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File: 2.29 MB, 1594x2232, 60d484177612b25cb08249e9_Sergey-Nazarov-CEO-Chainlink-on-Insureblocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58461967 No.58461967 [Reply] [Original]

And you will be happy

>> No.58461989

why are you people still here posting about this token that nobody new to the market cares about lol? I made a ton on BAPU and BOME

>> No.58462002

lol link is trading at the funny number right now

>> No.58462041

I bet you're really popular at parties

>> No.58462468

Certainly more so than a link holder thats for sure

>> No.58462492

Its just a really tired meme at this point. No one is holding LINK, it was something people bought in 2016 and sold when it pumped. Some managed to hit ATH, some sold between 5-15$, most made a good profit. No one actually buys and holds LINK as an investment, that's simply too retarded, I can't believe people like that actually exist.

>> No.58462504

>buying LINK in 2016

>> No.58462601

That was the pre pre sale.

>> No.58463093

>he knows when link was launched

>> No.58463739
File: 105 KB, 1024x725, 20240513_180535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumped 10k LINK into APU. Now I can afford 300k LINK but I don't even feel like I wanna buy a single LINK. In fact I just dump my last 200 LINK into BTC. Best decision ever.

>> No.58463824

It seems everyone is dumping their bags. I may likely follow suit even if I'm holding in profit. sell to participate in peaq launch on coinlist.

>> No.58465571

Cringe. Grow up, college is over and you’re old

>> No.58466011 [DELETED] 


>> No.58466039 [DELETED] 
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Some are still in their hungry growing phase with huge upside remaining

>> No.58466435

>hasn't been to a party since college and has zero social contact
kek this is why you're so bitter, buddy

>> No.58467213

And you'll miss out on rally like SUPRA and you'll condemn yourself to depression for being a faggot

>> No.58467753
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>kek this is why you're so bitter, buddy
Do tell us more.

>> No.58467772

kek his boyfriend came rescue

>> No.58467966

Ironic, dont forget to take adems cock out your mouth, faggot.

>> No.58468075

the chart tho

>> No.58468432

Since CCIP launched, it has earned $685,000 in fees. In less than a month, Sirgay has paid for 3 HR roasties' salaries. If this continues, he will pay for about 40 HR roasties per year with CCIP fees. Only 460 more to go!
We are SO fucking back.

>> No.58469006

I sold mine for some NAI, so I'm not bothered anymore

>> No.58469269

There is no difference between the two

>> No.58469348

I'm also holding NAI, but I don't see myself selling all my LINK for the token

>> No.58469493

Can we see the math?

>> No.58469919

reminds me of 2020 when link was struggling at 4.5$ before it pumped... or not honestly I held since 2017 all in so it's either this or seppuku, I didn't sell in 2021 and thought we'd go to 100$ at least, last 4 years have been brutal, if everything pumped again in 2024/2025 and link doesn't do shit I'm going to fly to the US and gun for sergey in minecraft, there is no way I'll seppuku without taking a few jews and jew friendly individuals with me.

>> No.58469964

Dune shows $685,000. CLL LinkedIn shows 565 employees.

500 of those being HR roasties is probably being generous to the integrity of CLL. In reality it is more like 550

>> No.58469968
File: 11 KB, 288x337, IMG_1546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everyone honestly dumping their LINK? Even people holding from the beginning? I can’t figure out whether I’m being psyop’d or not, I’ve been buying LINK for a while now each pay day but I’m starting to think I’m just wasting my money on this shit if everyone’s letting go of it.

>> No.58469970

CLL LinkedIn:

>> No.58470047
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>> No.58470241

I know it’s a meme but honestly I’m tempted to just get rid of my stinky little cubes and move on. I only have 1k so it’s not like it’s life changing or anything but holy shit the price action is so bad.

Years back I truly believed in the breadcrumbs. Nothing has materialised… CCIP was a flop and the usage has fallen off a cliff. All the partnerships seem to be complete bullshit, maybe even falsified by Sergey to try and soak up investor funds.

I dunno man. Been buying for the last year, but it’s never felt more over than now.

>> No.58470305

Haha that's so funny. Imagine if the use just stayed the same and none of the banks and institutions began using it as planned! We'd be stuffed, wouldn't we? lol funny image.

