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File: 89 KB, 1200x675, 20221005_Chainlink-1200x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58465474 No.58465474 [Reply] [Original]

exit your Chainlink shorts NOW

>> No.58465478


>> No.58465488

it's literally dumping retard

>> No.58465489


>> No.58465554

only a retard would
this token that is not needed has infinite dumping jujitsu

>> No.58465593

>infinite dumping
You mean "lower than average dumping" for a top 20 coin.
You live in a bubble where only Link exists.

>> No.58465608

you must be the most despicable and evil person in this entire board
>goy, the dumps DON'T matter, look at muh Solana!
no matter how hard you try to gaslight anons, nobody is falling for it
I hope karma gets back at you

>> No.58465656

>pointing out that other top cryptos inflate more is gaslighting
You really need to step out of your Chainlink bubble.

>> No.58465677
File: 47 KB, 648x600, c9215xcd122098438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 6k link and I've unironically made more money over the last 2 years from shorting link than from any gains it made

>> No.58465694

No....I dont think I will

>> No.58465796

>pointing out that other projects have vastly greater demand for their tokens in a futile attempt to defend the team dumping on zero demand is not gaslighting
it is
kill yourself disgusting kike shill

>> No.58465812

So whine about the demand, because obviously inflation is not the problem.

>> No.58465818

>dumping 250 million tokens on the open market while there is ZERO demand is fine the team did nothing wrong reeeeeee
FUCK YOU piece of shit, go die in a fire

>> No.58465822

When the dumps are below average compared to the rest of the market, then the problem does not lie with the dumps.
Especially when Sergey's market dumps are positively correlated with price pumps.

>> No.58465835

this is what happens when you're a 2020 top buyer, its so easy to track you guys in the archives to see when you popped up

>> No.58465843

They buy high, sell low, then come here begging for our sympathy. it's pathetic but funny af at the same time

>> No.58465848

>goyim the dumps DO NOT MATTER, ignore the price look at muh cherry picked made up data!1
kill yourself, the dumps are correlated with the absolute trainwreck that the LINK/BTC chart is
fuck YOU
>hurrr muh top buyers durrrr
first buy in 1500 days ago, get fucked paid shillers

>> No.58465856

absolutely. Sergey fooled everyone, believing this would outperform Eth by mcap. Where is it now? still underwater. Linktard: sell your CL for ETH, then have it all restake for potential airdrop and high yield. Karak, etherfi, and yieldnest are solid protocols for these.

>> No.58465864


I'm done hoding this sh*t. If I had known, I would have bought Sol instead of this, but I was lured by CCIP hype.

>> No.58465869

I'm so tired.

>> No.58465877

Bottom signal

>> No.58465882

>complains about inflation
>"I shoulda bought Sol instead"

fucking lmao
In any case, bye bye.

>> No.58465884

i see porn-addicted adem clown is up and about. 1st post 0947 in holland. Time for a quick breakfast then straight into the incoherent mouth foaming lol imagine being this loser

>> No.58465885

>the dumps DO NOT MATTER
They literally don't.
The entire crypto market only exists because Bitcoin blew up back when it had like 500% annual inflation.

>> No.58465903

>bye bye
>he's still responding
>muh other cryptos inflate more and it's the same thing
you're a spineless gaslighter and you should drink bleach
the team fucked up and it's okay to admit this
what in the flying FUCK are you talking about you sperglord? unhinged piece of shit

>> No.58465907

>>muh other cryptos inflate more and it's the same thing
Yes, it literally is.

>> No.58465939

And even if Chainlink's dumps weren't actually normal for crypto (which they are), we have known since 2017 that there were 650 million tokens to be dumped.
And Chainlink started dumping them in 2019, and has been dumping them at the current rate since 2020.

How the fuck is it 2024 and you're still holding Link if you think the dumps are le bad?
Because you're a retarded faggot, that's why.

>> No.58466050

it's not you braindead moron shill, wanna know why? cause all these other shitcoins PUMPED
LINK is about to enter its FIFTH year of downtrend you lying piece of shit

>> No.58466066

and whose fault is that you FUCKING MORON?
end yourself

>> No.58466099

>cause all these other shitcoins PUMPED
Yes, and the ones with the highest inflation pumped the most.
Proving that it's not because of the inflation.

