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58491160 No.58491160 [Reply] [Original]

>Team is in bed with cb
>They are not even hiding it anymore
>Onchain summer about to start
>Release of smart wallet
>Avi team were handpicked by Jesse to attend their smart wallet seminar for devs only

The comeback is real and that cuck "whale" that spassed out + palladius himself sold the absolute bottom you can't make this shit up

Let's fucking go star fox

>> No.58491197
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>> No.58491209

>check the volume

>> No.58491233

>We know

Let me tell you a little secret
>You buy before the pumps
>And the cex'es
>Don't tell anyone I told you this

A comeback means a return to former glory, which the catalysts will help with. Onchain summer starts soon and I'm pretty sure these furry tards have outsmarted us with the delays, the mad men might actually time the release with the event and extra exposure. They do love builders over at base. Especially the 10/10 audit scorers that will help bring over the entire crypto space to their chain. *eyes emoji*

>> No.58491358

>+ palladius himself
pretty sure that man has more money than all of us combined

>> No.58491394

>Team is in bed with cb
Complete lie but ok

>They are not even hiding it anymore
You mean they're not hiding their flat out lies?
Why would Coinbase work with a completely new team, working in their free time, on a product with little direction and allow said team to leak "insider info" to its holders on tg?
Keep in mind, Coinbase has a history of developing all its smart contracts in house. But no, suddenly, this one time, they decided to adopt a gamefi project by some literal whos whose idea of good marketing is hiring some prostitute and her crack dealer to host AMAs.

>Release of smart wallet
NOTHING to do with AVI. AT ALL.

>Avi team were handpicked by Jesse to attend their smart wallet seminar for devs only
They were invited to some seminar, doesn't mean much. Thousands were invited. I'm guessing all they're doing is announcing the Smart Wallet API ahead of time to all major projects on Coinbase. This is shaky evidence, at best.

>> No.58491403

>to all major projects on Coinbase
Allow me to correct myself; AVI is not, and never will be, on Coinbase.
What I meant was to all major projects on basechain.

>> No.58491415

He does and he dumped his last Avi at the bottom he plagued most biz coins

They haven't said it out right, I understand it's difficult for someone with negative IQ to read between the lines though, but I won't judge you we are all different

Avi will be migrating to Base, they're building two solid projects for Base, it has everything to do with them just like it does for the rest of the ecosystem. Thousands were not invited, maybe that's the reality you wish for but that's not how it works, the literally showed an email in the tg it was a handpicked invite with very limited spots. I understand you hate Avi with a passion for whatever reason, I guess you had 8 months and missed the entry of a lifetime but this is the second best. Do some research if you're gonna fud or keep getting ratios. Over and out.

>> No.58491420

>They haven't said it out right
because it's a fucking lie

Also you type like you come straight from twitter.
>b-but they showed an email limited spots!!!
you have clearly never worked a job anything above minimum wage cock slurper. When you have an IQ above 105 and you're not addicted to crack you get invited to "seminars" all the time, it means nothing, it implies nothing, and if they're showing this that means they have no other evidence of ties to coinbase because there are no ties to coinbase. If they wanted to hide anything, they wouldn't show the email.

Stixil has been awfully quiet about this. He's trying to distance himself from the straight up lies but the more bullshit you keep shovelling the worse this token is going to do because they see your twitter-esque negroposts about this they're going to conclude this is an outright scam. Unless he completely shuts down grifters like you we're in for a bad time.

>> No.58491432

Lol what is your problem, I referenced the email because it's readable evidence right in front of your fucking face, not some made up fantasy shit like you're stirring. It was literally a seminar for BUILDERS in the space. They are attending more stuff, I mean you can read this stuff yourself you are living in that tg anyway. Stop gaslighting now that last part is just absurd. Idk what issues you have but you should prolly stop schizoing about Avi it's getting kinda cringe lol. Can't tell if you're fudding your bags.

>> No.58491440

>seminar to some bullshit for basechain "builders" = ties to coinbase, coinbase listing inevitable
tell me how the first sentence implies the other, cmon break it down for me

>> No.58491443
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>> No.58491452

>Some bullshit

Literally their biggest catalyst of the year so far, the smart wallet. They want to integrate all projects you know so that's the natural place to start. They know that Avi exists and what they are building. That makes sense, even you can agree on that, don't spazz out about that.

