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5849631 No.5849631 [Reply] [Original]

How did you know to invest in XRP? I may as well off myself. I was so close to pulling the trigger when it was sub 0.15.

>> No.5849684

I bought when it was at $2.75 ATH. Jump in. It's not too late.

>> No.5849784

It mooned like twice in the past few weeks, saw some TA fags predicting $15 by mid feb, rumors about it being added to coinbase It was only like a dollar, figured it was worth a shot to hold and see what happens.

>> No.5849844

Working technology that has a real world purpose, all star development team, global partnerships and investors... You should be looking for this with all your investments. XRP is going to keep going up, but it may correct a little and that will be your time to get in.

>> No.5849863


>how did you know

The fundamentals were sound. If you'd just spent the time doing some reading earlier in the year, it didn't take a whole lot of brainpower to see what was coming.

Ripple had 10s of millions of venture capital investing from huge industry names like Google, Santander, and Seagate. They had over 100 employees. Moreover, that had an ACTUAL use case that solved a real world problem.

It was about as guaranteed as anything can get in this crazy ass market.

>> No.5849895

i shilled my dad into buying it in late november when it was around $.60 usd, him and a friend got bags.... i sold mine a few weeks later... JUST

>> No.5849902

Bought at .20

They jews always win. If you cant beat them, join them

>> No.5850062


Addendum - my only mistake was diversifying into other alts in the hopes of gaining more XRP.

Some did well, some didn't, and I did increase my overall stack of XRP but i would've had a lot more if I just threw the money into XRP right away and sat on it.

>> No.5850100


How much money did you make from XRP?

>> No.5850161


As of right now, about $56,000.

>> No.5850214
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Do you have a day job, or do you do this full time?

>> No.5850241

Op if you want to know whats gonna moon next, REQ and ICX are due for another moon soon. Also if you buy and hold coins that moon regularly you will catch all the moons.

>> No.5850279


This literally describes TRX, feelsgoodman

>> No.5850313

Pol said it was a jew coin so I bought 1k dollars worth at 50 cents

>> No.5850326


I have a day job. I'm not a trader. I've just bought and held some stuff that looked promising.

>> No.5850597

What game is that from?

>> No.5850700
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Congratulations, man. Hope you make the most of the money.

>> No.5850758


I haven't cashed out yet. I have some predetermined price points.

>> No.5850904


I honestly just wanted to swing trade from $0.20 to $0.35 because I was expecting the BTC correction and knew that money would go somewhere else, so I put some money into 5-6 major coins. But then the hype started, decided to HODL, bought some more at $0.77 when it was obvious it was a bull run and here we are.

>> No.5851036

lmao we have the same logic. Reddit hated it too and that sold it.