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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58490580 No.58490580 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do with $10,000,000?
Keep in mind, this is the minimum to /makeit/ now.

>> No.58490587

I put a bounty on OP's anus for 1 million dollars and put the flyers in the most aids ridden African shithole ever.

>> No.58490601
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>10,000,000 is the minimum to /makeit/ now.
No, its not, I have around this amount, and it hasn't done shit for my life.
I can't even get laid, much less start a family.
Unless you're some 6' 6" gigachad, you need at least 20,000,000 to make it now.

>> No.58490620
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You probably need $100,000,000 to flaunt the kind of lifestyle to attract materialistic women nowadays, but I wouldn't know because I don't give a fuck about women.
My make it standard is enough money to potentially never have to think about money again with a smart passive investment strategy no matter how bad the economy gets.
$10,000,000 might not even be enough for most, but for me it would be, I'm a pure minimalist.

>> No.58490660
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Make it is much lower

>> No.58491011
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I kinda have a fetish for making people suffer in real time so i would just put it all into pajamas, make it look like its the second coming of christ and once you all faggots start buying into the token i would rug you all massively. Thats not going to happen but still, imagine the hysteria it would cause

>> No.58491093

I made it into 8 figures last cycle and I've become addicted to sex. I got bored with regular whores like two years ago, so I decided to make things more interesting by going further and further with them. I've seen some really amazing things that have come from carefully cultivating degeneracy of women.

I've watched a 20 year old eat my creampie out of her 18 year old actual sister, and then snowball it to her while french kissing and swallowing.

I've gotten a hooker that started out frigid towards me to progress from condom sex with no blowjob, to bareback blowjob, to bareback sex, to popping all her birth control pills out and flushing them down the toilet while I watch, to begging me to knock her up, to pregnant. (ghosted when she reached 4 months and couldn't abort).

I've taken a beautiful 18 year old college girl and eventually had her walking down the street at daytime with my semen on he face and in her hair, while she takes selfies for me.

I've taken a 19 year old college student and had her sucking dog cock within a single week, and being knotted only two sessions later. I made her wear a middrift top that showed off the scratches from the dog on her sides (forgot to put socks on it). She was inches away from agreeing to get a pawprint tatoo on her lower stomach for me, but I had to leave the country on short notice so never pushed her that far.

I've taken an already degenerate whore and educated her on the art of autoerotic asphyxiation, set her up on webcam and now she makes money choking herself and pissing everywhere for perverts online. Sometimes she does shows where someone else chokes her till she blacks out. It's real. I personally choked her almost to death on several occasions, and there are videos out there of my hand on her throat as she drools and chokes and her face turns purple.

Money turned me into a total degenerate.

>> No.58491099
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Buy an amusement park and not let you guys in

>> No.58492102

>today on things that never happened

>> No.58492121

buy https://x.com/Pedo_coin

>> No.58492137

based visionary

cringe daydreamer

>> No.58492185

probably just work a rotating harem of barely legal and fertile teenage asian girls in the country with the lowest age of consent possible, till I have like 20 of them pregnant at the same time

>> No.58492553
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>> No.58492559

All in on spy and never look at a screen again

>> No.58492570

Seek help

>> No.58492788
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2 million in RE (primary residence)
5 million in CDs ($250k pre tax annual dividends)
3 million in Bitcoin

>> No.58492790

Only need 600k or so to make it in my shithole. OP is retarded and probably lives in Sweden.

>> No.58492792

Buy myself all the properties I want. Or maybe just enough Vesta nft’s to own different ones partially, or fully, all over the globe, effectively making my life an amazing one

>> No.58493014

I'd then invest in:
>getting a dog
>house somewhere sucluded
>get Elons internet
>shitpost, dog walks, vidya all day till I get bored then maybe try to give back to the lesser folks

>> No.58493180
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For me it's east African ladies above the age of 18.