The time to complain about them was 2017.
If you're still complaining about them today, it's because you're a fucking retard

>> No.58466139

what about my LPL longs fellow LPL chuddie kiddos based?


>> No.58466142

What do we think this guy's life is like?

>> No.58466150

>noooooo it's not the dumps on zero demand, it's the lack of demand itself goyim!!!
you're by far the stupidest gorilla nigger in this entire board
who's we? your discord tranny support group?

>> No.58466156

>the time to complain about abysmal price action for 4 years due to endless dumping on zero demand was 7 years ago
HOLY FUCK just stop posting

>> No.58466319

>who's we
everyone except you, you strange little goblin

>> No.58466326

>who's we?
he is obviously referring to us based LPL chuddie kiddos based newfag lool imagine being a total newfag what is this newfaggotry in the name of kek

how you doing based LPL chuddie kiddos pools fucking closed lol fucking based lpl chuddie kiddos based

>inb4 whats this fucking "based" LPL chuddie kiddos shit?

>> No.58466358

We knew in 2017 that Sergey was going to dump 650 million Link tokens, yet here you are complaining about it like you only just found out.
You're a fucking retard.

>> No.58466366

well what about LPL???

Based Chuddie Kiddos???


>> No.58466402

>we knew he was gonna dump 650 million tokens on zero demand, effectively stunting any kind of price appreciation for 4 years and counting
it's getting embarrassing at this point, you argue like a literal 8 year old drooling autistic child

>> No.58466420

And yet you will continue to hold.
Even for the next 4 years of exactly the same thing.

>> No.58466445

>sergey's dumps on zero demand have destroyed the price
>noooooooo look at all the other cryptos dumping more, ignore their positive pa and focus on muh inconsequential dumps!
>noooooooo start complaining about the lack of demand instead, which the team has absolutely nothing to do with!!1
>noooooo stop badmouthing muh link, the team did nothing wrong you're a retard huurrrr
>okay but what about you huh?huh? are you gonna keep holding huh? are you selling huh? huh?
you are beyond pathetic
kill yourself

>> No.58466449
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>>sergey's dumps on zero demand have destroyed the price

yeah but that's wrong

>> No.58466466

now extrapolate that on LINK/BTC and LINK/ETH you gaslighting spineless faggot kike

>> No.58466484

This. Checked.

>> No.58466507

Nice try anon but we will N E V E R sell our LPL based LPL chuddie kiddos for life

New based Jonny Bollocks NFT finna DROP soon based LPL chuddie kiddos get ready


>> No.58466684
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This is when Chainlink broke out of a year and a half of bottom.

>> No.58466822
File: 47 KB, 971x449, linkbtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherry picks the ONLY significant pump LINK has had in 4 years against BTC
chop the chart some more for me will ya?

>> No.58466881

not everyone is a 2020 top buyer like you, I for example am up 10x against BTC since I bought

>> No.58466915

I bought the fucking thing at 5k sats
shut the fuck up with your constant useless ad hom logical fallacies, either address the issue or fuck off

>> No.58466942

Two major token dumps, two major pumps against fiat and Bitcoin. And this was the pivotal moment when Link broke out of the 2022-2023 bear market, before Bitcoin.
That's a massively significant pump, and it happened despite Sergey's dumps.

Token dumps have nothing to do with the price.
Bitcoin's inflation rate was like 500% annually when it launched into the mainstream as the best-performing asset in history.

>> No.58467010

>supply doesn't affect the price!!! Here is literally one other example where only demand mattered!!!
Is anyone retarded enough to believe this? Even if you do see a pump in spite of supply increases, it is affecting how high the pump goes. If the fatman hadn't dumped all this time we might be past $100 right now.
Also, saying
>supply increases are okay!!! It's normal!!!
Is retarded in itself. If you manage to convince someone of this lie, then they are left asking
>well... if it's not token dumps dragging us down... then what is it?
The natural conclusion is that LINK is unpumpable shit developed by HR roasties

>> No.58467119

as a fucking BASED SDL SLAMHOG, I could not be more thrilled by the future of Chainlink

>> No.58467154

Don't condemn yourself to depression, dump that shit and hold your oar till Supra launches the token.

