanted then they would brainwashed into thinking passport broing is bad and that simping 30 year old women is a great moral thing to do

>> No.58491181

I mean yeah if your only option left is to go to the third world and date third worlders be my guest.

I met my now fiance through a friend of my dad. We just both happened to be moving from the same city at the same time so they set us up. Worked out pretty well. If I hadn't made that same connection or met someone organically i'd probably consider doing the same.

>> No.58492257

no they don't you massive retard, only a small percentage of men are simps now, the marriage rate is like 1 in 1000 or something like that, it's at the lowest point in history

>> No.58492271

Here's a nice one

>> No.58492292


>> No.58492301

Kikes scrambling IPs and stringing a singular voice and narrative.
Palestine will be free.

>> No.58492307

I'm literally arguing against them you faggot retard

also yes free palestine and every kike has to leave

>> No.58492315

Being a "passport bro" is an admission that you are a loser. I don't know any passport bro who is a hit with women in his own country yet still chosen to do flee. Funny that...

>> No.58492409

having sex with fit petite 5 foot tall women makes me a loser

>> No.58492422

sorry to have upset your world narrative dude
and yes I am Jewish

>> No.58492514

Anon has a point here:

>Most american men think 18-24 is unironically pedophilia.

I have buddies who struggle with the concept of being attracted to a highschooler and not feeling the need to chase to get under her skirt. For example, they'd go to a restaurant, see a cute hostess and chat her up. But when they find out she's in HS, olympic grade mental gymnastics starts about "oh she's too this, too that" when none of the that would be considered if she stated she was 25.

>> No.58492545

I didn't stay in europe long, a week in sweden and a week in germany and tried setting up a tinder there and got lots of matches and the girls actually talked to me! Compared to in Canada where I'd have tinder for months and very seldom get a match and if I did they wouldn't respond. Then compared to Mexico where I'd actually get laid through the app, lots of matches and dates.

>> No.58492831

these w*men need a good beating

>> No.58493991

>you’re an incel just have sex
>no don’t have sex with younger women or outside your country not like that! >That’s unfair and cheating! Date single moms over 30! Man up!

>> No.58494008

Depends on the goal. If you are moving there permanently (with some sort of 1st world income)or just want to fuck around then it makes sense. If you want to marry her and then take her back to your home country, then it's a horrible idea. Ultimately it depends what sort of advantage you have over the other men that are around you.

>> No.58494129

>Being concerned where other men put their dick is an admission that you are a beta virgin. I don't know any man who is concerned where other men put their dick who is a sex haver yet still chosen to be concerned where other men put their dick. Funny that...

>> No.58495101 [DELETED] 

Same. Met my gf at our first job at a fast food place and she was a virgin. You can't find good girls in a bar or club.

>> No.58496130

Why not?

>> No.58496132

You are paying for sex so yes, you are a loser

>> No.58496136

He said pretty women, not white

>> No.58496184

you pay a western whore more for worse quality

you are always paying for sex unless you are raping women

>> No.58496200

>you are always paying for sex
only ugly niggers say this, chad doesnt pay a dime

>> No.58496288

yes he does, they'll claim he raped them or catch him for child support

chad isn't that smart so he can get played by the system

or he's spending gas money and condom money

>> No.58496734

Women want money and attention. The difference is that chad pays women with his attention and betasois pay women with their money because women don't value their attention.

>> No.58497250

It's mostly just guys who made money off of crypto or the comp sci bubble, or broke black people who inexplicably always have money to spend on dumb shit, going to the exact same cities and paypigging for an ever-growing market of semi-pro (or occasionally outright pro) women. That's honestly fine because it lets guys let the steam out.

What should be really telling is that almost all the content and forums are people trying to LARP as chad and sleeping with a bunch of girls in one-night-stand's. Very few people talk about longer-term relationships overseas, learning the language, etc.

>> No.58497301

>people trying to LARP as chad and sleeping with a bunch of girls in one-night-stand's. Very few people talk about longer-term relationships overseas, learning the language, etc.
I did about 1.5 years of acting out this exact LARP (tons of raw sex with dozens of girls, although I was open to one surprising je and getting me to commit)

Now I'm switching to a slightly tougher country for lang learning/LTR, but still not USA nightmare tier lol

Yes I majored in computer science, invested in crypto and have 1.3m at age 30. Come on over and join the neighborhood bros!

