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58483076 No.58483076 [Reply] [Original]

Allahu Akbar !!!!

>> No.58483090

Where did most of the money come from? How long have you been in crypto?
And more importantly, what now?

>> No.58483156
File: 223 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_2582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin etfs
Tesla back in the day

I started with 200k inheritance

Thanks be to God

>> No.58483239

You got lucky. Congrats, I guess?

>> No.58483252

based and fantastic use of your modest inheritance. your ancestor would be proud. most people blow it on random crap

>> No.58483253 [DELETED] 

sharing is caring


>> No.58483274

Why put almost 17BTC into a shitcoin?


>> No.58483282

What was your 400k deposit from?

>> No.58483313

why ETF and not real bitcoin?

>> No.58483318


BITO pays $1.68 per a dividend a month

>> No.58483323
File: 13 KB, 399x400, 1516940063217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I started with 200k inheritance

>> No.58483330

Do you have a job on top of this?

>> No.58483344

welcome to the club anon

now you find out it never was about the money and you actually have to make something of yourself and realise what truly matters in life
good luck

>> No.58483765

I fish
Charity, Worshipping God, helping the poor

>> No.58483794

How long have they been doing that? Always?

>> No.58483808

Yoloing 200k on shitcoins like Tesla ain't easy, OP could've lost it all. He gambled everything and won
But he better leave the market right now because he's fucking retarded and he'll lose it with this kind of behavior

>> No.58484431

They’ve had a dividend every month but one month it was as low as .01. Still, seems too good to be true to get paid to hold bitcoin.

>> No.58484458

where did the 434k deposit come from? settlement, life insurance policy?

>> No.58484476

Minus taxes. Not a millionaire.

>> No.58484518

congrats. whats ur plan now?
and whats ur endgoal for money

>> No.58484536

Congrats lad
What was your initial investment? What did u buy

>> No.58484540

Lucky bastard
Only real way to make it nowadays
Either that or selling drugs or politician

>> No.58484575

nah, u can make money if ur smart

>> No.58484910

MashAllah! Don’t forget to tip the jew on the way out

>> No.58486122

I'm so jealous of people who get their inheritance before age 30, my life will never even start because I'll be 50-60 by then

>> No.58486187

My gen x dad will spend everything, and my mother doesn't have a pot to piss in.

>> No.58486289

how does btc stonks pay a dividend wtf? especially like 50% APR kekw

>> No.58486418
File: 7 KB, 600x497, 1492830161746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same kek. Now they are both retired, my parents are speedrunning blowing all their cash in pointless holidays around the world. They are on foreign soil 3 weeks per month in average, sipping their $15 cocktail on front of the swimming pool and sending pics of their 5 star restaurant food on snapchat every fucking day.

Meanwhile my 4 grandparents died since the clotshot, and all i inherited was debts (that at least i was allowed to refuse after tons of paperwork). Not even a single trinket inherited, not even an old broken toaster from the 70s. Just debts.

>> No.58486438

I swear if that bastard does even half the things he says he's going to do after retiring I'll just rope.

>> No.58486547

kek, problem is boomers have all the time they want and get bored fast. Only solution they know to fix their boredom is to burn cash. So if you want your dad to save a modicum for your future, you better find a solution to keep him busy.
Or else be prepared, because not only they get bored, but worst of all is it become a dick contest with all their boomies friends, to who got the best holidays, who ate the fanciest menu by the most reknowned chef, who did the "craziest" tourist shit (usually involve flying stuff costing a fortune), who got the nicest view to post on insta from their Airbnb villa...
It's fucking non stop, they spy each others like kids on faceberg 15 years ago and want to do better. I can't imagine a more vapid generation of retards.

>> No.58486597

I got a brass frog from one of my grandmas. That’s it though

>> No.58486640
File: 162 KB, 680x451, 1466443831838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's a sign from Kek : riches are coming your way. Post it fren.

>> No.58486883

thanks be to god for killing your loved one, you mean

>> No.58486975
File: 157 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240427_183917_646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear about the loss that lead to inheritance, but good job on the gains from the loss.

>> No.58487676

No, he was thanking God for the money, and rightly so.

>> No.58487686

Praise be to God for the Good blessings he has given you brother. Use this blessing for his glory.

>> No.58488169
File: 62 KB, 738x703, fca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I started with 200k inheritance *tee-hee*

>> No.58488197

gj brother
seething freak

>> No.58488234

congrats bruh
Christ is king

>> No.58489447

It's not easy to 5x money, with or without inheritance. Just congratulate and move on

>> No.58490121

Lost me here. Hope you die faggot!

