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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58495344 No.58495344 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you pivoted careers? How did it go for you?

>> No.58495366 [DELETED] 

tg cetofbase launching soon nigger dont miss out fuck you nigger

>> No.58495389

I was a sous chef, cut the top of my finger off then switched to being a construction worker (carpentry)

>> No.58495449

>construction worker
Decided it's time to get rid of the whole arm huh

>> No.58495505
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I was a profesional alcoholic neet, decided to stop drinking and finish my degree, now years later I work in international logistics in one of the biggest companies of the world (not in the wharehouses you fuckers).
Worst mistake of my life. I'm not even joking. There is not a single day that I don't want to kys

>> No.58495562

YJK she fucks white guys

>> No.58495661

>be nerdy skinny musician kid
>go to uni at 20 wanting to be a shrink
>while doing first year get called in to national service
>take two years off uni
>manage to go through the whole thing (I saw about a sixth of my peers get phased out)
>gained weight, now at perfect BMI
>now enjoy fitness, guns, outdoors, etc but not obsessed with it
>back to uni studying psychology
>realise the whole thing is gay as fuck
>academia, bureaucracy, the whole thing being dominated by w*men
>don't want to deal with this shit as part of my career
>lose interest, drop out
>become a forklift driver

eh it's okay. I work like a dog some days, but it's an actual responsible job with real life consequences. There's less than a dozen people at my workplace and if we stopped working for a couple days it would unironically cause food shortages for hundreds of people. I don't get paid enough for a job this important though, and I could say the same about all my coworkers, even the branch manager. It's kinda gay.

>> No.58496053
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lesson learned: don't stop drinking.

>> No.58496076

being a shrink would have been way gayer. I don't know those fuckers justify that shit to themselves.

>> No.58496094

Swapped from office finance wagie to AV technician wagie, the pay is better but i have to travel full time and I have to deal with mexicans and retards on certain construction sites but atleast no women or HR cunts to deal with.

>> No.58496095
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If you only knew how many jobs I’ve had.

>retail wagie
>mechanical engineer
>pizza boy
>software engineer
>small business owner

>> No.58496107
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>was an electronics tech that had to maintain aircraft navigational aids and stuff, think primary and secondary radars, ADS-B receivers, VORs, VHF transceivers, satellite data link stuff, shit like that
>got made redundant, took a payout
>now I drive passenger trains
Wanna know what the most ironic part is? Driving trains is way easier and pays far more than I ever got as a technician.

>> No.58496108
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I feel this. I used to be a NEET as well. It’s like I started progressing in life and everything on paper got better but I’m just unhappier, in debt, and tired while putting on a believable smile as I keep spinning my wheels. I just wanted to be free kek

>> No.58496119

I was an accountant and after 4 years I developed a habit of tearing my head because of stress, after my friends told me how bad I looked I decided to study psychology, and with my savings I bought a small office, sincerely I feel satisfied with this, I could even start to hold things like Maga with my free time

>> No.58496157

>YWN have a strong, fierce Karen warrior bride
why even live bros?

>> No.58496186
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> Study biology in school (mistake), take lots of plant biology classes.
> Work in cafes with gay guys and medicated women to pay for school.
Cafe work was unironically the most fun I've had at work.
> Hard time getting job after graduation. Find job in weed industry (Canada had just legalized)
> After 3 years hop into big pharma. Better pay, better benefits
> Unironically more disorganized and shitty than growing weed and making weed extracts.
Been in big pharma for 3 years and work as a production supervisor now, after working in the quality department. I'm planning on leaving soon. The work sucks so much ass. My job would be 50% better if I didn't have to deal with pajeets. Some of the most difficult people to work with.

>> No.58496337

imo the problem is that the field is female dominated and permeated with feminine energy, which is why it's extremely gay, but the same could be said for a lot of academia. There must be a way to make 'therapy' actually work for men. It must be for men by men and the process would be vastly different. Alas, masculinity is le bad and so the way we are 'treated' by professionals only infantilises and emasculates us further.

>> No.58496345

I worked as a truck driver then I became a pilot. Its a pretty big improvement.

>> No.58496656

I have a fantasy of traveling to to some south american shithole and just bleaching the entire indigenous population. anyone else?