>> No.58467259

>either address the issue or fuck off
the issue is that you shouldn't buy the top

>> No.58467511

I hold chainlink and will keep buying more. :)

>> No.58467532

why? it underperforms compared to memes like pepe, it has less usecase than bluechips like eth, it has no momentum compared to other coins in the top 100

>> No.58467654

7 years ago people on this board told me to buy mobius, groestlecoin and confido, I did, I lost on mobius and confido, almost lost on groestlecoin but I got out with a decent profit people was spamming this board with how shitty this new revolutionary erc667 token was in a manic matter and with how fucking bad 99% of the 'pls buy this coin sir' performed I did the opposite and bought link with my five fig profit and will continue to hold until every single fucker on this board tells me to buy

>> No.58467843

What did you think he was going to do? Just sit on 900 million tokens forever to artificially inflate the price and end up like SBF behind bars? Fucking mouthbreahter the entire billion tokens must eventually reach circulation we all know that and have always known it.

>> No.58467857

They remove the email requirement and right after that these threads with shills/fuddies come back like clockwork? So strange

>> No.58467863

>less usecase than bluechips like eth
lol try harder you fucking idiot

>> No.58468124

PSA - please no longer associate the Chainlink boyscouts with GME hodlers, the latter who should not have their names disparaged with such an inept group of losers of the Chainlink cult.

Chainlink is the worst hold in all markets. Even holding a rapidly inflating USD is a better decision, financially speaking

>> No.58468541

dude, shut up you're such a chainlink/sergey cocsucker it's not even funny, just shut your mouth, it's cucked apologists like you why Sergey still feels comfortable dumping his premined shitcoin.

>> No.58468625

if he had any decency he would burn the remaining tokens, but this greedy bastard wouldnt've stopped neither at $32M ico funding, nor at hundreds of millions from dumping tokens, because he absolutely NEEDS to hire 15 stupid fucking HR roasties, 20 'advisors' and many other useless people, thinking he's running Amazon or some shit, typical bloated ass SJW sillicon valley bullshit vaporware. Everyone with half a brain started 'derisking' link into other things but it's the die-hard retard cultists that still allow sergey to dump tokens with any meaningful size. The fat fuck already got hunreds of millions of dollars and nothing to show for it. At least other scams care about price action of their shitcoins but not sergey, no, his scam is run with no regard to the price because he knows there are retards willing to 'buy his dip' and he still has enough tokens left to dump even if price is utter shit. I regret ever buying this BS, chainlink had its time and aura in 2017-2021, but ever since it's been a fucking bloated ass worthless company

>> No.58468800

He can't burn them because it would pump the price you fool. You know he can't do anything as to the price of the token or else he'll be accused of selling an unregistered security. You bought in with eyes open - everybody knew there were a billion tokens.

>> No.58468964

>Link broke out of the 2022-2023 bear market
the shill continues to shamelessly lie about everything
nice "break out" you got there pal, with LINK sitting at an almost 5 year low against BTC
the gaslighting is off the charts

>> No.58469236
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>it is affecting how high the pump goes
The top performers in 2023 all dumped more tokens than Chainlink.

The TOP performers.

>> No.58469245
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>> No.58469247

>if he had any decency he would burn the remaining tokens
Plenty of cryptos promised token burns, why the fuck didn't you buy those instead of Link?
Are you gay, retarded? Or both?

>> No.58469263
File: 134 KB, 2030x1112, 1714586223522915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the exact same in 2021 btw.

>> No.58469290
File: 201 KB, 663x749, IMG_2477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop! Please!!! It HAS to be everyone else’s fault that I bought the top!

>> No.58469325

gee, do those coins have smart contracts being built on them daily, do they have an ecosytem of shitcoins being pushed daily. I know what they dont have a fat russian who purposefully slows everything down

>> No.58469350

They do things like crapping out every month, double spending, getting explicitly labelled securities by the SEC, etc.

>> No.58469367

they also do the most important thing of them all: printing gains
up yours, advocate shill

>> No.58469375

they do things you twat. Chainlink just has POC's and staking caps, and a bridge that took three years that no one uses

>> No.58469378

are you illiterate? I told you I bought at 5k sats you imbecile

>> No.58469385

Yes. Despite massive inflation and trash fundamentals.
Welcome to crypto.