Who said anything about a listing? Well now that you brought it up, the only thing that is known about that is that they have connections from the SHIB days - again, makes sense, right? And the fact that they are actively TRYING to take all the steps necessary for that to happen, like auditing all their stuff. In which they've only got 10/10 so far, once by Hacken. Or was that also fake? Maybe someone hacked hackens twitter and website? Hmm it is possible, anon. Anyway, is that a guaranteed listing? Absolutely not and no one is claiming that. If I knew for sure they would get listed I wouldn't sit here talking to a mentally deranged basement dweller on a certain forum. God save me, lmfao.

>> No.58491457

Oh hi OCPD, be right back I'm just gonna take anything you post at face value, very serious much wow

>> No.58491459

>they have connections from the SHIB days - again, makes sense, right
nothing you're posting makes sense

Stixil was a community mod/admin in the early days. That's it. That's the "connection."

>> No.58491472

I bought over an eth earlier today because I know the constant same fuddies on threads means they are trying to swing. Retards haven't figured this shit out yet, but I'm here to tell you.
>samefag fudding project for 30+ replies
>samefag comes to new thread to keep fudding
They are obviously trying to play mental gymnastics to get you out of your bags.

>> No.58491475

Lmao, just don't buy the token then, nothing I say makes sense even though I pull everything from facts, keep ignoring the Hacken stuff too. If you don't want to invest then don't, no one is forcing you. It's just weird how obsessed you are.

Also they are all not just from SHIB but whatever. You are in the tg already, just ask the team straight up confronting questions, you already better than me that they answer everything ;)

>> No.58491476

Lol, I shared the email because prior to that, you said we were lying about being invited at all. There were maybe 50 people total between the two days. I'm not sure why you're so angry or keen to make accusations against our team, but they are unwarranted. The team has made no claims concerning Coinbase beyond that we attended the seminar, have contacts there, and have a meeting with someone from the growth team next week. Coinbase also links up with other projects literally all of the time - haven't you seen all of the reward incentives for experimenting with other projects on Coinbase and in the Coinbase Wallet? Also, they are currently directing users to a non-audited third-party bridge and are literally giving out onchain summer grants to projects for simply having an idea that they're going to showcase in slots in June, July, and August.

Also, not only is Stixil not the only member of our team who was involved with Shib (we've said multiple times that there are others who aren't public facing), but even he was a part of the defense team for security for Shib and Shibaswap, which entailed much more than simply being a mod lol.

>> No.58491485

Oh, we are well aware. But me giving straight up facts, extremely bullish facts at that as replies that anyone can double check is great advertising. 3D chess.

>> No.58491514

Firstly, I never made any accusations about your team. Unless you are implying that the OP is a paid/unpaid shill. All I said was that "Team is in bed with cb" is a straight up lie based on the fact you looked like you've been dodging the subject and have been rather terse about it. In fact if anything I've been saying the team has been trying to avoid the lies. Even if you are a member of the team and what you're saying is true, "team is in bed with cb" is at best an exaggeration.

Secondly I am not Jimmy or whoever you think I am.

Third, I meant thousands of people perhaps got INVITED to the seminar which is entirely plausible- there are just limited slots available. You have a meeting with the growth team, but what does that actually imply? Another breadcrumb with no substance. Maybe you have something really promising and Coinbase is realising that, or maybe it's just something they do with those who attend the seminar. I have no way of knowing and the more "breacrumbs" you throw the more sceptical people are going to become about the project.

>> No.58491520

The jig is up you mongoloid. You can go back to swinging other lower IQ shitcoins now.

>> No.58491524

Oh c'mon that's just me using biz lingo when I said the team is in bed with cb. Don't you understand the point of that sentence? In MY belief from all the things we've seen, CB knows about AVI. In my humble opinion, I am betting on it. I am not part of the team what so ever don't even pull that card.

>Thousands of people got invited
What a coincidence that multiple team members got spots on different days when there were a total of ~50 people attending... Out of thooouuusands. Damn, these Avi team members are very lucky. Maybe I should bet on their success. Thank you, anon! :^)

>> No.58491530


>> No.58491538

Let's say 1000 people were invited.
200 or so choose to attend, the other 800 don't see smart wallet relevant to their project and/or their team isn't entirely kyc'd, or some other technicality
the biggest projects are picked first- AVI is a big one by market cap relative to its team size, so they get to attend.
Whole teams gets in, since it's just stupid to bar like all the team but 1 or 2.
These are reasonable numbers.

