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File: 58 KB, 1080x309, Screenshot_20240516_190930_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58485138 No.58485138 [Reply] [Original]

this is the first time in a long, long, LONG, long time that LINK has pumped on news. i'm in disbelief.

>> No.58485145

I have to say the fact it didn't go straight to $50 in a single 5m candle off of such significant news is extremely demoralizing.

>> No.58485147

There was a slight tinge of awareness from normies today, but not enough to keep us going I assume, maybe I'll be wrong, but I don't think so.

>> No.58485155

the fact that it's now down -2% is extremely re-moralizing, because that's what it would have done every other fucking time

>> No.58485158


>> No.58485204

Sergey will dump tomorrow.

>> No.58485210

just wait. the next 2-3 weeks are all pump days. It will be $50 within a month. The flip has been switched.

>> No.58485299

How are you so sure?

>> No.58485325

No way would Sergey allow this.

>> No.58485333
File: 1.13 MB, 1805x2763, fourth industrial revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to eat bugs and own nothing?

>> No.58485335

What news?

>> No.58485351


>> No.58485426


>> No.58485431


>> No.58485437 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 1024x1024, photo_25_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo chooky dev here i heard y'all talkin' about the latest meme token frenzy on 4chan gotta admit it got a chuckle out of me but hey if you're looking for some real action you should check out chooky token it's like the ultimate meme token man it's gonna take the world by storm you're not just some bag-holding chump with chooky

>> No.58485897
File: 32 KB, 1200x800, GABfYoqWwAAmf16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell your boss to partner up with Pinksale and make something bigger kek

>> No.58485925
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, 1715924444550614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoop di do, back to a month ago or 3 years ago, congrats on this or sorry, which ever works for you.

>> No.58485929

It reminds me of the day Sergey went to the lex fridman podcast and we went to 50 dollars. Good days

>> No.58485938
File: 130 KB, 254x595, 1709249038317500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who doesn't take profit and buy back in after the incoming scheduled dump deserves to stay poor.

>> No.58485949

Checked. we'll be safe from that inevitability for the common folk. link holders will inherit the earth

>> No.58485950

At some point in the future Bitcoin, maybe today maybe next week, is going to dump and you schizos will claim that its because they are trying to suppress this news.

>> No.58485979

nah, at some point soon everyone will realize how bullish this is for the entire market. brace yourself

>> No.58486033

Do you lads really think that investing in public token will get you gainz from private tokenization of big banks ? Are you for real ?

Same with cripple, why would banks jump in on existing weak infrastructure if they can just host their own centralised tokenisation ?

>> No.58486052

It's the first time in a long, LONG, long time that bitcoin didn't dump on Link news.

>> No.58486056

>why would banks jump in on existing weak infrastructure if they can just host their own centralised tokenisation ?
Chainlink allows them to host their own centralized tokenisation, because Chainlink connects all their centralized tokenisations.

Instead of forcing banks to adopt a single common tokenisation solution, they can just keep the ones they already have.

>> No.58486074

Bitcoin didn't dump, and Link went up.

Now imagine if Bitcoin hadn't dumped on all that Link news these past years.
Hell, imagine if Bitcoin had only dumped HALF the times it dumped on Link news these past years.
Link would've been $500 right now.

>> No.58486077
File: 145 KB, 2334x899, 1690301239781252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's making me feel all tingly

>> No.58486332
File: 159 KB, 1182x238, Screenshot from 2024-05-17 12-53-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting this shit
enjoy rugpulls

>> No.58486392 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 236x340, photo_2024-05-15_17-08-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hungry on base. 80k MC. Possibly THE next /biz/meme.

>> No.58486432

Damn you are absolutely buttblasted kek

Seethe more nigger

>> No.58486455

You will never be under 30 again kek

>> No.58486680

>Bitcoin didn't dump

Not yet. But it will at some point because thats what Bitcoin does on a regular basis. And when it happens watch the schizos come out of thre woodwork to say "See i told you so, I knew there was a Bitcoin dump just around the corner"

>> No.58486736

>ad hominem
You sure got me pal, riches beyond imaginations await you

>> No.58486762

You're missing the point.
This time around, Bitcoin didn't dump which is extremely rare for Link news like this.
So now we get to see what would've actually happened if BTC had NOT dumped all those previous times; which is that Link would've pumped.

>> No.58486861

just got 8500 linkies. is that enough?

>> No.58486869

I only have 1000, so I hope so.
Honestly thinking about dumping everything else to buy Link right now. I could probably get another 2-3k Link at this price. But I don’t know. It’s been so long…I’m jaded af

>> No.58486876

I keep seeing this retard in different threads posting about being over or under 30. Anyone know the purpose of it?