>advocate shill
says the die hard holder who can't sell

>Chainlink doesn't do anything
So why are you still holding it?
What are you waiting for?

>> No.58469391


Imagine selling what is one of the most used and established projects in crypto that the whole normie financial sector is adhering to LMAO

Not to mention chainlink is made by sirgay nakamoto himself

>> No.58469396

nice projection fishy
the issue is that Sergey is massively inflating without the corresponding demand that would absolve the selling pressure, as we've been constantly arguing for ITT before you came
so, kindly, up yours and fuck off

>> No.58469399

>I told you I bought at 5k sats you imbecile
anon just because you're trying to gaslight yourself into thinking you did doesn't mean you actually did it, you are a 2020 top buyer, its so easy to track your way of writing in the archives

>> No.58469411

If Chainlink has too little demand to offset an average inflation rate, then it's simply a bad hold.
Yet you can't sell. You'll probably die with your Link bags.

Speaking of, how's your blood pressure? Can't be too kosher after years of malding.

>> No.58469413

you're a giant moron fag, I'm the "Tradelens" fudder, I've been holding 10k since 2018, and I've been slowly derisking since 2022
now you can also go fuck yourself along with your discord pal
>it's simply a bad hold
yes, stop simping for it

>> No.58469423

>I've been holding 10k since 2018
kek you only hold a 10k stack and you're this emotional fucking hell what a pathetic fuck you are

>> No.58469431

thank fuck that materialized to 10 BTC or I would rope
>kek pathetic fuck kek frick durr
your portfolio is less than $10k you third world paid simp

>> No.58469433

So sell. What the fuck is so difficult about selling a bad hold?

>> No.58469446

I already have sold
stop trying to gaslight people about this pathetic shitcoin

>> No.58469450

>your portfolio is less than $10k you third world paid simp
aylmao I'm staking multiple x your sui stack you're so fucking onions you can't stand straight

>> No.58469453

you're staking 300 LINK at best and you're not fooling anyone, trashcan

>> No.58469457

>I already have sold
So why are you here?
You've been here getting all upset for hours now.

>> No.58469462

because fuck you and your astroturfed shitcoin, that's why pal

>> No.58469466

>you're staking 300 LINK at best and you're not fooling anyone, trashcan
you're just poor and can't fathom that people are staking 50k+ there is a reason 100k was the make it stack because 10k as evident by you makes you want to rope

>> No.58469468

Anon, you have the highest pbtid count itt.
You're the astroturfer.

>> No.58469472
File: 17 KB, 424x196, Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 5.45.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will literally buy a house in a few years time.
Sergey gave me a house, and all I had to do was be on the permanent lookout to raise alerts. (No alerts actually raised so far, thank God).

>> No.58469479

anon, just because (You) and your discord jeet friends can id hop again after they lifted the email verification, it doesn't mean that people can't see straight through your multi year long astroturfing campaign and get sick of it
I have every right to call (You) and your bs out whenever I feel like it
>you're the astroturfer
the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
no, YOU are, I have the balls to stand by my single id, unlike some other faggot niggers ITT

>> No.58469484

>What are you waiting for?
are you stupid? why would i sell when the market is down? Why dont you admit its a shitcoin

>> No.58469490

I'm sorry, I'm just not reading all that shit.

Sell for any other coin, retard. Pick any coin that "does things", since you believe Chainlink doesn't do anything.

>> No.58469491

>100k was the make it stack
welcome to /biz/ newfriend, the appropriate place for fags like you is >>>/out/

>> No.58469496

I'm sorry, nobody asked

>> No.58469499

why cant you admit chainlink is a piece of shit anon. You can say it just once, sergey cant hurt you

>> No.58469519 [DELETED] 

I bought it for 30c in 2017 so it's the only reason I'm still holding this shit, but I already sold 25% into other things a few weeks ago and looking at delusional retards not putting any pressure on the fatman I'll probably need to sell at least another 25% or I'll be left holding my dick with no gains at the end of the bullrun jak all of you delusional late comers

>> No.58469529

I bought it for 30c in 2017 so it's the only reason I'm still holding this shit, but I already sold 25% into other things a few weeks ago and looking at delusional retards not putting any pressure on the fatman I'll probably need to sell at least another 25% or I'll be left holding my dick with no gains at the end of the bullrun like all of you delusional late comers

>> No.58469542

I called it a bad hold in this very thread.
I only ever held a sui stack, if I had any more I would've sold years ago.