>> No.58491544

Again... just read what you just said... You're in a fantasy world making numbers up and then believe it. Read the fucking email, ask the fucking team. You are in the tg. What. Is. Your. Problem. LOL

I hope for your own sake this is bag fudding hahahaha XD

>> No.58491555


> b-buy APU we are all frens and eat tendies together haha happy fun meme
> shits on every single AVI thread when we just mind our own business


>> No.58491564

And as for Stixil being part of the defense team well, all I heard was that he was a mod/admin, or a community manager for a certain part of shib. So it's technically correct. And that's all I heard about the shib link so I assumed that's all there was.

But can't you see how easy it is to be pessimistic when you're so vague on details and so unwilling to set the fact straight on over-optimistic exaggerations or lies by members in tg, biz, etc.?

>> No.58491567 [DELETED] 

You did in fact, make accusations: not only did you say, "why would they hide their flat out lies", but you also claimed that Stixil was simply a mod for Shib (clearly didn't do your research and are seeking to fud) and that our only connection to Shib was him (also not true, even outside of members of the team and all you'd really need to do is some social media digging to verify that). Beyond that, you made the statement that Coinbase historically does all of their own contracts, which is blatantly untrue if you reference what I said in my last post or simply check out their site, smart wallet, or their public investments.

I don't mind sharing what the meeting is about, but it's not about breadcrumbs - all of the stuff you've been referencing are literally things people in telegram have directly asked us and we've answered what we can. We used to simply just keep everything secret and then people complained that we weren't doing enough, so we have been actively keeping folks who ask updated on our progress. The meeting next week with the growth team is to discuss the OnChain summer grant/showcase - not a confirmation that we are included in such, not a listing - simply a meeting. Why would I elaborate on that more than I did previously? If this were any other company outside of crypto, I wouldn't be sharing any of this information. We do it because we want to be transparent, not because we are trying to invoke skepticism or overhype people.

I just don't get why someone who spend such an exorbitant amount of time making false claims and accusations about a project they're either not invested in unless they have too much time on their hands or an alterior motive? I'm open to a dialogue and civil conversation if you want to hop into the TG. I don't want you to feel attacked, but I also won't stand for people spreading misinformation about something that is with no exaggeration an additional full-time job for me thar I'm passionate about.

>> No.58491590

Need to repeat I'm not Jimmy and not trying to spread misinfo, nor do I hate the project, but when you don't correct optimistic over-exaggerations in a telegram you moderate people are going to take said exaggerations as words from the team. And that's exactly what I did because when I hear "team is in bed with cb" I treated it as if its coming from the team (even though it's not), as if the email was an implication that there were PAST interactions with coinbase to merit such as statement.

I'm not here to make false claims, I'm not Jimmy, but the missed deadlines etc. have made me a little sceptical.
As for Coinbase... all their smart contracts are in-house and the smart wallet is no different- you can connect to it using an API etc., which is what the seminar is about I presume. But I was under the impression that what is being told is that skybridge was some fundamental part of the smart wallet. Which (I'm guessing) is a false statement.

>> No.58491594 [DELETED] 

I view it as an accusation because, not only did you say, "why would they hide their flat out lies", but you also claimed that Stixil was simply a mod for Shib, which still isn't even technically accurate - A LOT more went into security - but you also said that our only connection to Shib was him and then took it back when I corrected you - but you made it as a definitive statement instead of doing of simply asking us. Beyond that, you made the statement that Coinbase historically does all of their own contracts, which isn't true.

I don't mind sharing what the meeting is about, but it's not about breadcrumbs - all of the stuff you've been referencing are literally things people in telegram have directly asked us and we've answered what we can. We used to not give updates as frequently and then people complained that we weren't doing enough, so we have been actively keeping folks updated on our progress. The meeting next week with the growth team is to discuss the OnChain summer grant/showcase - not a confirmation that we are included in such, not a listing - simply a meeting. Why would I elaborate on that more than I did previously? If this were any other company outside of crypto, I wouldn't be sharing any of this information. We do it because we want to be transparent, not because we are trying to invoke skepticism or overhype people.