>> No.58470318
File: 156 KB, 1033x1280, IMG_20240514_124703_067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what made us pump from 20 cents to 50 usd even with only price feed. It's apu.

Now imagine what APU would do on it's own without sergey keep dumping to pay the roasties.

>> No.58470461

yeah I got out of LINK once it became obvious he was consciously suppressing the price. He doesn't give a shit about us, just himself and his VC buddies.
At least memes don't pull that shit, very straightforward

>> No.58470502

I only have $25k or so in link, if I dump this shit I could get my stack close to one whole bitcoin. But I'm starting to think it's over for chainlink, it's just another diamond dozen alt trying to solve a problem that doesn't exsist.

>> No.58471067
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>I don't see myself selling all my LINK for the token
Literally me, link holds a special place in my heart, it's going to melt faces, it's one of my web3 project I picked during the dip alongside with push protocol, another low-key banger, that focuses on decentralized and transparent on-chain notification

>> No.58471917

I made over 10X on QAN, am feeling like Elon RN

>> No.58472616

Drug addict opinions like their lives don’t matter

>> No.58472638

It’s extremely sad to see the elderly acting like they’re still in college

>> No.58474154

This is the type of FUD that makes me feel like you fuckers are paid astroturfers. I'd understand selling cause you don't like the price action, but to disregard the fact that Chainlink is essentially underpinning the entire industry, and the entire RWA shift is just ignorant.

>> No.58474167 [DELETED] 
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every day is alt season

>> No.58477219

You miss the SUPRA TGE, you regret not buying.

>> No.58477298

>having doubts about something that is 1/3 of my liquid NW
>you're just a paid shill
Damn, you can't even comprehend the possibility that we're all wrong?

>> No.58477437

Are you going to acknowledge my point faggot?
>but to disregard the fact that Chainlink is essentially underpinning the entire industry, and the entire RWA shift is just ignorant

>> No.58477521

Underpining what industry? The dog shitcoin industry or the frog coin industry? Defi summer happened entirely because of chainlink and yet it captured only a small portion of its value.
Where is the push for RWA tokenization by real businesses? A hypothetical academic talk with Sergey is not the same as adoption, especially since so much of the security and derivative industry is dependent on dishonesty and cannot function with transparency.

>> No.58477757

Price feed were subsidized back then so of course the value barely accrued in the token. Ffs staking wasn't even out and even now there isn't any slashing. 97% of banks agree that tokenization will be revolutionary, yet you don't think there is any push for it by real businesses? Stop being a disingenuous piece of shit.

>> No.58477762 [DELETED] 

checked faggot, 1KEOY.

>> No.58477779 [DELETED] 


>> No.58477809

I've been holding since 2017 and I'm contemplating dumping 25% of it into meme coins right now, it's just that there is no reason why new comers would buy link of all things now

>> No.58477813

I'm going with the other 3%

>> No.58477832

>Underpining what industry?
Banking. dyor dawg ;)))

>> No.58477888

>97% of banks agree that tokenization will be revolutionary,
those same banks were all saying in 2017 that
>bitcoin is bad but blockchain is a very useful technology
just to virtue signal how much of a tech-friendly boomers they are, it's all BS, if you think otherwise then please tell me whats stopping all the banks and financial institutions from utilizing chainlink and tokenizing real world stuff?

>> No.58477954

reddit is that way

>> No.58477992

sure. the gov will let that happen

>> No.58477997

Do you think Sergey has orgies with them? If not, why else would he keep the show running? Baggie humiliation?

>> No.58477998

>diamond dozen
fucking pottery

>> No.58479891

Perhaps it's because they're holding shitcoins. For those of us holding utility tokens, especially DePIN altcoins, there's no reason to dump them as they're poised for significant growth.

>> No.58480084

>underpinning the entire industry
Dude the “industry” at this point isn’t really much more than blatant scams and meme coins. Everyone knows the latter have no fundamentals behind them and the whole shebang is just a casino to gamble at. DeFi wasn’t much more than gambling and NFT games with economics mirroring a ponzi scheme.

>the entire RWA shift
Look at this from a bigger picture perspective - do you think people are going to trust their assets being tied into these big abstract digital technologies that they don’t understand? Or do you think average Joe Blow would rather have custodianship of their asset with a trusted organisation?

