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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58469887 No.58469887 [Reply] [Original]

foxbros it's getting closer... anon, you boughted the dip right? ....right?

i will hackproof my undies

>> No.58469925


>> No.58469981

Im happy with my 34mil apu. Hope it works out for you frens!

>> No.58470002
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Closer to what? Going to zero?

>> No.58470043

No need to seethe, if you missed 0.00005 this is a great entry point! They are actually building stuff!

>> No.58470858
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Probably nothing

>> No.58470932

critical bug found. should I report it for a guaranteed bounty? or hope no one else finds it and potentially exploit for more?

>> No.58471002
File: 795 KB, 1179x1175, IMG_1836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a linkie (everyone bought at 10 cents, muh partnerships, muh technology). I won’t be taking investment advice from you.

>> No.58471033

It's NFA no one is forcing you! You are your own man! (or woman)

>> No.58472514

i love this little fox

>> No.58472716

My biggest criticism and concern outside of the delays is that we have heard little to nothing about their main product, the arcade. The arcade IS the original idea behind AVI, and it's been almost a year now since launch with almost nothing to show for it. I personally don't care about the bridge nor did I buy avi because of it. I don't see people flooding in to buy avi because of the bridge, so they really need to start focusing on marketing and developing the arcade.

The arcade itself is going to take a ton of work to be in a functional / safe to use state. We still have to go through the testnet phase of that along with any auditing that needs to be done. Given the lack of news we have on the arcade, I don't see anything major happening any time soon. I'd love for anyone from the team to prove me wrong.

>> No.58472936
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true, a lot of the focus has been on getting this bridge, especially publicly- but i wouldnt say theres been nothing
theyve shown off some in-house games, transactions of their reward payout system already working, a few different UI screenshots, a social aspect where you can add friends...
they also pretty recently showed off a picture of that pudgy penguins game already being hosted played on the arcade in the tg that id need to dig for, and we still get occasional updates from the in-house game dev guys, too
id like to start hearing more about it as well, but at the very least, i dont think theyll be starting from scratch once the bridge is up or anything.
it seems like a majority of the work is done

>> No.58473000
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making that last post, i realized something
i got in early and swear i remember the only selling point being the arcade, despite the token being on mainnet and the arcade being planned for base
the skybridge wasnt announced until much later, but creating it logically had to of been their plan from the beginning
they said they had been planning everything in aviator out for many months before launching the token as well, which i completely believe
i wont get schizo, but did they start planning ALL of this out the exact nanosecond base was announced or something?
unless im wrong, public knowledge of base even existing wasnt that long ago at all, much less actually being able to use it

>> No.58473426

Back to 3 to 1 mod/bagholder tg ratio??? Now just need to wait for next enzo

>> No.58474277

>it seems like a majority of the work is done
I hope so. I could be mistaken but I thought I remember them talking about it being in beta back around Jan/Feb. Hopefully they talk more about that and showcase it more on the next ama.

>the skybridge wasnt announced until much later, but creating it logically had to of been their plan from the beginning
I used to say this very thing in some of the older threads but I think it's all just coincidental, or maybe that's how they want it to appear from the outside. There hasn't been much info to show that there is some type of interest between cbase/avi besides that schizo posting. It could be by design since everyone has to play it cool especially since entities are seemingly trying to play by the rules for regulative purposes.

>> No.58474450

Another day, another dump. Bros, at the very least, we better do what gala did in the bear market

>> No.58474458

The schizo posting is all you guys have anymore, but it’s absolutely retarded, let’s be honest. They don’t have industry connections. Stickle is a 25 year old kid that just got out of school. None of them have real work experience.
>muh ex shib team
Ok… so one or two of them maybe might have been cc’d on an email chain once with someone who worked at coinbase at the time. That’s not a meaningful business connection. Coinbase isn’t holding them up like some golden child. They are no different than any other crypto team as far as coinbase is concerned

>> No.58474475

What did gala do in the bear market

>> No.58474540

>Stickle is a 25 year old kid
A 25 year old crypto kid. Kek. Makes sense why these fucking zoomers have been so slow.