I'm open to a dialogue and civil conversation if you want to hop into the TG. I don't want you to feel attacked, but I also won't stand for people spreading misinformation about something that is with no exaggeration an additional full-time job for me that I'm passionate about. And I REALLY don't understand if you're not even a member or the community, but I'm willing to extend the benefit of the doubt. We aren't some ubiquitous corporation, we are a startup who aimed to do things right and build something special with over a hundred thousand of our own money (not taken from AVI) and without VCs who would dump on our community.

>> No.58491604
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>> No.58491606

I view it as an accusation because, not only did you say, "why would they hide their flat out lies", but you also claimed that Stixil was simply a mod for Shib, which still isn't even technically accurate - A LOT more went into security - but you also said that our only connection to Shib was him and then took it back when I corrected you - but you made it as a definitive statement instead of of simply asking us. Beyond that, you made the statement that Coinbase historically does all of their own contracts, which isn't true - like I said, they're currently routing through an unaudited third-party bridge.

I don't mind sharing what the meeting is about, but it's not about breadcrumbs - all of the stuff you've been referencing are literally things people in telegram have directly asked us and we've answered what we can. We used to not give updates as frequently and then people complained that we weren't doing enough, so we have been actively keeping folks updated on our progress. The meeting next week with the growth team is to discuss the OnChain summer grant/showcase - not a confirmation that we are included in such, not a listing - simply a meeting. Why would I elaborate on that more than I did previously?

The delays were only viewed that way because we gave an ambitious and ambiguous deadline. If you actually are a high level executive, you know that development teams always need flexible deadlines and that pushing things out prematurely is never a good idea.

I'm open to a dialogue and civil conversation if you want to hop into the TG. I don't want you to feel attacked, but I also won't stand for people spreading misinformation about something that is with no exaggeration an additional full-time job for me that I'm passionate about. We aren't some ubiquitous corporation, we are a startup who aimed to do things right and build something special with over a hundred thousand of our own money (not taken from AVI) and without VCs who would dump on our community.

>> No.58491608

But he can't control what I say, correct? What is he gonna do, spank me for bad behaviour? Instead of going on a schizo rant even after I said it was MY opinion (what do you know maybe I am schizo right?) I advised you to ask them in the telegram but you still haven't. So I will just declare you a soft fudder simple as.

Btw I think he got banned lol. Perfect, carry on the discussion in the tg because you want real answers..... R.... Ri... Right anon?

>> No.58491610

Kek look at this shitfest
No on would want to be associated with this coin or its community

>> No.58491612

No one takes anything you post serious btw, idk how you fell for the email or pass scam. Actually I take that back, I have my suspicions.

>> No.58491613
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It takes 2 minutes to create a burner email

>> No.58491623

Nah, that's actually a solid professional response. Try reading it.

>But why

>> No.58491625

Lol, achieve a higher level of intellect so that you're either able to have a civil and constructive debate/conversation, or at the very least, come up with a better fud strategy than interjecting to comment on a company and community you're not apart of with, "what a shitfest [that I was too lazy to read]"

K e k

>> No.58491630

If you see "OCPD" on the forums simply ignore it. He's trying so hard to be villain famous. Let him live his dream, down there.

>> No.58491655
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You’re the rubictards of this cycle. You better hope for an exit pump before your token gets “hacked” a couple times. See you at zero.

>> No.58491659

Continues to display that he knows nothing about our project, hasn't checked any of the code or verified any of the information we've shared, and clearly doesn't know any form of technical analysis (who even uses line charts over candle?) or even basic pattern-recognition lol (because our chart looks nothing like that one).

>> No.58491667

He got rugged by rubic last cycle HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

He probably did zero research back then aswell LOL

Yeah we are so rugged man I'm only up 40x on Avi how will I cope

>> No.58491688


So you think we'll hit a 150m MC from here? I think we'll go a bit higher but 10x from here wouldn't even be bad.

>> No.58492021

>they haven't said it outright
you guys need to stop doing this. you aren't reading between the lines, you are deluding yourself and other anons.

>> No.58492092

you are literally just making shit up. why dont you just leave? why are you so obsessed? when i have a problem with a token, i sell, and i leave the telegram/discord/whatever and i literally never think about it again. that's it.