>> No.58497461

Honestly, it's probably fine to do it short term and get the stress out of your system. It's no worse for your well-being than Chad's college experience. I'd just be careful in the long-term because some guys turn into complete sex-addicts or they lose the ability to actually interact with girls normally, including ones they're in a long-term relationship with.

>> No.58497482

>. I'd just be careful in the long-term because some guys turn into complete sex-addicts or they lose the ability to actually interact with girls normally, including ones they're in a long-term relationship with

Basically 100% of PPBs I've networked with are me mental. I have a troubled past myself, in addition to some mild physical deficiencies like being 5'7".

I hit therapy hard though and still maintain one out here.

I stay close with pretty much only 1-2 passport bros that I'd say are at least recovered/recovering. I tell then all to timebox the player lifestyle to 1 to 3 years then just get a gf

Others are digging a big hole to end their life in and I won't pretend you're wrong about that

>> No.58498566

How did you make this arrangement?

>> No.58499944


it makes sense that someone that would leave their family, friends and country just to get access to a brown slimy hole would be messed up

>> No.58499959


no hymen no diamond no exceptions

>> No.58500091
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, 1702759080401525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I hire an au pair as a single male

>> No.58500219
File: 1.82 MB, 2796x2944, world values.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some idea:
Assuming by default sweden is bad
1-top is bad
2-not being bottom is bad
3-not being center (up/down) is bad
4-right is bad
5-not being left is bad
6-not being center (left/right) is bad
1 with 4 is bad
1 with 5 is bad
1 with 6 is bad
2 with 4 is bad
2 with 5 is bad
2 with 6 is bad
3 with 4 is bad
3 with 5 is bad
3 with 6 is bad
1 or 4 is bad
1 or 5 is bad
1 or 6 is bad
2 or 4 is bad
2 or 5 is bad
2 or 6 is bad
3 or 4 is bad
3 or 5 is bad
3 or 6 is bad

assuming by default canada is also bad. (center right)
2-not being bottom is bad
4-right is bad
5-not being left is bad
6-not being center (left/right) is bad
2 with 4 is bad
2 with 5 is bad
2 with 6 is bad
1 or 4 is bad
1 or 5 is bad
1 or 6 is bad
2 or 4 is bad
2 or 5 is bad
2 or 6 is bad
3 or 4 is bad
3 or 5 is bad
3 or 6 is bad

assuming by default china is also bad (top left)
2-not being bottom is bad (qatar best choice)
6-not being center (left/right) is bad (peru,republica checa)
2 with 6 is bad (best choice between the previous two, that is peru or republica checa)
1 or 4 is bad (jordan is best)
1 or 5 is bad (tunisia is best)
1 or 6 is bad (quatar is best)
2 or 4 is bad (jordan is best)
2 or 5 is bad (jordan is best)
2 or 6 is bad (quatar is best)
3 or 4 is bad (moldova is best)
3 or 5 is bad (moldova is best)
3 or 6 is bad (greece or portugal best)

>> No.58500254

Forgot to explain, this picture is a world value research that shows how society is.

My text start by assuming sweden is bad, and shows what rule need to be true to make sweden be really bad. What rule dictate what countries are bad.

Then it assumes canada is bad, and keep the only the rules that would make canada be a bad country.

Then it assumes china is a bad country and keep only the rules that would imply china being a bad country.

You can assume by default another country is bad, to reduce the amount of rules that make a country bad, even more and find the best country.

>> No.58500271

If we assume everyone at EU is shit and so portugal is shit:

Assuming by default portugal is also bad.
2-not being bottom is bad (qatar best choice)
2 or 4 is bad (jordan is best)
2 or 5 is bad (jordan is best)
2 or 6 is bad (quatar is best)
3 or 5 is bad (moldova is best)

>> No.58500691

kek n chek

>> No.58500724

Pretty much. Once you realize sex/relationships are already kind of transactional and conditional you start to think "well where can I get the hottest women for least cost."

