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58463853 No.58463853 [Reply] [Original]

Instead I got greedy and now I've suffered 3 years of hell bagholding one of the alts that isn't recovering. My life is a genuine living hell and there's no end in sight.

>> No.58463868

Just be yourself and it will work itself out

>> No.58464233

how much do u have now in total?

>> No.58464240

Let me guess, you're holding LINK?

>> No.58464733

I lost my life savings pretty much. I can only hope another bullrun happens and I get another chance,I need like a 500x basically.

>> No.58464741

Yeah same. 1.4m to 300k. Sucks but I figure it will recover someday.

>> No.58465141

What are u holding

>> No.58465169

I had a similar thought in 2018 when I realized I could have sold in December 2017 near the peak even though it was slightly below my "make it" number.
Of course, I was holding Bitcoin, so I just had to wait for the next cycle and everything was right as rain. I got mid-7 figs of filthy fiat selling half of it, and the other half is still riding to this day.
Was I thrilled I had to wait another 4 years? Not exactly, but it wasn't a disaster.
Your shitcoin bags though? Now that is a rough deal.
As for me, I'm waiting another 1 or 5 years to grab 8 figs of filthy fiat and let the rest ride.
Will I be able to get to 9 figs someday with my dumb, boring, slow strategy? Who knows.

>> No.58466331
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>I've suffered 3 years of hell bagholding
I've changed my bags so many times that I've lost count, now I have KENDU and I'm doing fine with it, but I'm still afraid that the bear will come back to fuck everything up, again

>> No.58467181

Fantom. Same as I was when I was 1.4m.

>> No.58467336

Always take some profits. Posts like these are tempting me to sell my last remaining corns.
>sold peak and bought a house
>still have to wageslave to maintain it and pay taxes and buy food

>> No.58467394


it's a ghost chain

>> No.58467524

Most chains are basically ghost chains other than eth at this point. Sonic will release, chain incentives will bring back the traffic, and it will be the premier shitcoin casino during the next alt run. It's the only chain at this moment with any real generational wealth upside.

>> No.58470290


I coped like you but eventually came to realize to just buy bitcoin.

>> No.58471076

Same but in 2018

>> No.58471096
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Same.. feels bad bro

>> No.58471254

You can right your wrong, DCA into AAST maybe you will make it

>> No.58472984

No, I mean how much capital do you have in total as of now

>> No.58472989

Sorry meant to say this to >>58467181

>> No.58473167
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I already accepted that i will never be smart enough to analyse the market by myself and started using flur ai to predict the market, my bags are up 45% since i started using it and my brain is smooth and comfy having accepted the reality that im a bum

>> No.58473200

I’ve been seeing you comment this shit under every thread. You could at least try to help your shill by giving points as to why it would be useful. The fact that your stupid group wants full control over my wallet, the fact that your site has zero past performance and the fact that your roadmap is absolute garbage proves ur a scam

>> No.58473227
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i am in fucking hell right now
i am sick to my stomach

>> No.58473257

been in low 6-figure hell for months
At the height of the last bull market I was mid-high 6 figure hell and was so close to a million I could taste it. I'm 100% BTC atm now though so it's a slick 4x and I'll /makeit/

>> No.58473278

the bridge got hacked

nobody with money will use it ever again

>> No.58474482

Well I mostly just buy Bitcoin now. I'm not putting more money into alts. I've got enough.

I have 250k. I bought most around 1c kek. Wish I grabbed more fantom instead of stink.

Nah. This market is spastic and really never remembers shit like that when the market is hungry for gains. There's now officially endorsed USDC out there and will probably turn into native. I don't know why circle insisted on not going native but whatever

>> No.58475875

How much would you consider making it? don't forget to add in taxes

>> No.58475901

>Nah. This market is spastic and really never remembers shit like that when the market is hungry for gains
yeah ok buddy why dont you go buy harmony one while youre at it. just buy coins with hundreds of millions of rugged bridge tokens that no one uses anymore. great strategy!!

