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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58498806 No.58498806 [Reply] [Original]

Can we expect the altcoin season to take the part? Which narrative is going to be primed?

>> No.58498822

>Which narrative is going to be primed?
I think RWA could be the next big thing.

>> No.58498827

Implying we're ever done.
It's crypto, bro. Buckle up for the next rollercoaster.

>> No.58498831

LMAO, you think this is over? We're just getting started. Expect more dips and rips.

>> No.58498836
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>are we done with the correction?
In crypto, corrections are like seasons. They come and go. Adapt or die.

>> No.58498849

>Can we expect the altcoin season to take the part?
Altcoin season, you say? Might as well ask if winter is coming. No one knows, bro.

>> No.58498855

Checked. Metaverse tokens and gaming coins are also getting a lot of hype lately. Might be the next big thing.

>> No.58498859

>Which narrative is going to be primed?
Honestly, all these DeFi projects are looking pretty good. I’d bet on them leading the charge.

>> No.58498866

>No one knows, bro.
This is the best time to plant. L1 gems are my top picks.

>> No.58498883

Nah, it's all about meme coins. Shiba and Doge set the stage. Expect more of the same.

>> No.58498894

Nah, AI and DiDs coins. People are getting paranoid about data. Bet on those.

>> No.58498968

The narrative doesn’t matter. Just follow the whales and ride their coattails to profit.

>> No.58498978

Anyone got wrecked in the latest dip? I’m still holding my bags, but damn, that was rough.

>> No.58498980

>Which narrative is going to be primed?
Quantum-resistant is the future, though. Once quantum computers become mainstream, a lot of current crypto will be obsolete.

>> No.58498995

Checked. Quantum resistance is a big deal. If they can prove it works, QAN is a solid bet.

>> No.58499003
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>Quantum resistance
Sounds like sci-fi. Are they actually delivering or just vaporware?

>> No.58499011

Just diversify into the top trend narratives.

>> No.58499019

Diversification is smart. I'm still all-in on gaming tokens, though. The metaverse is gonna be huge.

>> No.58499023

>just vaporware?
They’ve got a working testnet and some real partnerships. Not vaporware.

>> No.58499026

>Once quantum computers become mainstream
Yeah when the hell is that going to happen

>> No.58499040
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Same question too. We’ve been hearing about quantum computers for years, but still waiting for them to actually do something impactful.

>> No.58499048

It's inevitable. An EU country has already adopted this and the news for potential 26 countries to join is now on the news.

>> No.58499056

So what like ten years optimistically?

>> No.58499059

So far, no drops in the network and it's blazing fast to set up with the docs. Took me like 5 minutes on my new rig to get Xlink running and start testing.

>> No.58499069

My bets are on JASMY. It's one of the best low-cap tokens out there. TRIAS, VRA, and ROCK (a meme coin on Base) are others I have on my watchlist.

>> No.58499099

Ondo, HBAR, DIA, all solid choices

>> No.58499117

The narrative does matter. Else tell me why whales are jumping on the quantum resistance narrative?

>> No.58499127

Anyone here into yield farming? Found some new pools with decent returns.

>> No.58499138

>26 countries
That’s a bold claim. If true, QAN could really shake things up.

>> No.58499141

Yield farming? Be careful, lots of rug pulls lately. Stick with projects you trust

>> No.58499150

Lmao, always some new hype. I'll believe it when I see it. Still bagholding my ADA.

>> No.58499174

The team just handed out $75k in rewards last week. Looks like a promising sign of what's to come.

>> No.58499190

I have only alts and decreased my buyings on dips lately but have enough powder left in case we go way lower. If we moon now I am fine as well cause I am quite happy with my current portfolio. So it's a waiting game now that will hopefully be worth it someday.

>> No.58499265

My portfolio is still 200% in the green, mostly L1 gems, so really not sweating anything going on right now. I've waited 2+ years, what's a few more months?

