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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58460327 No.58460327 [Reply] [Original]

>Market is boring and shit
>Everything is still 10x from november last year
>Biz is back, this whole email verification thing was unironically for the better, all you need is a fucking protonmail and you're good to go, takes you less than 1 minute
>Emotional wagecucks and pension maxxis are all gone
>Let the next leg up begin

If you're still here and not seething, congrats you survived the first capitulation test. Anyone on this board that didn't get into Apu is now in the red from the peak, still up if you bought pre january.

For picrel if you bought the top that's unlucky but same goes for any crypto out there. Facts are, it's still the 2nd best performer on the board behind the frog that is a worldwide known meme. Not a single wallet in the top 50 has sold a single token during all of this except for the taintcuckler but he ended up buying some back. Some are shaking but unironically this coin has some diamond handed whales. I feel like the way the team is moving, although delays, they seem to know something and they ignore the outside noise knowing what will happen. Idk if it's coinbase whispering in their ears, time will tell. Sitting comfy having bought in at .00006. Also SkyBridge seems to be more than we had anticipated, it might actually get some real hype from across the board. Let the real bull mania begin.

>> No.58460332

I only read the greentext, agree with that. as the biz becomes higher quality jannies will delete verification

>> No.58460737

Maybe they will, but I think people overreacted. There are plenty of quick email services and there's still the chan pass.

>> No.58460885
File: 222 KB, 770x770, 4078ae20-ec58-11eb-89fc-37d0fb0ee0fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So were jeets rangebanned? Do they not know how to use a VPN and proton? Lmao? Or are the jannies here just so zealous they can spot jeet posts immediately unlike before now

>> No.58462953

>Not a single wallet in the top 50 has sold a single token during all of this except for the taintcuckler but he ended up buying some back.
This has not aged well. I'm still buying though.

>> No.58464253

Did I miss something? Who in the top 50 sold? I just checked, no one sold.

>> No.58464330

Good time to slurp, get your stacks and be ready for mainnet. You do not have much more time.

>> No.58466107

One of the team wallets. Not sure it was even top 50 desu. Just upped my stack to over a million.

>> No.58466162

The "team" wallet sold 7m - not a great time for such a big sell, but they are far outside the top 100. GJ on reach a milly

>> No.58468564

very nice anon.

>> No.58468748
File: 84 KB, 1122x1122, 2e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we are in two different whole boards.
>email verif is still something people bitch about
>jets were never rangebanned
>nothing is x10, just Solana alts and some defi gaming coins like $super, that thrived for like 2 whole months and everyone FUDDED IT
We're truly in two different timelines kek

>> No.58468812

>Biz is back
Have you seen how frequent the ID change is in workdays? You really should check

>> No.58468813
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so it was a culling of some sort? and WE made it? awesome.

>> No.58468820

>biz becomes higher quality jannies will delete verification
oh my sweet innocent summer child, they will never backpedal on that.

we are doomed.

>> No.58468835
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>we are doomed.
>I think we are in two different whole boards.
> higher quality jannies will delete verification
stop acting like we need bz or the jannies to actually make money, we are here for the shitposting and that's it.


>> No.58468840

exactly this, jeets are still here, have you seen all the links threads today? email verification was USELESS.

>> No.58468850
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this email stuff was nothing but a psyop.

>> No.58468852

>all the links threads
musta be the gayest newfag if you think linkies are jeets xdddddddddddd

>> No.58468859

>higher quality jannies

>> No.58468863

and the panicked ones are just sheep and cattle blah blah blah quit yapping nigger

>> No.58468868

>> higher quality jannies
That bitch is delusional

>> No.58468870

oh I wish.
One can only wish...

>> No.58468886
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>this whole thread

>> No.58471919

I just want to see what happens with my maga this november, considering that november is the election this thing is going to blow up for sure

>> No.58474012

>Let the next leg up begin
I'm fully hyped for this as well. I have filled my bags with MAN, WIF, AAST and CTI.

>> No.58474760

Why didn't we listen to Jimmy the was just trying to help