I can see the benefit of trustless ownership, but I don’t think most people are going to be comfortable with that. People don’t trust technology, and Chainlink is creating a solution for a problem that doesn’t really exist.

>> No.58480138

Its sad.
Im thinking right along these lines too and I think a lot of long term holders are. We aren’t just disappointed in Sergey and Chainlink, its a realisation that the entire crypto “industry” has been a let down.
Investing in link, for me, back in 2018 was a way to invest in the future of crypto with exponentially less risk, as anything serious was going to need Chainlink if successful.

Turned out nothing cared for doing that anyway, which is why its devolved to memes. Chainlink made many mistakes but they cant really do much about tht. I will say that Sergey made a similar mistake to us(but not a forgivable one in his position) of assuming the industry would screw want to grow and then need Chainlink technologies to do so. He scaled his company too much towards expecting that. So now he has 650 on the payroll, and has been dumping for years to fund that anticipating a market which doesn’t exist.
That has exaggerated the poor performance, but its not like other serious projects aren’t doing shit. Just less shit because they had the foresight not to hyper scale as they probably knew this was potentially on the horizon.

It’s got to the point i’d much rather invest my money in my own business these days. Incan triple what i invest just flipping shit on the side. The margin is ok. Its not a 10x. Not a 20x. However at least im in control of it and can get that 3x… rather than holding LINK 7 years, the last 4 of which has resulted in it being 50% what it was in 2020 even.

>> No.58480926

Lmao just buy some frogcoins you fucking retards and stop doomposting.
Crypto is for gains, the chainlink bet didn't play out so you look for new opportunities instead of being fixated on a dead 2017 alt.

>> No.58481056

>the gov
which government controls the international banking community (which itself is telling us it's coming)? Your government? That's so cute lol

>> No.58481174

Niggers commit half of all crime!

>> No.58481473

Not interested in gambling.
Thats why invested in LINK years ago. My investment just didn’t pay off and link is shit.

Rather put money into my business than gamble. Crypto is a failure

>> No.58481488

>not interested in gambling
>gets into crypto
>got convinced that his one special vaporware utility shitcoin was somehow not gambling

Lmao, you got psyopped hard
Enjoy missing out on gains because your one bet didn't pan out

>> No.58481505

Im happy to avoid crypto other than BTC if it means not gambling.
You dont win with gambling.
Investing is how you do it. Investing doesn’t guarantee anything though. Its just better than gambling.

Even ETH is a failure. The crypto industry chose to become a casino and nothing except that. Therefore its only for indians and third worlders who think they can make it gambling.

>> No.58481515


>> No.58484090
File: 440 KB, 866x846, 1644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold all my link because the autotrader bot i programmed with flur ai told me we're going to zero so now i get to leave the marine ship without feeling guilty because its not my fault, im not a traitor to my linkies, its the machine's fault. Its a win win

>> No.58484217

Are those sidelines in the room with us right now?

>> No.58484300

>selling his linkies
oh no... oh no no no no. the fudsissies got to you

>> No.58484437

You were saying?

>> No.58484470

Not all who give themselves the DePIN tag would make it at the longterm though. Got to gave that unique utility like the decentralized data marketplaces, AI/LLM training models, GPU computing etc

>> No.58484485

Proudly stinky.

>> No.58484614

Congratulations you successfully posted the bottom signal

>> No.58484733

Decentralized data marketplaces? Are you living on Lala land now?

>> No.58484741

The context of this post has totally swapped now. Sergey staring deep into nolinkers souls. Fuddies on suicide watch. Blessed linkies

>> No.58485369

I'll be fucked if you say you've never come across Ocean's data marketplace or Nuklai, the more decentralized option. Kek

>> No.58487611

LINK has had its chance. Probably SUPRA and other newgen oracle will deliver better tokenomics.

>> No.58487746

>Nuklai, the more decentralized option.
Is this live now?

>> No.58487996

Beta product is running on Avalanche
TGE was in April
Blockchain testnet coming up soon.

>> No.58488003

I'm 25/75 BTC/alts so I'm eager

>> No.58488114

I still hold my LINK and other altcoins that I think will give me a good ROI in the long run, including NXRA, HBAR, and DUA. Ignore the FUD.