>> No.58486880

it actually did dump a bit but then gave up dumping. I know what you mean though

>> No.58486881

just a hyperactive attention junkie, does anything to get (you)s.

>> No.58486928

they do await me and many other anons here

let this post be a reminder of the perennial truth of our days:



>> No.58487083

Link is pumping because Bitcoin is going up. In fact, for the amount that BTC went up in 24hrs, it isn't impressive at all to see a 10% candle on link. It was fucking $20 a few months ago. And it was be $12 again in a few weeks. Aren't you faggots tired?

>> No.58487092

you will never be born again lol

>> No.58487102
File: 73 KB, 780x788, hap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have boundless energy. It's like the planets aligned and I can feel their power. We've turned a corner. They've opened the box.

>> No.58487183

Lies. LINK is gaining sats as we speak. Fuck off nigger

>> No.58487231

you will never be 12 again fucking losers

>> No.58487254
File: 529 KB, 1179x1779, IMG_1884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck…. Imagine if it goes back to 20 dollars… it will be like we’re in 2020 again! We’ll only have wasted 2 bullruns instead of 3!

WAGMI Linkmarines! Don’t listen to fuddies!

>> No.58487284

you will never be in the womb again loser hahahah

>> No.58487287

I love how every moment that link didn't pump was a moment you "wasted" lmao

>> No.58487289

Shut up fuddie. Linkmarines, we stand together! We will never sell! We have AIDS!

>> No.58487293

aaaaaaand here comes the dump
lmao better luck next year stinkers

>> No.58487295

uh oh, the OCPD tranny is starting to get scared. its not too late to pick up a bag

>> No.58487326
File: 81 KB, 584x292, 1633792668989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember boys, it's as easy as ABC.

>> No.58487329

Your token is going back to 14 dollars.

>> No.58487341
File: 77 KB, 680x692, c56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can sense it, you're shitting yourself. buy in now or regret forever

>> No.58487342

you will never fertilize an egg again! it is over for you!

>> No.58487354

Piece of shit is already crashing

>> No.58487452

The point that you are missing is that all those infographics constantly circulating that supposedly showcase the Link news/Bitcoin dump dynamic are misleading. In all cases, Bitcoin dumped some time before or after the actual Link news came out, but whoever makes those infographics wants to push a suppression narrative so he puts red arrows and red circles in the infographics that point to a general area on the price chart that confirms the bias of anyone who WANTS to find "evidence" of the suppression.

If you go back and compare the actual timestamps of when Link news came out and timestamps of Bitcoin dumping, in 100% of cases you will find that Bitcoin had already been dumping all day or all week etc before thr Link news.

>> No.58487463

lmao the old "I'll just lie confidently and assume others won't be bothered to fact check me" approach. Sad thing for you is we're here 24/7 and we see it dump every single time, so your little revisionist history is DOA.

>> No.58487496

you will never be cum inside of your dad's balls again, it is over for you

>> No.58487581

this is the weirdest fud i have seen recently
do you think anyone here cares o are you projecting your own biggest fear here
certainly must suck having to explain away what your job is when anyone asks
at the family christmas diner well grandma i bash assets for a living its a career i swear

>> No.58487605

they assume being under 30 is something special when most people who have their shit together at 30+ look at 18-29 y.os as retarded kids

>> No.58487619

LINK and other oracles are fucking based. They will have their time!

>> No.58487645
File: 192 KB, 940x940, qYOZiVe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm over 30 with 10k Chainlink and I look younger / am healthier than most zogged out goybaby zoomers. The "you will never be under 30" OP is probably ugly and out of shape, so being 25 years old is all he can cling to - which is actually quite sad because I wish he was doing something to improve his real life and have a positive impact on others, but alas, he must remain here as my torture puppet, my eternal prisoner

>> No.58487713

its not even about looks, i would never wanna go back to being under 30 and having to wageslave for a retarded boomer ever again to acquire the buy in capital
freedom is worth the price and their is no age limit on freedom, well not till like 90 or so at least
so yeah anyone making such a ridiculous claim must really hate their own life to pine for being young and poor again

>> No.58487744


>> No.58487768
File: 307 KB, 1170x2352, IMG_9629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back, old friend.

>> No.58487806

eh, being young and poor is awesome - I don't really care about money, just freedom and time. We can't buy more time, not disagreeing on the misery of waging for jewish niggers though

>> No.58487862

Kek. This.

>> No.58489292

I'm not selling my LINK, but I won't increase my bags for this either, as I'm also focused on trending narratives, including DePIN, and Peaq is at the top of my list for this.