>> No.58475933

I hope people like you are americans where it is only good for a shitty cardboard house and shitty modern car with some pocket money left. $1M is my make it goal. I can invest half of it in s&p 500 and by the time I run out of the other half I will be able to withdrawl millions more in eastern europe.

>> No.58476731

Harmony is dead because the team is absolutely fucking retarded and tried to dump a bunch of harmony to back the assets. They continued to pitch bad plans, and the CEO is the dumbest fucking brick out there. If the bridge exploit didn't kill harmony, then something else would have.

TVL is increasing, the tech is improving,and fantom now has "officially endorsed" USDC. Which is basically one step behind native, but can't win them all. Circle's always been really weird with fantom

>> No.58476844

Why do you keep hodling? What's the reasoning? Just beccause you "feel" it'll go up?

>> No.58476869

>could've sold
Could of*

>> No.58476873

$1.5m would let me comfortably sit on $1m after taxes and a fat downpayment on a home + daily/emergency fund
After that I have enough to throw around to ETFs and back into Bitcoin after crypto winter that I'd never have to worry about working a day in my life ever again

>> No.58477152
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Ngmi. LINK is dead, SUPRA DIA PYTH is fast rising.

>> No.58477206

>$1.5m would let me comfortably sit on $1m after taxes and a fat downpayment on a home + daily/emergency fund
how much do you expect to live off with just 1m? seems like you'd need to be really frugal, but adding to an etf and bitcoin is my bet as well. I personally wouldn't quit my comfy remote 100k+ job until I'm at least 2m, maybe 3m

>> No.58477319

I think there's more exciting tech and promise on the horizon than anything else. It's that simple. Risk vs reward is higher.

>> No.58477333

>I think there's more exciting tech and promise on the horizon than anything else. It's that simple. Risk vs reward is higher.
Also I've already got my cut of blood when I sold a third of my stack. Don't get me wrong I regret not selling the top but I'm not really concerned since it's performing better than a lot of my other holdings in the top 100.

>> No.58477358

FACT, crypto payment is the next trend

>> No.58477407

well, good luck to u man. i feel like crypto is best to grow small bags into medium sized ones, but to grow medium into large you need more stability.

>> No.58479827

Do you think you’ll ever invest that money into the stock market? I feel like due to crypto’s inherent nature of being unregulated and easily manipulated without repercussion, you can never truly be confident in what you hold.

Or let me ask you this. What’s stopping you from putting that money into the stock market?

>> No.58479977
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niggy trusted every alt instead of a bullish dogcoin such as VINU

>> No.58481436

if you mean why don't i put it into the market by selling into it its because i crave bigger gains. I invest instocks, 401k, IRAs regularly though. My combined balance in that front is about 85k. So financially, I'd think I'm doing well. Then I have another 100k in BTC, ETH, and some other alts sprinkled in. Yeah, sucks to know my net worth hit seven figures at one point and I didn't sell (I was under duress because of vax mandate bullshit and it really clouded my judgement) but all things considered, I'm still financially quite successful for a 29 year old male I think.

>> No.58482444

Exact same situation, still don't understand how I got psyoped into thinking 7 figures wasn't enough and we wuz gon 8 figures n shieeet.

>> No.58483583

bigger gains? how much returns are you expecting on an annual basis? and whats ur final cash goal? And yeh, ur not doing bad for late 20s.

>> No.58483589

Lost my girlfriend too

>> No.58483643

So I'm ashamed to admit I got way too greedy, but I peeked at $1.4m. I took some profits, put it into the WRONG choices in the name of "diversity" and I should have sold more. I had a sell target in my head that I would sell everything and walk away. I did not hit that. For me it was Fantom at $4. I thought it would hit that, seemed so then close, but then it just took a beating and pounding and fell.