>> No.58492123

This same faggot is in Link threads fudding

His fudding Avi is unironically the most bullish thing I’ve seen. Just bought 100k

>> No.58492176

Kek, aviators think everyone with any doubt or fud is the same guy. You are CS, who’s really Jimmy who’s also that other hilm dude.

>> No.58492359

Hilm here. You fucking faggot, stop associating me with those fucking retards. You all became fucking schizophrenics after one month of fud attacks? That faggot above that's fudding 24/7 is a American no lifer that possibly holds at a loss and invents 1000000 of retarded scenarios that goes through his head in hopes that the devs give a flying fuck about him and they magically pump the coin for him to get out. Check the tg and see who keeps saying "oh I hope I make my money back." . He is a fucking retarded faggot gay motherfucker with no life and I pray to god we crab for 10 more months just to see him either sell or become insane and kills himself.

>> No.58492378
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>> No.58492425
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its literally so fucking easy
ive been trying to tell you anons

>literally who new team
literally the autistic savants who got kicked out of nu-shib for being the first ones to call out their scamming
theyve been around and have a great reputation, even if you dont know them
>smart wallet seminar
>thousands were invited
there were a total of 50 attendees across the two days of presenting.
many of this 50 were repeats or from the same team (including avi)
projects who have met and talked with jesse pollak and other coinbase execs IN PERSON did not get invited to this, despite wanting to be

i know youre being insincere, but this is the easiest IQ test of all time.
it feels like we're asking you to count apples in a basket and youre going on some fucking retarded crayon-eating tangent about how the apples are blueberries and baskets dont exist
ive been reading every single one of these 70pbtid posts for 8 months now and, aside from being funny sometimes, not a single one has ever provided any form of value once

if they wont respect you after you brutally mogged and intimidated hacken, theyll respect you after your comic sweeps the based fox contest and forever alters the avi mythos
you are based

>> No.58492447
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Actually check this out, this OCPD faggot tranny is also in shitnshi threads. So, it's 100% a kns baggie that keeps fudding our threads. It might be comfy or some other retard, regardless, a no lifer bastard or one of the most emotional retards that crypto has ever seen. A waste of oxigen and waste of everything. Disgusting femboy.

Kek I can't wait to have some spare time to write it. I got the idea in mind but idk how to draw it atm.

>> No.58492484

OCPD is in every thread on the board, also wasn't the comfy faggot an avi maxi wtf happened? he doxxed his wallets by mistake once on discord in the early days I remember he held well over 200m tokens he would have nuked us by now

>> No.58492511

>stop associating me with those fucking retards
you ARE a fucking retard just like matt, jimmy, dd, and the rest of those cunts. You spent months fudding avi and having schizo bipolar attacks in the TG and on biz and then all of a sudden, you start larping as a born again christcuck. Go win that $1k prize money because we all know its more than what you have invested in this project.

>> No.58492532

Ou fug snap some heavy truths got dropped. Dunno about american tho but he does post whole day in all timezones. Like when does he even sleep?

>> No.58492538

>wasn't the comfy faggot an avi maxi wtf happened?
he went off to help mod/develop that $bananas monkey peepo token, and then he had a joker moment where he rugged monkey peepo because he was on hospital painkillers for his knee or something.
someone posted he was talking on twitter about being a catgirl?
i dont fucking know. its something new every day with this space.
he completely disappeared after that but yeah, he was big into avi so who knows what hes been doing with his bag

>> No.58492576

Top kek I will post the comic and I WILL win the prize. Also, what you faggot consider a make it is a retire for me fucking tard. Also, you seem worried. Do you need some emotional support? Does the crab affect you? Wanna have an internet argument on 4channel? Get a life you fucking faggot tranny bastard. I can fuck your ass if you need it just ask nicely faggot bastard. I cannot wait to get rid of all of you anonymous keyboard warriors. And this is the last crumb of attention that you will receive from me. Stupid fucking retarded faggot attention whore seeker.

>> No.58492625

Comfy was enzobillionaire.eth, he dumped his stack all the way up and did a final rug at the 0.006 - 0.007 mark. Very retarded and short-sighted move to be honest, he killed a lot of momentum and painted a needlessly bearish pattern on the chart. A charitable interpretation would be that it was the pain meds at work, but I just think he's a cunt. Hope he doesn't come back.