>only sold 25% after all these years
Gee, you must really like Link

>> No.58469572

great, now stop simping for this "bad hold" as you've elegantly said yourself and fuck off
Sergey's dumps to sustain his enormous operating costs and to secure various partnerships, integrations, PoCs and experiments, without fulfilling the token functions outlined in both WPs 1 and 2 (super-linear staking, actual collateralization of LINK tokens into the staking system, slashing, node reputation, etc) aka not creating the appropriate demand, have effectively killed the price since 2020, and that won't change no matter how much you whine about SOL or whatever the fuck else "inflating" more
they're shitcoins, they only have to create demand by hyping shit, it's not even remotely same to Chainlink's "serious" approach on this market

>> No.58469581

Not reading all that shit.
ou're way too emotional about your investment.

>> No.58469588

I'm literally spitting out facts and nothing more you retarded, deflecting shill
if you can't even pretend to engage in a convo fuck off back to your twitter echo chamber

>> No.58469593

You're ranting and raving

>> No.58469600

you're coping and deflecting without addressing anything
go back to >>>/twitter/

>> No.58469605

>welcome to /biz/ newfriend
keep projecting 2020 top buyer maybe you'll be the first xer to gaslight xerself to success

>> No.58469606

now you result to low effort posting. Get gud kid

>> No.58469609

>keep projecting
nah that's literally your thing

>> No.58469642

And you're holding a bad hold, and angry about it.

>> No.58469653

why exactly did they think hiring out 650+ people before having paying customers and working products would be a good idea... I've never seen that work anywhere

>> No.58469670

>you're angry cause you're stating facts
kek, just quietly leave the thread bro

>> No.58469837

he's right tho, it was supposed to be much differetn when you look back at 2017-2019, now link is a fucking worthless tokens, there were supposed to be mechanisms to drive demand for the token, collateralization, node reputation etc, but sergey doesn't have the balls to actually develop the things that are needed, and guess what his whole worthless project isn\t even used by any real world company for anything not related to crypto, because it's a centralized piece of shit with a worthless scam funding token

just admit it's a shitcoin and stop defending it, if we went to ripple discord and said it's a worthless shjitcoin would you also be so eager to defend it?
>hurrr durrr just sell haha lmao
yeah, I'm gonna sell at $13 right now, for sure...

>> No.58470013

link stink

>> No.58470331

>yeah, I'm gonna sell at $13 right now, for sure...
Literally the only reason you'd continue to hold Link instead of selling for any other coin, is because you expect Link to outperform those other coins.

>> No.58470626

Link has had paying customers for nearly five years now, clueless newfag

>> No.58470637

>$650K/month profit for a multibillion dollar high-risk company
>investors actually eat a YoY loss for 5 years
Yes yes the team owes you nothing, we know (it's still a security btw)

>> No.58470770

CLL was never meant to turn a profit, the nodes are.
Even the price feeds are ultimately meant to be provided by third parties.

>> No.58470899

obviously I don't know what's gonna happen short term, let alone creating a huge taxable event selling this shit, but your response only confirms you have no argument, you'r only answer is
>then just sell hurrr durrr! please sell and stop making our coin look bad!!

>> No.58471012

I never told you to sell

>> No.58471080

He never said you told him to sell

>> No.58471090


>you'r only answer is
>>then just sell

>> No.58471115
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>> No.58471182

shits about to get dark for the chainlink “community” real soon, never felt the bad vibes to this degree before

>> No.58471450

You've been saying that for 7 years and i'm now a millionaire, but you do you.

>> No.58471710

I guy am wise dumping LINK for QAN

>> No.58473883 [DELETED] 

Pools closed

>> No.58473888

You should put your entire net worth into it :)

>> No.58473896

>Nothing happens

>> No.58474398

>admit the team fucked up

>admit its a shitcoin

>admit chainlink is a piece of shit

>admit it's a shitcoin

41 posts across (at least) three IDs, and all you're doing is trying to settle some kind of score.