>> No.58490221

You couldnt turn 5 dollars into 25 but you hate on someone who 5x their money. Itd be just as easy to fall to temptation and fuck it off. Anon needs to be celebrated dont be a jeaous faggot.
Cheers lad.

>> No.58490479

>It's not easy to 5x money, with or without inheritance. Just congratulate and move on
>you can literally 10x your money by buying shitty dog or frog coin at launch and sit on it for a few months

How about you beg me so you could suck my cock for that free advice I just gave you anon?

>> No.58490487

>I started with 200k inheritance

>> No.58490491

>I started with 200k inheritance
It's less impressive now, but good on you for the x5.

>> No.58490494


>> No.58490531
File: 288 KB, 1170x1165, IMG_0533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats here come the jews to take it all and call it taxes.

>> No.58490549

I would’ve 100x that money if I did the same as I did last couple of yours with the percentages of assets in my poorfag copelio. Anyways hope you stay rich fren and that Jesus is with you.

>> No.58490556

YEARS* FUCK. But really my point still stands.

>> No.58490691

Is this a bank or something? Which bank? How do you "FDIC Insure" your mil?
Asking because I am trying to figure out how to store my usd or just leave it all on coinbase as usdc 5%

>> No.58490697

tax-advantaged accounts like IRA, Roth IRA, etc., would be my first guess.

>> No.58490709

I should try to imitate you op.
My parents made me manage their money and retirement funds because that's better than letting it rot in under the bed because I told them that even if I graduate I won't have a job anyways because there are too many lawyers.
But I am afraid of investing the money because one screw up and I doom my parents. I am tempted in just wasting all that money so they can enjoy a nice vacation.

>> No.58490727

how much total capital is under ur control, if u dont mind me asking? and how much do ur parents trust u with investing it?

>> No.58490924

Easiest way would be to distribute it among $250,000 accounts of different banks

>> No.58491474

100% trust, but they only have around 10,000 USD which is nothing. What the hell can I do with that? (no wonder I got full scholarship that included food and transportation expenses, we must look like beggars to the country). I had some hopes this morning since I expected them to have saved some money, but I guess my medical bills were that expensive, at least I am finally healthy.
I literally can't do anything with that shitty amount besides paying for some nice trip for them so they can relax for once in their lives.
I can also go to court to force the pension management company to give us all the money, but that will only give me around 40,000 USD and only if I win the case.
For now, I just put it into some short term deposit and considering their current earnings, I can save around 400 usd per month (expenses removed since we finally managed to pay all of our debts).

>> No.58491677

If you threw your cash into utility tokens like QAN at the start of the year, you'd be up 10x by now. Use the dip to slurp up more instead of wasting time on shitcoins.

>> No.58491754


and god killed his mom for that very reason

it was part of god´s plan to kill his mom to get him $200k to get a 5x to get a post on this imageboard

>> No.58491767

It's infinitely harder to 100x 6 figures than it is to 100x 3 figures.

>> No.58492749

> I told them that even if I graduate I won't have a job anyways because there are too many lawyers.
This better be a joke. This is 'merica, there will never be enough lawyers. Even if there is, you just have to be slightly better than average to make it.
Don't be a disappointment anon. Finish law school, get your license and join a reputable firm, so you can support your parents in old age, since it's clear they'll need it.

>> No.58493829

yeah, ur in a sticky situation. I hope u get lucky and land a nice job

>> No.58494423

I am not from America and I personally saw in this January a lot of lawyers begging for a job when I was doing some paperwork to legalize our family business: "hire our serivces, we can help you to finish it quicker" "if there is something you don't understand, we can give you a free advice, and if you trust us you can hire us to finish the paperwork". It was just pitiful and I can imagine myself joining their ranks.
I plan to graduate since I am studying for free but I just don't feel confident about getting a proper job. I went to the best university in my country just to raise my chances but the future seems bleak. It doesn't help that I am in my mid twenties now and my parents will be 60 when I graduate and I obviously don't want them to work at that age.

>> No.58494553

Any chance those lawyers didn't come from your prestigious university, and perhaps weren't the cream of the crop of their profession?
> my parents will be 60 when I graduate and I obviously don't want them to work at that age.
Right, this certainly confirms you're not American, as those would be unrealistic expectations over here.

All I can tell you is do you best, man. You're young, you're bright, you're going to get a good degree from a great university. Don't expect to settle for mediocrity.
Find examples of lawyers doing well in your country. I know they exist. Figure out what they're doing that the guys you talked to weren't.
It's much too early in life to give up.

>> No.58495016
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Investing in egld or qan would have made you more.

>> No.58495021

I'm poor as fuck.