>> No.58492630

>I'll fuck your ass, faggot
>bitch faggot tranny
>retarded fucking faggot
>i-i'm not emotional, y-you are!
Oh no, is he going to dump his 600k bag again like he did last time before he bought back in?

Was it moonshot or comfy?

>> No.58492684
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This is (You).

>> No.58492718
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>This is (You).

>> No.58492723
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this is (me)

>> No.58492737
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Good for you

>> No.58492957

enzo was 100% moonshot
enzo/moonshot was out far before the march pump, too
also, i forgot about this, but
>the old fud used to be that avi had 0 chance of pumping above 0.0003 because of enzo

>> No.58493001


>> No.58493324

>enzo was out far before the march pump
He was still dumping after the audit score from his other wallet. Him and a couple other top holders were dumping every time we hit 7 and eventually he just kept dumping whatever he had left and was done swinging which is what started the dump we had. We had a nice recovery after the audit score but those fucks kept selling millions whenever we got into the 7 range. I’m almost certain we would have hit 100m if it wasn’t for them. I think there’s still over 200m avi between the other two wallets that were selling, so unless we get some good support, it’s going to be a long road ahead to 100m

>> No.58493465

Sir when token burn
Coin price very bad

>> No.58493471
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>Absolutely positively still actual literal trash coin
token needed wen? lmaoo

>> No.58493826
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AVI bros actually getting a bag or two worth on VINU is based as fuck

>> No.58494835
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>> No.58495874

I checked the TG of a specific coin that ALWAYS pops up. They are using the same delays, the same market maker gotbit and most of the AVI team members are also active in there(MaxzPain, Pengo, etc) They still did not comment why PAW chain is ALWAYS mentioned where AVI is. Including that AMA useless YouTube channel dude is shilling Paw chain and also AVI. It's like they were made by the same ex SHIB team... Anyways, very strange and an explanation was never given. I'm 99% certain the delays and all that shit is because the devs are doing two things at the same time. Avi and paw chain and that's why nothing is on time.

>> No.58495978

they said a while back that theyre not affiliated at all, some of avi just used to know some of the people who work on paw
max and pengo are in a bunch of random tgs, too- they just like trading
and, i dont know what paws timelines are like, but literally any project that isnt a worthless memecoin takes time to make. the products dont make themselves
this is also why the waiting fud meme with avi is so silly to begin with, its probably the most ubiquitous possible complaint to have across any project making any product of value

>> No.58496073

>kicked out of nu-shib for being the first ones to call out their scamming
were they kicked out before or after it reached 1B?

>> No.58496083

never seen paw mentioned in the TG, go shill your coin somewhere else

>> No.58496104

well after shibs peak, they got kicked out in early 2023
they were there for the majority of shibs growth before then, too- i remember a few of them like stixil and jaraiya from the early days myself

>> No.58496109

Stixil was part of the Shib team from March 2021 to Jan 2023, so near enough right from the start

>> No.58496185

They got kicked for being incopetent at eth farming

>> No.58496199

it's my birthday today can the price go up 20 or 30% more as a gift?

>> No.58496204

Rumour is 25 cents by end of august

>> No.58496219
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happy birthday anon

>> No.58496342

Hm, ok I will take it

If this pumps to 25 cents in 3 months I will pay a pornstar slut to suck Stixil's cock so hard that the last meat loaf he ate will be vacuumed right into the slut's mouth through his fox rocket dick

>> No.58496426
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it be coming

>> No.58497044
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just buy KIBSHI and chill for the rest of the cycle

>> No.58497530
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>> No.58497570


>> No.58497703

>$.25 by August
That’s about a 125x from here with a $2b mcap. It’s not too unrealistic desu if all these conditions are met. If sky bridge goes live, we’re on Base, marketing happens, other projects successfully deploying to Base, the arcade is open for testing, Jesse shills us, coinbase backs us, shitfluencers shitfluence us, game devs start flooding in, the market is green, etc. alit can happen in three months. Also, little can also happen in three months. It all depends on when the team feels confident enough to release the bridge and how well it’s marketed.

>sucking the meatloaf out of stixils cock

It was the opposite for the last couple of weeks so it’s nice to see this for a change.

>> No.58498056

does it really take 8 months to develop a bridge that already exists? ETH farm.