>> No.58474753
File: 12 KB, 268x226, keepprojecting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop projecting dude, it's tiresome
every time someone calls out your shilling, instead of addressing the arguments you always resort to ad homs, you're literally the worst kind of shills I've ever seen
people are calling your shitcoin an elaborate scam and all you're doing is devolving to 4th grade insults
tl;dr grow up or pick another job, cause you're all really shit at shilling LINK

>> No.58474801

this is your FINAL FINAL warning

>> No.58474811

gimme a price target

>> No.58474813
File: 1.72 MB, 1148x1218, 1539766136761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have the same strong feelings about Substratum? That was a scam, too.

>> No.58474817

k keep me posted

>> No.58475039

every shitcoin is a scam, the only problem is they don't hide it unlike the cl team and link bagholders sucking sergey's nuts all the time, I wonder how much of this shit price actions it will take for even the most delusional bastards to wake up

>> No.58475053

why be so blind angry about link if every shitcoin is a scam?

>> No.58475562

following that same logic do you feel even more strongly about xrp being a scam and dragging its baggies along an even more winding path?

>> No.58475628

project-wise xrp is more of a scam for sure, at least the whole 'we need oracles to actually make smart contracts useful' narrative made sense, but purely token-wise I think the xrp devs/CEOs actually care(d) more about the price than the sjw chainlink team

>> No.58475654

thats a joke one of them dumped his massive premine personal supply into every pump on open market
and the pa itself is the absolute worst dogshit in the top right now

>> No.58475673

they are greedy scammers but they (at least in the past) shilled their shitcoins and look how many years it's been near the top despite being a dogsit project with a useless token, chainlnk team should've done way more with the narrative they had going

>> No.58475674

>you always resort to ad homs

This is the first line in your very first post itt:>>58465608
>you must be the most despicable and evil person in this entire board

>> No.58475724

so the nyou admit following your own stated logic itt that you should be more angry at xrp then cll if they are the greediest scammers as opposed to cll that only didnt capitalize on the trend but otherwise arent as malicious as xrp?

>> No.58475740

but I don't hold any xrp, never have, never will because it was obviously worthless from the start, but with chainlink it had a good narrative going, tokens were supposed to be all tied up as collateral and none of this happened, sergey is probably thinking every day how to ditch the token altogether after he dumps enough

>> No.58476313

so chainlink bad because staking isnt here yet
well you just put the goalposts into a different field altogether
hell you picked them up and put them in a golf course

>> No.58476863
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>> No.58478362

Bc it’s the only one spammed here. Half the catalog has been link for 7 years

>> No.58478368

lol is that why it fell from rank 5 to rank 17?

>> No.58478370

Xrp had a way better narrative than link, wef members were saying it was the next big thing, they’re being used by 1st world central banks, but it’s still a shitcoin bc everyone knows about it and expects it to moon, it’s Al priced in like link

>> No.58478408

Salty cope incoming
>Th..th..the only reason Link is mooning is because [insert salty cope]...!!
Doing nothing with is so easy. I'm off on holiday next week through Europe. I'll check in occasionally to throw a bone to the fudders kek

>> No.58478429

It’s $13. Retarded or troll, in which case, retarded? Also you’re not on vacation, bc you can’t afford bc you hold link in your room justed for 7 years

>> No.58478435

Sergay buck broke you so bad you went from $1000 eoy to 6% = mooning

>> No.58478454

Look at how angry he gets lololol we have so made it, boys. Here's to the new summer of love!

>> No.58478542

>Half the catalog has been link for 7 years
Nearly all of it fud.
Before email verification, the average was 15 fud threads in the catalog at all times.

>> No.58478590

ok I sold now what?

>> No.58478749
File: 2.93 MB, 200x346, bkd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58479842

I've unironically been shorting with this link and I've more money over the last one years from shorting it than from any gains it made. I'm planning doing same with those DePIN altcoins especially PEAQ

>> No.58479916

Why wait for someone to clue you in on something useful? It appears you might not even be aware that the DePIN narrative is gaining serious traction, and PEAQ, which is at the forefront, is currently in presale on Coinlist.