>> No.58489306
File: 543 KB, 220x187, 65765765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt use an android

>> No.58489379

Post one single example of Bitcoin dumping within 1 hour of a Chainlink announcement, when beforehand it had not been dumping or crabbing after a recent dump.

>> No.58489422
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>> No.58489471
File: 164 KB, 728x688, 1711238347410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unequivocal good news for Chainlink that actually causes a pump
This is it, isn't it? This is how World War III starts.

>> No.58489479

4pm is when trad markets close. Its not that uncommon for stocks to pump all day and dump at closing time or vice versa. And as you probably know, Bitcoin tends to follow stocks.

CLL choosing 4 pm to make the announcement is an unrelated point.

>> No.58489491

>4pm is when trad markets close
That's not NY time

>> No.58489739

Well both stocks and crypto sometimes do dump on round time numbers, so I'm not entirely convinced that anything out of the ordinary happened here. What you're proposing is that some guy is sitting all day watching the Chainlink twitter account for any possible news, and was able to open up his crypto exchange and place a Bitcoin sell order, all in the span of a minuite? Seems farfetched.

Got any more examples with the time between news and dump being this close or at least fairly close?

>> No.58489807
File: 413 KB, 1721x1293, 1705768739820201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got any more examples with the time between news and dump being this close or at least fairly close?

>> No.58490002

See this is what I was talking about. BTC was on it's 4th consecutive day of dumping and crabbing. Bitcoin was already on its way down. So it's not as if Chainlink news changed the direction of Bitcoin's price one way or another.
If I wanted to take this infographic at face value, it would appear that if you zoom in, it actually looks like the arrow is pointing at the bottom of a local sell-off. Meaning Chainlink's announcement made Bitcoin go up, if anything.

>> No.58490007

dont get used to it

>> No.58490237

And just like that, the thread died.

>> No.58490839
File: 72 KB, 603x400, 1000001293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI marines

>> No.58491752
File: 17 KB, 607x92, 1694775515082735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin was already on its way down
You're a blind retard.

>> No.58491757
File: 573 KB, 1376x1128, 1712812821383515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got any more examples with the time between news and dump being this close or at least fairly close?
How about every single time.

>> No.58491763
File: 63 KB, 1149x432, 4days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are mentally ill.

>> No.58491771

What do you even mean "4 days"?
Are coins legally required to dump after 4 days of crabbing?

>> No.58491778

Bitcoin had already been dumping or crabbing after a dump (aka consolidation) for 4 days, before the Chainlink news. Chainlink news did not cause Bitcoin to dump.

>> No.58491780

So you're saying coins always dump after 4 days of crabbing?

>> No.58491781

Same shit here. Bitcoin was already _______ before the first arrow in the pic.
Go on advocate, fill in the blank.

>> No.58491782


>> No.58491785
File: 590 KB, 2284x915, 1687015660703843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Bitcoin crabbing for 4 days before big XRP news.
And then it did the opposite of what it does for Link.

>> No.58491787
File: 9 KB, 235x183, dumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last (you) Im giving because you are a disingenous faggot.

>> No.58491788

kek you forgot a peak there champ

>> No.58491800

>muh PnD on the 1m chart is much important and validates this perfect pattern I've laid out!
>muh scamwicks on zero liquidity are actual "pumps"
the absolute state of this market and its participants (retarded illiterate bagholders)

>> No.58491817

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.58491842

who the fuck are you

>> No.58491854

James Miller
107-101 Trinley St
Pottstown, PA

>> No.58491894


>> No.58491984


>> No.58491985
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>> No.58491988
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>> No.58491990
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>> No.58491992
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>> No.58491995
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>> No.58491997
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>> No.58491999
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>> No.58492001
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>> No.58492003
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>> No.58492006
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>> No.58492051
File: 33 KB, 600x549, 1711974832602247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linkbros, who's been robbing us?

>> No.58492063


Is there a bullflag or a bartpattern forming on the chainlink charts????

>> No.58492750
File: 357 KB, 1024x1023, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been robbing you. And you'll do exactly nothing about it! HAHAHAHA

>> No.58494609

>just wait. the next 2-3 weeks are all pump days
I'm having the same feeling too. My AAST bag is going getting pump af.

>> No.58496681

didn't read all this shit
fuck jannies, fuck fuddiers
still staking never selling

>> No.58496691
File: 79 KB, 634x636, paranoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck when is it going to dump again? I've been intentionally fudding LINK for literally years but I haven't finished accumulating, it wasn't meant to start skyrocketing yet FUCK.

>> No.58496925

>Checks dopamine

>> No.58496930

They just assassinated the Iranian prime minister to stop it...patience bro btc already dumped and its stopped the pump for now.