>> No.58498198


>> No.58498221

Don't think so, the bridge idea came about later on as a "side thing" where when arcade is the main product, I read somewhere that the arcade is in later stages, that they've been working in it all this time. The bridge is something extra to enhance the ecosystem, stop focusing negatively on a nothingburger they are doing fine. Be happy they got the 10/10 audit score..

>> No.58499144
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show me any other bridge that lets literally anyone launch any eth token or nft onto base themselves
and dont google "base chain bridge" and list a bunch of aggregators or pieces of shit that only bridge eth and usdc

>> No.58499517

the code isn't that complicated anon. its open source now if you want to review. bridge is cool, but it should not have taken anywhere near this long. remember that dude who cranked out a migration tool in a weekend? that was like 75% of skybridge in both functionality and estimated development work.

>> No.58499537

is that the one that rugs people?
no ones using some junk someone threw together as a proof of concept. anyone whos serious wants something that has been autistically polished, thoroughly sweeped for bugs, and is audited
thats where a bulk of the work comes from
>goalpost moved

>> No.58499585

So the arcade is the main product, yet that isnt released either… breadcrumbing retards in crypto is a lucrative business I suppose

>> No.58499595

And it was a vulnerable piece of shit lmao.

>> No.58499896

>breadcrumbing retards in crypto is a lucrative business I suppose
I suppose it is as well. This little furry fox is making me so much money. In fact, it’s the most money I’ve made since being in crypto. Can’t wait to make even more money with it

>> No.58499907

you guys missed the point entirely, which isn't surprising desu. the amount of time avi has put into bridge development is crazy.

>> No.58499922
File: 5 KB, 240x240, 1713472007565945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its taking a lot of time!
>explain why it is taking time
>you guys missed the point entirely
avi fuddies are so retarded

>> No.58499931

especially considering the base is build on optimisms bridge contracts. guaranteed, learning smart contract development was a prerequisite for this team because it took from like oct to april before they had contracts ready for audit.

>> No.58499938

you didn't explain anything. you are making up excuses. they didn't autistically polish and thoroughly sweep for bugs like you say... they didn't even deploy the contracts for testing until this month. ask them. they send untested contracts to hacken for audit. the thorough sweep for bugs is happening now.

>> No.58499951

>starfox furries shilling their shitcoin that was supposed to deliver an arcade to play pacman and failed to deliver.
>not buying your bags anon, sell now or watch it bleed slowly to 0

>> No.58499964

You must be new to crypto if this coin is the most u have made…

>> No.58500029

And you are comparing a piece of trash that was hacked within a few days to AVI's bridge lol. What is the point? You have zero technical knowledge of what you are talking about.

>> No.58500066

I have a lot of technical knowledge, which is why I'm critical. there's a reason they absolutely have refused to give any estimates. first, they have no idea how to estimate the project because they don't really know what they are doing... and second, because they know it will take longer than holders will be happy about. so by refusing to give estimates, they leave you all thinking its happening soon.
their development workflow is completely out of order too which has been very frustrating. ordinary workflow would have been to write the contracts and remaining backend code, deploy privately for testing, then sent to hacken. they didn't even start front end or backend code before sending the contracts for audit... thats why we had to wait another month for them to even deploy to testnet after the audit. the team is kind of a joke desu

>> No.58500295

Nice cope. When was the last time you made $300k from a 20m token?

>> No.58500298

>t. C.S S

>> No.58500346
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ty proffesional ASHBIE investor

>> No.58500367



>> No.58500512

So you have 300k cashed out in ETH? Or are you talking about 300k in AVI. Must be the reasons why it nuked to 15m