I'm still optimistic that fantom will head back to a similar range next bullrun. Price action for fantom is pretty good at this point in time. I think the floor might still be in the 50-60 cent range.
Overall, I'd like to try and hit $2m before I seriously start looking to change my strategy. I'm fully employed, making half decent money, and I might be getting a promotion soon. I've set up myself to have a decent safety net fund of 6-12 months, I have more stable investments I contribute to, so I can afford to play degenerate for big numbers. I don't really buy crypto at this moment in time and I don't really plan to until I shore up other finances so there's less of a gap between my index funds, retirement account, debt, OTHER crypto, and fantom.

I think it'd suck if it crashed to zero, but I just don't see a world where fantom goes to zero and everything else in the space is peachy other than buttcoin. Even with student loans, I'm still in the mid 300ks net worth wise. So I'll just stick it out, see where I wind up, continue to use my other funds

>> No.58483689

The way i see it, ur looking at fantom the same way people look at SPY: it'll keep slowly climbing long term.

But there's a real big difference between an ETF that's been around for decades and has a ton of history backing it up and a crypto coin that is relatively new by comparison. you are right in saying it wont go to zero, but look at how many coins there are that have dropped -90% after just a few years. You already know about a popular one, the link bagholders.

I always believe that if you have a few thousand, might as well toss it into crypto and hopefully 2x or 5x ur cash. but when youre 6-7 figures, putting your money into such a volatile investment is tough. You had the chance to cash out and move on to greener pastures but you got greedy. Who's to say you wont do the same thing again?

I know of some people who made it big off of BTC's previous bull runs, and then they cycled those profits into smaller coins hoping they would follow only for the opposite to happen. profits down the drain.

MY question to you is this: Do you trust yourself to properly take profits this time around? What's changed?

>> No.58483820
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I think I needed to go through the euphoria and depression to really understand how fleeting stuff like this could be. I was obsessed with "the top" back then. As I said, the duress of just the general shit going on with losing my job, some personal shit, made my judgement insanely clouded. I had never experienced this before. I'd be happy as a pickle if I had sold back then.

I think the entire 4 years were a great lesson for me. It's really changed how I allocate my portfolio. I now am pretty iron clad with my stable side of my pond and retirement. That's let me plan more long term, but take greater risks with other assets. I'd like to build my wealth as fast as possible, but I don't want to risk it all on red or black. I now have a plan in case life does go wrong (lose my job? ok, drain savings -> Take profits if I'm massively up, else try and drain from the stable investments taking less of a beating). I have tried to construct a portfolio that can allow me to weather severe economic turmoil. That alone has granted me a lot of peace of mind.

As far as the rest though? It's hard to say. I believe I'm more capable of recognizing my own euphoria and depression. I was still young when I had that level of money. Life hadn't gotten too real. It didn't feel real. So I made bad calls. "No way it can ever get that bad" and then it got much worse. I now realize I can be comfortable NOT hitting the top. Take your winnings, be patient, wait for the right opportunity. Create your targets, stick with it, walk away. I have a tendency to still go halfsies. When I trade options, I usually always cash out half whenever I 2x my money. Same with other shit.

I do believe I am a bit married to my bags. No hiding it. But I do think I'm more practical now about gains, and I sell some from time to time just to continue locking in profits. I think that's the best thing I've learned. Take more profits. If it does run that high? You'll make even more.

>> No.58483832

Also, I'd say I view fantom more like a volatile stock in the NASDAQ. I expect the nasdaq (BTC, ETH, broader market) to continue to climb. In a real euphoric situaiton, I expect those other aspects to pump even more, but I believe it still has merits that will let it perform almost as well.

I like a lot about the prospects fantom has. Technology is great. Andre is a fuckhead, but they've slow walked a lot of things. The multichain shit is probably the worst offender here. I think lots of chains have potential, and I of course have exposure, but I think fantom as a tech is bulletproof and I want to see what comes next. The only one I really feel the same towards other than ETH is probably AVAX. I think they have novel ideas.

>> No.58483860

if you had put that $1mm in basically risk free bonds you would have made around 40-50,000 a year in interest, that's enough to live off of, you could have retired.