>> No.58499326

I think RWA, post-quantum security and DePINs will print a lot of money this year

>> No.58499342

I agree anon. Everyone thinks that crypto can make them millionaires over the night...
Those narratives are huge, but not all projects will make it from there

>> No.58499349

They’re planning mainnet launch soon and expanding partnerships. Big things coming, for sure.

>> No.58499357

80% of my portfolio is in L1s. ETH, BnB, Tara, Qan, and Azero. I hope I will make it

>> No.58499370
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If there's no corrections there wouldn't be a dip to buy

>> No.58499378

I heard they will have another airdrop. I missed that one, but I will not be an idiot again

>> No.58499463


>> No.58499482

I didn't say that everything would pump from there. RIO, QAN and PEAQ are my top picks

>> No.58499500

I don't think those will do much. Look at something new. Memes on Base are based

>> No.58499526

Idk, if it's good for IBM and EU it must be some real shit...

>> No.58499597

I'm still bullish on gamifi, got my Gala and Fun bags loaded. Push Protocol is a no brainer too, web3 communication is gonna moon.
This whole DeFi infrastructure is gonna be huge.

>> No.58499741

L1s are the next trend

>> No.58499749


>> No.58499758

IBM already introduced the condor, we are fucked

>> No.58499769

And maybe banks will join in too, this might be one of the biggest gem in view

>> No.58499864


>> No.58499883

Am holding basically most top 10 and low caps like QAN, XRD and COTI

>> No.58499888
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So this is the next 100X

>> No.58499945

Most especially L1s that accepts coding in any programming language

>> No.58499984

I heard it distributed over 100K, sadly I missed it too

>> No.58500002

Yield farming is the biggest risk

>> No.58500031

Dont miss the next one if at all there will be anyone

>> No.58500032

Wow jannies really removed everyone but jeets are retards off of this board board for me to have to answer this question this far down. The two narratives are:
> Memes
> AI
In that order. It's also very easy to find the trend in memecoins, but jannies are malicious and will ban me if I say the very obvious answer. The memes from this site will be the narrative of what is mooning, you know which coins. This board is fucking worthless now.

>> No.58500226

I made over 10X on this gem

>> No.58500296

Might happen sooner than we expect with IBM condor

>> No.58500374

Why is QAN trending again

>> No.58500397

Memecoin all the way

>> No.58500440

Quantum resistant blockchains is the next trend

>> No.58500490

It testnet just launched

>> No.58500684

QVM is sure a game changer

>> No.58500787

Thats why am going for QAN

>> No.58502080

what about SocialFI

>> No.58502374

what about L1s? i think they got a good chance ot thriving.
Meter, Nuklai and Nano are worth looking into

>> No.58502586

we have Hydro, Deso and Beoble topping the socialfi sector

>> No.58502687

>ETH PUMPS<--- you are here

>> No.58502884

Jasmy looks like absolute turd, there's been so long with barely any accumulation.

>> No.58502911

I legit have no clue about the shortest of shitcoims these days, I haven't thought about it in a year.
I went all in btc over a year ago, I want alts

>> No.58502962

low cap? ONE BILLION? bro we're on 4chan, get into some fuckin based memes my man
>Verification not required

>> No.58503436

all main blockchains already have updates coming for quantum resistance

>> No.58503645 [DELETED] 
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Expect it to be the VINU market soon, chart don't lie my friend, and VINU is green as fuck

>> No.58503700

im thinking ai is still the major player this season but in a more reserved way, i don't think any project is going to take the lead and just become the new eth or some shit like that, rather im partial to the idea of bittensor, agoras, flur.ai, and all those projects that are already including the use of ai in a predominant way to slowly rack up power to get closer to prices like matic or waves. Something like a stealthy narrative of sorts.

>> No.58505511

A single work will not save those wallets that are inactive and don't migrate to post quantum... It will be a bloodbath

>> No.58505683
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wagmi avax chads

>> No.58505781

I think we should be on the look out for DePIN projects like Hydro Online which publishers use

>> No.58505871

I've started selling some of mine
Seeing the new concept this project brings to monetization, I think it will do once its token goes live