>> No.58493194

Fly straight to SoCal and hang out there until the wildfire smoke comes

>> No.58493391

1) convert everything in cash and crypto
2) Spend around 750k on guns and ammo and geo stash them
3) Put anonymous crypto bounties on ANPR camera's, public surveillance, banks, also alot in escrow if something happens to me,the perpetrator(s) will be dealt with
4) look to mass hoard invasive seeds (japanese knotweed, species, and have a network of drones spread it all over the country at once
5)have someone set up a darkweb vendor site, use the millions to buy drugs in bulk and sell it online
6) never ever pay taxes or fines ever again, apply for benefits wherever necessary

West europe so possible max punishment is still quite low, while still doing max damage possible. Must accelerate the clownworld

>> No.58493403

9 mil into SPY + QQQ

500K into BTC
500K into day trading / options to fuck around

The annual growth of SPY + QQQ + dividends ratio will allow me to withdraw 4% of the 9 mil every year for spending. SPY + QQQ grow at an average rate of 10% a year, so I'll be able to take out 350K+ yearly without putting a dent in my intiial investment.

the 500K in BTC will just sit there.

the 500K in day trading is how i will pass my free time

This is the best answer and everyone else in the thread is objectively wrong. I'm almost at 10 mil, but im aiming for 50.

>> No.58493408

What happened to ur relationships with ur family? People come beggin for money or did u just not tell anyone.

>> No.58493427

holy shit how ugly or socially retarded is this board?
I have no problem getting laid and I'm broke as fun

>> No.58493430

are you saying that people need at minimum 500k per year to make it now? Because that's what putting 10 mil into bonds will get you right now.

>> No.58493816
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Half on BTC
Quarter on alts
Another quarter on VINU and other memecoins

>> No.58494512
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That's because you're probably 6 feet tall.
Science shows that women will fuck men with a negative income if they're tall enough.

>> No.58494516

I'd keep 20k because that's all I'd ever want in my life.

>> No.58494520


>> No.58494581

I will basically go all in on AAST. It's one of the hottest utility tokens out there.

>> No.58494933

I am buying mor aast and keep some to slurp any dip on it

>> No.58494946
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oh boy another 4chan thread talking about making millions with some shitty memecoins how original you know what's better than a memecoin chooky it's gonna revolutionize the world of shitty tokenomics but hey if you want to spend all your cash on some memecoins go ahead just don't come crying when chooky beats them all

>> No.58496770

I would buy 3 houses, one to live in and the 2 to rent out, and then see if I can partner with more real estate people, that's technically my plan when I'm done with all my bags at dexview

>> No.58496815

Arm myself and some guys like we're in c.o.d and have some fun. Some pro migrant rally or a far left convention would do.

Lmao with 10m I would have a harem. I never had more than 20k€ in bank and I never had a problem getting laid, Im married and have two kids Im worth like maybe 150k max.

>> No.58496826

Also Im 175 cm that's probably like 5.8 burger meters
Get good incels

>> No.58496839

>french people not niggerifying the world : challenge impossible
Absolument dégoûtant

>> No.58497299

Just under 6 ft. Honestly I feel short

>> No.58497454

Create a private army in the Congo, then try and take over all the precious mineral mines until I'm killed or made into a modern Cecil Rodes..

>> No.58497514
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>his is the minimum to /makeit/ now.
No it isn't you fucking degenerate consoomer.

>> No.58497598

$600k to own a house outright.
$2 mil invested in real estate.
The rest invested in shrimple index funds, of which I pull $100k a year (increasing each year for inflation) to live off of. In the mean time, I'd still pursue some sort of career or profession that I'll eventually start my own business in.

>> No.58498492

>but I had to leave the country on short notice
I wonder why?
anyway even for larping this you should KYS

>> No.58498632

I'll buy ETH and restake on Yield Nest to get that exclusive NFT for a 15% boost on my seeds.

>> No.58498690

Gonna snag some Peaq, and also snagged a piece of Tesla on Eloop, cashing in on those daily streams. Then I'm gonna splurge on a Yacht and live it up before I kick the bucket.

>> No.58498759

Call the 10 mil a nigger

>> No.58498765

I'll grab some DUA and stake for NAI. Also gonna snag some properties, rent them out to Pajeets, and rake in from their gains.