>> No.58500919

Post nose

>> No.58500925

> Most american men think 18-24 is unironically pedophilia
No they don’t

>> No.58502082

yes they do. try dating an 18 year old past the age of 24 and see how people respond

>> No.58502106
File: 184 KB, 1366x768, it's me phillipines wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asking people what they think


>> No.58503095

this women is probably 28 yet most people would think he's a pedo because she looks young around 18-19 and he looks much older

>> No.58503441

Even if your made up scenario there is a guy who is dating an 18 year old, which doesn’t make it that rare. I started dating my gf when she was 23 and I was 27. No one cared.

>> No.58503871

Nah hes right. Most women in america act like men. Europe still has some insane bullshit feminism but at least the women have enough cognitive dissonance to act like their true nature.

>> No.58503875

The population of sweden is only like 10 million

>> No.58503901

He actually pays in time which is worse. The only people who truly fuck for free are people who hook up on tinder or social media since it only take a few seconds to write a message.

>> No.58503908

Yea just be a single dad.

>> No.58503913

At least he works out, this guy was just born with bad genetics.

>> No.58504335

You are either overpaying or they are very young

>> No.58504346

I think you mean American women and only when the man is older since they have no problem dating older men themselves

>> No.58504844


>creating more groids

pick one

>> No.58505407

like I said, I don't ask people what they think of the women I want to fuck

I know

straight hair


you are a faggot nigger

>> No.58505500

I had sex last night. You, on the other hand, are ngmi. Sad!

>> No.58506677
File: 10 KB, 205x246, 16334462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad truth that most liberal guys will never accept is that most women over the age of 25 will willingly stay at home and be provided for by a good man. They all talk about independence and freedom but when life hits them in the face with the reality of their shortcomings they accept they need a strong man to care for them and love them. My GF was a really big feminist when i started dating her and even though we shared different views then, when she failed at her career and couldnt support herself she drastically changed how she viewed life. She's now a stay at home mom (our kid is 2 years old) and she's way happier than she was before, she smiles more, we even joke abt memecoins (she has her own portfolio of memetokens, mostly election based like conan and maga) bc she used to lurk 4chan. But yeah, as women grow old they de-radicalize, the ones that are smart anyway

>> No.58507099

An anon posted on here once about doing that but in the rainforests of brazil.

>> No.58507128 [DELETED] 

you put your dick in a whole, so what?

>> No.58507136

you put your dick in a hole, so what?

>> No.58507375

I hope you got a prenup
I know I’m getting one for sure

>> No.58507534

Most guys will never accept marrying a hole thats been used and abused by hundreds or thousands of guys before them. Except (you) apparently

>> No.58507547

>two 30yo woman
>both of them think they deserve a billionaire

>> No.58507804

>Sad truth that most liberal guys will never accept is that most women over the age of 25 will willingly stay at home and be provided for by a good man.
This only works if you get them at 18 and influence them to be traditional

>> No.58507818

> I started dating my gf when she was 23 and I was 27. No one cared.
That’s not an age gap. No one would care about this

>> No.58509824

Nah they don't need to be that young. Im dating an asian girl (chinese) that is 27 yo and i've just known her for a couple of months but i've influenced her enough that she's now considering the thought of motherhood for the first time in her life. If you're open about your desire of having a traditional or nuclear family most non rotten women are open to consider it

>> No.58510101


nothing based about creating more mongs

>> No.58510110


Not at all. Women don't say what they mean. If a guy who makes $300k and checks her boxes comes along and says he can liberate her from work she will giddily take the deal. I've got my ear to it right now, women don't like working at all. They just don't like being told they can't either. It's petulance.

>> No.58510885

>Nah they don't need to be that young. Im dating an asian girl (chinese) that is 27 yo
In China women over 25 are considered leftover women. For good reason

>> No.58510935

27 is that weird age where shes too old to be conventionally attractive and too young to be a milf. No idea how you stomache that

>> No.58511039

Women actually need to be deserving of a $300k salary man though.

>> No.58511384

>Nah they don't need to be that young

>> No.58511414

>asking women about
You lost me.