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58476700 No.58476700 [Reply] [Original]

The sadsats and satoshis are all managed and traded by massive onion-like layers of layer-2 and 3 and 4 protocals all operating in conjunction with each other to reduce transactional fees, while big BTC holders have removed themselves from society entirely and live quiet lives away from prying eyes and potential thieves in lavish estates, those who have not been plundered yet. 96% of all BTC is lost, with the remaining 3.97% being held by national apparatuses, anyone still hanging onto real BTC being extremely wealthy. 13 times BTC was deemed unfit and illegal to trade, and 4 times it had become illegal to hold, and you were incentivized to sell whatever BTC you had to national programs in exchange for "better" alternatives. Each of these events was like a test, cold wallet holders could forfeit their unusable currencies now for a usable one, or hold out for when this new program fizzled out and BTC would once again, with less supply, grow tremendously in value. In the end, no government action, no matter how legitimate, threatening or convincing, was able to topple BTC's ultimate value in favor of some alternative.

>> No.58476706

Cold wallet holders, hiders, memorizers, jailed, bribed, and tortured for their keys, would either pass or fail these waves of tests and pressure, and eventually, when tides turned and descendants were made, those able to keep secrets, cryptography their "grocery shopping list" and hang onto their keys would pass them down. Eventually a variety of "official" layer 2 etc projects were developed by governments that had amassed enough BTC through these coercive exchange programs, so completely diverging (divorce) from BTC was no longer necessary. Citizens of nations began trading pieces of sats, coined "sadsats" within the nationalized layer 2, then 3, then 4 protocols. Eventually this graphed and stitched nationalized BTC system became standard globally, within and outside Cerulea, with other nations having their own additive national layers grafted onto their state-assessed(accumulated)(stolen)(absorbed) bitcoin, with the Cerulean Empire holding onto the vast majority of the pool, a massive 3,890 coins. The vast quantity of Ceruleas sum of the bitcoin created a specter of the inevitable indebted global scenario much like the American empire preceeding it had briefly accomplished prior to the latter 21st century, but the inability for federal printing, loaning, social security-style future lending, and other bartering with this resource, combined with Ceruleas more reserved and conservative global meddling, the "new Dollar" so far never took on the same Omnipotence for any one nationthat its so-called predecessor did. Cerulea did not control BTC, though it did seem like it had, therefor even small nations with one tiny fraction of BTC could simply leverage what they had and layer-2 the juice out of it. Still, the lingering possibility prevented all other nations from challenging any hostile scenario against them. However, they did try to incentivize Cerulean BTC holders to move, with plans to absorb their assets after settling in.

>> No.58476711

Temperate climate nations to the East and West and South all incentivized "infinite" wealth in a new nation for an exchange of fractions of real BTC, "the real deal" "true money" etc etc. Some did this, living lavish lifestyles in far away lands, becoming drunk on the finest wines, indulging in endless, ageless prostitutes employed by their state apparatuses, taking whatever they wanted from the lands and its people. The Cerulean empire cracked down on this, making it more difficult, then illegal, to leave so long as BTC was thought to be in the possession, the mind, of a citizen. Cerulean BTC holders were both the wealthiest class in Cerulea, but also imprisoned by their own nation within their lavish estates. They would get caught up in small crimes, again and again mired in attempts to be wrestled out of their coins. The state would monitor and record conversations had with children, for an attempt to find out the keys. Some holders would just give them up, it was less stressful just to not hold onto this "true wealth". Others became King Reagent like our Arjen, personal heir to a fortune of a whopping 14 Bitcoin.

>> No.58476714

damn bro, that's very cool but taking your meds is even cooler

>> No.58476735

The only reason I don't read long schizo posts anymore is because my eyes aren't what they used to be. Had a lot of fun reading these on /x/ back in the day. How do I profit from this?

>> No.58477760

Schizometer is off the charts bro. Can't even read this. Anyone have a two-sentence summary?

>> No.58477776

Jet fuel can't melt Bitcoin. Gongo up.

>> No.58477797

Zoom in retard. ctrl-+. It's like 6/10 interesting.

You're about 10 years too late. SEC already approved BTC ETFs. It's basically a recognized asset at this point and legal tender in at least one sovereign nation (El Salvador).

Your next fanfiction should be about government regulation hamstringing bitcoin and everyone switching to xmr, which does have this kind of cyberpunk government crackdown that everyone just kinda resists.

>> No.58477799

alright, alright
damn anon, I wanted to be lazy today..

>> No.58478130

Maybe I was too harsh. But I do wind up zooming in on walls of text too and I'm only 32. I miss my rotated vertical monitor, it was so cash for reading 4chan.

>> No.58478145

kek you weren't too harsh
I need new glasses I think but I'm in my mid 30s

>> No.58478174

>How do I profit from this?
speech to text -> post to youtube -> get ad revenue from othe rpeoples schizophrenic breaks

>> No.58478192

hmm maybe

>> No.58478217

I asked chatgpt to summarize it into something readable:

> This forum post delves into a speculative future where Bitcoin (BTC) has become the dominant global currency. It describes a world where BTC holders, particularly those with significant amounts, face numerous challenges and pressures from governments and societal changes.
> Key points:
> 1. BTC Management: BTC is managed through complex layers of protocols to reduce transaction fees. Many big BTC holders have secluded themselves in luxurious estates to avoid theft.
> 2. BTC Ownership: Only a small percentage of BTC remains in circulation, with most being lost. National governments hold a significant portion, making those who still possess BTC extremely wealthy.
> 3. Government Intervention: Governments have attempted to regulate and control BTC through various means, including coercion and exchange programs. However, BTC's value remains resilient.
> 4. Layered Nationalized Systems: Governments develop their own layers of protocols on top of BTC, creating a nationalized system of trading known as "sadsats."
> 5. Cerulean Empire: A powerful entity in this future scenario, holding a vast amount of BTC. Other nations are wary of challenging it due to its BTC reserves.
> 6. Incentives and Restrictions: Governments incentivize BTC holders to move and relinquish their assets, but crackdowns and restrictions are imposed to prevent BTC holders from leaving.
> 7. Wealth and Imprisonment: BTC holders are both the wealthiest and most imprisoned class in society, facing constant pressure and surveillance from the state.
> 8, Individual Stories: The post mentions specific individuals, like King Reagent Arjen, who inherit significant amounts of BTC and navigate the challenges of their wealth.
> Overall, the post paints a dystopian picture of a world where BTC ownership comes with immense wealth but also significant constraints and risks.

I guess it's a variant of the old Citadels meme?

>> No.58478316

hey I'm the OP, so the point of this post is that in the future, past the American empire when the next major empire reigns, BTC will be held by less and less people as currencies get inflated away. it's just a fun fictional scenario, but I do think it's not unlikely, also, BTC ETFs are layer 2s that are officiated currently because governments know that they can't defeat BTC.

>> No.58480388
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yeah sorry my dude i aint readding allat, i've been trading for 3 months and my only token is pajamas and i've already outperformed the expected btc ath % of profits and i dont need a whole ass paragraph to explain why im morally superior, so maybe, just maybe, you're completely retarded