>> No.58474583

I can’t even stand going in the TG anymore. Everytime known bots/traders buy back in, they hey cheer about how good of a recovery this is while knowing that they’re only going to dump it all again for a quick $300 profit. It’s tiring as fuck seeing the same pattern over and over. I’ve been holding avi for almost a year now and I don’t know whether to just round trip this shit all the way down or sell for the low profits. I don’t think I’d be able to cope if it went back up

We never reached anywhere near what gala did in the bear market. If we did, I would’ve been retired by now

>> No.58474672

We haven't seen a proper bull run and avi mainnet on base yet, why on earth sell now if you're not desperate for the cash.

>> No.58474945

They have no product yet why would coinbase go out and brag about them before they release mainnet and/or the arcade? The team were invited to an invite-only seminar about the coinbase smart wallet. They handpicked them for the invite. Why were you or me not invited? kek

calm your titties everything except the frogs are down, if you didn't buy into the frogs that were shilled for months then that's on you, no need to go on sui watch

>> No.58475011

>We haven't seen a proper bull run
Yea but the real question is if avi will be ready by then. If we are to go by previous cycles, we’re pretty close to the next run up. Unless they announce something worthwhile during the next ama (they won’t) it’s looking like we will probably miss out on the hype this run

>> No.58475046

>if you didn't buy into the frogs that were shilled for months then that's on you
Sure, let me just buy $1k of all the shit that gets shilled here and hope I get lucky on 1. Retard

>they got invited by cbase
Prove it. No, don’t give me a screen cap of kerasu saying it happened because I could just as easily say I was invited as well

>> No.58475075

I'm not in the team how the fuck can I prove it, I'm just like you, but why the fuck would he lie about it when they are in talks with jesse, how dumb are you

Save your questions for the AMA and ask the real stuff if you are so concerned? that's what the AMAs are for

Well... APU was obvious, so is AVI you would still be up 30-40x since it was first shilled

>> No.58475118

I was invited to a mina hackathon last month. does that make me a mina insider? you think attending a zoom call coinbase was presenting about their wallet is somehow indicative of insider connections? come on dude....

>> No.58475146

if you subscribe to the right newsletters, you too will get the invite emails from coinbase.

>> No.58475220

Depends on what you consider as ready. The arcade is a big question mark.

>> No.58475233

They are doing everything they can by the book to appeal to cb if they didn't have connections while hinting so it would just be weird, I understand you hate the project with a passion but try to see the bigger picture, they are aiming to be around for the long haul and nothing seem to phase them. That if anything is a good indication, project isn't even 1 year old. If it was a backpage subscriber invitation or not, I don't know, but they are actively doing their best, like paying for the hacken audit out of pocket and getting a 10/10.

There is an appeal for the bridge and the arcade for cb that's just the reality. One of a kind bridge, one of a kind web3 gaming platform, investing is about taking risks, this is about as risky as it gets but the rewards are potentially equally large.

>> No.58475290

devs of base projects that have direct communication with jesse didnt get invites
you werent in attendance unless they specifically knew you, what youre making, and that youre providing genuine utility to base

>> No.58475428

Tell em... biz doesn't understand the utility skybridge will bring for cb let alone the arcade, this is exactly what they want. If they don't promote it, they would be dumb.

>> No.58475710

>What did gala do in the bear market
I just realized I misread your post. Im a retard. I think they were 600m+

>> No.58475736
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...after being 5bil from the previous bull run.
it ate shit during the bear market

>> No.58475842

>how dumb are you?
Not dumb enough to blindly accept everything that they say without proof.
>why would they lie?
I can think of at least one good reason. The price keeps going lower by the day and holder sentiment is low. Yeah, everything‘s obvious and hindsight

>> No.58475859

>Lies about a seminar
It's over

>> No.58475866

Ready for me means a functioning product with marketing behind it (ie. not in testing)

>> No.58475906

Is this a good buy or is it going to zero?

>> No.58475919

Could be really good or really bad. With everything laid out, I'm betting on the first option.

>> No.58475949

if you think base will come back and do well, this is literally one of the only utility projects for it.
the utility is great, too