>> No.58483861

That's the best train of thought to go about it: taking profits on the way up. Sure, you may lose out on some potential profits but what's the alternative? Be left bagholding? lol. If anything, locking in profits let's you play more aggressively with what you have left because you're in the green already.

I tried to buy Crypto and even trade crypto futures but it just never worked out for me. I never saw success in it. since starting trading options and stocks, ive found great success and honestly ive made money in such an easy manner idk why more people don't do it. I try to preach safer and smarter investing, not just in stocks but also in crypto like setting hard stop losses and taking profits, b ut a lot of /biztards are just degenerates who think the shitcoin they invested in 5 years ago that has been stagnant at -90% will suddenly bounce to 10x baggers because... Just because, okay!

>> No.58484549

Have you fully leveraged on the current trend of AI and DePin? Tokens are launching with 18x profit margins. Hope you're not just watching from the sidelines?

>> No.58484593
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not to mention the name "fur air"

fuck off furries

>> No.58484597

get the bag

>> No.58484744

Which alts are giving that much profits in this shitty market conditions?

>> No.58484760

I had 57k link at some point, sold it all for 0,40 and then lost it by gambling on another shitcoin
You're doing lords work by having the guts to hold for that long
You will definitely make it

>> No.58484764

100% all in on $TSLA Let's Goooo!!!

>> No.58484765

Peaks and valleys nigga

>> No.58484770

welcome to crypto. I'm sure you were warned to sell and didn't listen.

>> No.58484853


>> No.58485383

NAI had this kinda run from its IDO price to ATH after its TGE last month. Early adopters definitely ate fat there.

>> No.58485456

It would be funny if Warren buffet had this as a tattoo

>> No.58485504

>sold in 2021
why not sell now instead? bitcoin is worth more than it was then...

>> No.58485911
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idk how are anons losing it all when I made a shitcoin with Pinksale last year and it made me millionaire

>> No.58485943

to all the newbz in here, check the charts. with shitcoins you get only one chance, they usually never recover for a second bullcycle. if you want second and third chances, stick to btc. on the other hand, if you can afford to gamble on shitcoins with your own money, you can probably earn more of your own money to gamble on more shitcoins. fml.

>> No.58486027

I got greedy with SHIB, now I'm still holding the bags, took a little profit, but I think it's one of the few that will still go up again, but that was really a gamble I took. I was on the sell that fateful day of the top in November but at the last second I didn't do it. Of course, that was stupid but honestly thought the top wasn't until December. Kek

>> No.58486061

do you hold rubic or reef?

>> No.58487243


Been aping some ftm and push for on-chain messaging
>moonshot potential comeswithrisk

>> No.58487393

Did the price recover after the huge Sell dump?

>> No.58487405

every cycle i do retarded shit and end up paying for it

>in 2018 I bought stupid alts and bagheld them to 0, they never even pumped
>in 2021 I took profits from alts I bought in 2019 but then immediately put them into risky shit and got bogged
this cycle my plan is to take my profits out of the market completely, no reinvesting that shit in crypto

>> No.58487653

If you just buy ETH and restake it using liquid restaking protocols like YieldNest, you would earn boosted seeds and extra incentives.

>> No.58487739

Sure! Still around 6x from IDO price. Definitely a good buy plus the huge products of the ecosystem are yet to be launched. Getting in now would Definitely be a steal

>> No.58488771

Staking is basically free tendies. Snagged some Nai and this is secretly amazing, giving me early access to all the hot projects building on its blockchain.

>> No.58488832

easy pee

>> No.58488846

Render and Fet
Helium, Hydro, Filecoin
Jumping on trends is like riding a wave to get some sweet karma.

>> No.58489082

You also forgot about the Peaq network. It's the home for DePINs, and the token sale on Coinlist has been the biggest sale yet.

>Imagine the interest from the people. Now, we're waiting for the result.

>> No.58489193

Don't feel too bad, Anon. I was offered the opportunity to buy Bitcoin at 12 cents and used the money to preorder Shadow the Hedgehog instead.