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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58485178 No.58485178 [Reply] [Original]

>be 35
>hate every job I've ever had
>got fired last year from $130k job
>haven't found another one
>have no assets
>building up debt
>have $100k in 401k account

thinking of withdrawing it all and seeing if I can make it in business - I can't fathom the thought of working for another fucking asshole company - my whole life has been a sham just doing bullshit I never wanted to do.

I'd rather fail or win on my own then be an employee given breadcrumbs.


>> No.58485200

What industry are you in? Don’t liquidate that 401k man. I’m also a dumbass that’s been making $110k for 3 years since I’ve been out of school and I wish I would have been putting that much into my retirement. Find a job, move if you need to, you can squirrel away $100k in savings in a few years if you find another job making six figures and don’t live in a HCOL area. I am also sick of 9-5 and want to start my own business but sabotaging your future is not the move

>> No.58485219

>What industry are you in?
worked in biotech, but don't want to anymore - something healthcare SaaS might be possible alternative.
>I am also sick of 9-5 and want to start my own business but sabotaging your future is not the move
I don't think I'll live to retirement age if I continue this - maybe get a low stress remote job just to make ends meet while building this business, but part of me wants to go all-in and just figure it out

>> No.58485242

I feel that, I’m in healthcare as well and switched to remote, it comes with its own bs but it definitely allows me more time to focus on the rest of my life. Take a pay cut if you need to but find a place where you can work and make your money without it being a career. It’ll let your brain relax so you can focus on your solo endeavors, also doesn’t hurt to have connections when you want to pursue your own thing

>> No.58485298

I went through this (layoff that wasn't my fault and subsequent realization I'd wasted 10 years). I'm gonna give you real advice:
You should start a business and create the life you've always wanted to live. You shouldn't liquidate your 401k and YOLO into something right now. Being broke and racking up debt is the absolute fucking worst position to create a company from. You need to start a company from abundance so you can make logical decisions, the whole "back to the wall" shit never works.

Here's what I would do:
>get another job, but one that pays less than before but you can do easily. i'm talking one that your ego will tell you you're too good for - just shut up and do it to avoid creating new debt.
>build a safety net. if you have to liquidate part of your 401k for this, fine.
>once you can feed yourself, etc. without going into debt, then start work on your business.
I know you don't want to hear it, but the "do or die" create a business strategy will likely fail.

>> No.58485362
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what does the N stand for?

>> No.58485410


this is probably the most sensible thing - get back in the green - working a lower stress job and then think big

>> No.58485447


>> No.58485459

OP, ur at crossroads, either go degen mode and liquidate your account to chase a plan even you haven’t fully formulated


listen to the anons advice in chat. It’s solid advice.

You could always do what biztards do and invest, but that’s the ultimate suicide run unless you know what you’re doing…

>> No.58485460

what a faggot. unless you're a surgeon fucking kys

>> No.58485464
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yo if you thinking of liquidating your 401k for the latest crypto shitcoin you're just a

>> No.58489510
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best you can do is cash out that shit and start buying some alts. you can divide your day between many tasks, from doing doordash or anything white collared where you can just work and no one will care much about who you are or where you come from as long as you get the job done.
Best you can do, honestly, don´t liquidate it all, do a 50/50 and split it between web3 gaming (Superverse is #1 in that rn) and you can get some out of just trading shitcoins under their platform

>> No.58489651
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>>be 35
the new 20's
>>hate every job I've ever had
We all do champ
>>got fired last year from $130k job
what the fck did you do? did you get severance?
>>haven't found another one
just do onlyfans
>>have no assets
you only need money
>>building up debt
how much?
>>have $100k in 401k account
you have asses faggot-

>> No.58489664


>> No.58489668

>just do onlyfans
you know i would say that maybe OP is an undesirable fat fuck, but there's an open market for undesirable fat fucks, specially if they have some chest hair.
you know what I mean.

>> No.58489674

>Best you can do, honestly, don´t liquidate it all, do a 50/50 and split it between web3 gaming (Superverse is #1 in that rn) and you can get some out of just trading shitcoins under their platform

NGL This is pretty solid advice.

>> No.58489675

and this, kids, is why you never lurk /gif/ for more than one hour a day

>> No.58489685


>> No.58489690

>open market for undesirable fat fucks
Fat fucks destroying cakes but naked

>> No.58489696

>Fat fucks destroying cakes but nake
suddenly crushing fetish doesn't sound so bad.

>> No.58489700

>yo if you thinking of liquidating your 401k for the latest crypto shitcoin you're just a
OP just liquidate half, gamble the other

>> No.58489705

bruh just buy a decent bike and do independent courier shit.
Youll do the following.
>get a bike, doesn't matter which brand, as long as it's good enough to get the job done
>print 100 flyers minimum about how you get shit from point A to point B for just 5 dollars on the area, and get a little policy of what you move.
Done, you'll have clients in less than a week, and with some hard work and getting to know your city better, and also doing some EXCERCISE you'll find peace on not having to do a damned 9-5 where you are not happy.
Of course, this is as you build that business you mention

>> No.58489711
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>>Fat fucks destroying cakes but nake
>suddenly crushing fetish doesn't sound so bad.

>> No.58489844

Cash out and flee to some cheap 3rd world country

>> No.58489892

What exactly are you going to deliver on a bicycle for money that someone isn't willing to hop in their car and deliver themselves? Newspapers, Coca-Cola and bubblegum? It isn't 1955, young Buffet.

>> No.58491445
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How does inflation effect your 401k? It just dawned on me today that my measly 50k is going to be like a really big McDonald's burger in terms of inflation.
The worst part about my 401k is that it's not even mine, it's my wife's. I don't even have one. I'm all in BTC.

>> No.58491465

I’ll give you the current cheat code to making money in business. I’d do it myself if I needed the money.

Laser clinic for tattoo/hair removal. Only a very short training course required to learn the ropes because it’s so incredibly simple. Equipment to get started is less than $10k. And best of all? Tattoo removal clinics are charging $200-300 for 5-10 minutes of work, and people gladly pay it to get rid of their shitty tattoos. And each tattoo requires 8-15 sessions. Once you got one clinic up and running, you can hire some out-of-work nurse to actually run operations while you expand and open even more clinics. There’s an infinite flow of new clients because thousands of young people keep getting shitty tattoos every single day they will inevitably regret

>> No.58491703
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100k all in on picrel and you'll have fuck you money for life, fren.

>> No.58491804

>Only $100k in 401k
Millennial, I....
Just find another job. Clean up your resume if you're not getting contacted. Use ZipRecruiter.

>> No.58491807
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Based as fuck

>> No.58491844

>thinking of liquidating my entire 401k
how does 4 dollars sound?