>> No.58500513

Concerning the posts above - those of you saying we haven't obsessively tested and worked on both the bridge AND the arcade, are false. The arcade is in private alpha and has been for some time with a UI and everything. Last year, we decided that in order to increase adoption of the arcade and capitalize on what we rightly assumed would be a mass migration to BASE, we began working on SkyBridge. We had the contracts finished for the front and backend prior to sending to Hacken to audit and had been testing them on an internal private blockchain prior to protect our code until it was ready to be audited. Our development team has years of experience in professional settings with successful careers and even other members of our team not involved with development are savvy enough to assist with testing and do so simply so they can understand how to communicate the product better during our AMAs and in TG. To say we lack the ability to estimate is inaccurate - we clearly had an estimation for the public testnet to be released a few weeks prior to when it actually did. If you truly work in development, you know that this isn't an uncommon occurrence. Especially in the case of deploying onto Sepolia from a private network - there are always slight necessary changes. We have been making improvements and have been vigilent in finding and fixing bugs nonstop and are continuing this internally and with the Bug bounty indefinitely, even after launch. Security comes first - especially when it comes to bridges. I still don't understand why people write here as if they know all of our internal workflows, but I hope this sheds some light. We plan to be here for many years to come and that requires rigorous testing, audits, and constant improvement. We literally have contracted out the development in tandem with our internal developers, V2 of the UI for SkyBridge in conjunction with a completely new website and V2 of the arcade UI will begin development immediately after.

>> No.58500633
File: 35 KB, 500x563, 1712174270015764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based kerasu
for your (and anyone else who doesnt come here oftens) sanity, biz is just always like this.
almost all of the fuddies for avi and other legitimate projects are insincere and just stirring shit, but its still fun btfo'ing them solely for the purpose of informing any new readers.

if it was so easy like this other fuckheads been saying, it wouldve been done a long time ago because the moneys clearly there for it, simple logic leap.
>but the guy who made it over a weekend!
if you check, hes been chipping away at it ever since and is still far behind skybridge in production.
it likely wont go through auditing phases or anything, either.
its a cool project hes working on, but its definitely more of a "jesse mentioned something like this being made, so im taking a quick crack at it to see how it might work"

>> No.58500645

And yes - the V1 UI will launch with mainnet. We aren't waiting for V2. Additionally, we are hosting a tournament for one of our games prior to the public testnet of the arcade and the game jam this summer (which we wrote about in our Medium).

>> No.58500650

then why did stixil say they needed to finish the backend code and front end when asked about why it was taking so long to deploy the testnet? the hacken results came back... and it took a month to deploy the contracts. explain that...if what you're saying is true, then it would have been deployed the next day.

>> No.58500841

I just answered that, but to reiterate, it was because we migrated the code from a private network to the sepolia testnet - this process requires minor, but time consuming changes to be made. Stixil is honest to a fault and so am I because I'm quite literally on the spectrum - if you're looking to accuse a team of being disingenuous, you should look elsewhere. We care about transparency and our community. That's why we have paid for the development of this out-of-pocket, paid tens of thousands for Hacken out-of-pocket, and are in the TG 24/7. If you ever have any questions or concerns or want to clarify something, just hop in and ask.

>> No.58500960


>> No.58500974
File: 621 KB, 1080x1216, 1710514970848138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVI be based soon.

>> No.58501065


Don't waste your time on these fools. He also types like the guy that sold the bottom lmao

>> No.58501117

I know your intentions are good. that doesn't mean I trust your process and I will still tell you that I think it has taken way longer than it should have to get this far. I have been patient with projects like this in bullmarkets past and its usually a mistake. at some point you run out of excuses and we are better off moving on.
>it was because we migrated the code from a private network to the sepolia testnet - this process requires minor, but time consuming changes to be made.
updating addresses in code is minor, but not time consuming. this is not a reasonable excuse to explain the delay.

>> No.58501274

If you're that scared then sell it you pussy. Sack up and hold it if you actually own any and stop fudding your own bags like a bumbling fucking retard. God you're such a schizophrenic fucking fag in every fucking coin you fud. One would think the shit stains here couldn't be any worse, then there's you proving everyone wrong.

>> No.58501284

Might as well sell since you know better than the whole team about this project. Or even better develop your own.

>> No.58501501

He already sold the literal bottom you can't make this shit up, it's the inbred from the other day he's been thinking of avi nonstop rent free all week hahaha

>> No.58501643


Kek. The bottom seller thinks he knows how to run a crypto project.

>> No.58501666

>this is not a reasonable excuse to explain the delay.

>> No.58501678

C.S. S should change his name to B.S. S (aka Bottom Seller Sold)

>> No.58502310

Do I buy back in now? I sold my stack at 0.0025 for APU but I kinda want to throw $1500 back in

>> No.58502328


An AMA on youtube is starting right now btw

>> No.58502361

avi is undervalued and always has been, even at ath and especially during the last few dumps
if you do get back in, dont let emotions get the best of you
this fox will make a lot of money during peak bull