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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58479082 No.58479082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is it easier or harder to earn money as a woman?

>> No.58479085

This thread was on /pol/

>> No.58479106

small amounts: easier
large amounts: harder

>> No.58479119

Easier for them to "earn", way easier.
The reason they're no rich though is because they aren't able to hold onto that money and spend it all on stupid shit and consoomerism. Part of the reason for this lack of wisdom is because there was no struggle to get the money in the first place.

>> No.58479120

Seethe roastie

>> No.58479124
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wisdom on my /biz/!?

>> No.58479138

It’s easy until The Wall sneaks up on you, crushing you under its cruel, punishing weight.

>> No.58479181
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Yes however women are dreadful at dealing with money so it balances out

>> No.58479223

Why do women do this bros?

>> No.58479304

How easy is it to get a slampig bros?

>> No.58479314

you'll be competing with 500 other dudes and some of them will be giving her money simply for existing

>> No.58479343

ez if you arent socially retarded

>> No.58479355

>tfw negrified society

>> No.58479363

both are right in some ways..slampigs are acquirable but there honestly is a lot of attention, for example i'm 6'2" and i've had a few slampigs in my time, and im white and work out. Sometimes desu that's all you can find. They're not necessarily easy to get always though, the higher the pounds though the more acquirable.

>> No.58479388

As a gf? Not very.
You're competing against every mid dude out there. If you're 7/10+ then she'll probably write you off as a guy who only wants a slampig
As a one night stand/hookup/etc they're fairly easy as they love being slampigs for 7/10+ guys

Yes I realize this makes no sense

>> No.58479393

my fav is the last one wearing her mask improperly yet i assume she's some type of nurse

>> No.58479706
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would you guys send money to this simply cause she's nice?

>> No.58479715

I'd rather die before sending some whore money, she has to put out at least a few times before I even consider something crazy like that

>> No.58479764

Yea agents spam every board here to prevent anonymous discourse. They can’t just ban or downvote “wrong” opinions here so sliding is their only option. Too bad everyone sees right through it. I’m so grateful I found this website in 2020. I was losing my mind during covid thinking I was alone.

>> No.58479807

what are they sliding on biz? your shitcoin that's about to take off?
how does this even make sense

>> No.58479993


>> No.58479998
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>> No.58480004


Its not simping. You guys need to learn what it's like being a man. A man is a provider. They take care of women. And they dont always expect something in return for it.

Maybe you guys should focus more on your income if helping out a nice girl is too much for you? :)

>> No.58480005

That’s fucking nuts man. If I made the amount they make I’d literally be a millionaire within a year or two…
Well now that I think of it they could be CNAs and not nurses and they make like 17 an hour where I live and the minimum wage is 11 here.

>> No.58480010

Not sure if this is a roastie or bait

>> No.58480013

1/10 weak baitjvdh

>> No.58480021

haha okay well I tried xD

>> No.58480024

Dude one of the biggest indicators of hoeflation being real to me was having some fat chicks act like they were too good for me, a literal 6’9” in shape guy with piercing blue eyes and otherwise probably 8/10 face.
Just a few years ago, chicks like that gave me rides places and bought me shit.

>> No.58480025

Simping is completely out of control. I live on the Philippines at the moment and basically every young hot chick I know has one or more "sponsors" who just send her money every month even if they aren't there with her in person.

All old men from white countries just sending hundreds of dollars to beautiful young women in a shithole country simply for existing. Maybe they show up for a week or two a year and get some pussy, but then go back to their "ldr" sugar baby situation. It's insane.

>> No.58480027

Remove the wojack and put a phone on a tripod behind her

>> No.58480031

Make nurses unironically do just that. They get in, make a shit ton of money, then get out.

>> No.58480038

If you were more indirect it may have worked, like leading the reader to insult themselves instead of the direct insult at the end.
I.e. “I had a friend who tried to do x and he failed in Y way.
Instead of “you are a failure.”

>> No.58480042

They don’t like anonymous discussion and free flowing thought you fucking idiot. Anything against carefully crafted narratives is dangerous. There’s absolutely a reason 99% of humans have become “NPC’s”

>> No.58480054

you said sliding
what's being slid? do you not know what sliding is? making a ton of threads to push subjects off the board?
how is this sliding? what's it sliding, the board is already slow as fuck that nothing can possibly be slid

you're just spewing buzzwords

>> No.58480057

Holy shit you sound like you're an absolute Chad and have a massive shlong anon.
I'm not being sarcastic either...

>> No.58480126
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Most people are like this. They earn high salaries yet they spend it all. This is why I think capitalism is not really something that characterizes a whole system. There are capitalists and consumerists in a society. capitalist earn money and then save some to reinvest it and consumerist earn money and just spend it. Societies where the majority are consumerists end up like African countries where any wealth created is spent to show it off like pimps and societies where capitalists are the majority people reinvest their wealth to increase their wealth and standard of living.

I fucking dread what our societies are drifting to with this mentality of consumerism and 0 spending. Niggers want their debts forgiven like debt means nothing. That debt was badly given too, societies can collapse from investing in stupid shit like social degrees.

>> No.58480142

0 investing*

>> No.58480167

Many industries would implode overnight if men were in control of women's finances.

That's why you'll notice most advertising is targeted to them. They are the easy demographic to sell to

>> No.58480169

Women are property. They get to touch my penis, just for that privilege they should never speak unless I tell them to.

>> No.58480211

I know they're trying to imply nurses are underpaid but they're all in credit and that's how your checking account should look if you're utilising your cash and not having it sit there earning 0.05%.

>> No.58480422
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you know whats factually easier? a cat, making money as a cat
>biologically cuter than everything
>cute and pattable
>people will make retarded tokens in your honor and personally pump them while celebrities hop in to garner clout, extremely bullish
>eyes that can see ghosts
>no fiscal obligation to the irs
>you can wear a cute pajama